Of Prefects Andc Aptain

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When not one, but two prefect badges arrive at the mansion in the summer, Irenes
parents couldnt be more proud. That night, she stares blankly at the badge on her desk
while her twin brother, Suho, spends at least twenty minutes polishing it. The excitement
and the inevitable dread fills her for the remainder of the summer holiday, for shes
going to be an authority figure not just among her Hufflepuff housemates, but also the
whole school.
The extra responsibilities come upon her as soon as she boards the Hogwarts Express in
September. After attending a meeting in a special carriage with all the other prefects and
the Head Students, she patrols the narrow train corridor, squeezing her thin frame
between the wandering students and the Honeydukes Express trolley. She encounters a
first year named Yeri, whose eyes are brimming with tears, crying about her lost pet
toad. Irene enlists her brothers help in search of the toad and later finds it in one of the
compartments, which is occupied by Joy and her entourage. The Slytherin girl snickers
openly at them when she notices the prefect badges on their robes. Suhos ears turn
dangerously red at the taunt, so Irene retrieves the toad quickly and retreats.
After the Welcoming Feast in the Great Hall, they lead the newly-sorted, wide-eyed first
years to the dormitories inside the Hufflepuff Common Room in the basement. She lies
awake that night, feeling her dread start to dissipate and let the satisfaction of actually
doing something useful for the school fill her with pride. Shes certain that her fifth year
in Hogwarts is going to be an excellent year for her.
Right now its been a little over a week since the school officially started, and she has
decided that her least favorite thing about being a prefect is night patrol duty, which she
has to do every few nights. Always has been wary of the dark, she walks slowly with one
hand tracing the wall, the other one holding out her lit wand. The figures in the portraits
and paintings speak softly among themselves, while the torches on the wall cast an eerie
glow over them. She tries to ignore the unsettling feeling in her chest that tells her
somehow shes not supposed to be out here past curfew, and the way Filch sometimes
glares at her before noticing her prefect badge certainly isnt helping.
On her third time patrolling, she doesnt make a run straight back to the basement for
once. For the first time, shes going to use the special prefects bathroom on the fifth
floor. Its shared with all the prefects, as well as the Head Boy, Head Girl, and the
Quidditch captains so they have worked out a schedule. Starting from tonight until
Friday, its her turn to relish the privilege thats granted upon her along with all her
Treacle tart, she whispers the password quietly in the dark corridor. She hears a quiet
snap before the door creaks open. Stepping inside quickly, she stops right by the
entrance, in awe of the sight. It is a spacious chamber, with white marble floor and
striking illustrations of mermaids on the glass stained windows which, like all the
portraits and paintings in Hogwarts, are enchanted to be able to animate to a certain
extent. They sit on the rocks above the water, running their human fingers through their
long tresses and staring at her with those lifeless eyes through the thin haze. She nearly
steps back in slight horror when she hears something splashing from the swimming-pool
like tub, with its hundreds of bejeweled golden taps surrounding it.
Is someone there? Irene asks in surprise, her senses heighten in an alarmed state. She
turns to see a figure in one corner of the large tub, which is filled with water and bubbles
all over its surface. The fragrance of lavender fills the damp and hot air of the bathroom
as she recognizes a fellow student in the midst of a bubble bath. Theres no mistaken
those eyes and that golden blonde hair, which made its debut appearance at Kings
Cross Station last week.
Umhi? Seulgis voice echoes in the large bathroom, and she raises a hand from
under the water to wave at her awkwardly. Are yougonna join me in here? She tilts
her head slightly. It is an innocent inquiry, Irenes pretty sure of it, but the way Seulgis
wet blonde hair is sticking to her bare shoulders and the very fact that she must not be
wearing anything underneath all that bubbles is making Irene very, very nervous. I hate
puberty, she whines internally.
So she does what she shouldve done earlier: run straight back to the basement.
Privilege be damned.

Divination class has always been some sort of a joke to Irene, and possibly to most of the
students in this school. The heavily incensed classroom always makes her feel sleepy,
and Professor Trelawneys prophecies about everything (mostly bogus predictions about
the students deaths) are getting more and more absurd. This time, she predicts Irene
and Suho will meet their demise at the same time in the hands of a Mountain Troll.
Irene thinks this one is actually not so bad compared to the professors previous
prophecy about them last year, which said that her brother would eventually murder
her and use her corpse as a gift to the fallen Dark Lord. If she hadnt dropped Ancient
Runes already, she would certainly have dropped this elective class.
As she exits the classroom with a horde of other fifth year students, she feels her
stomach rumble. She groans, lamenting over the fact that she purposely skipped
breakfast this morning. Apparently when you walk in on someone taking a bath, you will
feel the swelling urge to avoid running into them forever. Or maybe the embarrassment
is still in its acute phase and shes just being dramatic.
She begins to walk down the circular stairs to get to her next class, only to jump in
surprise when she sees a group of fourth years going up the stairs, heading up to
Divination classroom. When she spots Wendy, with whom shes quite familiar because of
a mutual friend that they share, she pulls the younger girl aside by the collar of her robe,
much to her bewilderment. Does Kang Seulgi take Divination? Irene asks her
pressingly, eyes worriedly watching the comings of the fourth year students.
