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Najera Perez 1

Diana Najera Perez

Dr. Colombo

UWRT 1104

8 February 2017

Can Graffiti ever be Considered Art?

Eickmier, Greg. Graffiti: Art or Vandalism? Museum of the City, International Council

of Museums Committee for the Collections and Activities of Museums of Cities, 2016,

This article explains how graffiti art is not a new encounter for society and has modernize

into a culturally norm. Giving a glimpse of the historical background of how graffiti was being in

prehistoric time and it started to diffusion into different civilizations. This articles list the pros

and cons of graffiti and implies the debate whether graffiti is art.

Gartus, Andreas, Nicolas Klemer, and Helmut Leder. "The Effects of Visual Context and

Individual Differences on Perception and Evaluation of Modern Art and Graffiti Art." Acta

Psychologica. 156 (2015): 64-76. Print.

The article emerges with an idea that art cannot be defined without reference to its

features or context. Studies have been made to show that context can affects the evaluation of

specific artwork such as street for graffiti art. Concluding that individuals interest in graffiti was

an important effect on appreciating the style of the artwork.

Lewisohn, Cedar. Street Art: The Graffiti Revolution. New York: Abrams, 2008. Print.

Street art is being presented as a global phenomenon that started to develop out of its

tradition in the 1980s. Banksy and Futura 2000 are well-known graffiti artists who made street
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art into a mainstream production. This book has interviews with leading street artists and

illustrates their personal reason to why they create street art.

Iveson, K. "Graffiti, Street Art and the City: Introduction." City. 14 (2010): 25-32. Print.

This article describes how graffiti has been a public display in cities, but its qualities and

quantity has dramatically changed over recent decades. Graffiti was forming in local urban areas

and has now transformed into a global status. Graffiti is performed to show effort on addressing a

public statement in urban societies.

Delana. Graffiti Lettering: Cool Characters, Alphabets & Fonts. WebUrbanist, Street

Art and Graffiti, 10 July 2013,


The article talks about different types of graffiti styles used by graffiti artist to create

memorizing designs. One cannot deny the effort of trying to recognize and learn the different

types of unique style being created by graffiti artist. Each design has a title that gives meaning to

the whole layout of the design and describes what it can contain.

DeNotto, Michael. Street Art and Graffiti. College & Research Libraries News,

American Library Association, 1 Apr. 2014,

Graffiti is being noticed as an awareness of social and political issues involving current

events that is impacting the community. The awareness from the graffiti artists are being studied

to recognize the important values and effort to exclaim their own personal beliefs to the urban

environment. Also, the article in cooperates the differences between street art and graffiti based

on their beginning intentions on how society could appeal to its beliefs.

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Kennedy, Randy. A Feast of Street Art, Luminous and Legal. The New York Times, The

New York Times, 29 Aug. 2013,


This article explains how New York City was the root of the graffiti movement that took

place in the 1970s and 1980s. This sparked a new American art form and have deeply impacted

the 21st century visual art culture. It is an epidemic because the city has to spend thousands of

dollars to remove it but other methods are being proposed for graffiti artists to use areas that can

be permitted to have their work be put out in public.

Verrall, Neil, and Richard Clay. "Life Imitating Art, and Art Influencing Life." The Rusi

Journal. 161.2 (2016): 64-73. Print.

This journal gives a general idea of how graffiti impacted the art world and in society.

The authors Neil Verrall and Richard Clay explained the historical role and impact graffiti had on

society. Also they argue that graffiti showed be viewed as an operation to influence people

perspective and behave.

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