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Worst tornado in Md. history rips county


The deadly funnel cloud bears down on the center of La Plata. Parishioner s (below) from the La Plata United Methodist Church rescue a stained qlass window, which survived the partial collapse of the bulld-
inq. At U.S. 301 and Route 6 (bottom), the storm destroyed the Exxon station and twi sted a hlqhway siQn.

'A funnel, Storm slams La Plata,

twisting the wrecking homes; 3 dead
STAff WRITERS More coveraqe
Family loses all; remains hopeful, A-3
A deadly tornado - the most powerful in
Former Maryland Independent news editor Maryland history - ripped through the region Catholic school vows to rebuild, A-4
Jim Brocker and his wife, Conni ]ames, came Sunday evening, devastating the La Plata area Red Cross offers shelter; A-6
tlrrouglr La Plata minwes after rhe tornado and killing three people.
tollched down April 28. T11is i.s their account. Answers to tornado questions, A-7
Twenty-seven businesses and 38 homes were
completely destroyed and hundreds of others
At 7 p.m. Sunday. we were eating beef sand- damaged, causing a hundred million dollars in
wiches at Jolmny Boy's, watchil).g the black sessment.
property damage. Those who died in the storm were:
clouds of a weather front swallow a beautiful In Charles County, the tornado was an ex William G. Erickson Jr., 51, killed when his
blue sky. Pulling out of the parking lot, we debat tremely rare Category FS - the highest rating on unfinished house collapsed on hin1 on Martha
ed whether to go to WaWa for decaf and dessert, the Fujita Tornado Damage Scale - meaning Hawkins Place off Route 488 near la Plata.
or go home and duck the storm. that its wind speed exceeded 260 miles per hour. Donald Hanunonds Sr., 54, of La Plata, who
As we pulled out of our parking space, we no- It weakened to Category F2 when it crossed the suffered a heart attack in his car at U.S. 301 and
ticed other customers' outstretched arms were Patuxent River into Calven County.
pointing north, and as our gaze followed, we saw Charles Street.
Gov. Parris N. Glendening (D) declared Margaret Alvey, 74, of Prince Frederick. killed
it: a large funnel, twisting the sky down toward Charles and Calvert counties a state disaster area.
the trees, veering diagonally across our path. when her small house was lifted up and thrown
Rep. Steny Hoyer (0-Md, 5th) said the federal 100 yards into a tidal stream.
In a few seconds, it was past. We were un government would also declare the region a dis
nerved, but unhurt, so we headed north on U.S. Erickson and his wife, Susan, had gone to the
aster area as soon as the Federal Emergency
301 for the coffee. Management Agency completed its damage as- 5ee St orm, Paqe A- 5
As we approached La Plata, traffic began to
slow, and we began to notice'ees were
down at the sheriff's office. Hunt Ford was miss-
ing plate glass windows and pieces of facade.
Utility poles were tilted at dangerous angles. A
Born in Midwest, fueled by the Potomac
dan1aged car was stalled in the southbound lane, BY JONATHAN D. JONES siderable strength from the at- ly sent that storm into a tor-
its grill pierced by what looked like a shard of STAFF WRITER mospheric change along the nadic super cell."
metal. river. It had already spun off Strong said it isn't uncom-
lraffic slowed even more. The tree line to our The largest tornado to ever one tOrnado in Vtrginia, before mon for storms to intensify
right had been redrawn. The motel to our left was hit Maryland was spawned by a reaching the river. when crossing the Potomac.
in pieces. Debris blocked Centennial Street. powerful storm front that "It was a strong storm as it The energy Sunday's storm
Burger King - blown out. lhlc Value Hardware marched out of the Midwest was moving through Vuginia," picked up crossing the river was
- crushed, a waterfall from a broken main flow and across the Mid-South on its said Christopher Strong. a me- enough to create a Category FS
ing through the rubble. deadly journey. teorologist with the National tornado on the Fujita scale,
We sat sturmed as the scene unfolded. Peo As the killer storm crossed Weather Service. "When it hit meaning winds were estimated
pie were walking, dazed and hushed. In the still the Potomac River Sunday that small but important at- at 261 to 318 miles per hour.
ness, one woman ran scrcanling toward the night, the already powerful mospheric boundary along the
upper-level system gained con- Potomac River, that's what real- See Path, Paqe A-4
See Account , Page A-3 STArr PHOTO BY GARY SMITH

