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Trinity Exam Sample Questions Level 4


FOOD 5 4 3 2 1 0
1. What did you eat yesterday?
2. What is your favourite food?
3. Where do you usually have lunch?
4. What do you usually have for lunch?
5. What do you usually have for lunch?
6. What do you like to eat for breakfast?
7. What food you dont like?
8. Can you cook?
9. What healthy food do you eat?
10. What junk food do you eat?
11. What time do you usually have (breakfast/lunch/dinner)?
12. Did you eat lunch today?
13. Do you always have dinner with your family?
14. Do you often eat vegetables and fruit?
15. Do you drink milk every day?
16. Do you like food from other countries? What is your favourite
17. Do you like to try new food and drinks? Why? Why not?
18. Do you often eat out?
19. Do you prefer fish or meat?
20. Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or at home?
21. How many meals do you usually have every day?
22. How long does it take you to have lunch?
23. How often do you eat at restaurants?
24. Which foods do you like?
25. Which foods you dont like / hate?
26. Describe your favourite food.

HOLIDAYS 5 4 3 2 1 0
1. Where do you usually go on holidays?
2. Where did you go on your last holiday?
3. Who did you go with?
4. What did your parents do?
5. What did you like the most?
6. What was the weather like?
7. Who did the cooking?
8. What did you do most of the time?
9. Where do you want to go?
10. Where did you go on holidays two years ago?
11. Where are you going on holidays this year?
12. What was the best / worst moment you had?
13. How did you travel? if the child went by car Who drove the
14. Tell me the difference between going to the beach and the
mountains encourage them to use but
15. What do you like or dislike about the . ? (encourage them to
use but)
16. Tell me who you usually go on holidays with
17. How often do you go on holidays?
(5) Correct answer plus extra information (4) Correct answer (3) Correct answer with help
(2) Understands question, but unable to answer (1) I dont know/understand (0) Incorrect answer
SHOPS 5 4 3 2 1 0
1. Tell me about the kind of shops you can find where you live.
2. Do you like shopping?
3. How often do you go shopping?
4. Where do you buy clothes . ?
5. Do you go shopping with your friends?
6. Did you go shopping last week?
7. When was the last time you went shopping? What did you buy?
8. Did you buy anything nice at the weekend?
9. Where do you / your parents do their shopping for food?
10. Do you usually go shopping with your parents?
11. Are you going shopping next week?
12. Where are you going to go?
13. What are you going to buy?
14. Who are you going with?
15. How are you going? (means of transport)
16. Tell me about your favourite shop.
17. Where did you buy your shoes?
18. What do you like or dislike about going shopping?
19. What time do shops open / close in your city?

SPORTS / HOBBIES 5 4 3 2 1 0
1. How often do you play sports?
2. Which are your favourite sports? Why?
3. Which sports can you do well?
4. Which sports can you do badly?
5. Would you like to start a new sport?
6. What kind of sports do you prefer?
7. What is your favourite hobby? Why?
8. When did you start your hobby?
9. How often do you practise it?
10. What is the most difficult sport?
11. What is the most dangerous sport?
12. Are you a good skier / tennis player/ basketball player /
13. Are you a member of any sports team? If not, have you ever
15. Do you play any sports?
16. Do you think everybody should practice sports?
17. Do you like watching sport on TV? How is it different?
18. What sports do you like watching on TV?
19. When did you start playing football / basketball .?
20. Do you have to wear anything special?
21. Whos your favourite team / player ?
22. Tell me what you like doing in your free time.
23. How often do you play / do / go ..?
24. Can you play the guitar / the piano?
25. Do you like model planes?

(5) Correct answer plus extra information (4) Correct answer (3) Correct answer with help
(2) Understands question, but unable to answer (1) I dont know/understand (0) Incorrect answer
1. Whats your favourite season? Why?3
2. What do you usually do in your free time?
3. Where were you last weekend?
4. What do you like doing at the weekend in spring / summer /
autumn / winter?
5. Tell me about your favourite family weekend.
6. How often do you go to the cinema?
7. What do you like doing on your birthday?
8. Tell me about your favourite birthday party.
9. Tell me about your last weekend.
10. Do you visit your grandparents at the weekend?
11. What do you usually do for Christmas?
12. What do you usually do at Easter?
13. Name special festivals in your town / city.
14. Name different activities you can do in spring / summer /
autumn / winter
15. Do you like fishing?
16. How often do you go to the cinema?
17. Who do you usually go to the cinema with?
18. Have you ever been to a circus? If so, did you like it? What did
you like the most?
19. Tell me something you love doing at weekends.
20. Tell me something you hate doing at weekends.
21. Do you like being busy at the weekend or do you prefer to
22. How often do you watch TV?
23. What are you going to do this weekend?
24. Do you usually spend time with your friends or family at the
25. Whats better going to the cinema or watching a video at
26. What is the difference between summer and winter activities?

SCHOOL AND WORK 5 4 3 2 1 0

1. Where is your school?
2. Is your school big or small?
3. How many students are there in your class?
4. What is your favourite subject?
5. What time do you start school?
6. Where does your mother / father work?
7. Tell me about a typical day for you.

(5) Correct answer plus extra information (4) Correct answer (3) Correct answer with help
(2) Understands question, but unable to answer (1) I dont know/understand (0) Incorrect answer

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