Uh, no, Wendy answers quickly. She eyes the older girl worriedly. Whats wrong? Did
something happen to her?
The prefect sighs in relief and starts ranting about her unfortunate encounter with Seulgi
that occurred the night before. The Ravenclaw student listens to her frantic ramblings
patiently before cutting her off when her face and ears start getting violently red. Why
are you telling me this? she asks as she puts a comforting hand on Irenes shoulder.
Irene points an accusing finger at Wendys chest, Well, I know youre one of her closest
friends, and I wanna know why she was in the prefects bathroom. Right now she fully
realizes she shouldve questioned the blonde about it last night and cut some points
from Gryffindor for breaking curfew instead of running away wordlessly, but its all too
late now.
She said shes the new Gryffindor Quidditch Captain as of, uh, a couple of days ago?
Wendy answers. I didnt think Weasley would give up the position to a fourth year,
honestly, but I guess you cant deny her talent when it comes to strategy.
Irene doesnt understand the hierarchy in Hogwarts Quidditch teams or if such thing
exists, so she just shakes her head in disbelief. Roxanne Weasley stepped down? Did
she not tell the new captain about the schedule? she grumbles. Whatever, please just
tell Seulgi that her turn is next Saturday, Sunday, and Mon
Wait, why dont you just tell her yourself? Send her a letter or something.
Irene huffs impatiently, Im beyond embarrassed, okay? I walked in on her taking a
bath, we dont even
Irenes eyes widen as she freezes in surprise as Seulgis voice and footsteps can be
heard going up the circular stairs. In a frighteningly fast reflex, Irene runs straight up to
hide behind the classroom door before Seulgi can catch a glimpse of her. The fourth
years that are already inside the classroom are all looking at her curiously (Professor
Trelawney is asleep on her desk). She only smiles nervously at them and puts an index
finger over her lips.
Phew, I thought your class has started already, Irene hears Seulgis voice just a couple
of feet from where shes standing right now, and her heart starts thumping harder in her
chest. Listen, can I borrow your Potions essay?
Irene hears Wendy let out a sigh. But its due tomorrow. Theres still time, you know I
can just help you with it, right? Better than cheating off my homework all the time, you
wont learn anything, she scolds her gently.
I know, but I have to arrange practice schedules with the team later and theres also an
assessment so itll probably last till midnight so please? Pretty please? Ill let you try my
new broom in return, how does that sound?
Wendy doesnt say anything for a few seconds, so Irene assumes shes considering it.
Then she hears the sound of a bag being opened. Deal, Wendy says finally. Ill see you
at lunch in a couple of hours, yeah?
Yes! Seulgi rejoices in delight. Thank you, Wendy. Thanks a lot. Youre a lifesaver.
Just remember to keep it to yourself, alright? I dont want the others to cheat off my
essay, Wendy warns her. By the way, you know Irene, right? The prefect nearly gasps
in surprise at Wendys sudden question, and clamps a hand over her mouth before she
can let out a noise.
Seulgi clears her throat before answering, Yeah, that pretty girl in Hufflepuff, right? Fifth
year? We never really talk, butwhy?
Irenes mind goes blank all of a sudden from the casual compliment and she nearly
misses the words that are coming from Wendys mouth, to know your turn to use the
prefects bathroom comes next Saturday and Sunday, she hears Wendy say. And also
Monday, I think. I dont know. You should know these things.
I know, I know, I talked to Roxanne this morning, Seulgi says. Now, can you also tell
Irene that Im really so
Im not an owl!

The strong wind blows their hair as theyre standing face to face right by the Great Lake.
The prefect and the captain are basically shoved towards each other right now, pushed
into their impending awkward introduction
Hi, the blonde girl greets her as she extends a hand towards her. I dont think weve
been properly introduced before, Im Seulgi. she says, almost mechanically, but with a
genuine smile on her face that reaches her eyes. Still, the prefect almost feels like
fleeing from the scene like she did the night before when she was faced with the same
girl unexpectedly. This isnt what she expected when Chang, her friend one of the new
Ravenclaw prefects, her and Wendys mutual friend dragged her outside after lunch to
the castle grounds near the lake where students sometimes gather to study or just hang
out. At the sight of a certain blonde girl sitting on the grass, dangling her legs over the
water next to Wendy, she nearly turned on her heels to make a run for it but Chang
pulled her by the elbow just in time. So now, Irene and Seulgi are carrying out their
awkward introduction, with the two excited Ravenclaw girls monitoring them.
Im Irene, she takes the extended hand and shakes it. Seulgis hand feels warm and
slightly calloused. Their eyes meet hesitantly, the incident still fresh on their minds, but
neither seems willing to acknowledge it verbally in the presence of each other.
Wendy told me about, uh, you two, so I think its the perfect time for both of you to get
properly acquainted, Chang explains with a glint of mirth in her eyes, and Irene has to
restrain herself from hitting her, and Wendy, and Seulgi too, for good measure.
Actually, perhaps she should hit Seulgi the hardest, since she started all of this.
The newly acquainted students nod shyly at each other, silently acknowledging the
incident. Irenes gaze lingers on Seulgis faint smile and rosy cheeks. Her blonde hair is
in a state of disarray, probably from flying, if the broomstick thats lying near her feet is
any indication.