Wednesday, May 1, 2002 Maryland Independent Page A-3


and mortar - merged into a

Family loses all but remains thankful Account Continued from Page A-1
surreal blur.
By now we were in the mid-
dle of the intersection, looking
up the hill of Charles Street. The
BY JIM BROCKER ably upbeat. They had even damaged motel. People tried Baldus building and Maryland
SPECIAL TO THE INDEPENDENT found their two macaws in- to stop her, ask her if she was Bank and 1hlst were ravaged.
tact in their cage, which had OK, but she just kept running Posey's Market was gone.
Laura Silk was in the din- been blown out of the house and screaming. Historic buildings like the
ing room when she noticed and into what had been their Traffic was fully stopped Charles County Courthouse
the funnel cloud heading back yard, now filled 'with now; rubble and downed with its serpentine wall and
right for her La Plata home. parts of what had been their power lines made U.S. 30l..and Christ Church Episcopal were
"I see it! I see it!" she home. Steve Silk had just put Route 6 impassable. We shut off still standing, but there was no
screamed, according to her the birds in the cage before the ignition and stepped out way to tell if they had been
husband, Steve, who helped the tornado hit into what remained of La Plata's damaged.
gather the children - Steven, "We like the neighbor- main intersection. We had seen similar scenes
11, Philip, 9, and Dana, 7. hood. Quiet, up until today," A car with Jersey plates, win- on the television news dozens
They headed for the base- he said with a laugh. "Right dows blown out, was parked of times, strangers who had lost
ment. now we plan to stay." beside us. The driver was everything and towns that had
The family members initial- The Silks said they brushing shards of glass from been destroyed. But this was
ly huddled under the stairwell, planned to spend the night at his hair. He said his name was different. We know the people
but at the last second, they the Stapletons' home. Erik Bengaard and that he had who own many of these busi-
moved to another area, away The next morning, Steve seen the twister hit. He de- nesses. They are friends and
from the stairs. The parents STAFF PHOTO BY GARY SMITH Silk had pitched a tent on scribed the sky getting black, clients and co-workers. And we
grabbed a mattress and cov- what remained of his well- bricks flying across the street, know families who live just be-
Laura Silk looks Into the valley below her family's Hawkins Gate
ered themselves and the chil- manicured front lawn. He downed power lines sparking, yond the intersection, certainly
Road home In La Plata. Sunday's storm destroyed the home.
dren just before the impact. was surveying the damage debris circling overhead. directly in the path of the de-
"The next thing I saw was once again, pointing to the We made our way further struction. We couldn't get a cell
daylight, daylight where the The Silks' neighbor, William body screaming, crying ... but family's vehicles that now lay into the destruction. A wall of line, couldn't find a pay phone
first floor had been,':. said G. Erickson Jr., 51, had died we couldn't get to them," Sta- in the middle of the debris. La Plata United Methodist and the car radio offered simply
Laura Silk. when his house, under con- pleton said. He saw bits of clothing and Church was torn away, the that U.S. 301 was closed and
The stairwell that they had struction nearby, was leveled Rescue workers eventually pieces of insulation wrapped rooms visible like a dollhouse "there seemed to be some dam-
originally tried to get under by the storm. Erickson's wife, arrived and transported around the remaining trees, interior. Husks of empty cars age to a KFC and a church."
cover was destroyed. The en- Susan, was injured. The cou- Susan Erickson to a hospital, and a Boy Scout uniform, sat in the intersection, covered Now, emergency vehicles
tire house had been leveled to ple was apparently looking but what could have been a which had been folded and in a ghostly dust. A 30-yard stretched as far as we could see
the foundation, lopped clean- over the house when the horror scene eventually be- ready to go the previous day swath of thick, whitish material down 30 J to our right, and to
ly from the bottom. All their storm hit, according to neigh- came one of comfort and when all was normal on was spread across both sides of our left, a way had been made
possessions had been scat- bors and rescue workers. consolation, as neighbors Hawkins Gate Road. 301 like peanut butter - actu- through the median so we
tered and smashed. Erickson's house, just up throughout the Hawkins' Pur- Steve Silk said that one of ally drywall from one of the could go back the way we came.
But the Silk family was the street on Martha Hawkins chase subdivision stopped by his sons had been bothered damaged buildings reduced to We knew our own house lay in
alive, and that's what count- Place, was just a few yards to talk. They had all suffered by the movie "Twister'' and a paste-like substance by the the direction the tornado had
ed. They joined their fellow away from the Stapleton fam- tremendous losses. that he had asked his dad if force of the wind. taken. We navigated our way
neighbors on Hawkins Gate ily, whose home was dam- Other homes along the end anything could happen to his Looking down, stepping across the debris-filled median
Road who lost their homes, aged but not destroyed by the of the Hawkins Gate Road home. carefully, some small pieces of and tried to find a way home,
surveying the damage under storm. cul-de-sac were damaged. Of course, like any good debris were recognizable: a hoping that home would be
the harsh beams of fire and "We saw it all through the Windows had been blown father, Silk told his son he skein of vivid red knitting yarn, there when we arrived.
rescue workers' floodlights on basement window," said out. Siding had been peeled had nothing to fear. "Who a fire extinguisher. Large things We arrived at our home just
Sunday evening. Sheila Stapleton. The storm away. Roofs had been sheared would have thought we - twisted strips of metal gas outside La Plata about an hour
As the Silk children huddled approached slowly at fust, off. Another home that had could be this close to ground station roofs, cables, utility later, thankful to find our home
under blankets, Steve and she recalled. "Then we saw it just been completed, ready zero?" he said. poles, piles of jumbled brick safe and undamaged.
Laura marveled at their for- moving. Stuff was flying." for final inspection, was now
tune, which at that moment When it was over, she and in pieces.
seemed to be good fortune in- other neighbors began to The Silk family probably
deed, even though they had check on one another. But the should have .been fractured
lost nearly everything. Ericksons' home was flat- by the events as well, but
Others were not as lucky. tened. "We could hear some- Steve and Laura were remark-
Page A-4 Maryland Independent Wednesday, May 1, 2002


Tornado's deadly swath

Potom ac River
---\. __ _
COUNTY Tornado continues its easterly path,
over the Chesapeake Bay before
destroying property in Dorchester
County on the Eastern Shore.
7:02 p.m. Storm warnings issued
7:30 p.m. Tornado destroys homes near Point Park. ,[
for Charles and Calvert County. The house of George and Margaret Alvey is lifted off
its foundation and tossed down a small hill, killing
Margaret and leaving George in critical condition.


