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Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition House Rules & Combat

Cheat Sheet

Combat Momentum Spends combat to reload as a Restricted

Action (or Free Action if he possesses
Penetration: This Momentum spend is
either Talent listed above).
limited to X Momentum where X is the
static damage of the weapon being Munition Weapons and Capacity
used to attack. For example, a Sniper
Munition weapons have capacity
Rifle doing 2+6DS may spend 2
denoted as #M, to indicate that the
Momentum to ignore 4 Soak, but most
weapon uses the Munition rules. Every
pistols can only spend 1 Momentum to
attack uses up one Capacity. Munition
ignore 2 Soak.
weapons may have much higher
MDMS: Every weapon now has an seeming capacities as a result. When a
MDMS rating, which means Max Munition weapon is capable of Burst or
Damage Momentum Spend. This Automatic fire, such an attack uses up
number, calculated by adding a 3 Capacity per bonus d20.
weapons static damage value plus
For example, the Southpaw is an
half its DS damage value (round down)
automatic rocket launcher and may
and modified by Knockdown (gives +1
spend between 3 and 9 Capacity to
MDMS), is simply the maximum
gain +1 to +3 d20s and dDS on
amount of Momentum that may be
attacks. (This is a change from the
spent to add to directly to damage on
Core Book.)
any given attack. For melee weapons,
add in bonus Strength damage Combat Actions
BEFORE calculating MDMS.
Standing up from a prone position is a
Magazine Capacity, Let Rip and Restricted Action, not a Free Action.
Reloading The GM should allow a D2 Acrobatics
check to permit a kip-up as a Free
Instead of +1d20 and +1DS per
Reload spent on Let Rip attacks, each
+1d20 and +1DS costs one Capacity. Response Actions: A character may
Every non-Munition weapon has a make any number of Response Actions
Magazine Capacity between 1 and ~8. in a turn. Each Response Action costs
An attack cannot spend more Capacity a cumulative Dark Symmetry Point.
than that remaining in the Magazine. This change affects several Talents
and Ki Powers. See below under
Capacity is also lost normally through
Revised Talents. For NPCs, each
Complications. Attacks that would not
additional Response Action requires
normally cost Capacity automatically
the GM to spend a cumulative +1
use one Capacity for the first
Complication rolled.
Horde & Squad Attacks
Once Capacity is exhausted, the
weapon must be reloaded. Reloading First, if a Horde/Squad has 3-4
is a Standard Action unless the members, all its attacks gain Spread
attacker has either the Speed-Loader +1. If a Horde/Squad has 5-6
or Smooth Reload Talent, in which case members, all its attacks gain Spread
it is a Restricted Action (in addition to +2.
their normal benefits). A character
may also spend 2 Momentum in

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Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition House Rules & Combat
Cheat Sheet

Second, a Squad leader armed Shotgun Slugs: Shotgun slugs increase

differently from its Squad attacks Range to M and gain Vicious 2, but
separately as an Elite with the normal lose any Spread quality. Shotgun slugs
rules. The benefit of the Squad is that can also be purchased as special
the leader then may direct his Squad ammo types. Simply add Vicious 2 to
to attack either the same or another the new Ammo (Quality).
target as a Free action. The rest of the
Blast (Close or Medium): If any allies
Squad then attacks, rolling 1d20 per
are engaged in close combat with the
member and benefiting normally from
target of a Blast (Close) or (Medium)
Let Rip or DSP spends as normal. As
weapon, the ally automatically suffers
above, this attack automatically gains
half damage to a random hit location.
Spread if the squad has enough
Additionally, if any allies are within
range of a Blast weapon and the
Weapon Qualities and Ammo attack generates Complications, the
GM is free to designate those allies as
Parrying X: The Parrying X quality now
unintended targets, as if the attacker
reduces the DSP cost of a Parry
had spent 1 Momentum to include
Response Action by X to a minimum of
them in the blast.
0. Full Defense gains this benefit as
well. Knockdown: This is clearly intended to
be something cooler than it is. So,
Ammo (Quality): This quality is linked
standing up is a Restricted Action, not
to the ammunition being used in the
a Free action, to bring it in line with
weapon. See below for special ammo
other 2d20 games. The Knockdown
types. ALL attacks with a weapon with
quality also adds 1 to a weapons
the Ammo (Quality) quality receive the
effects of that quality normally. But
note that one Capacity is always lost Combat Scale
for the first Complication rolled on
Every combat encounter (or any
attacks that dont otherwise use
encounter where distance and time
may matter) can be assigned one of
Special Ammo Types three Combat Scales: Close, Medium,
or Long.
Special ammo types are listed in the
Weapon spreadsheet. Any weapon, In Close Scale, a zone is
including those listed with an Ammo approximately a 5 meter (or
(Quality), may use special ammo yard) cube. A combat round is
types. Any weapon with an existing about 5-10 seconds.
Ammo (Quality) replaces its normal In Medium Scale, a zone is
Ammo (Quality) with that of the new approximately a 50 meter (or
ammo. The exception is Ammo yard) cube. A combat round is
(Spread), which simulates rate of fire. about 30-60 seconds.
Any weapon with pre-existing qualities In Long Scale, a zone is
simply adds those qualities to any approximately a 100 meter (or
granted by Ammo. For example, a yard) cube. A combat round is
Bolter loaded with AP ammo would about 1-2 minutes.
become Armor Piercing 3.