They all sit down and mingle under the sun, bearing the gusts of wind that come and go.
Irene discusses her Arithmancy homework with Chang and the other fifth years who
share the same class, while next to her Seulgi is shamelessly copying off Wendys
Potions essay onto her own parchment. The owner of said essay is flying above the Great
Lake in a rapid zig-zag motion on Seulgis broomstick, one that Irene recognizes as the
latest model because her brother just got the same one.
Every now and then Irene would discreetly glance at the girl next to her, just out of
curiosity. Seulgi is silently jotting down words on her parchment with legs stretched out
on the grass. Her eyebrows are knotted in concentration when she pauses every now
and then, and Irene notices that shes actually trying to understand what shes writing,
and not just blindly copying everything. She decides to warm up to the girl, I can
actually help you with that, you know, she offers shyly, gesturing to Seulgis homework.
Seulgi looks up from her parchment in surprise and their eyes meet again. Thanks, she
smiles, and her eyes curves into crescent shapes. But I need to finish this really quickly,
I have to go in a bit to book the pitch for team assessment tonight.
Ah, Irene glances at Seulgis captain badge on her uniform, glinting under the sun.
Well, my offer still stands anytime you ask.
Seulgi looks at her and grins. Thanks, youre really nice. She turns her attention back
to her homework. Irene becomes more aware of the lingering fragrance of lavender that
assaults her nose with every breath she takes. She looks down at her own parchment to
hide the blush thats creeping across her cheeks, pushing aside the persistent flashes of
memory in her head. She has a feeling this isnt going to be the last time she rubs
shoulders with the other girl, and somehow she wants it to be true.

so I followed her and guess where she ended up? The bathroom on first floor!
But thats Moaning Myrtles bathroom, Irene puts down her mug. Please dont tell
me Joy was trying to open the Chamber of Secrets.
She was just hissing in gibberish, Seulgi laughs, hands cradling a Chocolate Frog.
There hasnt been any more Parselmouth here since Professor Potter and Ron Weasley
left school, I think.
Outside the warm cozy pub, the snow has piled up, the air has gotten a lot colder, and
Christmas holidays are just around the corner. Wendy chose this day for all of them to
have a little get-together (somehow, in just a few weeks some of Irenes friends and
Seulgis friends have mingled and it amuses everyone to no end) at the Three
Broomsticks during the last Hogmeade Weekend before the break. Punctual as always,
Irene was the first to arrive. She was awkwardly sitting alone with a mug of Butterbeer in
her hands, until Seulgi entered the place with a bag of sweets from Honeydukes in her
Despite how they were introduced to each other, Irene and Seulgi have eased
themselves into being friends with each other quite naturally. The younger girl is just
warm and friendly with a touch of slight awkwardness that Irene finds very adorable and
down-to-earth, despite the certain glamour that she possesses by having the position of
a Seeker in the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Although listening to the anecdotes of her
explorations inside and outside the castle past curfew gives the prefect a headache
sometimes (seriously, how do these kids sneak out so easily?) she always enjoys
watching her talk so animatedly.
Wait, when was this? When you caught her in that bathroom? Irene asks, watching the
other girl struggle with the Frog, which now has jumped out of her grasp and is hopping
on the table.
When she was a first yearso, two years ago. Ah, dammit, Seulgi sighs as she watches
the Frog finally leaps off the table.
Irene glares at the collectible card from the Chocolate Frog package on the table, which
just happens to be a Harry Potter card. Professor Potter is such a bad influence.
Im gonna tell him you said that the next time he gives a lecture, Seulgi grins at her.
You should try sneaking out at night, its fun. Even Wendy joins me sometimes.
Youre a bad influence, and I do wander around inside the castle every few nights.
Prefect, remember? Irene knocks on her badge on her collar twice with her index finger.
Im out to catch students like you who just cant stay perfectly still in the dorms at
Seulgis smile grows wider. You know, aside from that one time in the bathroom, you
never actually caught me. Its true, Irene admits it internally without hesitation. Every
now and then, she would see shadows moving along the dark corridors during her night
patrol. Shed chase those shadows everytime, secretly hoping to catch her friend in the
act, only to catch some random students instead, occasionally one of the Potters or
Weasleys. Shes starting to suspect if Seulgi is using the Cloak of Invisibility, although it
seems highly unlikely.
I wont be so forgiving the next time I catch you, Irene threatens her playfully, further
emphasizing her point by gently kicking Seulgis foot under the table.
Seulgi raises her eyebrows in surprise before returning the kick. The game of innocent
footsie continues even after their friends arrive and fill the table. If they notice the
perpetual goofy grins that are plastered on Irene and Seulgis faces and the constant
kicking thats been happening under their table, they dont say anything.

Gryffindor 70 Hufflepuff 20
The wind blows the cold January air harshly against her face, and she blinks away some
dusts out of her eyes for the nth time and loses sight of her in the pitch, again.