Continued from Page A-1 vows to rebuild ,
"This time of year, spring
weather is very volatile ," said
Susan Weaver, NWS public affairs
officer. Weaver said it was an When Susan Mudd Vogel went
upper-level storm system that Monday morning to see what was left
brought moisture in from the Gulf of Archbishop Neale School in La
of Mexico creating conditions Plata, she couldn't bring herself to
"conducive to super cell thunder- enter the build ing. Her husband,
storms that produce tornadoes." Keith Vogel, did. He retrieved from
"That's one of the stronger their son's first-grade classroom a
storms I've seen since I've been brick that had crashed through a win-
here, in the last ten years," Strong dow during the tornado. It's her sou-
said. venir of a school that educated three
Strong said three conditions generations of the Mudd fanilly.
must exist to create a tornado. Archbishop Neale parent Lisa
The first is instability in the at- Skeens took her four children to St.
mosphere. On Sunday the warm Joseph Catllolic Church in Pomfret on
hunlid air near the surface under- Thesday morning to say a prayer of
neath a cool system was what cre- thanks that more people weren't hurt.
ated the instability. Described as a close-knit commu-
"Warm air wants to rise," nity, parents and ilie 553 srudents who
Strong saiq. attended the school now wonder what
The second condition is wind will happen to the rest of this school
shear. Sunday's wind shear was
caused by a strong westerly wind "I could not bring myself to go in
at about 5,000 feet and a weaker the school, want to remember it the
southerly wind close to the sur- way it was," said Susan Vogel, who at-
face, Strong said. The shift in di-
tended Archbishop N'erue as a child.
reaillo ~the nvo winds is
The Roman Catholic school, which
what causes the storm to become
draws students from seven parishes,
has been declared a total loss. Cardi-
"That's really what gets these
nal Theodore E. McCarrick, archbish-
towering thunderheads spin-
op of Washington, toured the site
ning." Strong said.
Monday morning and offered Mass.
One more factor is needed to
The Rev. Matthew Siekierski, pastor of
create a storm like Sunday's.
Sacred Heart parish that setves the
"Then you need an instigator,"
scllool, has said the school will be re-
Strong said. A cold front moving STAFF PHOTO BY LAWRENCE JACKSON J R.
built. But the more immediate concern
through the area from the east is Storm damaqe has m ade the Archbishop Neale School uninhabitable.
is what to do about the rest of t11e
what acted as the instigator in this
school year.
Representatives of ANS, Sacre d
"The first two things, the wind
Heart and Catholic Schools Office met its services because, "We feel educa- "It's a very frustrating situation," be rebuilt bigger and better than it
shear and the instability, are po-
with Charles County Public Schools of- tion is critical to every child, no matter Skeens said of the fund drive. "You ask ever was."
ten rial energy," Strong said. "The
ficials Thesday at St. Peter's in Waldorf. where they attend." people to donate money and they ANS parents are resolved to face
instigator releases that energy."
There's not enough space at any public What Archbishop Neale srudents wonder if it's to rebuild tile school the difficult situation. "1 truly believe '
The largest tornado the state
school to house all 553 srudents, said and parents need to keep in nlind, [ratller) than to make improvements to the spirit of the families will pull us ,
had seen before Sunday also hit Katie O'Malley-Simpson . spokes- Richmond said, is that "The spirit of tile existing structure." together and get us through this," ,
Charles County, an F4 in 1926.
woman for the public schools. There ANS is in them, the children, not the There may be a silver lining. The Lisa Skeens sald.
Weaver said the National
are six classrooms at J.P. Ryon Elemen- building." school was agin g. Maybe it's better to A Mass and reception for Arch-,
Weather Service issued a tornado
tary School in Waldorf a nd more space But the building is weighing heavily think about positive aspects, Skeens bishop Neale School families will be ,
watch , meaning conditions are
at James Craik Elementaly, which are on the mind of Paul Skeens, president said. "We can wire for computers. I held at 7 p.m. Monday at St. Pete r's.
tight for a tornado, for Maryland
both in Waldorf. There is additional of the ANS school board. don't think tl).e wall or window air Church in Waldorf. Parents can con-,
and Virginia at 3:30 p.m. The
space at ot11er schools as well. TI1e school, marking its 75th an- conditioning units were tile most ef- tact Paul Skeens for updates at pes- ,
weather service upgraded the
The public schools have also offered niversary this year, is in the nliddle of a ficient. And the old boilers were a
warning to a tornado watch ,
the use of their buses to transport ANS capital fund-raising campaign. Offi- constant h eadache. We can make im- Contributions to the building :
meaning a tornado is imnlinent,
srudents. cials planned to build more classrooms provements." fund can be mailed to Sacred Heart
at 4:37 p.m. for Shenandoh, Va. 21
Superintendent of Schools James as well as a multi-use building. ow Vogel agreed. Parish Rectory, P.O. Box Z, La Plata, ,
minutes before the tornado
Richmond said the system has offered everything is up in the air. "The school I have no doubt will Md. 20646.
touched down south of Mt. Jack-
The Virginia tomado destroyed
four houses and damaged 18 sig-
nificantly, Weaver said, based on
the preliminary survey by the
TV weathermen defend accuracy of forecasts
weather service's Storm Survey BY JONATHAN D. JONES tracked. ly nobody else in tile market "Any time we see moderate have a big problem benveen
Team. It was rated as a Category STAFF WRITER Hill said he returned to ilie has and I can absolutely tell risk, we take it seriously," Shutt people knowing the difference:
F2 tornado, mea ning winds D.C. area from his weekend you !Sunday) night was right said. When the storm was still between tornado watches and
ranged from ll3 to 157 miles per 1\vo television meteorolo- home in St. Mary's County in on," Hill said, in Vuginia they were warning tornado warnings," Hill said.
hour. gists said their predictions order to cover the storm as 'The tornado struck Charles people the system would be Watches are issued by the.
"As the storm moved across Vtr- concerning the strength and soon as he saw how bad it was County at about 7:30p.m. Once crossing tile river and South- National Weather Service's!
ginia, a warning was issued for tile path of Sunday's deadly going to be. The soon-to-be the tornado had passed, Hill em Maryland would be in its Storm Prediction Center and
Calvert and Charles counties at tornado were as accurate as Calvert resident - he's build- went into the television station path. Becauseoftheseverityof indicate tllat conditions are '
7:02 p.m.," Weaver said. ''Approxi- modem teclmology will allow. ing a home in Huntingtown - in Washington, D.C., to do his the storm, the station pre- right for dangerous weather.
mately 8 minutes later, a tornado Some residents of the dev- said h e was in his Mont- reporting from there, he said. empted CBS's "60 Minutes" to The field offices of the NWS
reached the countysearofCharles, astated areas have been criti- gomery County home by 6 He said the complaint that stay on the air with coverage. issue warnings, which mean
La Plata." cal of local television stations' p.m. and was almost immedi- he told the public the tornado "Our radar did project it to treacherous weather is immi-
The survey team preliminarily advance coverage of the ately on radio station WTOP was headed for Waldorf and , hit certain neighborhoods at nent.
determined Monday, based on storm. Sever.ctl people said the 1500AM giving live reports. not La Plata was Oat-out false. 1 certain times, that was the Hill also said knowing the
damage assessments from the air predictions iliey heard put the WTOP contracts wiili The '1\bsolutely never in a mil- key," to helping people stay geography of where tlley live is'
and t11e ground, that the tornado patll of the storm north of its Weather Channel and WJIA to lion yeats did 1 say that," Hill safe, Shutt said. From a mete- important so tllat when fore-
was an FS, the highest possible. actual route, but the TV fore- provide meteorological cover- said. orological perspective, Shutt casters use a reference point,
Weaver said it traveled 24 miles in casters disputed that. age along with information it "Doug did indeed reference said it was an interesting tor- such as 10 miles east of La
Charles County and was approxi- Both Topper Shutt of Chan- receives from the National the tiling heading towards La nado because "it was a classic Plata, the people who are in
mately 400 yards wide. It crossed nel 9 WUSA and Doug Hill of Weather Service, said Jin1 Far- Plata," Farley said. hook echo. the affected area know they
into Calvert County and went an- Channel 7 WJLA in Washing- ley, vice president of news and Shutt, Channel 9's chief "It's like a fat comma laying. are ilie ones being referred to.
other six miles, Weaver said. to n said tlley were using programming for ilie radio meteorologist, said he was on its side," Shutt said. "We "The more people know
"They look at where things were, Doppler radar technology station. predicting a serious storm for don't normally see those in tile where they live geographically,
and where they are now, like up- Sunday night to warn metro- '1 have Doppler radar in my Sunday as early as Friday. East." the next time - and there will
rooted trees," Weaver said of how politan area audiences of the house. I was sitting there look- "On Friday at 6 p.m ., I said Hill said it is important be a next time - the more '
t11e survey team makes its detemli- rapidly deteriorating storm ing at it right where it was," Hill there were going to be big when broadcasters are predict- they will be prepared to know'
nation. ''They look at how much of conditions in Virginia and said. Hill said he was able to storms on Sunday," Shutt said. ing volatile weather that people what they should do and be
a structure was destroyed." Southern Maryland. give pinpointed directions He said the channel's storn1 know where they live and un- where tlley should be," Hill '
She said a finalized assessment V\~tll Doppler radar, once a down to the street com ers in t(!am was keeping close tabs derstand the differences be- said. "People have got to know
for both counties would probably tornado is on ilie ground its lo- La Plata. on the cell as it approached tween watcl1es and warnings. where they live when you start
be finished by the end of the week. cation can be pinpointed and . "I had something absolute- the metropolitan area. "I think we still continue to using these towns."

Wednesday, May 1, 2002 Maryland Independent Page AS


Storm Scenes of destruction
Continued from Page A-1
Martin gazed on the crumbling remains
unfinished house to secure it from
the storm, neighbors said.
M arty
of Martins, the gas station his family has op-
erated at 309 Charles St. in La Plata since 1922.
Susan Erickson was critically in- "It's unreal," he said in disbelief. "Unreal."
jured and was flown to Prince One of his relatives handed him two plastic
George's Hospital Center in Chever- funnels Monday morning that were lying in the
ly. said Nina Voehl, Charles County parking lot.
govermnent's public aJTairs officer. "Th ey're probably scattered nil over town," he
She was listed in setious but sta- joked bitterly
ble condition Tuesday, Voehl said. Martin's office survived with a blown out win-
Members of the F-airfax County dow. However, the anached garage was on the
Collapse Rescue Team pulled Erick- verge of collapse Monday, being supported only
son and his wife from the rubble, by the steel frame of the station's car lift.
Voehl said. Martin hoped to get his tow truck and his ex-
The tornado left more than 100 pensive diagnostic machines out of the garage be-
people wounded in La Plata. Many fore the structure was condemned and bulldozed.
people were treated on the scene JAY FRIESS
and dozens more were either trans-
ported by private vehicles, ambu-
lances or MedEvac helicopters to
area hospitals, including Washing-
T he Dash convenience store on Charles
Srreet, east of Civista Medical Center,
missing its roof Monday morning. The metal

