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openMind Level 1

class audioscript

01 2
Unit 1, Section 3, Exercise A Yousef: Im sorry. Can you help me with this?
Can you help me? Receptionist: Sure. Whats the problem?
Can you speak more slowly? Yousef: What is the security code?
How do you say that in English? Receptionist: Its a number on the back of your card. Here.
Can you spell that? Yousef: Oh, yes. 6-2-4. Thank you very much.
Can you repeat that? Receptionist: Youre welcome.
What does that mean? 07
02 Unit 2, Section 2, Exercise A
Unit 1, Section 5, Exercise A doctor, teacher, lawyer
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, 08
X, Y, Z Unit 2, Section 2, Exercise B
03 singer, driver, writer, actor, soldier, dancer
Unit 1, Section 6, Exercise A 09
Lucas: Excuse me. Can I get your information, please? Whats Unit 2, Section 4, Exercise B
your name? Hi. Im Katy. Im a doctor. Greg is my brother. Hes a firefighter.
David: Its David Whitfield. Here are my parents, Lisa and Bob. My mom, Lisa, is a teacher,
Lucas: Can you spell your last name, please? and my dad, Bob, is a taxi driver. His mom is Martha. Shes my
David: Its W-H-I-T-F-I-E-L-D. grandma. And Steve is my grandpa. Thats my family! And here is
Lucas: Thanks. Now, whats your email address? my boyfriend, Joshua. Hes a police officer.
David: Its
Lucas: And your phone number?
Unit 2, Section 4, Exercise C
David: Its (338) 414-2870.
1 Lisa and Bob are my parents. Greg and I are their children.
Lucas: Thank you very much.
2 Greg is my brother. Im his sister.
David: Youre welcome.
3 Lisas my mom, and Bob is my dad. I am their daughter, and
04 Greg is their son.
Unit 1, Section 8, Exercise A 4 Joshua is my boyfriend. I am his girlfriend.
Salesperson: I need to take some personal information. First of all, 5 Martha and Steve are my grandparents. Greg and I are their
whats your name? grandchildren.
Jordan: Jordan Turner. 6 Bob is my dad. Lisa is his wife. Bob is her husband.
Salesperson: And where are you from?
Jordan: Washington, D.C.
Unit 2, Section 5, Exercise B
Salesperson: How old are you, Jordan?
My name is Rachel Wiseman, and Im a teacher. I work in a large
Jordan: Im 34.
high school. My job is very difficult, but I love it. I work from
Salesperson: And when is your birthday?
Monday to Friday. My day usually starts at eight oclock. I leave
Jordan: July 11th.
school at three oclock and then I work at home. My husband has
Salesperson: Thank you. Now, I need you to sign here
a difficult job, too. Hes a firefighter!
Unit 1, Section 9, Exercise A
Unit 2, Section 5, Exercise C
Hi. This is Carla. Where are you? Anyway, listen its my birthday
Rachel: Hi, Lisa! How are you?
soon! Its on August eighteenth. Come to my party! Its at the
Lisa: Im great, Rachel. Good to see you!
Clinton Club. Thats C-L-I-N-T-O-N. Its downtown. The party is
Rachel: You, too! What do you do now?
at nine. Call me, OK? Bye.
Lisa: Well, Im a lawyer.
06 Rachel: Wow! Really?
Unit 1, LifeSkills, Exercise B Lisa: Yes. I work in an office. Its not far from here.
1 Rachel: Do you like your job?
Hotel Clerk:  hank you, Mr. Mahuad. Oh, whats your
T Lisa: Its very interesting.
departure date? Rachel: And what about your sister, Jane?
Yousef: Departure date? Lisa: Oh, shes fine. Shes a doctor now.
Hotel Clerk: The day you leave the hotel. Rachel: Fantastic! Lets meet for coffee some time.
Yousef: Oh, June 21. Lisa: Great idea!
Hotel Clerk: Thats fine. Thank you.

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13 18
Unit 2, Section 9, Exercise A Unit 3, Section 7, Exercises A and B
Sam: So, tell me about your family. Jim: So Jenny, what movies do you like?
Lauren: Well, my brother James is a mechanic. Jenny: Well, I really like love stories. I think theyre great.
Sam: And your sister? And you?
Lauren: Nicoles a teacher. Jim: I dont really like love stories. I think theyre boring.