Never has a Quidditch match made Irene feel a little conflicted like this. Shes sitting in
the Hufflepuff stand with her housemates, with yellow and black facepaint across her
cheeks (Suhos insistence), wearing a yellow knitted sweater (a Christmas gift from a
certain friend in Gryffindor, which arrived with several packs of Chocolate Frogs), waving
a little Hufflepuff flag in her hand, yet her eyes keep looking out for the opposing teams
Seeker, who also happens to be the same person who sent her the sweater.
When shes not watching Seulgi, shes watching her own teams Seeker whose ears get
dangerously red by the minute in frustration. Both Seulgi and Suho have been circling
the pitch, him flying a little higher than her, looking for the Golden Snitch in order to gain
150 points and most likely end the match victoriously. An hour and a half into the game,
there has been no sighting of it and the spectators are starting to grow anxious.
Gryffindor 90 Hufflepuff 20
The crowds, save for the Hufflepuff students and the school staff, are singing the
modified, praising version of Weasley Is Our King, changing it to Weasley Is Our
Queen for the Gryffindor Keeper, who blocks nearly every Quaffle thrown by the
Hufflepuff Chasers. Things are not looking good for the Hufflepuff team, and Irene can
sense their morale going down with every Quaffle that goes through their goal posts.
Even the players now are anxiously watching both Seekers, looking for signs that might
indicate one of them has spotted the Snitch.
Gryffindor 110 Hufflepuff 30
Just when Irene starts humming the tune of Weasley Is Our King (its really catchy,
props to Draco Malfoy), a flash of red robe and golden blonde hair is suddenly speeding
so fast in the air and the spectators roar in excitement. Seulgis sudden acceleration is a
dead giveaway that shes finally seen the Golden Snitch and is in pursuit. Irene finally
sees a glimpse of the small, winged golden ball, glinting under the sun when it goes up
right above the Hufflepuff stand. Suho follows suit but he cant quite catch up with Seulgi
despite having the same world-class broomstick, as hes not quite as fearless as her (or
just plain death-seeking, according to Irene) when it comes to sharp turns and dangerous
maneuvers mid-air.
Speeding against the piercing cold wind, Seulgi takes a brief look behind her to see Suho
tailing her, but not quite close enough to interfere. She boldly lifts her body off the
broom slightly, risking her balance, and lets go of one hand to reach out for the Snitch.
Just when its within reach and shes about to curl her fingers around it, a Bludger comes
her way and hit her hard in the shoulder, throwing her off balance.
No! Irene shouts, a little louder than intended, but nobody hears her as everyone is
just as noisily bewildered. Seulgi falls off her broom all the way down to the ground not
fast enough to fatally injure any player, the Charms professor has something to do with it
and lands on the grass with a painful thud. Horrified, Irene snatches a pair of binoculars
from a student without thinking and runs to the edge of the stand to get a better look.
She gazes through the binoculars to see Seulgi lying flat on her back on the ground, with
one arm raised weakly and holding the Golden Snitch in her hand.

sorry, Im really sorry.

Its okay, a sniff. I understand.
The classroom door flies open with a harsh bang against the wall and someone bumps
into Irene, whos just about to approach the door after hearing hushed voices from
behind it, readying herself to catch the students who are breaking the curfew. She grabs
the person who just bumped into her by the shoulder and raises her lit wand to their
face. To her surprise, its Yeri, the first year student who cried after losing her toad in the
train apparently a rule breaker now in just a few months.
You shouldnt be here right now. Ten points from Slytherin, Irene tries to sound firm but
now she notices the younger girls eyes are red and teary just like how they looked
when they first met and now she feels a bit awful. Whatever conversation that went
down in that classroom seemed to have made her cry. You can come out now, Irene
orders sternly into the dark classroom. Before I assign you and your friend to
A figure steps out slowly into the faint light coming from the prefects wand, and Irene
nearly drops it in surprise. Seulgi stands before her, wearing a shoulder sling and
pajamas from the Hospital Wing. Irene notices how she limps slightly in her steps
towards her and she feels awful again. Ill just take her to her dorm, Seulgi offers her
an apologetic smile, and then turns to Yeri, who shakes her head earnestly.
No, its okay. I can go back by myself, Yeri says before running towards the the
direction of the grand staircase.
Hey! Irene calls out to the running girl, but she disappears really quickly. She turns to
Seulgi again, Uh, what happened in here?
She sneaked into the Hospital Wing to put flowers beside my bed, Seulgi scratches the
back of her neck. But I was still awake, so I was taking her back to her dorm but then
she, uh, made a confessionso, yeah, her voice trails off as she grins sheepishly.
Irene feels her stomach lurch and something claw and scratch furiously inside her chest.
Its too sudden and intense and she doesnt even know why its there. And what did you
say to her? she asks, keeping her voice controlled. Besides telling her that shes too
young and irresponsible? She cant even keep a toad.
I told her I like someone else, Seulgi says, and shifts her gaze to Irenes wand. Uh
can you lower your wand a bit? Im defenseless, I left my wand on the bed.
Oh, sorry! Irene quickly lowers it, she didnt realize she has been pointing it at Seulgis
chest in quite an aggressive stance. Seulgi only chuckles at her antics. Irene looks up at
her shyly, not daring to ask if she was being honest about liking someone else, let alone
asking her who is it that she likes. Should she ask? Would it be weird? And why does she
feel such an unsettling weight in her chest and her stomach at the thought of Seulgi
liking someone else?