ton Hospital Center, Southern shelter of its fueling island lilted toward the road.
Maryland Hospital Center in Clin- Just across the street at the 7-Eeven conven-
ton and Suburban I Iospital in ience store, the only thing damaged was em-
Bethesda, Voehl said. ployee morale. Employees clainled they could
On Sunday and Monday, rescue not get their cars close enough to the store to go
teams from around the region dug to work.
through what remained of the La Area Franchise Director Gary Gray and Mar-
Plata shopping center and La Plata ket Manager Pat Seifert didn't buy their excuse.
United MethocUst Church at the in- The two drove down from Washington, D.C.,
tersection of Route 6 and U.S. 301, managed to tallc their way into the courthouse
other crumpled comm ercinl struc- parking lot and opened the store.
tures and collapsed homes in search "Tell everyone over at the courthouse that we
of rrapped people. are open for business," Gray armounced to the
Golf ball-sized hail bombarded customers \valking in.
businesses, houses and vehicles The two officials were obviously out of their
during the height of the storm. In element, but their energy more than supple-
addition to the businesses, officials mented their inexperience. Gray busily made
estimated Monday the tornado de- coffee. and Seifert, lacking a key to get into the
stroyed one apartment building and cash register, recorded purchases \vith a note-
one public building in La Plata. book and made change \vith money from his
Several of the town's historic own pocket.
snucrures were either destroyed or "Titis is a good chance to make some
severely damaged as well. money," Seifert said.
Law enforcement and rescue JAY FRIESS
personnel poured in from St.
Mary's, Calvert, Prince George's, rian Saunders, 11, was playing catch \vith his '
Montgomery, Anne Arundel and
Howard count ies in Maryland and
B fad1er, David, at the family's business, Saun-
ders Distributors, when they saw lighming streak
Fairfax and Arlington counties in the sky and movement among the clouds.
Virginia to help the stricken town. "Next thing our neighbor was yelling. 'Torna-
Commissioners' President Mur- do! Get someplace safe!," Brian said.
ray Levy (D) helped pull a couple Father and son darted into the \ovarehouse of
from underneath the n1bble of the d1e beverage disrributing business in Hugh-
collapsed chUJch Sunday night. esville. Before heading inside. Briru1 saw the
"They had to cut through metal STAff PHOTO BY DAN GROSS funnel cloud reaching out of the sky. "It creeped
to get to them," he said Monday The La Plata water tower (bottom) was In the path of the' storm's d estruction throuqh downtown. me out," he said.
morning. "We got d1e wife out first, "We ran inside the \varehouse and got inside
and she in1mediately asked about my dad's route truck." Brian said. "Uke, a sec-
her husband. ond later it hit. It felt like two long hours, but re-
"They're both fine," he added. Disaster in downtown La Plata Charles County no stranger ally it was two short minutes.
"You can't in1agine what it feels like to tornadoes 'It sounded like a fre1ght train corning
to do something like that. It was a through," he said.
miracle." As unbelievable Sundays tornado may have In its \"'alce, the tornado left the cinder block
The tornado destroyed the pri- Hawthorne Drive seemed. it was hardly the first to strike South- \ovarehouse on Route 231 severely damaged.
vate Archbishop Neale School on ern Maryland. "Me and my dad, we were just staring," Brian
Route 6 behind La Plata shopping There have been 21 confirmed tornadoes to said.
center. Charles County Superinten- touch down in Charles County since the early Some of the business's trucks were turned
dent James Richmond said the 1800s. over, one \vas lifted 20 feet before smashing into
public scllool system would try to another vehicle. The back wall of the warehouse '
The first - in August 1616- uprooted and was blown out and the roof was stripped.
house the displaced students while snapped trees. damaged houses and sank at
the Archdiocese of Washington re- "It was unreal," Brian said. "!saw it," he said
least nine vessels on the Potomac Rtver, caus of the tornado. "It was tea.ting dungs up, things
builds the school. ing about 30 people to drown.
''Whatever we can do to help were flying everywhere.
them, we'll do," he said Monday But the deadliest tornado hit Nov. 9, 1926 about "It was spooky."
morning. "I've toured the destruc- five miles southwest of La Plata. Until Sunday, it SARA K. TAYLOR
tion, and I've offered my deepest was the most powerful tornado to hit the region
sympathy to the Archdiocese of - reqistenng F4 on the Fujita scale. ohn Sherbert said he \vas watching d1e news
Washington. I told them I would
do whatever we can to accom mo-
That storm destroyed five homes. 14 tobacco
barns and a schoolhouse in La Plata. killing 14
J on television when he heard a report that a
tornado was heading for Waldorf. He said he then
date them." people killed and Injuring 56. looked out the back door of his La Plata home
None of the county's public ru1d saw a big black cloud heading his way
schools were severely damaged Aseries of lesser tornadoes have hit the reqion "Guys, get to the basement," he told his fruni-
from the tornado. Ricllmond said. over the years. including four fromone storm ly. He, his \vife and children headed to safety.
Schools were closed throughout the system that hit on July 27. 1994 in the vicinities And 10 seconds later, he said, the house
county Monday and Tuesday be- of Ironsides. La Plata and Port Tobacco, damag- above him - two stories- was gone.
cause of the storm. ing trees and houses. Sherbert was standing across the street from
1l1e tornado's 24-mile rampage (()mj)i ed by Slalll'l<ite< Jonathan D. Jones lromm'onra- his home at 9848 Charles St. in La Plata Sunday
lioo pra1ded by the Nahona OceanK and AlfllOSilher c A!l-
through Charles and Calvert coun- mmstrat on evening studying the destruction all around him
ties left as many as 17,908 homes as a light rain started to fall. He pointed out
without power Stmday evening. ac- STAff MAP BY MATTHEW A. NICKOLS
places where other homes had once stood.
cording to the Southern Maryland Sherbert got out of his house with the clothes
Electric Cooperative. storage towers serve the town. looting. Despite official government he was wearing- jean shorts, gray golf shirt, a
Power was shut off in La Plata im- Eckn1an was shalcen by the de- reports that no looting occurred Redskins cap and wlute socks. No shoes.
mediately following the stom1. Voehl struction. "The whole center of t0\'\111 Sunday night. business owners were A woman sropped to inquire how he was
said. Downed electrical wires were is wiped out," he said in a phone in- still very concerned. doing and to ask what his shoe size was.
strewn across Route 6 and many of terview soon after the storm passed. Lawrence Wright, senior vice "Size 13," he said.
the side srreets. Felled trees stiU hung "Nobody has ever seen anything like president of Maryland Bank and "Oh," she said, "Can't help you there.''
across downed power lines all nlong this before. We're in bad shape." 'Ihlst Co.'s branch operations, said a ANGELA BRECK
Route 6 Monday morning. '111e tornado's power was evident few looters had stormed the bank in
On Tuesday. power had been re- in the destruction revealed as Mon- the initial minutes after the tornado aymond Curran went out Ius back door
stored to all but 500 customers. said
Joseph ~orris, SMECO spokesman.
Posey's grocery store on Charles
crashed through town, but "they
didn't malce off with any money"
R Monday and saw a piece of paper blowing
in the wind. That was not an unusual occur-
Most of the remaining outages were Street lacked a roof and half of its The tornado's destruction may rence, but \'Vhen he captured the paper he dis-
in La Plata. founvalls. Rubble filled the remain- slow down but it won't stop plans to covered something srrange indeed.
"We really don't know when La ing structurdl elements, topped by revitalize La Plata's downtown, Eck- The paper, a fonn from a bank. included to-
Plata will be back up. It's so exten- mangled shopping cans. A lone set man said. The La Plata T0\'\111 Coun- tals of deposits at branches in La Plata and Wal-
sive over there," he said. of shelves rested intact against the cil has been working on a plan to re- dorf from Nov. 22, 1995. Curran lives and works
The tornado played havoc wid1 west wall, still filled with neat rov;s vitalize the downtown area for the at Curran-Bramwell Funeral Home on the East-
the road system. Police stopped Wi lliam G. Erickson Jr. died when the of instant coffee. last severn! years. ernShore.
traffic on both the northbound and stOI'm destroyed his unfinished home. Christ Church on Charles Srreet. a "The tornado's impact to the "I found [the paper[ on my parking lot here
southbound lanes of U.S 301 so the large historic stone building whose town is very severe. Just how severe in Cambridge. I go out the back door in the
highway could be used as a landing ately following the storm, according cornerstone reads "Burned and re- it is I don't know yet," the mayor morning to a feed a duck in the back that has a
strip for MedEvac helicopters. to county emergency officials. built 1906," suffered a large puncture said. "We have a vision plan to re- nest of eggs," he said. "! saw this thing blowing
Route 6 was also shut down to all La Plata's 125-foot metal water on the west side of its roof, and the build d1e town. but l didn't want to arotmd, which is not unusual ... I'm located
traffic except emergency vehicles tower crashed to the ground in the hall behind it was nearly demolished have to do it this way.'' next door to a bank so I thouglll it might have
that came from every direction and storm. Water pressure dropped About 2,000 customers were "It's going to get rebuilt now," come from there, until I saw it had Waldorf and
jUJisdiction.About an hour after the drastically when the tower fell. without telephone service because Freddie Clements said. He stood La Plata on it."
tornado ripped through d1e town, "We were blessed there were no of the tornado, according to Veri.wn . among the wreckage of his utility Canlbridge is due east across the Chesapealce
Route 6 was backed up well past Bel fires," said Charles Cotmty Sheriff Cell phone capacity is being shed, whicl1 was launched from be- Bay from La Plata, Hughesville and Prince Fred-
Alton-Newton Road ncar Deatsville Fred Davis (R). "With the water tower bumped up on the Port 'Ibbacco hind his commercial building on erick.
because people were using that down it would have created serious tower and a temporary tower is U.S. 301 and Centennial Avenue to a "The storm that hit over there came over
road to circumvent the town. problems trying to put fires out." being installed to increase commu- hillside below the Post Office build- here," Curran said. "It didn't hit Cambridge it-
The Gov. Harry W. Nice Memori- Prressure was restored Monday. nication in La Plata, officials said. ing on the other side of Centennial. self, [it] sideswiped us, l guess."
al Bridge in :'-Jewburg and the Patux- La Plata Mayor William Eckman The Charles CoUJ1ty Sheriff's Of- Looking up the hill to the decimated What does a paper that has flown across the
ent River Bridge in Benedict were said the town would probably re- fice inlposed a 9:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. rown center, he said, "There won't be Chesapeake Bay look like?
closed in an anempt ro keep traffic place the fanilliar landmark at some curfew Sunday and a 9 p.m. to 6 anything left in downtown La Plata "It's kind of beat up," Curran said.
from snarling local roads immedi- point, but said three other water a.m. curfew Monday to prevent once they get done bulldozing." GENNA COCKERHAM
Page A-6 Maryland Independent Wednesday, May 1, ZOOZ