Sam: Are they married? I prefer action movies. Hey, Caroline, whats your
Lauren: Yes, my brothers wife is a taxi driver, and Nicoles husband opinion?
is a police officer. Caroline: Um, I dont like love stories or action movies. I love
Sam: What about your parents? science-fiction movies!
Lauren: Moms a salesperson in a store, and Dads a lawyer. Jim: Really? How about you, Andy?
What about your family? Andy: I like things that are funny, so comedies are my favorite.
14 19
Unit 3, Section 1, Exercise A Unit 4, Section 3, Exercise A
Jake: Wow! Your brother has a lot of albums on his computer. Rick: Im always so busy! I never have any free time.
May: Yes, he does. He goes online and buys MP3s. He buys a Im usually at work in the morning, and I always study in
new album every week! My sister likes music, too, but she the afternoon. What about you?
doesnt buy MP3s. She buys CDs. She has hundreds. What Alicia: I dont work, so I often get up late. I sometimes study
about your sister? Does she like music? in the morning and relax in the afternoon. Five times a
Jake: No, she doesnt really like music, but she loves movies. week, I go out with friends.
She often watches movies online. I prefer music though. Rick: Five times a week! I rarely have time to go outmaybe
What about you? just once a month. But I love watching movies. How often
May: Yes, me too. do you go to the movies?
Jake: Do you like this song? Alicia: Oh, three or four times a month. Do you want to go this
May: Yes, I do. weekend?
Jake: Me, too! Lets listen to it! Rick: Yeah, that sounds great.
15 20
Unit 3, Section 2, Exercise A Unit 4, Section 4, Exercise A
1 z: listens, does, plays Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
2 s: wants, likes, collects 21
3 iz: watches, practices, relaxes
Unit 4, Section 4, Exercise B
16 1 I work from Monday to Friday.
Unit 3, Section 2, Exercise B 2 I go to the gym on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
1 My dad listens to the radio every morning. 3 My favorite day of the week is Saturday.
2 Jason practices the piano after school. 4 I think Sundays are boring.
3 Mom likes walking the dog. 22
4 Our class sometimes watches English movies.
Unit 4, Section 5, Exercise A
17 A: Whats your daily routine? Heres what one person says about
Unit 3, Section 4, Exercise A her week.
Brandon: Hello, Im Brandon. Welcome to Gaming World, B: Um, whats your daily routine?
the show thats all about video games. This week, C: Um, well, on Mondays I work in the office. On Tuesdays, I have
I have Angelica and Tyler with me. class after work. On Wednesdays, I go to the gym before work.
Angelica/Tyler: Hi. That gives me energy for the rest of the week! On Thursdays,
Brandon: Now, Angelica, what games do you like? I usually meet friends for a drink.
Angelica: Well, I play soccer and tennis games. B: And Friday?
Brandon: And you, Tyler? C: Friday evening is the start of the weekend. I always go dancing.
Tyler: I prefer games with more action. I dont really play On Saturdays, I relax at home and watch TV.
sports or puzzle games. 23
Brandon: So what do you think of this weeks game, Unit 4, Section 5, Exercise B
Automania? A: Tell me about Sundays. What do you do on Sundays?
Tyler: I play a lot of driving games, and this one is very B: I usually get up late and have breakfast. I often read the
good. It has a lot of action and the story is great. newspaper at the same time. After that, I usually go for a walk.
Brandon: And how about you, Angelica? Do you feel the I like walking around my neighborhood. I get home, and I have
same as Tyler? lunch at one.
Angelica: Yes, well, I dont play driving games. But this game A: What about after lunch?
has a lot of action, and I like the story. B: In the early afternoon, I do the housework. The rest of the day,
Brandon: OK, thank you both very much for your opinions. I cook and relax.

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24 29
Unit 4, Section 7, Exercise A Unit 5, Section 6, Exercise A
Ava: So, Owen. What do you do in your free time? Rick: Excuse me. Is there an ATM near here?
Owen: I usually have a very busy week. I do different activities Sophia: Yes, theres one in the Union Bank. Its on Mason Street.
almost every evening. Rick: How do I get there?
Ava: Really? What activities do you do? Sophia: Go straight ahead on this street for two blocks. Turn right
Owen: Well, I go in-line skating twice a week. And I take an art on Park Street and go one block. Then turn left on River
class on Wednesday evenings. Street and walk about half a block. The bank is on the left,
Ava: Art class? Thats interesting! next to the supermarket. Dont go into the bank. The ATM
Owen: Why dont you come along next week? is outside.
