Theories and Theorists: Erik Erickson

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Erik Erickson
Born: 1902 Died: 1994
Country: DanishGerman American
Erik Erikson was born in Germany to Danish parents. He shifted to Denmark and then
to America when the Nazis came to power. His mother was married twice but Erik was
the son of a third relationship. At his Jewish school he was teased for looking Danish
and at the Danish school for being Jewish. Perhaps this is why Erikson developed his
psychosocial theory to understand how we each develop our individual identities: why
some of us are independent and others needy; feel able or useless; optimistic or
pessimistic. He believed people develop through 8 stages. At each stage there is one
important problem or issue to solve in order to develop a healthy sense of self. We will
look at the first 3 stages and important for our practice as early childhood educators.


Trust versus Mistrust (birth - 1 year) - Baby Stage We try to match babies and
Babies are learning about the world. If a familiar educators so they form warm
person comforts them with a gentle voice or touch, attachments.
feeds them when they are hungry and changes them We respond warmly and
when they need it, they learn that the world is not too consistently to babies needs.
scary. They develop hope. Later they will be able to We talk gently to babies if
deal with hard times and distress. But inconsistent or we cant pick them up or deal
harsh responses teach them to mistrust the world. with their needs right away.
Later they may feel unable to deal with lifes Baby carriers provide a warm and gentle touch and leave our hands
challenges. free to do other things while keeping us in touch with babys needs.

Autonomy versus Shame (1-3 years)- Toddler Stage Tune in to childrens

Toddlers are learning many new skills; to talk, walk interests and skill levels
and feed themselves and they are also learning and offer just enough
toileting. Their task at this stage is to learn to be support to help them do
independent. We hear them say things like I do it!. things for themselves .
But they are also vulnerable. If adults do too much for Provide a variety of play
them, or make fun of their developing skills they will experiences so they can
feel shame and doubt their abilities. When children explore and choose what to
succeed in developing skills they gain courage and will, do. This toddler loves bike riding.
Educators provide a range of ride
both of which will help them continue to explore and Never pressure them into
on toys for developing abilities
learn. toileting before they are and children decide when to
ready. tackle the next skill level.

Initiative versus Guilt (3-6 yrs) Kindy/Preschool Stage Provide play spaces
Kindy kids spend lots of time in purposeful play, with lots of movable
particularly make believe. They act out the adult roles parts so children can
they see around them. They may play at families, or organise and develop
bus drivers or teachers. Their natural curiosity also their own play
leads them to ask lots of questions. When they are Invite children to
supported to plan their own activities and develop their contribute to the
understanding of the world, children develop purpose. program, what do
This will help them in all their later development. If they want to do
The buckets are filled,
adults take too much control they can learn guilt but children choose
Respect their play
instead. when and how to use and give them time.

This Resource Sheet has been prepared by the Yorganop Indigenous Professional Support Unit WA. Yorganop
The Yorganop Indigenous Professional Support Unit is an initiative of the Inclusion and Professional Support Programme, funded by
the Australian Government.

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