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Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition House Rules & Combat
Cheat Sheet

Implications of Scale using Long Scale, you gain a bonus

Standard Action.
If using Combat Scales, you can use
every rule in the MC3 books almost as Movement using Scale
written. There are two major
The beauty of this system is that you
differences, however: (1)
use the movement rules exactly as
Weapon/Attack ranges and (2) Bonus
written. The Combat Scale adjusts the
time and distance to create believable
For purposes of weapon, ability, movement speeds. Because
communication and Observation tests, movement is largely what uses time in
ranges are measured as follows. this system, if you choose not to
move, you gain bonus actions as
In Close Scale, everything within your
described above. As a clarification, a
zone and 5 additional zones is in Close
character may only ever take ONE
range (this defines Close as about 25
movement action in a given round
meters, not 50, which I think is right).
the player must choose between a
Beyond that is Medium range. There
Free, Restricted, or Standard Action
should not be Long range in a Close
Scale combat. Close Scale should be
used for the interiors of most human- Ranged Combat
built buildings, sewers, large vehicles,
Weapon Ranges: Weapons may have
and very often works well for fights
the following ranges: Reach (R), Close
within big cities, like Luna or San
(C), Medium (M), Long (L), Extreme
(E), or a combination rating. All melee
In Medium Scale, everything within weapons are Reach (R). Handguns are
your zone is in Close range. Everything R/C (this renders the Close Quarters
between your zone and 5 zones away quality superfluous). SMGs are mostly
is Medium range. Beyond 5 zones is C/M. Shotguns are C. Assault rifles are
Long range. This is an appropriate mostly M, some might be M/L. Sniper
scale for fights in the streets, in rifles are M/L or L or even L/E. Etc.
Venusian jungles, or inside cavernous
citadels or Mercury's caves. If you EDIT: On second thought, I might just
choose not to move at all in a round leave the range ratings alone and say
using Medium Scale, you gain a bonus that you only increase the difficulty of
Restricted Action, which can be attacks BEYOND your weapon's listed
combined with your other Restricted to range. The only range that's TOO
make a second Standard Action. SHORT for most guns is Reach.
In Long Scale, everything within your
Attacks made within the listed
zone is in Medium range. Everything
range(s) are base difficulty. Attacks
up to 5 zones away is in Long range.
made outside the listed ranges are +1
Beyond 5 zones is Extreme range. This
Difficulty for each step from the
Scale works well for battlefields, air-
nearest listed range.
based chase or combat scenes, or
running skirmishes in wide open
The base difficulty for ranged attacks
spaces (like Mars deserts). If you
at Reach and Close range is Average
choose not to move at all in a round

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Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition House Rules & Combat
Cheat Sheet

