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"Soy un indio fornido de treinta aos de acero, "I am a stocky Indian of thirty years of steel, Aiyam estaky indien of theri yers of is iold,

"Forjado sobre el yunque de la meseta andina, "Forged on the anvil of the Andean plateau, Forch dan di inveo of di indien pleteou,

Con los martillos flgidos del relmpago With lightning hammered hammers Wet laymen jaimontd jaimers

Herrero blacksmith plaiskmeit

"Y en la, del sol, entraa de su fragua divina. "And in the, of the sun, entails of its divine forge. Ent in di, of di san, inteins of its divain forch

"El lago Titikaka templ mi cuerpo fiero "Lake Titikaka tempered my fiery body Leyk tirikaka tempered may faieri bary

"En los paales tibios de su agua cristalina, "In the warm diapers of their crystalline water, In thi worm daypers of their crusbalain toilet

Me amamant la ubre de un torvo ventisquero I suckled at the udder of a thick drizzle Ai secolt at di iuder of tchiu theck dresdow

"Y fue mi cuna blanda la ms ptrea colina. "And my soft cradle was the most stony hill. Ent may saft crueiriol was di most ston jiol

"Las montaas membranas educaron mis msculos, "The mountains membranes educated my muscles, Thi monts membreins eduqueired may masous

"Me dio la tierra ma su roquea cultura, "My land gave me its rocky culture, May lend iif mi its roacky coltcher yoe di dands ent

Alegra las albas y murria los crepsculos. Joy the dawns and murria the twilight. muria thi tualaid

"Cuando surja mi raza que es la raza ms rara, "When my race arises which is the rarest breed, Whend may reis eiraises witch is thi reirist brid

"Nacer el superhombre de progenie ms pura, "The superman of the purest progeny will be born, Thi supermean of thi piurets proyeni wail bi born sou

Para que sepa el mundo lo que vale el aimara. So that the world knows what the Aymara is worth. that thi world neus what thi eimara is weth.

(Dante Nava) (Dante Nava) (Dante Nava)

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