Ava: Sounds fun. And what do you usually do on the weekend? Rick: OK, right on Park Street, and then left on River Street.
Owen: I go hang gliding on Saturdays. Do you want to come Sophia: Thats right. Dont worry. Its easy to get there!
along to try that? Rick: Thank you very much.
Ava: No way! Art class is exciting enough for me! Sophia: Youre welcome.
25 30
Unit 5, Section 2, Exercise A Unit 5, Section 8, Exercise A
Hello, and welcome to our phone guide for this years Chinese 1 A: Excuse me, how do I get to the main square?
New Year festival. Theres a lot for everyone to enjoy. Between B: Take the first right, and go straight ahead. Then turn left on
January 23rd and 28th, theres a special exhibition of Chinese Post Street.
paintings at the art gallery on Park Street. There are special A: OK. First right, and then left on Post Street.
events at the zoo for children under ten, and Chinese dancers B: Thats right.
and musicians in the park every day at 11:00 a.m. Chinese food A: Thank you.
is available from special stalls at the shopping mall on weekends. B: Youre welcome.
Please note that there are special buses that leave hourly from the 2 A: Excuse me, is there a bank near here?
bus station and take you straight to the center of B: Yes, theres one on Fort Street.
26 A: Fort Street. OK. And how do I get there?
B: You go straight ahead, and take the third left.
Unit 5, Section 3, Exercise A
A: Straight ahead, and take the second left.
museum, science museum
B: No, not the second left, the third left.
mall, shopping mall
A: Third left. OK, thanks.
factory, chocolate factory
theater, movie theater 31
27 Unit 6, Section 3, Exercise B
1 (301) 522-8801
Unit 5, Section 5, Exercise A
2 November thirtieth, nineteen ninety-eight
Now, everyone likes a food fight. In the town of Buol, they
3 twelve fifty-two
have perhaps the biggest food fight in the world. Buol is near
4 Nineteen ninety-eight
Valencia in Spain. They have a tomato festival called La Tomatina.
5 Twenty-four
It happens in August, and everyone in the town throws tomatoes.
About 30,000 people enjoy this festival every year 32
28 Unit 6, Section 3, Exercise C
1 Yeah, sure. My birth date is 04/27/92. Thats April 27th, 1992.
Unit 5, Section 5, Exercise B
2 Give me a call on Saturday at (210) 378-4611.
Host: We sent our reporter, Mary Turner, to Buol to learn
3 The flight leaves at 7:35 in the morning.
more about the festival.
4 You need to be 18 years or over to enter the club.
Mary: Right now, there are more than 30,000 people here
5 This restaurant dates from 1925.
in Buol, with people from Britain, Germany, and
other countries. Thats because today is the day of 33
La Tomatina, the tomato festival. I want to ask local Unit 6, Section 3, Exercise D
people about the festival Excuse me. 1 Hi, this is Tom Edwards. Does anyone remember me?
Participant: Yes? Class of 1997? Im currently working in Mexico. Im planning to
Mary: Im from Channel Ten news. Are you from Buol? go to the class reunion in March. Uh, yeah March 18th.
Participant: Yes. I live here. My birthday! Hope to see you then.
Mary: What happens in La Tomatina? 2 Hello. Its me. Paul Newton. Im hoping to travel from Sydney,
Participant: Well, everyone goes to the main square and has Australia, to the States for the class reunion. Its happening on
breakfast. At eleven oclock, everyone starts throwing August 14th this year. Are you going, too? Then please call me
tomatoes at each other. at 011-61-2-6555-8932. Thanks!
Mary: And how long does it last? 3 This is Vanessa Hughes. Im teaching at Glendale High School
Participant: We throw the tomatoes for about two hours. right now. Theres a class reunion for all students from the year
The whole town is red at the end! 2004. Its at 7:30 p.m. on April 9th next year in the school gym.
Mary: And why do you do it? Everyone is invited to come. See you there!
Participant: I dont know! Its just for fun!

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34 39
Unit 6, Section 4, Exercise A Unit 7, Section 5, Exercise A
Jonathan: Its nice to meet you in person, Martina, and not just on 1 I can speak French, but I cant cook French food.
the dating website. 2 I cant drive a car, but I can ride a bike.
