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Eight types of Stupas were designed to enshrine Buddha's relics.

Each type of
Stupa commemorates a major event in the life of Buddha.

1. The Stupa of Heap of Lotuses commemorates the Buddhas birth when he

walked seven paces and at each step a lotus flower sprung up to meet his feet.

2. The Enlightenment Stupa. Buddha defeated all the maras on the night of the full
moon in the fourth month of the year and achieved enlightenment. (Bodhgaya)

3. The Stupa of Many Gates represents first turning of the Wheel of Dharma
Buddhas teachings of the four noble truths. (Sarnath)

4. The Stupa of Miracles commemorates a contest when Buddha conquered lot of

non-believers and performed miracles in the sky. (Shravasti)

5. The Stupa of Descent from Tushita. Buddha went to the gods realms to repay
his mother kindness. His return to this world is represented by this stupa.

6. The Stupa of Reconciliation. Buddha restored harmony and brought the

quarrelling sangha back together after a schism. (Rajagriha)

7.The Stupa of Complete Victory. Buddha fully restored his vitality after prayers
from the sanga and his life was prolonged. (Vaishali)

8. The Stupa of Paranirvana. This one is commemorating Buddhas passing away

to Nirvana. (Kushinagar)

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