Irene clears her throat, and clears her mind from her train of thoughts. Congrats,
Captain, she smiles up the injured girl. Hows your shoulder? Wendy and I were gonna
see you but Madam Pomfrey seemed a bit upset at the amount of people there.
Yeah they kinda moved the celebration in the Hospital Wing because of me. Madam
Pomfrey was not happy, Seulgi laughs taps her injured shoulder gently with her hand.
Its messed up but its better now, shes done her best. Arent you gonna take points?
You finally caught me, its past curfew, Seulgi says, looking quite amused. Ten points
from Gryffindor?
That snaps Irene out ofwhatever state shes in right now. Right, she looks up at
Seulgi and stands a little straighter, trying to fix a glare at the taller girl but she just ends
up blinking rapidly in nervousness. What is wrong with me? T-ten pointsfrom
Seulgi snickers at how half-hearted it was, and Irene just wants the darkness to swallow
her whole. If she goes into the Great Hall right now and checks the ruby stones that
represent Gryffindors House Points in one of the hourglasses, shes pretty sure the ten
points didnt actually get taken. Although she cant possibly be sure, since she doesnt
know how many house points Gryffindor has.
Looking up at the way Seulgi grins at her, she starts to realize that although shes not
the one who just got caught, shes the one who truly feels in trouble here.

Its near midnight and Irene sits alone on the couch, staring into the fireplace in her
respite. Everybody is asleep inside the dorm rooms, and the only thing she can hear is
the crackling noises from the fire that casts a warm, faint orange glow over the earthy-
colored wall of the cozy Hufflepuff Common Room. Eventually, she lets out a long sigh
and leans back against the couch, staring up at the low ceilings as she starts to play out
her encounter with Seulgi tonight in her mind.
Their walk to the Hospital Wing half an hour ago was oddly quiet and thick with unspoken
tension when she tucked the other girl into the hospital bed. Irene buries her face into a
small pillow in embarrassment when she remembers the sudden whirl of emotions that
she felt after Seulgi told her that Yeri had confessed to her, and when she said she liked
someone else. Her own creeping suspicion that she might be developing a crush on
Seulgi keeps getting stronger the more she mulls over it and truthfully, shes not quite
sure yet what shes supposed to do about it.
Her peers started going on dates and making out with their classmates in every corner of
the castle sometime around last year, and much like what just happened to Seulgi, she
too had quite a few admirers who went forward to her with gifts and whatnot. She
actually went out with a couple of them last year, just to see what a date would feel like.
In the end, though, she didnt quite get any satisfaction from these dates. For her it was
just like any other friendships: pleasant, but not quite like what she had heard from her
friends about getting their hands sweaty from feeling nervous, heartbeats getting faster,
Intruder! Beware of intruder!
The shout breaks away her train of thoughts and she instantly reaches for her wand. Her
eyes search around the room before she sees The Fat Friar floating near the passage in a
hectic circular motion. Whats going on? She demands, her frantic eyes following his
Theres a student from another house right outside trying to get in, the jolly Hufflepuff
ghost informs her, he stops his movement and hovers right in front of her. I think shes
Wait, injured? Is that she stops mid-sentence and rushes through the transparent
ghost to the passageway, crawling fast through it and when she gets outside the
common room, she sees whom the ghost was warning her about. Seulgi is there, right by
the entrance of the common room, drenched from head to toe. Shes standing near the
stack of barrels that serve as a security mechanism against intruders by dousing them in
vinegar. Its certainly not the first time Irene witnesses this kind of incident, but the sight
of her friend standing there looking helplessly dripping wet, face down and eyes still shut
in the aftershock, is enough to stun her to silence. Mostly because it slightly reminds her
of the bathroom incident.
After what feels like an hour of Irene staring at Seulgi and Seulgi staring at her wet feet,
the younger girl slowly raises her head and chuckles as she wipes the vinegar off her
face. You guys play dirty.
Irene lets out a tiny gasp, feeling slightly offended at the accusation. Excuse me, we are
Hufflepuff. Its not a prank, just a safety precaution. This time, she doesnt forget to act
like a prefect, and questions her with a glare What are you still doing out here? I
thought I made it clear you shouldnt leave your bed.
Seulgi raises her eyebrows and grins, seemingly impressed with her. Ugh, so grumpy. I
came all the way here to return this but now I guess Im just gonna keep it. She shows
what shes holding in her hand to the other girl.
Lumos, Irene lights up her wand and takes a look at what the other girl is holding.
When she recognizes what it is, her free hand starts to frantically searches the collar
area of her own robe and realizes whats missing. My badge! she reaches out to grab
the prefect badge but Seulgi quickly retracts her hand and hides it behind her back.
Gimme that! Irene glares at her again.
Ignoring the shorter girls request, Seulgi goes from hiding her hand behind her back to
raising her hand high above her head, and Irene gets humiliated by failing to take it from
her even when she jumps so desperately trying to reach for it. Seulgi, she whines. I
told you to give me that.
Im giving it to you if you say gimme that to me six times, fast, the younger girl says
in between laughter.