Red Cross offers 'This will hit me
victims shelter in about a week'
.from the storm BY DALLAS COGLE
STAFF WRITER It was a typical Sunday afternoon for Ron
Johnson and his son, Lee.
Staying at the temporary American Red Cross By Sunday rtight, their world had been
shelter Monday morning in Thomas Stone High turned upside down - literally - by tl1e
School, Debora McClain re membered what she worst tornado the smte has ever seen. The F5
was doing before her life changed. twister, classified as the most powerful of tor-
Sh e was cooking dinner in her La Plata home nadoes according to tile Fujita scale, spewing
when her son, Dominique Barnes, 13, came winds at least 261 miles per hour, devoured
running tO\'Iafd her yelling that a tornado was everything in its path and left a town in ruins.
coming. And Johnson's Oak Avenue residence in La
"He's a kid," McClain said. "!thought he was Plata 'vas among the hardest hit, ripped apart
just exaggerating." like a dollhouse with many of its belongings
But Wayne Barnes, the boy's father, looked out scattered in the front and back yards.
the window and saw something. "It was a heck of a party," Johnson half-
"Wayne started yelling for us to get down to joked while rummaging through his posses-
- the basement," McClain said. sions, looking for anything to salvage early
She and Barnes shepherded their six children, Monday morning. "This will all hit me in
ranging from 6 to 16 years old, to the basement about a week, and then I'll probably do a lot of
and waited. crying."
The tornado that walloped La Plata Sunday The two-story house is all Johnson knows.
evening, left the McClain-Barnes home in He inherited it from his family, living there
shreds. since he was born in 1954. But neither Jolm-
- Initially classified as an F-4, the tornado that son nor his son were at home when the torna-
hit the area is now being called an F-5, the most do hit shortly after 7 p.m. Sunday.
violent in terms of measmement, with winds Johnson's tenant, however, was in the
clocking in at more than 261 miles per hom. house.
"lt was like a train was roaring through," Mc- "The guy that was in this room," Johnson
"Ciain said. "The wind was howling and whistling. said while pointing to the second-floor deck
I heard windows breaking." now lying in his back yard. "He had come
"I think I was just scared," said Davita Barnes, 6. home from work. He was watching 'TV and
The tornado ravaged the family's home of heard the tornado coming. I le looked out the
three years - tearing off the roof, hammering window, ar1d then headed for the doorway of
~the vrcills until they were slanting at an angle, and his bedroom. When he hit the door, the whole
flinging the family's beds out the back of the room fell behind him and sucked him back
.house where a wall once stood. out and threw him down to the gro und. The
"We were lucky that aU of us were in the house door shattered into little bits and pieces."
together," McClain said . "It went right through "He had on a pair of boxing shorts, and the
.otu street. Trees that have been there for 100 only thing he could say was, '\oVhere's my T-
' years are gone. I've never seen something of this shirt?'" Johnson said.
"m agnitude. While Monday was just the first day of a
- "We had no choice but to come together," she very long and arduous cleanup task allead for
said. mar1y residents and business owners of
The temporary shelte r at Stone in Waldorf Charles County's ground zero, Johnson never
housed about 30 people displaced by Sunday's lost perspective as daylight gave way to dusk.
tornado. Ironically, the Charles County chapter "I thank the dear Lord that I'm alive. See
.of the American Red Cross building in La Plata the house - I'm alive," he said. "But we're
-was leveled and the volunteers that were tending going to have to tear it down. It's done, and I'm
to the victims at Stone are not sure what will hap- moving to Hawaii.
pennext. "No, I'm just kidding."
. "Our chapter house has been destroyed," said Adding to Johnson's joy was when his fant-
Mike Miller, a disaster relief worker with the Red ily and friends discovered his Am erican and
:Cross of Charles Cotmty. ':All we had when ,we state flags buried among the pile of damage.
started last night was literally this," he said hold - Even if the house 'vas condemned, nothing
><ing up one tablet of paper and a pen. could stop Johnson's heritage from rippling in
But they were ready. the wind on top of his battered edifice.
WithUl a couple of hours we had smging La Plata resident Ron Johnson sorts throuqh his belonqinqs In the aftermath of the tornado Sun- "lbis ain't nothing. I'm alive, and I can't tell
-areas set up," Miller said. "A bathroom and a roof day. Johnson's home Is on Oak Avenue In La Plata. you how happy I am."
,over their heads until we could get them here [at
' Stone):'
' Help came from the Montgomery, Prince
George's and national chapters of the Red Cross,
as well, Miller said. .
The shelter received victims who were trans-
porte<!. by bus or the few who could make it by
car, while hospitals admitted at least a hundred
Tornado rides along edge of St. Mary~s
patients for care. BY JOHN WHARTON tance as a neighboring jurisdiction
Stone was equipped witl1 nurses' stations and AND SUSAN CRATON in a time of disaster, and we re-
.makeshift health offices in the school's guidance STAFF WRITERS sponded with as many of our per-
offices for those suffering from minor injuries.
sonnel as we could. We aut110rized
Where school counselors nomtaUy sit, toma- At about 7 p.m. Sunday, St. the overtime," Horne said. "They
:do victims phoned to check on their families, Mary's e mergency dispatchers put were assigned to different business-
--and volunteers took calls from area businesses out the word that a tornado was es in the La Plata area . .. that were
looking to help. coming o ut of Charles County to- damaged in the tornado, to keep
"We've had some m ajor contributors that ward the county line, and would people away from the area. We were
have really helped out," said Karen Maguire, a likely touch down in the Golden told that there was looting there
disaster relief volunteer with the Red Cross. Beach community within four right after tile incident
"Checkers, BoJangles, l-HOP, Old Country Buffet, minutes. Home said enough manpower to
Snow Valley Water Co., the f<Ood Uon on [Route) Mechanicsville fire and rescue handle law-enforcement needs in
925, land) the !Leonardtown Road) 7-11 have volunteers were called to their sta- St Mary's remains on duty in the
stepped up." tions, and law officers also were county.
