Islcollective Worksheets Elementary A1 Adults Students With Special Educational Needs Learning Difficulties Eg Dyslexia 11165290785833243ea24fe0 17143257

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Name _______________________________________ Nr.

_____ Class ________

Date____/ ____/______

Tutor _______________________ Teacher __________________ Evaluation


Read the following e-mail carefully.

My summer holidays

Hi Robert,
This is our third week here in Europe and were having a great time. The people are very
friendly and the weather is good even in Britain it was sunny and warm! We flew to London
from Montreal and we spent four days visiting the city. Theres so much to see and do!
Unfortunately we didnt see the Queen! Mike was very disappointed!
Then we took the Eurostar* to Paris and we stayed with my cousin, Angie. We did some
sightseeing and we visited the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, of course. We had some wonderful
food in small restaurants in the Latin Quarter. I lost my passport in the Metro, so we went to
the Canadian Embassy to get another.
After Paris we flew to Barcelona, where it was very hot. We made friends with some local
people in a bar and they showed us the city. We took a bus to a small town on the coast and
we found a hotel with a beautiful view of the sea. We relaxed on the beach for two days before
moving on to Italy where we are now. We arrived here in Florence early this morning and were
having a big breakfast before we go sightseeing. After Florence, we are going to Rome, Athens
and then Istanbul. Ill write again in two weeks time.
Give my love to Anne and the children. See you soon!
Diana *Eurostar is a high-speed railway service connecting
A. Circle the correct option according B. Tick () TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). T F
to the text.
1. Diana is spending her holidays in Europe.
1. Diana is writing this e-mail to...
a) Robert b) Angie c) Anne 2. She is enjoying her holidays very much.
2. Diana comes from...
a) Britain. b) Canada. c) the USA. 3. It was very cold in London.
3. She went on holidays...
4. Diana spent a week in London.
a) alone. b) with Mike. c) with
Anne. 5. She travelled by train to Paris.
4. She took the Eurostar from ... to Paris.
a) Montreal b) London c) Barcelona 6. She stayed in a hotel in France.
5. The weather in Spain was...
a) windy. b) cold. c) very 7. She didnt see any tourist attractions in
warm. Paris.
6. She went to the beach in... 8. She lost her passport in the Underground.
a) Spain. b) Italy. c) France.
7. She spent... days by the sea. 9. She took the plane to Barcelona.
a) one b) two c)
three PART 2 GRAMMAR 10. She met some nice people in Spain.
8. So far shes visited... cities in Europe.
11. She arrived in Italy late at night.
Complete b) the
fourdialogue with c) five
the PAST SIMPLE of the verbs in brackets.
9. After Florence she wants to visit... more 12. She wants to visit Greece next.
Jason: Hi Cindy, where _____________ you _____________ (spend) your summer holidays?

Cindy: In Rome with my sister.

Jason: How long _____________ you _____________ (stay) in Italy?

Cindy: For 2 weeks.

Jason: And ______________ you ____________ (enjoy) your holidays?
Cindy: Yes, we had a great time there. It ___________________ (not rain) and it was always
very hot.

Jason: Nice And what was Rome like?

Cindy: It was very interesting. I _______________________ (see) lots of beautiful old medieval
buildings. We also
___________________ (visit) lots of great museums.

Jason: Did you understand the people?

7 8
Cindy: My Italian _____________ (not be) very good, but many Italians _____________ (speak)
English. I also
B. PAST CONTINUOUS Look at the picture and write what they were doing at the
beach last summer. Use the verbs in the box below.

This is a photo of my family at the

beach last year.
On that day Sam, my older brother,
_______________________________ a book
while Sarah, my older sister,
________________________________ to her
favourite song. Our dog, Pluto,
1. pack a. a museum
My cousins Jenny, Jill and Tim
2. have b. at a hotel
Aunt Sarah 5___________________________
3. stay c. a sand
with my Mum about the weather.
Uncle Bob and Dad
4. go 6
________________________________ in the
d. a suntan
sea. My little sister, Kate, 7________
5. take
______________________ some lemonade.
e. by bus
And I 8 ______________________________ a
6. get
letter to my girlfriend.
7. buy sightseeing

8. visit PART
g. in 3
9. swimwrite drink read
h. my bag swim sleep talk
A. WORD PATTERNS Match the parts to
listenmake phrases associated with holidays.
10. travel i.
11. build
j. a mountain
12. climb
k. fun
1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

B. Complete the sentences with some of the phrases in exercise A.

1. I went to a gift shop to ___________________________________________ for my family and


2. I usually ___________________________________________ with my new smart phone.

3. When I go on holiday I usually ___________________________________________. I dont like


always ___________ a lot of _______________ during my summer holidays. I hang out with
friends, go to parties or just relax on the beach.
Im back! I was away 1__________________________ in Paris. We stayed there for
2 I like going to the beach in
__________________________ toAugust.
___________________________________________ but I always put on
a good sun cream to protect myself from the sun.
Going to Paris was very special for me because it was my 3____________________________ on a
6. I dont
plane! Mylike to fly did
mother so I all
always ___________________________________________
the planning. when Im on near
We stayed at my 4____________________________
Paris so we spent some time with my cousins. We didnt book 5____________________________
because they are very expensive.
The 6_________________________ was hot but I didnt mind because there were so many things
Complete the text
to do and I didnt get 7with the words from the Believe me!
First we visited some very 8____________________________ like the Champs-Elyses and the
Eiffel Tower. Then we went to the Louvre Museum. We saw one of the most famous
____________________________ in the world the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci.

Finally we took the 10____________________________ very early in the morning to visit

Disneyland. We took lots of 11___________________________. The best ride was Space Mountain.
School is almost beginning. Im having a back-to-school ____________________________ next
Friday. Hope you can come.
famous places aunts house on holiday train
a hotel party
two weeks weather paintings first time
pictures bored

1a) 2b) 3b) 4b) 5c) 6a) 7b) 8b) 9c) 10c)
TRUE 1,2,5, 8, 9, 10, 12 FALSE 3,4,6,7,11
1. did spend
2. did stay
3. did enjoy
4. didnt rain
5. saw
6. visited
7. wasnt
8. spoke
9. learnt / learned
10. made
1. was reading
2. was listening
3. was sleeping
4. were playing
5. was talking
6. were swimming
7. was drinking
8. was writing

A. 1h) 2k) 3b) 4f) 5i) 6d) 7l) 8a) 9g) 10e) 11c) 12j)
1. buy souvenirs
2. take photographs
3. stay at a hotel
4. have fun
5. get a tan
6. travel by bus
1. on holiday
2. two weeks
3. first time
4. aunts house
5. a hotel
6. weather
7. bored
8. famous places
9. paintings
10. train
11. pictures
12. party

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