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Chapter 4 Multiple-Degree-of-Freedom (MDOF) Systems


Packing of an instrument

Number of degrees of freedom=

Number of masses in the system
X Number of possible types of motion of each mass

Methods: Newtons Law and Lagranges


* More than one natural frequencies and mode shapes

Three-story building
Lagranges Method: an alternative to using Newtons law when the identification of
forces and moments (Generalized forces) is not obvious, which is powerful for

Systems with more than one degree of freedom

Systems with complex elements

Generalized coordinates (qi): independent coordinates required for description of

motion of all the components of the system
Lagranges method

n W
Virtual work: W = Qk qk nonconservative forces Q i =
k =1

Lagranges equations: (T is kinetic energy and U is potential energy)

d T T U
( ) + = Qi
dt qi qi qi

Alternative formats:
d L L
Lagrangian Function: L=T-U, dt q ) = Qi
i q i

When damping is involved, Rayleigh dissipation function is defined as

the generalized force for viscous damping is derived as,
1 n n
F = crs q r q s
Viscous damping force: 2 r =1 s =1
QiD = (i = 1,2...n)
q i
Lagranges equations:
d L L F
( ) + = Qi*
dt q i qi q i
Qi* : Nonconservative forces without viscous damping forces
Example: Using Lagranges method to derive the governing equations for the following
mathematical model of a vibration system (2-DOF system).
Example: The vibration model of a simple machine part is shown below, there exists
an applied moment M(t) and the disk rotates without translation. Derive the motion
equations of the system using Lagrange equation.
Free Vibration of Two-Degree-of-Freedom Systems (Undamped)

Coupled governing equations:

m1 x1 = k1 x1 + k 2 ( x2 x1 )
m2 x2 = k 2 ( x2 x1 )
Vector equation: Mx + Kx = 0
m1 0 k1 + k 2 k2
M = K =

m2 k2 k 2

Responses: m1=9 kg, m2=1 kg, k1=24 N/m, k2=3 N/m, x1(0)=1 mm, x2(0)=0,
and v1(0)=v2(0)=0
Modal Analysis: Using appropriate transformations to transform the vibration problem
between different coordinate systems (see eqs. (4.73)-(4.76) and Window 4.4 for the
procedure), which is an important concept for vibration analysis, design and testing

Calculating the solution of a multiple-degree-of-freedom vibration problem by performing a

number of matrix calculations (can be easily performed by a computer code)
Decoupled the complicated governing equations for MDOF vibration problem in physical
coordinates into SDOF vibration problem in the modal coordinates which can be easily solved
Modal Analysis Procedure:
Example: Calculate the solution of the three-degree-of-freedom system of the figure
below by modal analysis. Use the values of m1=m2=m3=4 kg and k1=k2=k3=4 N/m,
and the initial condition x1(0)=1 m with all other initial displacements and velocities zero.
Modal Analysis Mode Summation Method
Steps for Computing the Response By Mode Summation:

Write the equations of motion in matrix form, identify M and K

Calculate M -1/2 (or L)
Calculate normalized mass stiffness matrix K? = M KM 1

Compute the eigenvalue problem for the matrix K and get i2 and vi
Transform the initial conditions to q (0) = M x (0) and q (0) = M x (0)
1 1
2 2

Calculate the modal expansion coefficients and phase constants

i viT q (0) viT q (0)

i = tan T
, d i =

vi q (0) sin i
Assemble the time response for q
q (t ) = d i sin (i t + i )vi
i =1
Transform the solution to physical coordinates

x (t ) = M 12
q (t ) = d i sin (i t + i )ui
i =1
Mode Summation

Example (4.4.3): The four-story building subjected to wind force with an initial
displacement of x1(0)=0.025 m, x2(0)=0.02 m, x3(0)=0.01 m and x4(0)=0.001 m.
Determine each floor response.
Mode shapes:

Nodes of a Mode: a zero entry in the mode shape, which means if the system is excited
by an initial condition to vibrate only at specific natural frequency, the coordinate with
zero entry will not move
0.2887 Great mounting points for machine

0.2887 The sensor placed on the node can not measure
u2 =
0 the vibration at the specific natural frequency


Rigid-Body mode: System translates (or rotates) from its equilibrium position in one
coordinate, but vibrates in the other coordinates
Viscous Damping in MDOF Systems

Two basic choices for including damping

Modal Damping
Attribute some amount to each mode based on
experience, i.e., an artful guess or
Estimate damping due to viscoelasticity using some
approximation method (MSE)
Model the damping mechanism directly (hard and still
an area of research)
Modal Damping Method
Solve the undamped vibration problem following Window 4.4
Decouple system based on M and K, i.e., use the undamped modes
Attribute some i to each mode of the decoupled system (a guess):
ri (t ) + 2 ii ri (t ) + i2 ri (t ) = 0, i = 1,2...n
Use modal transform to obtain modal initial conditions and get
solutions for ri(t)
use the inverse transform to recover the physical solution
* The Values of i are assigned based on experience or measurement
Modal Damping by Mode Summation
modes are from undamped system

q (t ) = d i e iit sin (di t + i )vi where
i =1
1 1
M 2
KM 2
vi = i2 vi , and di = i 1 i2
viT q (0) di viT q (0)
di = and i = tan 1

sin i viT q (0) + ii viT q (0)

Compute q (t ) and transform back to the physical coordinates

x (t ) = d i e iit sin( di t + i )u i
i =1
Lumped Damping Models

In some cases (FEM, machine modeling), the damping matrix is determined directly
from the equations of motion. Then our analysis must start with:

m 0 c1 + c2 c2
M = 1
m2 c2 c2

k + k k2
K = 1 2
Mx(t ) + Cx (t ) + Kx(t ) = 0, subject to x 0 and x 0 k2 k 2

* In general, these equations can not be decoupled since K and C can not be
diagonalized simultaneously

proportionaldamping C = M + K

ri (t ) + 2 ii ri (t ) + i2 ri (t ) = 0, i = 1,2...n

i = + In design cases, and can be chosen to get the desired
2i 2 modal damping ratio
Example: The punch press can be modeled for vibration analysis in the x direction as
indicated by the three-degree-of-freedom system below. Calculate the response if the
floor is subject to a force of 10 sint (in Newtons). m1=400 kg, m2=2000 kg, m3=8000 kg,
k1=300000 N/m, k2=80000 N/m and k3=800000 N/m
Example (4.6.1): A simple two-degree-of-freedom system with harmonic excitation. In
this system, let m1=9 kg, m2=1 kg, k1=24 N/m and k2=3 N/m and the damping is
assumed to be proportional with =0 and =0.1. Calculate the steady-state response.

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