Science Fair

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Sains UPSR Tahun 5 Jarak Objek objek dan Pembentukan Bayang - bayang (Bil 1)


Sains UPSR Tahun 5 Jarak Objek objek dan Pembentukan Bayang - bayang (Bil 1)

(Science UPSR Year 5 Distance of objects and the formation of shadow (No. 1)

Fikir! (think!) :

Konsep dan Fakta Sains (Science concept and facts)

1. Bayang bayang terbentuk apabila cahaya dihalang oleh suatu objek legap.

(Shadow is formed when the light is blocked by an opaque object.)

2. Sifat cahaya, salah satunya ialah cahaya bergerak lurus.

(The characteristics of light, which is light travel in a straight line.)

3. Semakin jauh jarak antara objek dengan skrin, semakin bertambah/besar saiz
bayang bayang.

(The futher the distance between object and the screen, the bigger the size of

4. Semakin dekat jarak antara objek dengan skrin, semakin berkurang/kecil saiz
bayang bayang.

(The nearer the distance between object and the screen, the smaller the size of


Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu penyiasatan.

(Diagram below shows an investigation.)

Keputusan penyiasatan dicatatkan dalam jadual berikut.
(The result of the investigation is recorded in the Table below.)

Fikir! (think!) :

Kenalpasti dulu pemboleh ubah pemboleh ubah.

(Firstly, identify the variables.)


(Responding variable/What is observed (wto))

Saiz bayang - bayang (Size of shadow)


(Manipulated variable/What is changed (wtc))

Jarak antara objek dengan skrin (Distance between object and the screen)

a) Nyatakan dua maklumat yang dikumpulkan daripada penyiasatan ini.

(State two information gathered from this investigation)

Jawapan (Answer) :

Saiz bayang - bayang (Size of shadow), Jarak antara objek dengan skrin (Distance
between object and the screen)

b) Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini?

(State the purpose (aim) of this investigation?)

Jawapan (Answer) :

Untuk mengkaji hubungan di antara jarak antara objek dengan skrin dan saiz
bayang - bayang

(To investigate the relationship between the distance between object and the
screen and the size of shadow.)

c) Apakah hubungan di antara dua maklumat yang dikumpul dalam penyiasatan ini.

(What is the relationship between the two information gathered is this


Jawapan (Answer) :

Semakin jauh jarak antara objek dengan skrin, semakin bertambah/besar saiz
bayang bayang.

(The futher the distance between object and the screen, the bigger the size of

atau (or)

Semakin dekat jarak antara objek dengan skrin, semakin berkurang/kecil saiz
bayang bayang.

(The nearer the distance between object and the screen, the smaller the size of
d) Apakah yang akan berlaku kepada saiz bayang bayang jika objek itu diletakkan
lebih dekat dengan sumber cahaya (lampu suluh).

(What happens to the size of the shadows if the object is placed nearer to the light
source (torchlight).)

Jawapan (Answer) :

Saiz bayang bayang akan semakin bertambah/besar.

(The size of shadow will increase/become bigger)

e) Tulis satu pemerhatian untuk penyiasatan di atas.

(Write one observation for the investigation above.)

Jawapan (Answer) :

Saiz bayang bayang adalah paling kecil apabila jarak antara objek dengan skrin
adalah paling dekat.

(The size of shadow is the smallest when the distance between object and the
screen is the nearest.)

Fikir! (think!) :

Pemerhatian merujuk kepada pemboleh ubah bergerak balas (PB)/apa yang diubah
dan ayat digunakan adalah superlatif PALING (3 catatan keputusan).

(Observation refers to responding variable/what is observed (wto) and the sentence

used is superlative THE MOST (3 results stated.)

f) Berikan satu sebab (inferens)bagaimana terbentuknya bayang - bayang.

(Give one reason (inference) how a shadow can be formed.)

Jawapan (Answer) :

Bayang bayang terbentuk apabila cahaya dihalang oleh suatu objek legap.

(Shadow is formed when the light is blocked by an opaque object.)

g) Nyatakan corak perubahan bagi saiz bayang bayang apabila jarak antara objek
dengan skrin semakin bertambah.

(State the trend of change in the size of shadow when the distance between object
and the screen increases.)

Jawapan (Answer) :

Semakin bertambah


h) Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat daripada penyiasatan ini?

(What conclusion can be made from this investigation?)

Jawapan (Answer) :

Semakin jauh jarak antara objek dengan skrin, semakin bertambah/besar saiz
bayang bayang.

(The futher the distance between object and the screen, the bigger the size of

atau (or)

Semakin dekat jarak antara objek dengan skrin, semakin berkurang/kecil saiz
bayang bayang.

(The nearer the distance between object and the screen, the smaller the size of

Fikir! (think!) :

Boleh menggunakan konsep Sains mengenai bayang bayang, yang dipelajari untuk dijadikan kesimpulan.

(Can apply the Science concept about shadow, that you have learned as conclusion.)
Experiment 1: Shadows

When a solid object lies in the path of a ray of light, it creates a dark patch called a shadow where the
light cannot reach. Night is created by the Earths shadow. As the Earth spins around in space, half of
it is always facing the Sun and the other half is in shadow. When the part of Earth that you are on is
facing the Sun it is day; when it is facing away from the Sun it is night. Make a sundial to see how
shadows work.
Modeling Clay
a piece of thick card
a length of dowel
water proof paint
a ruler
a compass

(Use a compass to position the sundial so that the dowel is on the south edge of the
1. Put a piece of modeling clay under the middle of one of the long edge of the card. Push a skewer
through the card into the clay to make a hole.
2. Glue the dowel into the hole so that it stands upright.
3. Use waterproof paint to decorate the sundial
4. On a bright sunny morning put the sundial outside. On the hour exactly, draw a line along the
shadow made by the dowel and write the time next to it.
5. Repeat this every hour on the hour throughout the day. You will end up with a series of lines on the
sundial at even intervals.
6. Use your sundial to tell the time. It will only work on sunny days and if you always place it in
exactly the same position.

Whats happening?
The dowel casts a shadow where it blocks light from the Sun. The position of the shadow on the
sundial changes as the Sun moves across the sky. In fact, the Sun stays still in space and the Earth
revolves around it. To us, it appears that the Sun rises in the east. It reaches its highest point at
midday. Then it sets in the west.
General Safety Tip
Glue is poison. Make sure you wash your hands after using the glue.

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