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Name _____jeremias lopez__

Fall 2016 Date __03.28.17________

Math 1010
Conceptual Quiz, Chapter 7

Answer the following questions. Answers may vary in length from a few sentences to a
paragraph. Use correct grammar, including using complete sentences. Answers with abundant
grammatical errors will not be awarded full credit. If you need more space than is provided,
attach a separate sheet with your answers.

Ch.7: Exponents and Radicals

1. Without using the words take the square root, try to explain in words the meaning of
square roots. For example, why is 64 8 a true statement? More generally, when is
b a a true statement? Try the same thing for cube roots.

A root is of a number is the number that goes into the number evenly when multiplying it by two.
Which that means if I did the cubes root of 27, it would be 3.

2. How do the rules of exponents lead us to the conclusion that a a ?


Because we know that there is a two in the outside of the sign and there is an imaginary 1 by the
a which makes it a .
3. You tell your friend that youre having a hard time remembering how to multiply and
divide radicals. She says, Its easy- as long as you know your rules for exponents. What
is she talking about?
Zero exponent rule a0, power rule, (a^M)^n= a^mn, negative exponent rule a^-n=1/a^n.

4. In mathematics there are many If a then b statements. The Principle of Powers (p. 470)
is an example. Use the Principle of Powers to show an example of when If a then b is
true but If b then a isnt. (In other words, the order of the statement matters!)
If x+=2 and x^2+y^2=2 what is the value of xy?
5. Pythagoras gets all the credit! But how long have people known about the relationship
between the lengths of the sides of a right triangle? Do a quick internet search and
summarize who, where, and when there is evidence of people knowing the Pythagorean
Pythagorean theorem comes from the ancient greek and were the first to offer a proof of the
theorem but many before that noticed special evidence between the sides of a right triangle.

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