The shelter is not accepting clothing or other . alerted. But the twister stayed just Maryland State Police from
household items a t this time, Maguire said. north of St. Mary's as it headed east, Leonardtown also responded to
But the Community Bartk of IIi-County did spe\ving destruction through Hugll- Charles County.
set up an accoun t for donations to help the fam. esville and Benedict and across the Computers serving St. Mary's
ilies displaced. Patuxent River into Calvert County. PHOTO BY ANITA DRURY Circuit Court in Leonardtown are
Kathy Levanduslci, chairman of the Charles "It's almost like som ebody put a On Homeland Drive in Huqhesvllle, a van was tumbled and smashfll. networked to the La Plata courl
County Board of Education, was up at 6 a.m. curtain up," Mecl1anicsville Volun- house and were inoperable on
~working as a volunteer at Stone, scran1bling eggs teer Fire ChiefJohn Raley said Mon- Monday.
for breakfast, donated by the Old Country Buffet. day, as it becam e apparent tllat St. little dark, but that was OK, and the Ridge and the county's advanced St. Mary's Hospital called in extra
Heath Morrison, Stone's principal, along with Mary's had indeed avoided the storm moved on by." life-support tean1 - began return- staff Sunday evening in anticipation
"teachers, students and parents, set up cots, talked wrath inflicted on neighboring Electrical service to Buchanan's ing to their home stations at about of receiving victims from the torna-
' to those shaken up by the event and served meals. cou nties. home 'vas off for about an hour, he 2:30 a.m. Monday, tile Mechan- do. Not as many patients as origi-
" About 20 volunteers from the Charles County St. Mary's fire and rescue volun- said, but it \vas restored before dark. icsville fire chief said. nally expected, however, were re-
Department of Social Setvices were at Stone on teers stayed busy Sunday evening. The outage affecting 2,347 utility On Homeland Drive in Hugh- ferred to the hospital in Leon,ard-
Monday ll)Orning to lend support to the Red however, including 25 Mechan- customers in Golden Beach, plus esville, Mechanicsville rescue vol- town.
Cross, and community volunteers stopped by. too. icsville firefighters who initially 2,204 in nearby Mechanicsville and unteers provided comfort for a man The office that housed the
"There has been a great response within the headed tO\vard the core of the dev- 2,296 in Oakville, occurred when ar1 and woman who had been found at Charles County chapter o f the
general populace wanting to help out," Miller astation in the La Plata area, and Oakville-Hughesville electrical sub- the scene. American Red Cross was destroyed
said. "The response has been fantastic, and I were rerouted back to Hughesville station stopped working during the "They were in the woods, and by Sunday's tornado. The St. Mary's
hope we get an equal response later on in the and later Benedict, the fire ch ief storm, according to Joseph Norris, a had lost their home. They were office is taking back-up calls for the
weeks and months to com e when we will need it said. communications supervisor for d evastated," Mechanicsville Vol- Charles Coun ty office, while the
We \vant to capture people's wiUingness to help, Trees fell in areas around Char- Southern Maryland Electric Coop- unteer Rescue Chief Missy Raley Charles County employees and vol-
donate time, labor and blood. It is going to be a lone Hall, he said, but the only sig- erative. Isolated outages of shorter said. The man and woman sat in unteers temporarily work out of a
"long process in some instances." nificant damage in St. Mary's oc- duration also were reported in ar1 ambulance for about 30 min- mobile conunand unit on Baltimore
curred when a tree hit a house o n Leonardtown, Clements, Milestown utes as their blood pressure was Street in La Plata.
Gov. vows to pursue federal aid Pleasant View Drive just below the
county line and put a hole in the
and along Ryceville Road north of
Budds Creek.
checked a nd they drank water,
and the woman also was give n
In addition, volunteers and rep-
resentatives from the St Mary's Red
. Gov. Parris Glendening (D) toured La Plata roof. Nine people injured in Charles some or.ygen. Cross office are assisting with the
'Tuesday afternoon. I le told county officials he "The citizens in the community County by the tornado were St. Mary's sheriff's d eputies also tornado relief effort, according to
was going to send a letter to President Bush ask- had the tree off the house by the brought to St. Mary's Hospital in went to the La Plata area, includ- Jackie St. Clair, director of disaster
' ing him to declare Charles, Calvert and Dorch- time we got there," Raley said. "We Leonardtown for treatment, said ing 20 off-d uty sh eriff's de puties operations for the St. Mary's County
ester counties federal disaster areas. put a tarp over top or !the damaged Martha Beavers, the hospita l called into service from their chapter.
The letter is the fi rst step in obtaining federal roof] to protect it." spokeswoman. None of the injuties homes at 8:30p.m. Sheriff's detec - St. Clair suggests that people in-
disaster funds, the governor said. Herman Buchanan, a Golden were serious, ranging from minor tive Lt. John Horne sa id the group terested in helping the tornado vic-
''The extent of the destruction is truly extraor- Beach resident, said a caller from contusions to cuts requiring stitch- of patrol, investigation and special tims send a fina ncia l donation
dinary." he said. "But, it is no less extraordinary Waldorf had \'larned that the torna- es. Everyone was released by Mon- o perations o fficers were replaced rather than actual items so victims
' than the way Marylanders from every part of the do was coming. day m orning. by 20 more at 6 a .m. Monday, to can make their own purchases for
state are pulling together to support their neigh- "I don't think it touched down in St. Mary's responding rescue begin the first rotation in a series their most immediate needs.
"bors in Southern Maryland .. . This was a terrible Golden Beach," Buchanan, 62, said. crews and firefighters - also from of 12-hom shifts to assist Charles "That's the best tiling right now. It
tragedy, but Marylanders once again are showing "There was a lot of \vind. The trees Hollywood, 7th District, Leonard- County a uthorities. gives them a sense of control over
their unity and compassion." got really rocking. real good. It got a town, Bay District, 2nd District, "Titey called and asked for assis- their life." St. Clair said.
Wednesday, May 1, ZOOZ Maryland Independent Paqe A-7


