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Cell Analogy Poster 50 pt.

NAMES:________________________________________________________________ PER: __________
To gain better understanding of the functions of each cell part and process, you will be constructing a cell
analogy poster. In this poster you will relate the ANIMAL or PLANT CELL to another system we see in
everyday life. Examples would be a school, castle, factory, ocean, etc. Each structure within the cell will also
have to relate to something within the system chosen.

If the ANIMAL or PLANT CELL was like a K I N G D O M then

the would be because

The nucleus controls the cells functions and contains DNA. The castle
Nucleus The castle
controls the kingdom and contains the queen.
DNA contains the instructions for making proteins and enzymes, which
DNA The Queen repair the cell and drive cell processes. The queens brain contains all the
information needed to make decisions to run the kingdom.
The artisans make and build items such as carts, houses, and bread that are
necessary for the kingdom to function. In the same way, ribosomes in the
Ribosomes The artisans
cell make molecules to repair the cell and enzymes to control cellular

This text will then need to be made in to a poster illustrating the kingdom
with a castle, a queen, and artisans.

What does a quality analogy look like? To get full credit for each analogy, think about this:
Does the analogy for this structure/process make sense? Are the two things truly
Does the illustration reflect my explanation?

Please choose ONE type of cell (plant or animal), and check off each organelle as you add it in your chart:

Plant Cell Animal Cell

Nucleus Mitochondrion Nucleus Mitochondrion
Cell Membrane Cell Membrane
Cell Wall Ribosomes Ribosomes
Chloroplast Endoplasmic reticulum Endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi Body DNA Golgi Body Cytoskeleton
Cytoplasm Vacuole Cytoplasm Vacuole
Lysosomes DNA
Cell Analogy Project Rubric
Poor Fair OK Good Excellent
Cell drawing Missing Missing 2-3 Missing one All
Drawing: Cell missing labels on organelles organelle organelles
and organelles most or all included and
correctly organelles. spelled
drawn, colored correctly
and labeled.
(2 points) (4 points) (6 points) (8 points) (10 points)
No analogy Few analogy Some analogy Most analogy All cell
relationships relationship relationships relationships analogy
are strong s are are strong are strong relationships
and well strong and and well and well are strong,
stated. well stated, stated, or relevant,
Analogies stated, or and/or some one missing, and well
Cell show lack of most analogies are or few stated.
Analogie understanding analogies somewhat off, analogies
s of organelle are logically, or could be
functions, or somewhat some stronger.
are all off, logically, analogies are
missing. or multiple missing.
are missing.

(10 points)
(5 points) (12.5 points) (15 points) (20 points)
1-3 are 4-6 are 7 9 are 10-13 are All 14 are
present, present, present, present, present,
relevant and relevant and relevant and relevant and relevant,
created with created with created with created with and created
care, care, care, care, with care.
Cell Analogy
Or some are or some are or most are or all are
Pictures or
present and present and present and present and
Drawings relevant, but relevant, relevant, but relevant but
need more but need need more need more
polish, color, more polish, polish, color, polish, color,
etc. color, etc. etc. etc.

(2 points) (4 points) (6 points) (8 points) (10 points)

Directions not Neatness Somewhat Neat. Very neat
followed. has affected neat. More and exhibits
quality of effort could high quality
Neatness has your work. have been work.
affected made.
Neatness, quality of your Straight edge
quality and work. not used or
organization writing

(1 points) (2 points) (3 points) (4 points) (5 points)

>6 errors in 5-6 errors 4-3 errors in 1-2 errors in No errors in
grammar in grammar grammar grammar grammar
Spelling/ and/or and/or and/or and/or and/or
mechanics. mechanics. mechanics. mechanics. mechanics.
(1 points) (2 points) (3 points) (4 points) (5 points)
IF the PLANT or ANIMAL CELL was a _________________________________________________ then
the would be because

Cell Wall

Cell Membrane








Golgi Body


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