What is that supposed to even mean?! Irene whines again, stomping her foot
impatiently, not even caring how childish she must look right now. She fails to see the
hilarity in saying gimme that exactly six times in rapid succession, and concludes that it
must be one of the Muggle-borns inside jokes again. Oh how she wishes she didnt come
from an old, powerful, pure-blooded family sometimes.
The blonde eventually takes pity on her and lowers her hand. Irene snatches the badge
from her quickly before she gets humiliated further and puts it on her robe, grumbling all
the while. When she looks up again, she realizes how physically close they have gotten
during their little struggle with the badge, and Irene can almost count Seulgis eyelashes.
Her eyes trail across the taller girls face, still dripping wet with strands of hair sticking all
over it. She lets herself get lost in those dark orbs that are staring right back at hers.
Fearing the gaze might somehow see right through her and uncovers those emotions she
wants to figure out so desperately, she breaks the eye contact and takes a step back,
almost slipping on the wet floor. Seulgi blinks at her, seemingly snapped out of her own
Irene breaks the awkward silence first after taking one deep breath, trying to calm her
thumping heartbeat. You should go, she says quietly, not quite meeting her eyes. Take
a bath, get a fresh change of clothes, go wake Madam Pomfrey if you need help. She
gestures at Seulgis shoulder sling.
Its okay. Wendy taught me a few spells, I can just dry myself later, Seulgi shrugs with
one good shoulder, suddenly looking very interested in one of the barrels next to Irene
and shifting her weight to the other foot awkwardly in her place.
The prefect steals a glance through her eyelashes. Thanks for bringing my badge back. I
didnt realize I dropped it.
Yeah, I found it beside the bed. I think it came off when you were tucking me in,
Seulgis voice trails off, and she meets her gaze again hesitantly. I guess Id better go
now. Filch gets a little more intense past midnight.
Okay, Irene smiles at her, easing herself into a comfortable atmosphere again. Be
careful. Try not to get caught.
I wont, Seulgi returns the smile. I probably wont be awake early enough for
breakfast, so Ill see you outside at the usual time? Or the Great Hall, if its still too cold.
Sure. Good night, Seulgi.
Good night, Irene.
Seulgi limps away from her in the dark until shes out of her sight. This time,
Irene truly wants the darkness to swallow her whole because shes pretty sure shes the
worst prefect ever in the history of Hogwarts, and also because there is no doubt now
that she does have a little crush on her friend.

Irene cringes at her classmates in Potions class, who are murmuring excitedly about the
potion brewing inside a golden cauldron right in front of them right now; Amortentia, the
strongest love potion in the whole world. She thinks these fifth years are getting really
hormonal already without love potions brewing anywhere near them, and makes a
mental note to suggest the other prefects to patrol near the potions basement more
often to prevent students from stealing ingredients to create dangerous and
questionable potions.
What she admittedly finds interesting about Amortentia, though, is how the potion smells
different to every person that smells it. Supposedly, the aroma reminds each person of
the things that they find most attractive, even if they dont acknowledge or are unaware
of their fondness for their object of their affection themselves. Still, she hates it because
she thinks its so pathetic that anyone would need a love potion to win a persons heart.
It doesnt even create love, but only a shadow of it, a powerful obsession.
She hates it even more when she inhales the spiraling steam of the pale blue liquid and
smells the crisp outdoor air, the wooden smell of a broomstick handle, and lavender.

Spring is around the corner, the snow on the ground is thinning down further, the air has
gotten less cold, and the school grounds are filled with students again after most of them
migrated to the Great Hall to study or do homework in the past few weeks due to the low
temperature outside.
Sitting on a mat over the thin layer of snow, Irene has been alternating between finishing
up her dream diary for Divination class, practicing Vanishing Spell on a slug (courtesy of
Seulgi, animals just naturally come to her for some reason) for Transfiguration class, and
whining about the increasing amount of homework in her grueling fifth year to anyone
who would listen (also Seulgi). Beside her, Chang has managed to make one slug and
one mouse disappear, and Wendy has finished her History of Magic essay and her
Ancient Runes homework already in one sitting.
For about half an hour now, Wendy has been patiently trying to help Seulgi with her
Ancient Runes homework, only to struggle with Seulgis short attention span and her
general unwillingness to learn about the subject. Why Seulgi chose this elective class,
Irene cant even begin to comprehend. At least Divination is a joke and students can
pass the exams just by spewing bizarre lies. Thats all Professor Trelawney does during
classes anyway.
Eventually, Seulgi gives up and asks for Wendys homework, which sparks an argument
between the two. Even Wendys patience has its limit, as she retreats to sit down under a
nearby tree, fuming and hugging her homework protectively in her arms. Seulgi drops
her quill in frustration. After foolishly getting her friend angry, its quite useless to even
attempt to finish translating these Ancient Runes by herself. So she turns to Irene, who is
in the verge of crying out in frustration because the slug still refuses to disappear. Hey,
tomorrow is Hogmeade Weekend, Seulgi says casually.
Evanesco. Evanesco. Ugh. Yes, what about it? Irene pouts, and eventually puts down
her wand after trying and failing for what feels like the fiftieth time. Dont try to talk me
into entering Shrieking Shack again.