Questions, answers in aftermath of tornado
How can I volunteer to help vic-
tims of the tornado?
Citizens who want to help
the victims of the tornado
should attend a meeting spon-
sored by the Capital Area Crisis
Response Team in the auditori-
um of the Charles County Gov-
ernment Building from 4 to 6
p.m. today. The Crisis Response
Team will also hold a meeting
for victims, family, friends and
concerned citizens to help sup-
port each other in dealing with
this disaster. That meeting will
be held from 7 to 10 p.m. Thurs-
day in the county government
The governor has declared a
state of emergency In calvert and
Charles counties. What does that
It mobilizes the Maryland
Emergency Management
Agency. It also allows the gover-
nor to call in the National
Guard, which he has done in Pollee quard a damaqed bank and druq store In downtown La Plata.
Charles County, and extends
the hours utility crews can
work. payments or pressure the ganizations.
homeowner for an immediate Avoid cash donations and
My power Is still out. When will it
come back on? Most schools open, MSPAP delayed decision. Curran said other
storm-related scan1s might in-
make checks payable to the or-
ganization, not to the individ-
Direct your inquiries to the clude promises of guaranteed ual soliciting.
Southern Maryland Electric Co- BY SARA K. TAYLOR day and Thesday, she said. grades three, five and eight. loans for home repairs or so-
operative call center at301-274- STAFF WRITER Some bus routes affecting In the tornado's immediate licitations for phony relief ef- I lost my job and my credit cards.
4451. They'll do their best to an- students living in Hughesville aftermath, "We don't care forts. He offered these tips to What do 1do?
swer your query. Most Charles County have been temporarily altered about tests," said Charles consumers: After a storm, many of your
schools were scheduled to re- and bus stops have been County school board Chair- Avoiding home repair belongings may be temporarily
Will the county pick up tornado open on time today folloo.ving changed. man Kathy Levanduski. "We fraud: Homeowners should or permanently lost. Jobs may
debris? a two-day closing in the wake Bus routes for students liv- care about kids. We just want first check with their insur- also be lost and income re-
The county will pick up of Sunday's tornado, but six La ing on Homeland Drive in to make sure everyone is OK." ance agents to find out the duced. Here are tips on how to
uninsured tornado-related de- Plata area schools will remain Hughesville will be altered for Maryland education offi- procedures for making a manage your credit and to
bris free of cost Crews will only closed to students. the remainder of the week cials decided to shift MSPAP make sure your credit record is
claim. Also:
pick up trees, limbs and brush The only school remain- until debris can be cleared for Charles County students Only deal with conrractors not harmed:
strewn about from the damag- ing closed to both students from the roads allowing buses when the tornado closed who have an established local If any of your credit cards are
ing force of the tornado that hit and staff is Milton M. Somers to return to normal routes. schools. missing. call the card issuer im-
Middle School in La Plata, business.
the area Sunday evening. Resi- Beginning today. buses will "Other counties are going Check to see if the contrac- mediately. If you don't have the
dents are asked to put the de- which was still without elec- pick up and drop off students forward" dlis week with the tor is licensed by the Maryland card issuers' telephone num-
bris on their property line for tric! ty Thesday afternoon, at the Izaak Walton Leagte annual tests, said Bill Rein- Home Improvement Commis- bers, you may be able to obtain
pickup. said Katie O'Malley-Simp- parking lot. hard, spokesman for the state them by calling ~tory assis-
sion by 410-230-6309.
son, spokeswoman for the Bus 125 to Thomas Stone school system. "While we You can also ask about the tance or contacting a local card-
Will volunteers help with the public schools. High School \viii pick up at 7 haven't had this type of disas contractor's complaint history. issuing bank.
cleanup? However, staff is expected am. and drop off at 3:20 p.m. ter before, shifts are made Also check if any complaints If you are temporarily out
Volunteers are available to to report to work at five Bus 562 to John Hanson every year for one reason or have been registered ;lgainst of work due to a storm and are
assist residents with the re- schools that remain closed to Middle School will pick up another." the contractor with the Attor- unable to make payments on
moval of tornado debris on students: La Plata High students at 8 a.m. and drop off It was unclear 1\.lesday if ney General's Consumer Pro- your credit cards, call the card
their property and to help peo- School, Mary H. Matula and at 4:05p.m. the last day of school in tection Division at 1-888-743- issuer nnd tcy to \\~IIi. out a
ple secure their homes from Walter J. Mitchell elementary Bus 603 to T.C. Martin Ele- Charles County, scheduled for 0023 toll-free in Maryland or new paymetlt schedule. You
rain damage. For information, schools, Radio Station Road mentary School \viii pick up June 14, would be pushed 410-528-8662. may need to use your credit
call301-645-0509. Academy and EB. Gwynn Ed- students at 8:40a.m. and drop back because of d1e tornado. Obtain at least three bids for card to cover extra expenses
ucational Center. There will be them off at 4:20 p.m. The county is aNaiting the major repair work and check while you get your life back in
Where will worship services be no after-school activities at The Maryland School state's decision. references. Be cautious if one order. Do so cautiously. Re-
held? any of the closed schools until Performance Assessment "By law, our students bid is much lower than the paying debt can take a long
Christ Church in La Plata is they reopen. Program tests, scheduled to have to attend school for others. time, and exceeding the limit
holding a worship service at Sa- The closings will be re- start April 29 have been 180 days in any given school Make certain that all impor- on your credit card can be ex-
cred Heart Catholic Church on viewed every day as staff con- pushed back a week in year," O'Malley-Simpson tant details concerning the pensive.
St Mary's Avenue in La Plata at fers with local county and po- Charles County. said. "We have already set work are written into the bid Cash advances can seem
7 p.m.Wednesday. All faiths are lice officials to determine the The fifth and eighth the last day of school. We and contract, including: the like a convenient way to help
welcome. safety of area roads, O'Malley- grades will start MSPAP the have to request a waiver so dates the work will begin and is you through a tough financial
Sirnpson said. week of May 6, and the third we don't have to make up expected to be completed, the period, but they are very costly.
I get my prescriptions from the Transportation issues grade will begin testing the these past two days. total cost of the work. the type You will be charged a transac-
La Plata CVS pharmacy. What should were the main reason week of May 13, O'Malley- "Our closing (date] may and quality of materials to be tion fee and interest on the
I do now? schools were closed Simpson said. Maryland change," she said. "It is a possi- used, how and when payments cash advance. There is usually
The La Plata CVS pharmacy throughout the county Mon- gives the tests annually to bility." will be made, and the provi- no grace period, so the interest
has temporarily moved to the sions of warranties on the ma- accrues as soon as you receive
store in Festival Way shopping terials and labor. the cash. Most financial insti-