Martina: Its nice to meet you, too. 40
Jonathan: So are you meeting a lot of people on the New
Unit 7, Section 5, Exercise B
Friends website? 1 My sister can dance, but she cant sing.
Martina: Not really. Youre the first, so Im a little nervous!
2 I cant speak German, but I can understand some words.
Jonathan: Yeah, me, too. Well, tell me about yourself. Youre in
3 I cant ride a motorcycle, but I can drive a car.
dental school, right? 4 I can hear you, but I cant see you!
Martina: Yes, but Im just studying part time this semester.
Im also working as a receptionist at a dental clinic.
What about you? Unit 7, Section 7, Exercise B
Jonathan: Im in school, too. Im studying robotics. Oh, youre Cindy: So, Mike, what show are you reviewing this week?
not eating your hamburger. Do you want something Mike: This week its Dream Starsthe new British TV talent show.
different? Cindy: Another TV talent show!
Martina: Oh, no. Its fine! Im just not very hungry. Uh are you Mike: Yes, but you know what? I love it! OK, some of the
working, too, or just studying? contestants in the singing competition cant sing very well,
Jonathan: Im just studying, but I want to work during the summer but most of them are very good. My favorite segment is
vacation. the dance competition because all of those kids can really
dance! In fact, some of them also compete on that great
American show Can You Dance?
Unit 6, Section 5, Exercise A Cindy: Oh, yes, thats a great show! OK, and what about the
thinthing competition for comedians? Most comedians cant make
walk inwalking me laugh. What about these?
36 Mike: Well, I dont know about you, but most of the comedians
Unit 6, Section 5, Exercise B on Dream Stars can certainly make me laugh!
walking planning song Cindy: OK, well, it sounds like Dream Stars can become the next
working doing wrong big hit in the world of talent shows!
thinking sitting young 42
living taking king Unit 7, Section 9, Exercise B
37 1 A: So, what do you do?
Unit 6, Section 5, Exercise C B: Im a pilot.
1 A: Whats Mom doing? A: Really? Thats amazing! Me, too!
B: Shes talking on the phone. 2 A: Do you speak any other languages?
2 A: Why are you singing? B: I can speak Chinese.
B: Because this is my favorite song. A: Wow! Really?
3 A: Where are you working these days? 3 A: Can you cook Chinese food?
B: Im not working. Im studying engineering. B: No, I cant, but I can cook Indian food really well.
38 A: Oh, how interesting!
Unit 7, Section 2, Exercise A 43
Jonathan: Hello? Unit 7, Section 9, Exercise C
Jenny: Hi, Jonathan. Its Jenny. Listen, Carmen Dean is 1 Really? Thats amazing! Me, too!
applying for a job as an English teacher at a language 2 Wow! Really?
institute. Im writing a personal reference for her. 3 Oh, how interesting!
Can you help me? 44
Jonathan: Of course.
Unit 8, Section 2, Exercise A
Jenny: OK, so I need to list at least three qualities that make Sasha: I dont know what to wear to the party!
Carmen a good candidate for a job as a teacher. Patrice: How about that blue dress?
What qualities do you think she has? Sasha: I dont like that one, but I like this red one.
Jonathan: Thats easy! First, Carmen is really friendly. She likes
Patrice: Yes, its nice. OK, and what about these shoes?
meeting new people, and she loves talking to people. Sasha: No, those are really old!
Jenny: Thats true. She is really friendly, and thats important for Patrice: Well, what about those shoes over there?
a teacher. What else? Sasha: The black ones? Yeah, those are fine. Now what
Jonathan: Well, shes very organized and reliable. Shes good at
about you?
making plans, and people can depend on her. Patrice: Oh, I think these jeans and that purple T-shirt are OK.
Jenny: Yeah, thats good. Organized and reliable. Sasha: What about these shoes? They go with jeans.
Anything else? Patrice: Yes, I really like those shoes.
Jonathan: Yeah, you know, Carmen is also very patient.
Shes helping me with my Spanish, and she often
explains things several times!
Jenny: Great! Thats all I need. Thanks, Jonathan!
Jonathan: Youre welcome. I hope Carmen gets the job!

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45 50
Unit 8, Section 3, Exercise A Unit 8, Section 7, Exercise B
A: Can I help you? 1 A: Do you like this sofa?
