Guided Observation 1

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Context Statement

Type of Artifact: Guided Observation #1

Date: Spring 2017
Courses: EDUC 2300 Introduction to Education
Description: This is Guided Observation #1 from the classroom where I did my service
Guided Observation #1 Contextual Factors

Name: Lauren Kite

Date: April 1, 2017
Course: EDUC 2300 Introduction to Education
School: Rogersville City School

Interview your mentoring teacher to obtain the demographics about the school. Write a
response for each question in a paragraph format.

1. Record the number of males, females, and ratio of ethnicity within the
In the classroom I observed there are more females than males. There are twenty-two
total students. Fifteen of the students were female, and seven of the students are males. In
this classroom there were all white students, so there was no differing ethnicities.

2. What are the development levels of the students within the classroom you
are observing?
The student I am observing in the 4th grade are all mostly at the 4th grade level for
achievement. Some of the student are moving at a slowing pace of learning, and are at a
lower developmental level. These students have trouble with mostly reading, language,
and mathematical skills.

3. How is the instruction modified to meet the diverse needs of the students?
Some instruction is modified for the students in the classroom with various needs. For
example, one student is allowed to use a calculator and do less math problems than the
other students. This is because the student moves at a slower pace, and does not
understand as well as the other students. Other modifications are made like sitting in the
front near the teacher and etc.

4. Research the school and the Tennessee State Government web site to
obtain information about the school community, school report card, and
school population.
The student population for Rogersville City School is at 663 students. Rogersville City
School has a very small ethnicity percentage. 11.2% of the student obtain a disability, and
only 2% are English Language Learners. The school was once an all-female college and
has since then been transformed into a PreK-8th grade school. They school I very
involved with the community through service projects and sports.

5. What are the specialized programs/activities found within the school that
would assist special needs children, those who need enrichment activities,
or remediation? List the specific programs that are available.
Rogersville City School offers basic special education program. They have specialized
programs for speech and physical therapy. These students are may be taken out of their
classroom for a short time to receive these assets.

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