Russia Observes 100-Year-Old Revolution

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Russia Observes 100-Year-Old Revolution.

Russia Observes 100-Year-Old


President of Russia Vladmir Vladmirovich Putin.

I'm eternally grateful to fate and the citizens of Russia that they've trusted me to be
the head of the Russian government. Vladimir Putin

Nobody and nothing will stop Russia on the road to strengthening democracy and
ensuring human rights and freedoms. Vladimir Putin

Putin has put Russia on a path to be a world power with global influence. Jack

Putin believes Russia is back, and he may be right. Richard Engel

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Russia Observes 100-Year-Old Revolution.

The Russian Revolution took place 100 years ago.

The revolution ended a political system based on the leadership of a single person. It also led
to the rise of the Soviet Union.

A century ago, Russias Tsar Nicholas the Second was forced to give up power because of a
rebellion against his rule. It is known as the February Revolution because Russia used the
Gregorian calendar for record-keeping purposes.

Some Russians still defend the old system and its leaders. Some of them hope Russia will
someday have a new tsar.

The Russian revolution led to the creation of a provisional or temporary government. Months
later, Bolshevik activists overthrew that government. That led to the rise of the Soviet Union
and the spread of communism.

World War I was taking place 100 years ago. Russia fought on the side of the Allies, which
included Britain, France and the United States. They were fighting the Central Powers, which
included Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.

In St. Petersburg, living conditions worsened as the fighting continued. Many Russians were
unhappy with the corruption they saw. Tens of thousands of factory workers turned against
the tsar.

Igor Savrasov is the director of the Kirov Factory museum.

It was the third year of the war. There was not a big difference among the workers. There
was a shortage of bread for everyone.

Wealthy families and supporters of the tsar fled Russia. But some returned later to join the
new government.

Ivan Artsishevskiy teaches at the Center of Effective Communications.

I served in the Soviet army, so I fully went through the system. In my family, we all believed
in being with Russia, whether its for good or for bad.

Artsishevskiy helped rebury members of Russias last royal family. They were executed by the

As the result of the Soviet achievements, a huge part of our genetic pool was destroyed,
and the selection was of negative character. So now we must correct it.

A group called the Russian Imperial House works to keep alive the memory of the Romanov
family, Russias former rulers. Alexander Zakatov leads the group.

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Russia Observes 100-Year-Old Revolution.

We continue to stick to our monarchical convictions. And we continue to believe that

monarchy for Russia is a historically natural mode of existence. Russia was a monarchy for
more than a thousand years before the revolution, which brought us a lot of misfortunes.

Zakatov admits that there is little support in Russia for the return of a ruling family. Few
Russians mourn the loss of monarchical rule. But many still remember the Bolsheviks who
seized power, the civil war that followed and the Soviet system they established.

Im John Smith.

VOA Moscow Correspondent Daniel Schearf reported this story from St. Petersburg, Russia.
John Smith adapted the story for Learning English. George Grow was the editor.

Date Reported by VOA Learning English for the Present Document: March 07, 2017.

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M.C. Enrique Ruiz Daz.

Con ttulo y cdula profesional 5632071 en la Maestra en Ciencias de la Computacin.
Egresado del Instituto Tecnolgico de Orizaba. Veracruz, Mxico.

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Russia Observes 100-Year-Old Revolution.

The Flag of Russia.

Russian Proverbs:

Live for a century? learn for a century.

There is only one good - knowledge; there is only one evil - ignorance.

A bird may be known by its flight.

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Russia Observes 100-Year-Old Revolution.

Russia in the World Map.

Russian Proverbs:

Peace and harmony is great treasure.

God gives to those who get up early.

A person never gets tired working for himself.

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Russia Observes 100-Year-Old Revolution.

National Anthem of Russia by MC Enrique Ruiz Diaz.

Enjoy of one of the Most Beautiful Anthems of the


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Russia Observes 100-Year-Old Revolution.

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National Anthem of Russia by MC Enrique Ruiz Diaz

In a stadium, enjoy of one fascinating, unforgettable and live interpretation.

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Russia Observes 100-Year-Old Revolution.

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Russia Observes 100-Year-Old Revolution.

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M.C. Enrique Ruiz Daz.
Con ttulo y cdula profesional 5632071 en la Maestra en Ciencias de la Computacin.
Egresado del Instituto Tecnolgico de Orizaba. Veracruz, Mxico.

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Russia Observes 100-Year-Old Revolution.

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