B: Yes, please. Id like to try on this jacket. B: No, but I like that one.
A: Sure. Is that one the right size? 2 A: Do you want to buy these jeans?
B: No, its too small. Do you have it in a size 10? B: No, I want to buy, those jeans.
A: Yes, heres a 10. 3 A: Do you have that CD?
B: Thanks. How much is it? B: No, but I have this CD.
A: Its $50. 51
B: OK, Ill take it.
Unit 9, Section 1, Exercise C
A: Would you like to try on anything else?
The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends the following
B: No, thank you. Heres my credit card.
daily diet for adults.
46 Eat three cups of green or yellow vegetables every day;
Unit 8, Section 4, Exercise A for example, peas, broccoli, or carrots.
1 one thousand, five hundred dollars Eat about two cups of fruit such as bananas, oranges,
2 three hundred and eighty-five yen or watermelon per day.
3 one hundred and twenty-seven thousand, three hundred and We also need about three cups of dairy products per day, things
ninety-five euros like milk, yogurt, and cheese.
4 twelve thousand, four hundred pounds We get protein from meat like chicken or beef, and from beans.
5 fifty cents Eat about six ounces of protein per day.
47 We get grains in foods like bread, rice, and cereal. Eat about four
Unit 8, Section 4, Exercise B ounces of those foods per day.
1 A:  Can I have five hundred and sixty from this account, Finally, we need only about seven teaspoons per day of oils like
please? butter, margarine, or vegetable oil.
B: Certainly. How do you want that? 52
A: Mmm in twenties, please. Unit 9, Section 3, Exercise B
2 A: How much is this bag? 1 A: Good morning, Tina Bakers office.
B: Its nine hundred and ninety-nine. B: Hi. Could I speak to Tina, please?
A: Wow! Thats a good price! A: Im sorry, she isnt in. May I take a message?
3 A:  Wed like to buy this apartment, but its two hundred and B: Yes. Please ask her to meet John at Dans Burgers at 12:30.
thirty-five thousand, four hundred and fifty. A: Meet John at Dans Burgers at 12:30.
B:  Well, I can speak to the owner, and maybe he can lower B: Thats right. Thank you.
the price for you. A: Youre welcome.
A: That would be great! 2 A: Hello?
4 A: Seventeen sixty-eight? OK. Can I pay by credit card? B: Hi, is Ryan there, please?
B: Yes, you can. A: No, he isnt. Do you want to leave a message?
A: Good. B:  Yeah. This is Lauren. Please tell him that dinner is on Friday,
48 March thirtieth.
A: Friday, March thirtieth.
Unit 8, Section 4, Exercise C
B: Yes. And can you ask him to call me?
1 At Burger Bar we know you want good food at a great price.
A: Sure.
Thats why our Fun Meal, which comes with a burger, fries, and
B: Thanks.
soda, is only four dollars and 99 cents. Put a smile on your face
A: Youre welcome.
at Burger Bar today.
2 You want a phone? You want an MP3 player? You want a 53
handheld computer? You want it all, right? Which means all you Unit 9, Section 3, Exercise C
really need is $350, and the SMax 750 can be yours. Lisa: Hello?
3 Not many people in the world have $220,000 to spend on Ethan: Hi, this is Ethan. Is Emily there?
a car. Not many cars in the world have a top speed of nearly Lisa:  Hi, Ethan, this is Lisa. Emily isnt here. Do you want to
200 miles an hour. The new Ferris Avenger. For the lion in you. leave a message?
4 There are people who say a watch is just a watch. But then, Ethan:  Yeah, can you tell her to meet me at the restaurant
they probably dont own an 18-karat gold Monarch Supreme. at eight oclock?
Women who do own one know that at $9,700, its the best gift Lisa: Sure, restaurant, eight oclock, right?
that money can buy. Ethan: Thats right. Thanks, Lisa.
49 Lisa: Sure, Ethan. Bye.
Unit 8, Section 7, Exercise A Ethan: Bye.
1 A: Is this my cell phone?
B: No, thats your cell phone.
2 A: Are these your bags?
B: No, those are my bags.