No, not that, Seulgi says, and clears her throat. I was just wondering if you wanted to
hang out at Madam Puddifoots tomorrow.
Irene looks up from her slug. The tea shop? But we always meet up at the Three
Broomsticks. She glances at their little group of friends, who are also talking among
themselves, oblivious to their conversation. Wendy is still taking deep breaths under the
tree to calm herself.
Seulgi lowers her voice. Yeah, but I mean she pushes some strands of hair out of her
face nervously. I mean, just us.
Irene gapes at her for a second. Oh, she croaks out. Oh, just us. Us. Just us. Me. And
Seulgi. Just me and Seulgi. Just me and Seul
Seulgi starts stammering, Yeah, but its okay if you dont want to. We can just
But Id love to, Irene cuts her off quickly, putting a hand over Seulgis arm. Just us,
Seulgi only nods at her and quickly look down at her parchment again, turning away
slightly from her, but not before Irene catches the blush on her face. She appears to be
writing on her parchment, but Irenes pretty sure shes not actually writing anything
because Seulgi makes it clear that she knows next to nothing about Ancient Runes.
Irenes just about to offer her help (she hopes she still remembers the basics) when
Wendy pipes up, What were you guys whispering about?
Seulgi responds before Irene can say anything, Ill tell you if you show me that, she
points at Wendys homework, safely tucked under her arms. Wendy chuckles before
sticking her tongue out in response, to which Seulgi replies with a rude gesture with her
finger and a playful grin. Just when Irene thinks everything is all fine and dandy again,
they both promptly pick up their wands and a duel breaks out a friendly one, she
assumes which creates a commotion when the other students gather to cheer for
them, and the way Joy roars Seulgis name in support is utterly horrifying. At one point,
Seulgi manages to cast a hex at Wendy which causes the latters front teeth to grow
larger at a grotesque, alarming rate, so she is looking more and more like a beaver as
they grow longer, past her mouth and towards her chin, all the way down along the
length of her neck. Chang finally puts a stop to the duel by disarming both participants
and takes thirty points each from Gryffindor and Ravenclaw because, unlike Irene, she is
a perfectly capable prefect with a spine.
Irene just cant feel guilty about anything right now, because Seulgi actually asked her
out and nothing else seems to matter to her, except for the current state of Wendys
teeth, which is actually worrying. She and Chang escort the poor girl to the Hospital
Wing, maybe Madam Pomfrey can fix them. Also, she feels like she should assign Seulgi
to detention for this incident. Maybe. She doesnt voice out this thought to Chang, nor
does she actually do it herself when she meets up with Seulgi again in the library that
night to help her finish her History of Magic essay, and eventually forgets it.

When Irene wakes up to chocolates, flowers, and cards from a number of admirers on a
Saturday morning, she thinks she suddenly understands Seulgis proposal to spend time
together, just the two of them.
But when she sorts out the gifts addressed to her in the common room, she doesnt find
anything from her. No chocolates, no flowers, not even a card from her. She sighs in
disappointment, maybe its not going to be a date after all. Maybe Seulgi just forgot that
today was going to be Valentines Day, just like she did. After all, Irene never bothered
caring about this day before so why should she care now?
She starts to get dressed quickly, picking the yellow sweater from Seulgi as her outfit for
the date (or not-date, whatever). When she walks across the common room, she sees
boys and girls drowning themselves in the gifts they received, and more owls are coming
through the circular windows, delivering the gifts and love letters. She nearly scoffs at
the whole thing, but then she remembers that just five minutes ago she
actually sulked over the fact that Seulgi didnt get her anything for Valentines Day. She
mentally facepalms, feeling utterly pathetic.
To her surprise, Seulgi is standing right there in front of her when she exits the common
room. Slightly hiding her face behind a bouquet of white and pink lilies, she fidgets in her
place when she notices Irene walking towards her in awe. The younger girl lowers the
bouquet to reveals her sheepish smile, and Irene starts to feel a little dizzy.
Um, hi, she waves the bouquet awkwardly. My owl hasnt returned, I sent a letter to
my brother a couple of days ago, maybe she got lost, I dont know, shes pretty old. So
uh, here I am. She shoves the flowers towards the other girl.
Irene feels her face grow warm in surprise and embarrassment because some students
are openly giggling at them right now. She eyes the pink and white lilies. Are those for
Of course they are, Seulgi hands her the flowers and her face breaks into a grin.
Happy Valentines Day!
Happy Valentines Day, Irene says quietly, taking the flowers shyly from her. Her face
grows hot in an instant and she stares at her feet awkwardly for a moment, trying to
regain her composure. When she looks up again, Seulgi is still staring at her with that
dazzling smile of hers. Im sorry I didnt get you anything.
Seulgi shrugs, still with that grin on her face. Its okay! I know youre usually not into
this kind of thing. It wasnt an accusation or a jibe, it was just an honest observation,
and for the love of Merlin, Irene is willing to indulge this girl in all the crap that
Valentines Day entails, because she deserves it.
They rush breakfast like every Valentines Day, its really annoying when the owls keep
dropping countless presents for students on their heads or into their food and make
their way to Hogsmeade soon after. Their walk is filled with shy glances and accidental
brushing of their hands, but Seulgi always has a way to make sure they talk comfortably.
