Sample Extrusion Process

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Aim: To perform the extrusion (forward) operation for the steel AISI 1006
Design of Die, Work piece and Ram.
1. Create connecting lines with dimensions as shown below- exit workbench.

2. Select shaft icon- select sketch.1- Thick profile (Thickness1: 0mm, Thickness2: 5mm)
- Axis (Reference) - Ok.

Work Piece:
1. Create circle (Radius 25mm) - exit workbench- extrude (100mm) - Ok.
1. Create circle(Radius 25.5mm)- exit workbench- extrude(20mm)- Ok
2. Create circle(Radius 12mm)- exit workbench- extrude(30mm)-Ok
In Deform 3D V10
Select- Forming
1. Process- Process type- Cold forming- next
2. Unit system- SI. Geometry type- Plain strain
3. Shape complexity- Complexity- Simple and Accuracy- Fast- next (Based on
4. Work piece shape- Whole part
5. Number of Objects- 1 work piece+ 2dies- next
6. Object- name- Work piece- next
7. Geometry- Import geometry(Work piece)(stl file extension)- next
8. Mesh- Number of elements- 10000 (choose between1000-100000 based on
requirement)- generate mesh
9. Material- Import material from library- Steel- (AISI-1006,COLD)- Load
10. Boundary conditions- velocity 0 mm/sec.
11. Top Die- Import geometry (RAM)(stl file extension)- next
12. Movement- (-ve X)
13. Speed/load- 2500mm/sec.
14. Bottom die- Define Primitive geometry- Import geometry (DIE)(stl file extension)-
15. Controls- Position objects- next

16. Contact- Friction Coefficient- 0.08- next

17. Primary die stroke- Total primary die travel (100mm)- next
18. Stopping controls- (click check box) Die stroke exceeds value 100mm- next
19. Simulation controls- Number of steps-2-Step increment- 1- Advanced-Auto
calculate- Ok- next
20. Check data- generate database (File will be saved in .DB file extension)
Import the above .DB file- In the Deform-3d Simulator page Simulator- Run
Simulation Graphics- Import .DB file.

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