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54 59
Unit 9, Section 4, Exercise A Unit 10, Section 2, Exercise A
1 A: Good afternoon, Food for Fun. 1 d: listened, played
B: Hello. Could I speak to Ms. Linda Jenkins, please? 2 t: liked, watched
A:  Im sorry, she isnt here right now. Would you like to leave 3 id: wanted, decided
a message? 60
B:  Yes. Please ask her to call Marsha Lind. My number is (640) Unit 10, Section 2, Exercise B
806-9271. want, wanted
A: Yes, of course.
like, liked
B: Thank you.
end, ended
A: Youre welcome.
work, worked
2 A: Hello?
practice, practiced
B: Hi, is Olivia there?
hate, hated
A: No, sorry, she isnt.
stay, stayed
B: Oh, OK. Can I leave a message?
watch, watched
A: Sure.
B: This is Mark. Can you ask her to call me?
A: OK, no problem. Unit 10, Section 5, Exercise A
B: Thanks. Gary: Hey, Monica. How was your weekend?
Monica: It wasnt very good. I went dancing with some friends on
Saturday night, but I didnt feel well. I didnt have fun at all.
Unit 9, Section 5, Exercise A I didnt do anything on Sundayit was a boring day. What
Paul: So, would you like to go out to dinner tonight? about you? What did you do this weekend?
Jane: Well, Id love to, but I cant. Gary: Oh, I didnt do much. Lets see, on Friday night I stayed
Paul: Why not? home and watched TV. I had to work on Saturday, but I
Jane: Because I have to study. I have a big math test tomorrow, went out on Saturday night. Kristin and I tried that new
and I want to get a good grade. Italian restaurant on Fifth Street.
Paul: Oh, too bad. Well, do you want to have dinner tomorrow
Monica: Oh, yeah? Did you like it?
night? Gary: It was OKnothing special. Then on Sunday, I played
Jane: Sure. Lets try that new Italian restaurant. basketball.
Paul: OK. Id like to try it, too. I need to go to the gym first,
Monica: Oh, was it a good game?
so how about seven-thirty? Gary: No, it wasnt. My team lost.
Jane: Seven-thirty is fine. See you tomorrow! Monica: Well, next weekend has to be better!
Paul: OK, bye.
Unit 10, Section 6, Exercises A, B, and C
Unit 9, Section 6, Exercise B 1 A: Oh, hi, Eric! How was your vacation?
Waiter: Good evening. Are you ready to order?
B: It was terrible!
Jenny: Yes, please. Whats the soup of the day?
A: Oh, no! Why?
Waiter: Its tomato and basil soup.
B:  We went on a tour of Hawaii, but it wasnt fun. The tour
Jenny: OK, Id like the soup, please. And then the grilled fish with
guide wasnt very friendly, and he didnt give us much
rice and peas. information about the Hawaiian Islands.
Waiter: Sure. And for you, sir?
A: Oh, its too bad the guide wasnt good.
Alan: A green salad to start, and then the roast beef with a B: Yeah, he was terrible. I complained to the tour company.
baked potato and spinach. A: Im sorry you didnt have fun.
Waiter: Would you like any dressing with your salad, sir?
2 A: How was your weekend, Karen?
Alan: Yes, vinaigrette, please. B: It was fantastic!
Waiter: Fine. And what would you like to drink?
A: Oh, good! What did you do?
Jenny: Just some water for me.
B:  Well, my boyfriend took me to dinner on Friday night.
Alan: And the same for me. We went to a really nice French restaurant, and the food
Waiter: OK. Ill be right back with your drinks.
was excellent. On Saturday my friend and I went to a
57 neighborhood festival, and it was really fun. On Sunday my
Unit 9, Section 7, Exercise A boyfriend and I saw a really good movie. So it was a fun
1 A: Do you want to watch a DVD? weekend.
B: Id love to. A:  Good. You were really tired on Friday, so Im glad you had
2 A: Would you like to go out tonight? a good weekend.
B: Id like to, but I cant. B: Thanks.
58 63
Unit 9, Section 7, Exercise B Unit 10, Section 9, Exercise A
A: Would you like to have dinner? Sally: I was on TV three months ago.
B: Id like to, but Im not hungry right now. Anna: Really? What show were you on?
A: Do you want to go for a walk first? Sally: My boyfriend and I were on Dance Craze.
B: Yes, Id love to. Anna: Wow! Did you win?
Sally: Yes, we did! We won $2,000.
Anna: Really? Thats amazing!