The base difficulty for ranged attacks Reflex sights only help when taking a
at Medium range is Challenging D2. Restricted Action to aim down the
The base difficulty for ranged attacks sights. Reflex sights grant a re-roll as
at Long range is Daunting D3. described in MC Core. This re-roll can
The base difficulty for ranged attacks be used to negate a Repercussion.
at Extreme range is Dire D4.
Scopes and night vision scopes also
require a Restricted Action to use, and
Aiming down the sights ("Aiming")
allow the attacker to treat his
reduces the base difficulty of all
weapons range as 1 category longer
ranged attacks by 1, to a minimum of
than normal (exception: only for non-
1. You cannot Aim at targets within
Munition weapons). The drawbacks
from MC3 Core still apply. In addition,
Scopes count as Reflex sights when
Laser Sights reduce the difficulty of
used (this is a change).
ranged attacks at Close or Medium
range by 1, to a minimum of 1. If you Squads/Hordes and Blast
Aim with a Laser Sight at a target Weapons
within Close or Medium range, you
instead gain 1 bonus Momentum on a Blast weapons are particularly
successful attack. devastating against Hordes/Squads,
which is as it should be. But an
Reflex Sights have their normal game unnecessary amount of confusion or
effect (i.e. a Reroll if you Aimed). min/maxing can result when using
Blast weapons and spending
Telescope Sights do not adjust weapon Momentum to maximize damage to a
ranges directly. Instead, Aiming with a Horde/Squad. For Blast weapons
telescope sight reduces the effective including those with the Torrent
range by 1 step for the vast majority quality, damage does not cascade
of scopes or by 2 steps for extremely through the Horde/Squad. Instead,
high quality or advanced scopes. Momentum must be spent to include
each member of the Horde/Squad in
Using Sights in Combat the blast effect.
Aiming down a weapons sights in For example, a Burst of plasma
combat is a Restricted Action. Given carbine fire directed at a Squad
these revised Range and Called Shot consisting of 5 Undead Legionnaires
rules above, clarifications are needed and 1 Necromutant and generating no
for Laser and Reflex Sights and Momentum, will only ever damage one
Scopes. target. Conversely, the same attack
resulting in 6 Momentum, may strike
Laser sights assist unaimed and aimed
every member of the Squad, but if
fire by placing a dot at the point of
excess damage is rolled against the
impact. On all attacks with a weapon
Undead Legionnaires, it does not
equipped with a laser sight, the
automatically cascade into the
attacker gains one free Momentum
solely for the Called Shot Momentum
Spend (this is a slight change). Hordes/Squads and Weapon Hits

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Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition House Rules & Combat
Cheat Sheet

Need to figure out how this works. to 5, but move down to the Restriction
Seems like each Momentum generated 3 Base Time.
from a Squad or Hordes attack should
Purchasing Ammunition: Reloads must
be an extra hit at full damage.
be purchased in sufficient quantity to
Otherwise they suck ass.
reach Cost 3. The normal rules are
NPCs and Hit Locations otherwise used.
When a Trooper or Elite is hit in the Group Momentum
Limbs, Wounds inflicted after Soak are
Group Momentum works as it does in
halved. When a Trooper or Elite is hit
the Infinity & Conan 2d20 games.
in the Head, Wounds inflicted after
Rather than just adding Momentum to
Soak are doubled.
any successful test as the players see
Encumbrance fit, Group Momentum can be used to
add d20s to a test as if you were
Encumbrance affects all Strength,
spending Dark Symmetry Points. The
Coordination, and Agility skill checks
use of Group Momentum must be
or tests as written. Physique tests
declared before a roll. No character
have their Difficulty increased only if
can benefit from more than +3d20
the test is to resist Fatigue and it
from spending Group Momentum or
would make sense for encumbrance to
Dark Symmetry Points.
so affect the character.
Close Combat, Unarmed Combat &
Hit Location Damage Effects
Do we need rules for this?
Close Combat shall include the basics
NON-COMBAT HOUSE RULES of brawling. One rank of Expertise in
Close Combat grants a basic skill in
Acquisitions Tests: In play, the base brawling, allowing the standard
time for an acquisition roll is based on Unarmed Strike (1+2DS) at no penalty
the following table: and no increased Repercussion range.
Restriction Base Time However, no Close Combat Talents are
1 1 Hour applied to Unarmed Strikes and a
2 8 Hours character using only Close Combat to
3 1 Day attack when unarmed is not
4 5 Days considered to be dual wielding.
5 10 Days Unarmed Combat now makes sense as
+1 X2 Days an advanced skill of Close Combat.
Unarmed Combat grants the following
A character may voluntarily increase additional benefits:
or decrease the Base Time by moving - First, upon selecting the Martial
up or down the chart. Each line moved Artist Talent, all of the
increases or decreases the Difficulty characters Unarmed Strikes
by 1. For example, the players decide gain the Vicious 1 quality.
they need a Restriction 4 item in the - Second, a character is also
next day. They increase the Difficulty always considered to be dual-
wielding when using the