Irene only listens and occasionally hums in response while Seulgi is telling her the latest
anecdote of successfully entering the Ravenclaw Common Room to apologize to Wendy
last night after finishing the essay. Apparently, Seulgi is very good at the riddles.
The weather is still cold but Irene is sweating inside her yellow sweater. She gets even
more light-headed when they finally arrive at Madam Puddingtons. The bright pink door
and window frames assault her eyesight, and a bell over the door announces their arrival
in a tuneful tinkle. Inside the place, she eyes the small, round tables that were decorated
with lacy napkins and notices the golden cherubs that were hovering above the tables
that are occupied by couples, most of which are students. Some of them are kissing right
now and Irene sweats some more out of nervousness.
They are seated in one corner, right below a golden cherub that greets them by throwing
confetti all over their table. This continues even after they order their coffee and tea, and
Irene grumbles in slight annoyance everytime she has to pick up the confetti that lands
inside her tea, while Seulgi just stares at her with that wide grin on her face, not even
caring that her coffee is ruined.
How is your hair still blonde? Irene asks in their conversation, eyeing Seulgis golden
blonde hair that is put into a messy ponytail right now. When I saw you looking like this
last September, I thought maybe Wendy or someone else tampered with it or
Seulgi touches her ponytail lightly. Do you like it? I initially wanted to color it red
because you know, Ginny Weasley, she trails off and blushes. Irene finds Seulgis
admiration for the former professional Quidditch player absolutely adorable, and its hard
not to smile at it.
What kind of Transfiguration spells have you been using? just as Irene asks this, she
gasps because something else crosses her mind. Are you actually a Metamorphmagus?
Seulgi bursts out laughing, and the couple right next to their table that has been
kissing for a couple of minutes now pull themselves apart from each other to glare at
her. No, no, Seulgis laughter eventually dies down. Its not magic, just regular hair
coloring. Muggle thing, you know.
Oh, Irene blushes in embarrassment. I shouldve known.
Although, it would be fun if I really was a Metamorphmagus. Id like to try having short,
spiky purple hair or something, Seulgi leans back comfortably in her seat just as the
cherub starts throwing the confetti again. This place isnt that bad right? Definitely
smells better than Three Broomsticks.
Irene glances around her and finds that more couples have started holding hands and
sucking each others faces. Feeling self conscious, she tries to block them from her
peripheral vision. Despite the tacky and frilly decoration, its actually quite nice. Ive
never been here before.
When I was a second year, I hid in here when I thought Professor Trelawney saw me
down the street, Seulgi gestures to the window. But then I realized she probably
wouldnt recognize me as a second year, nor would she care.
Irenes eyes narrow. But only third year students and above are allowed in Hogsmeade
weekend trips. How did you even, she stops mid-sentence and puts up her hands in
surrender. You know what, I dont even wanna know how you always manage to sneak
out everywhere. With the all Potters and Weasleys in your house, I guess the possibilities
are endless.
We have our methods, Seulgi winks at her. And yeah, I dont wanna burden you with
the knowledge. Youre a prefect.
Hey, Seulgi?
Irene shifts uneasily in her seat. Is this a date?
Seulgi raises her eyebrows. Of course this is a date. Uh, I thought I was being clear
when I gave you the flowers?
The sight of the other couples nearly every couple in the place now holding hands
and kissing are now assaulting her again and she feels trickles of sweat starting to form
on her temples out of the pressure. Questions start swirling in her mind, and for a
moment she feels like shes sitting at one of her final exams. Does Seulgi even notice
whats going on around them right now? Should she initiate it? Would it be appropriate?
Are they even at that point yet? She guesses she can at least start with holding her
hand. Yes, that would be sensible.
Just as shes going to slightly lift her hand from the table to reach out for Seulgis, she
feels her own hand being held down gently by the other girl, whos now staring right into
her eyes how did her face get so close? Dont be so stressed, its just me, Seulgi tells
her quietly.
Irene blinks heatedly. Her sight gets slightly hazy as she feels an odd sense of warmth
from their hands swarming her whole body. Youre really hard to read, sometimes, she
says frankly. And Im very easy to read, apparently.
Do you want to head back to the library with me later? I need help with my
Transfiguration essay. Wendy is still a little mad at me for what I did to her teeth, Seulgi
asks as her face gets closer, and Irene squirms in her seat, but holds herself in place.
Theres just no way she can back down now. Not after the way everything seems to have
spiraled down into madness eversince she walked in on the other girl in the prefects
bathroom months ago. She needs to get some of that control back now.
If I said yes, Irene voices out, looking at the other girl through her eyelashes after
glancing briefly at her surroundings one last time. Would you kiss me?
Seulgis face breaks into a grin. I thought youd never ask, she says as she leans in to
capture Irenes lips with her own. Instead of feeling in control, Irene ends up losing
herself deeper into the kiss as the golden cherub above showers them with generous
amount of confetti. If she could, she would drown this horribly decorated place with its
horrible tasting tea in confetti by kissing Seulgi while running her hand through her
blonde locks for hours. Responsibilities be damned.

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