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64 70
Unit 11, Section 2, Exercises A and B Unit 12, Section 2, Exercise B
Audrey Hepburn was born on May 4th, 1929, in Brussels, Belgium. 1 Im playing in the soccer final on Saturday.
Her career as an actress began in London in 1948, but she moved 2 Im staying home and studying on Sunday.
to New York when she was only 22 to become a Broadway actress. 3 My sister is marrying her fianc next Saturday.
Soon after that, Hepburn began acting in Hollywood movies, and 71
she quickly became very, very famous. She won her first Oscar Unit 12, Section 3, Exercises A, B, and C
in 1954 when she was only 24 years old, and she won many Rick: So where are you going on your vacation, Charlie?
more awards during her career. Hepburns last movie was Always, Charlie: Mexico, Guatemala, and then down to Peru.
directed by Steven Spielberg, in 1989. She decided to end her Rick: Wow! Cool!
acting career because she wanted to help children around the Charlie: Yeah, I know, Rick. Its a ruins tour.
world. She worked with UNICEF and traveled to many countries Rick: A what?!
in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. She died at her home in Charlie: You know, ruins? Im going to see the ancient cities of the
Switzerland on January 20th, 1993. Audrey Hepburn was a great Mayans and the Incas.
actress and a great humanitarian. Rick:  Oh, well, thats cool. Those Mayan ruins are in the Yucatan,
65 right? Some of the best beaches in the world.
Unit 11, Section 6, Exercise A Charlie: Uh, yeah, I guess so. Im not really going to beaches
Alison: What were the names of all The Beatles? though.
Jenny: Uh, I cant remember. Rick: Not going to beaches? Why not?
Chris: Let me think. Oh, yeah. Their names were John, Paul, Charlie: Well, I dont have much time, and I want to see the Mayan
George, and Ringo. and Inca cities.
Alison: Thats right. And when did George die? Rick: Wow, well, whatever. Have an awesome time in those ruins.
Jenny: Just a second. Im not sure, but I think he died in 2001. 72
Chris: Did your parents like The Beatles? Unit 12, Section 4, Exercise A
Alison: Well, my dad did, but my mom didnt like them very much.
go bike riding, go shopping, go swimming, go running,
66 go dancing, go horse-back riding, go walking
Unit 11, Section 8, Exercise A 73
1 I met David and Lisa at a party. I met them at a party.
Unit 12, Section 5, Exercise A
2 I saw my teacher at the mall. I saw him at the mall.
Jorge: Oh, no! Look at this grade! Thats it. Im going to improve
67 my English!
Unit 11, Section 8, Exercise B Matt: How? What are you going to do?
1 My dad loved Fleetwood Mac. Jorge: Well, first, Im going to study every day.
My dad loved them. Matt: Oh, sure!
2 I gave my sister an MP3 player. Jorge: I am! And Im going to get a summer job in the U.S.
I gave her an MP3 player. Matt: Oh, yeah? And are you going to get an American
3 Cervantes wrote Don Quixote in 1605. girlfriend, too ?
Cervantes wrote it in 1605. Jorge: Yes, I am! So Im not going to speak Spanish at all.
Only English.
68 Matt: They sound like good ideas. Dont worry about it now,
Unit 12, Section 1, Exercise A anyway. Im going out with some friends tonight. Do you
Victor: Hello?
want to go?
Jorge: Sure, that sounds fun. What time are you going?
Amy: Hi, Victor. Its Amy.
Victor: Oh, hi, Amy.
Matt: Well, were going to a Chinese restaurant for dinner first,
Amy: Do you have any plans for this evening? so were meeting at Lennys at 7:30.
Jorge: OK, great. Listen, I have to go. Im going swimming
Victor: Im staying home. I have to study.
Amy: Oh, OK. Thats too bad! What about tomorrow afternoon? with Julio.
Victor: Lets see No, Im not doing anything. Why dont we
Matt: OK, have fun.
Jorge: Thanks. See you at Lennys!
have lunch together? Lets go to Greens. I love that place.
Amy: OK. Hey, Im having a party on Friday. Do you want
to come?
Victor: Oh, I cant! Im going out of town on Friday.
Amy: Too bad. Anyway, see you tomorrow afternoon.
Victor: Yeah, sure. See you tomorrow!
Unit 12, Section 2, Exercise A
Consonant plus -y and ing: worrying, marrying, studying
Vowel plus -y and ing: playing, staying, paying

Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014

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