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The Beauty and The Beast

1. Narrator

2. Belle

3. Bookseller
4. Gaston
5. Villager

6. Lefou

. Benjamin
7. Marie

. Bessy
8. Silly girl 1
9. Silly girl 2
10. Silly girl 3
11. Lumiere

12. Mrs. Potts

Ana Lucia
13. Chip

. Alia
14. Cogsworth
15. Madame de la gran Bouche
.. Luca

16. Babette

17. Adam

.. Benjamin

Act I
(Narrator talks about how the Prince was converted into a
(Entra la primera narracin del hechizo que le hicieron al
prncipe para que se convirtiera en la bestia)
Escena en sombras
Scene One : The Village
(A charming, provincial French village. Sunrise. BELLE
(VILLAGERS enter and begin to bustle about their daily
First Song- Belle

LEFOU: You didnt miss a shot, Gaston. Youre the greatest

hunter in the whole world.


LEFOU: No beast alive stands a chance against you! And

no girl for that matter.

GASTON: Its true, Lefou. (Point to Belle) And Ive got my

sights set on that one.

LEFOU: The inventors daughter?

GASTON: Shes the lucky girl Im going to marry.

LEFOU: But, Shes------

GASTON: The most beautiful girl in town.

LEFOU: I know, but----

GASTON: And dont I deserve the best?

LEFOU: Well, of course you do!

Second Song: Gastons song

(Characters that also sing in the song: 3 Silly Girls,
Villagers, Male Villagers, Female Villagers, others.)

(Feeling the VILLAGERS eyes on her, BELLE whirls around.

They go back to their activities then exit. BELLE heads for
home. GASTON runs in front of her and strikes a pose.)

GASTON: Hello.. Belle.

BELLE: Bonjour, Gaston.

(GASTON blocks Belles way)
Excuse me.
(GASTON snatches Belles book.)
Gaston. May I have my book, please?

GASTON: (Flipping through the book)

How can you read this? Theres no pictures.

BELLE: Well some people use their imagination!

GASTON: Belle, its about time you got your head out of
these books and paid attention to more important things.
(Gaston strikes a handsome pose)

LEFOU: Hint.. hint.

BELLE: Like you? Gaston, please! I have to get inside to

help my mother.

LEFOU: That crazy old fool. She needs all the help she can
(Gaston and Lefou laugh heartily)

BELLE: Dont talk about my mother that way!

(Gaston thunks Lefou on the head)

GASTON: (To Lefou)
Yeah! Dont talk about her mother that way!

(MARIE also enters with a bag where he has his tools)

BELLE: My mothers not crazy! Shes a genius!

(BELLES slightly addled genius mother, MARIE, brings hes
colorful and noisy invention onstage. As she waves merrily,
part of the invention breaks. Gaston and Lefou laugh and

BELLE: Mama! Mama, are you all right?

MARIE: Oh, Ill never get this bone-headed contraption to


BELLE: Yes, you will! And youll win first prize at the fair

MARIE: Well. Wed better get cracking then! Now let me

see, where did I put that dog-legged clencher?

BELLE: (Holds out a funny-looking tool)


MARIE: Oh thank you, dear!

(Takes the tool and starts tinkering)
So did you have a good time in town today?

BELLE: I got a new book.

MARIE: You do love those books.

(MARIE ducks behind the invention)

BELLE: Mama. Do you think Im odd?

MARIE: My daughter! Odd?

(re-appears with silly-looking goggles)
Now where would you get an idea like that?

BELLE: I dont know. Its just Im not sure I fit in here.

Theres no one I can really talk to.

MARIE: What about Gaston? Hes a handsome fellow.

BELLE: Hes handsome all right and rude and conceited

and oh Mama, hes not for me!

MARIE: Well, dont you worry, cause this inventions going

to be the star a new life for us.
(MARIE pulls a lever. The invention chugs to life)

BELLE: It works!

MARIE: It does? It does!

BELLE: Mama, you did it! You really did it!

(puts a scarf around MARIEs neck)
Here, I made you a scarf for good luck at the fair.

BELLE: Goodbye, Mama.

MARIE: Bye bye, Belle.

(MARIE heads toward the forest)
(LIGHTS OUT. Narrator speaks)

Scene Four: In The Village

(GASTON enters with three sobbing SILLY GIRLS.)

SILLY GIRL 1 It cant be true! I dont believe it.

SILLY GIRL 2 Why would you go and do a thing like that?

SILLY GIRL 3 I simply cant bear it!

SILLY GIRL 1 Oh Gaston, say it isnt so.

GASTON: Its so.

SILLY GIRLS: Waaaaaahhhhh!

GASTON: Girls. Im just getting married. Dont tell me a

little thing like that is going to change your feelings for me?

SILLY GIRL 1: Oh no!


SILLY GIRL 3: Never!

GASTON: Good. Well. If were going to have a wedding, I
guess Id better propose to the bride!

SILLY GIRLS: Waaaaaaahhhhh!

The SILLY GIRLS go off sobbing. GASTON turns to BELLES

cottage. BELLE enters carrying a flowerpot and sees
GASTON. Theres nowhere to hide!)

BELLE (plasters a fake smile on her face)

Gaston? What a. pleasant surprise.
(BELLE sets the flowerpot down

GASTON: Isnt it though? Im just full of surprises.

(With BELLES back turned, GASTON plucks the flowers
from the pot and hands them to her)
For you.. Mademoiselle.

BELLE: (taking the flowers)

Oh, Gaston
(looks at the pot, sighs)
you shouldnt have.

GASTON: Dont mention it. Belle, this is the day your

dreams come true!
BELLE: What could you possibly know about my dreams,

GASTON: Plenty! Picture this. A rustic hunting lodge. My

little wife massaging my feet while the strapping boys play
on the floor with the dogs. Well have six or seven.

BELLE: Dogs?

GASTON: No, boys!

BELLE: Imagine that!

GASTON: So Belle, whatll it be?

BELLE: I just dont deserve you

GASTON: who does?

BELLE: But thanks for asking!

(Belle exits the stage, the silly girls return)

SILLY GIRL 1: So.. howd it go?

GASTON: You know that Belle always playing hard to

SILLY GIRLS: She turned you down?!?

GASTON: For now. But Ill have Belle for my wife. Make no
mistake about that!

GASTON exits. The SILLY GIRLS laugh at the idea)

Third Song: Reprise

(In the third song, the silly girls start singing and Belle
enters the stage and sings too)

When the song ends

(LEFOU hurries in looking for GASTON. He wears Maries


LEFOU: Hey Belle! Have you seen Gaston?

BELLE: You just missed him. Wait a minute, where did you
get that scarf?

LEFOU: This? At the crossroads in the woods. Pretty nice,


BELLE: It belongs to my mother. Something must have

happened to her!

LEFOU: Yeah, well, finders-keepers.

(LEFOU runs off toward town)

BELLE: Oh Mama!
(BELLE runs off toward the forest.)

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