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Tyler Brown

Ms. Schweizer

English 3 Period 6

25 April 2010
Junior Project: Music Teaching

There are many music programs in our world that inspire our communities, and give

structure to young minds, as well as old minds everywhere. Music unites people, and expresses

emotion. This all could not be possible without Music teachers, and gifted musicians. Musicians

can do quite a variety of jobs. They range from becoming a music teacher, from private teaching,

or playing for gigs. Other musicians make recordings, or play in orchestras. A fair amount of

schooling is required, and most musicians start young.

Depending on one’s lifestyle, and how much time they have, or are willing to sacrifice

will decide the job description or being a musician. Musicians that like being around kids, and

love teaching usually try to get jobs at schools, or community groups. Others may like working

privately with students, one on one.”Some are vocal coaches, some teach instruments, some

teach music theory, and some do a combination of different types of teaching. Some music

teachers are tied to a school or a business and some teach music independently.”(McDonald, H)

Becoming a music teacher is relatively straightforward, but does require a lot of

schooling and education. Musicians generally start at a young age and build from there. “I

started playing the oboe in Middle school, and I just kept at it. Originally my first choice was

becoming a veterinarian. But my talent, and love for music grew, and I just stuck to it.” (Wyant,

D) My Music teacher also told me about her private lessons along with teaching at Branham

High School.
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There is a lot of schooling involved if someone wanted to become a music teacher. For

one, all teachers should go to college if they want a consistent job, and a good education. Many

years of practice and lessons are required to become a professional musician. Only the best are

able to get their masters degree, and play in orchestras. “One of my friend plays in an orchestra,

and he gets three hundred dollars for one song for playing one note on the triangle perfectly.”

(Wyant, D) Mrs. Wyant went to college, and obtained her masters degree.

There are not many drawbacks from this career, except the money, and the hours. Both of

which are very flexible depending on what one does with them. Musicians can have a steady

income if they become a teacher, or play in an orchestra. Others will just private tutor for many

kids. But some people do a combination or both, and love their lives, and schedules. (Parkay, F.)

The amount of hours per week may vary as well. If one would be a teacher for example,

they may teach from one to 6classes. Meaning hours could range from 6-18 hours a week;

depending if one has private lessons as well would add to that. Depending how many hours

someone would want to work, changes their salary as well. “If one worked in a school setting,

naturally they will have a fixed salary. Other types of music teachers are typically paid per

lesson. Wetting your fees is something to do homework on and research to find out the going rate

in that area.” McDonald, H. 2010. Music Career Profile.


My teacher tells me they’re definitely emotion benefits from teaching. “I connect with

my students much more than they do with other teachers, and we all spend so much time
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together, it’s like a second family to me. Being around so many people is great for learning new

things as well. Young minds bring more to the table than others realize.” (Wyant, D) I believe

this is true; in Marching season, the entire band got a lot closer because of all the practice and

time we put into the class to make it great, and win competitions.

A college diploma is definitely necessary to teach at a school, but for private lessons it

doesn’t matter. As long as musicians know their stuff, and can teach it, many can find work for

themselves. “I would definitely recommend a college education in today’s economy when

becoming a music teacher. Many more jobs are available with a college diploma.” (Wyant, D)

This career does last a long time, unless one is completely unmotivated and does not

attempt to make an effort in music. Music should be passionate and full of thoughts and feelings.

Becoming a music teacher, or doing any kind of work in the musical field is a

tremendously rewarding experience. There is new talent everyday with young people, and it

takes many teachers to bring it all out. Music is full of emotions, and brings people close

together. The pay is good, and playing or teaching music sounds like the life for me.
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Tyler Brown

Ms. Schweitzer

English 3 Period 6

12 May 2010


Becoming a Band teacher would be a very active, and Fascinating Career to be in. I

would really be in a tangible state with my surroundings, and in my teachings. My motivations

for becoming a music teacher are from several sources. First of all, I’ve been playing music since

fourth grade, and I’ve really stuck to it for all these years. Second of all, I have become

passionate about music, and have really come to enjoy it.

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If I were to only become a Music Teacher at a school for instance, I don’t think I could

support a family. But fortunately there are tons of jobs available for music. Depending on the

instrument, private lessons can exceed sixty dollars an hour. I believe under those circumstances,

a family could be possible in my future.

Being a teacher would take the cake over lots of other jobs in my opinion. Working with

students, meeting new and interesting people every year, and enjoying what I do while working.

That sounds like the life to me. Teaching is also a lesson in its self. Learning all the necessary

skills, and passing them on to students, as well as improving ones one music ability.

I believe that being a music instructor is definitely worth pursuing after college,

and for a lifelong career.

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