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Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition House Rules & Combat
Cheat Sheet

Unarmed Combat skill, reducing no need for the two Momentum spend
the cost of Swift Strike to one and it should be ignored.
- Third, a character adds his Social Combat
Focus ranks in Unarmed Combat Write some rules for social combat
directly as DS to damage. based on Infinity rules.
Add 1-3 Talents for each style of Write some rules for social combat
Martial Arts: Algeroth Martial Arts, based on Infinity rules. Basic idea
Brotherhood Martial, Capitol Unarmed should be that each NPC has an
Combat, Mishiman Close Combat, Influence Threshold equal to
Wolfbane Close Combat, and Special something like half his Mental Wounds
Forces Training plus the higher of his Persuade or
(Bauhaus/Imperial/Cybertronic). Command Focus. Every character has
Revised Talents & Ki Powers a social stance towards another:
something like Hostile/Intimidated,
Several of these House Rules, Wary, Neutral, Friendly, and Helpful. It
including the use of the Conan takes an influence check with
Response Action rules, require a small influence damage equal to the
change to a number of Talents and Ki Influence Threshold to change stance.
Powers. If you hit the Influence Threshold
multiple times, you can move an NPC
Deflection [Close Combat] simply
multiple stances.
grants the character Parry 1 on all
Close Combat weapons or adds +1 to Base Influence Damage is
the Parry of any equipped weapon. 1+2DS+Influence Rating. Momentum
can be spent for bonus Influence
Flow Like Water [Unarmed Combat]
Damage or to decrease the time of a
also grants Parry 1 to the characters
check (which needs to be defined).
Unarmed Strike or reduces the cost of
Certain Talents could be modified to
his Dodge Response Actions by 1.
assist with this new mechanic (but not
Hands of Stone [Ki Power] stacks with necessary actually). Could even have
Unarmed Combat damage bonuses Influence Soak equal to Willpower
and the Vicious 1 quality from Martial Focus or Insight Focus.
Official Errata
The Mongooses Dodge [Ki Power]
The Momentum with a scaling effect (a
grants the same benefit but stacks
"+") can be applies multiple times per
with Flow Like Water resulting in two 0
turn, but the others cannot be.
cost Dodges.
Also, assume in all cases that you
The Mongooses Artful Dodge [Ki
cannot re-roll a die of any kind that
Power] grants one bonus Momentum
you've already re-rolled, whether it's a
on all Dodges that generate at least
d20, a d6, or a [DS]/damage dice - the
one success.
second result stands.
Yoramas Deflecting Hands [Ki Power]
As for rendering someone unconscious
grants the same benefits, but there is
with Momentum...

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Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition House Rules & Combat
Cheat Sheet

Close range by one (which may

All Momentum spends must make remove the need for a test). They're
narrative sense first and foremost - also a viable target to Coup de Grace
that is, if there's a conflict between actions.
what makes sense for the story and
Ignore p.81 - the difficulty of the
what the rules allow, the story wins.
individual tests remains as normal. If
every single time. So, rendering
both tests beat their difficulty,
someone unconscious with a gunshot
compare the Momentum generated to
wound is harder to justify than with a
determine the overall winner. The
blunt object.
winner's total Momentum is not
reduced by the loser's total
Unconsciousness shouldn't last long
Momentum - the values are simply
(in the real world, if you're knocked
compared to see who got more. The
out for longer than a couple of
loser does not get to spend or bank
minutes, it's often indicative of serious
the Momentum generated.
head trauma). The simplest route is to
Parry/Dodge is all-or-nothing RAW.
apply the Perplexed status effect (MC3
Possible house rule: does it break
rulebook, p137 - target gets a test
anything to make momentum on
each turn to shake the effect off, or
attack opposed checks cancel each
they lose all their actions), but use
other out? (it might, because you cant
Resistance tests instead of Willpower
bank momentum on an opposed roll)
tests. The character also falls prone -
increasing the difficulty of ranged
attacks at Medium or longer range by html#/20151029/official-core-
one, but reducing the difficulty of book-errata-5042052/
melee attacks and ranged attacks at

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