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Context Statement

Type of Artifact: Guided Observation #3

Date: Spring 2017
Courses: EDUC 2300 Introduction to Education
Description: This is the Guided Observation #3 that I completed while doing service
learning at Rogersville City School.
Guided Observation #3 Paperwork

Name: Lauren Kite

Date: April 20, 2017
Course: EDUC 2300 Introduction to Education
School: Rogersville City School

1. How do students seem to have been instructed to head papers?

Students are strictly instructed to head their papers with their name, the date, and their period/
classroom they are attending. This is a very effective way for the teacher to keep organized, and
teach the students to get into the habit of heading a paper.

2. What policies exist for students for handling incomplete work, late work,
makeup work, and missing work?
Students in my service learning classroom are aware that without completing their assigned work
they will be required to finish that work during their recess/free time. All late or makeup work
will be due back by the number of days the student has been absent. If the student was absent for
one day of classed, then the student has exactly one day to makeup this work. Depending on the
assignment and circumstance, the teacher will decide when it is best for the student to make up
any missing work.

3. How are students instructed to submit completed work or turn in graded

In the back of my service learning classroom there is a filing cabinet for storage that has a pocket
organizer on the front of it. Each of the transition classes have a different name, and the student
know which group they are in. Each pocket on the organized has the name of the groups, when a
student is submitting completed work they are to place it in the correct pocket of their group.
Then teacher then retrieves all of the work at her convenience without the hassle of papers on her

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