center in Waldorf. The Festival structions from your heat What can I do to help? Point Federal Credit Union with Advance-fee loan scams: tutions may charge higher in-
Way store will remain open 24 pump manual or HVAC con- Right now, the American Red the note of tornado relief fund You may need a loan to re- terest rates for cash than for
hours to accommodate the ad- tractor for proper operation of Cross says the most urgent in the memo area of the check. build your home or business. purchases on your card.
ditional demand for prescrip- your unit need is for money. lt's estimated Drop off checks at any of its six However, don't be tempted by If you have encountered a
tion services. CVS plans ro open While the outage experience that it \viii take up to $500,000 to branches or mail them to 22745 promises of "guaranteed" problem and wish to file a com-
a temporary pharmacy in La is fresh in your mind, make a list help the families and business- Maple Road, Lexington Park. loans that require you to pay plaint against a business, con-
Plata. of items that you wish you had es that suffered major losses. Md.20653. upfront fees. You may never tact the Attorney General's Con-
kept on hand for the emer- Since the Red Cross office get the loan or see your sumer Protection Division at
There's a downed line In my yard. gency. Restock your emergency in La Plata was among those The place where I worked was money again. Tips to protect 410-562-8662 or 1-888-743-
I want to cut the grass. can I move It supplies, adding the items from buildings destroyed in the damaged by the storm. I am out of a yourself include: 0023 toll-free in Maryland.
out of the way? your list. storm, The Community Bank job for a while. Am I eligible for state Legitimate lenders may
Never touch downed lines or of Tri-County is serving as a unemployment benefits? charge a processing fee, but Is dry Ice being distributed?
anything contacting lines. Al- My power Is back on, when will I collection point. Checks Yes. The easiest way to file is they don't guarantee in advance Dry ice is available at the Wal
though you may see lines that CJet my cable TV back? should be made payable to to call1-8n-293-4125. Or go to that you will qualify for a loan. Mart parking lot on Heritage
are down, they could still be en- Comcast, the local cable The American Red Cross Dis- Be wary of ads that give you Green Parkway in La Plata for
ergized. Let qualified people company, can't fix problems aster Relief and can be mailed a 1-900 number to call and re- customers whose power hasn't
from SMECO handle the clear- until SMECO has restored to the American Red Cross I live In La Plata. Who do I call for quire you to pay a significant been restored. An instruction
ing and repair work. Never at- electrical service in your Disaster Relief, c/o Communi- answers to my questions? amount of money before re- sheet handed out \vith the ice
tempt to remove trees from neighborhood. So Comcast ty Bank ofTri-County, P.O. Box Call the town hall at30l-934- ceiving a loan. 'viii explain how to use it safely
power lines. If you have to clear can't estimate when service 38, Waldorf, Md. 20604. 8421 or 301-870-3377. Don't believe the promise in the freezer.
debris in or around your home will be up and running. But You can also drop off checks that bad credit won't keep you
after a severe storm, don't pile it you can call them at 800-266- at any Community Bank I live outside La Plata, who do I from getting a loan. Is the food In my refrigerator and
under or near electrical lines or 2278. branch. Their phone number is call? Someone came to my door freezer safe to consume?
equipment 888-745-BANK. Call the Charles County asking for a donation to aid vic- Without power, a full upright
If wires come down on a ve- What about phone service? The American Red Cross in Emergency Preparedness Of- tims. or chest freezer will keep every-
hicle that you are riding in, do Repair crews follow SMECO Calvert County is also accepting fice at 301-645-0509. A number of legitimate or- thing frozen for about two days.
not leave the vehicle. Wail until crews. Only when elecoicity is donations. Its address is P.O. Box ganizations provide assis- A half-full freezer will keep food
SMECO confirms that the lines restored does Verizon go to 150, Prince Frederick. Md. 20678. Someone approached me about tance and relief to storm vic- frozen one day.
are de-energized. work to repair phones. An esti- The Southern Maryland repairing my roof. Any advice? tims. Citizens should con- Without power, the refriger-
mated 1,800 to 2,500 Verizon Food Bank at the intersection Maryland Attorney J. Joseph tribute only to organizations ator section will keep food cool
What do I do when the power customers were without serv- of routes 5 and 231 in Hugh- Curran Jr. is warning Southern that they know well and that four to six hours, depending on
comes back on? ice in Charles. ln Calvert 60 esville welcomes food from 8 Marylanders to beware ofhome willingly provide written in- the kitchen temperature.
Give the elecoical system a customers were expected to am. to 5p.m. repair scams. "Unfortunately, formation about their charita- A full, well-functioning
chance to stabilize by gradually have their service back on by Children's Aid Society is ac- con artists often try to take ad- ble efforts. If you are thinking freezer unit should keep food
reconnecting the appliances Thesday. Verizon has set up a cepting clothing, food, ~r vantage of those whose lives about conoibuting: frozen for two days. A half-full
you previously disconnected. bank of pay phones in La Plata sonal hygiene items and small have been affected by storm Check that a charity is regis- freezer unit should keep dlings
When the power first comes at Wal Mart at Heritage Green appliances, such as toasters, damage and other disasters," tered with the state, as re- frozen for about one day.
back on, turn on only the most Parkway. hand mixers microwaves. Curran said. "In many cases, quired, by calling the Mary- Block ice can keep food on
essential appliances and wait Ifyou have further questions, Drop them off at its headquar- con artists travel state to state, land Secretary of State's Chari- the refrigerator shelves cooler.
10 to 15 minutes before recon- caiiVerizon at 800-275-2355. ters, 3000 Huntington Circle in disaster to disaster, looking for ties Division at 410-974-5534 Foods still containing ice
necting the others. St Charles from 9 a.m. to 4:30 victims of storms." or l-800-825-4510. Also report crystals or that feel refrigerator-
In order to prevent an addi- I hear Yerizon had a cell tower In p.m. If you're dropping items Curran said that homeown- any suspicions of fraudulent cold can be frozen.
tional power outage in your La Plata knocl<ed down by the storm. off later, call 301-645-1561 or ers whose homes have been solicitations to the Charities Discard any thawed foo d
neighborhood, wait as long as Not true. Cell phone cus- 301-843-0352. damaged should be wary of of- Division. that has risen to room tempe.ra-
possible before setting the ther- tomers overloaded the circuits Cedar Point Federal Credit fers from home contractors Be aware that fraudulent so- ture and remained there two
mostat on your heat pump to Sunday and Verizon erected a Union has started a Southern who solicit door to door after a licitors may use an organization hours or more. Immediately
the on position. Because units temporary cell tower to handle Maryland Tornado Relief Fund. storm, especially those who narnr: similar to established discard anything with a strange
vary. be sure to follow the in- the additional traffic. Make checks payable to Cedar say they will accept only cash and well-known charitable or- color or odor.

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