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Topics to be discussed

1. Network concept
2. Types of networks
3. Network topology
4. Network Architecture
5. Network configuration
6. Communication of data on networks
7. Data security on networks


By the end of the Lesson, the student should be able to:

1. Explain concepts of networking
2. State the types of networks
3. Identify types of network topology
4. Identify various network Architecture
5. Configure a simple network
6. Explain data communication and its related concepts.
7. Discuss the ways data security over a network is ensured


Just about any computer youll use today is on a network. Today, many homes and offices have

In this lesson, I start by identifying some basic network concepts and types of
I then introduce the various network topologies and architectures. I follow up
with a step by step configuration of a basic peer to peer network.
I conclude with data communication and data security on network

Network Concepts

A computer network is a collection of computers and other devices connected to share data,
hardware and software.

To explain network concepts, the following terminologies associated with networking must be
explained; topology, gateway router, client, server.


Network topology is the arrangement of the computers and other devices of a computer network.
So it is the physical orientations of computers and other devices in a network.

Gateway router
This is a computer found at each intersection on the internet backbone that examines incoming
datas IP address and forwards the data towards its destination.

This is a computer and software that make data available to other computers.

This is a computer and software that makes use of data made available by a server.

Types of networks
The 3 types of networks based on size are LAN, MAN, WAN (Local Area Network,
Metropolitan Area Network and Wide Area Network).

Local Area Network

A Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of computers that are confined to a small geographic
area, usually one building.

Characteristics / Features of LAN include:

It is limited to geographic area.
Have fast network connectivity between devices in the network.
A LAN is an internal network.
It has generally lower in cost than WAN

Wide Area Network

A WAN is created when two or more LAN in separate geographical locations are connected

Characteristics / Features of WAN

A WAN covers more than one geographical area.
Have slow network connectivity between the LANs
It has generally higher cost than LAN.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

A MAN is a network that interconnects computers in a geographic area or region larger than that
covered by LAN but smaller than the area covered by a WAN.

Characteristics / Features of MAN

A MAN is larger than a LAN but smaller than WAN

A MAN is not generally owned by a single organization.
It has generally higher cost than LAN but lower cost than WAN.
Network Topology

The arrangement of computers and other devices in a network is called the networks topology.
The network topology defines the physical connections of devices in a computer network.

The most common network topologies are

- Star
- Ring
- Bus

Star Topology
In a star topology network, a number of computers and other devices are connected to a central
connecting device.
- Some type of medium to tie the computers and devices all together can be cable or
- The central connecting devices may be bubs switches or routers.
- All the computers and devices are connected to the central connecting device in a star

Star networks are very reliable. If one computer other than the central connecting device
fails, it does not affect other users.
Good security; no computer or device can interact with another without going through the
central connecting device.
It is easy to install since each computer or device has its own cable to the central
connecting device.
It is easy to locate faults when they occur.
Extra computers can be added easily.


It is the most expensive network topology or arrangement to install because of the

amount of cables needed.
Extra device, central connecting device such as bubs, switches and routers are needed.
If the central connecting device goes down, the whole network is down.

Ring Topology
In a ring topology network, the computers and other devices are connected to each other in a
circle. There is no central connecting device communication flows in one direction around the


Data transmission is fairly simple as it only travels in one direction

No data collisions
Computers can be added easily with little effect on performance although the network
must be shut down to be able to do this.


If a single computer goes down, the entire network doesnt work

Data passes through every computer or device until it reaches its destination. This makes
this network topology slower than other network topologies.
Difficult to locate faults in the network, when problems occur.

Bus Topology
In a bus topology network, all the computers and other devices are connected to a common
communication cable forming a bus pattern.

All the computers or devices can communicate with each other without having to go through
another device.


It is easy to install and easy to add a computer or device.

If a computer or device goes down, it does not affect the entire network.

If there is a problem with the common cable, the entire network goes down.
If there are a lot of computers or devices on the network, data travels slowly.
Data collisions can happen as the network becomes busy
Low data security, since every computer or device sees all of the data in the network.

Network Architecture

Network architecture is the strategy or way of coordinating the sharing of information and
resources on the network.

The most common network architectures are:

Peer to - peer
Client server
File server

Peer to Pear Network Architecture (P2P)

In a peer to peer architecture, the computers or devices act as both servers and clients.For
example, one computer can obtain files located on another computer and can also provide files to
other computers.

Features or Characteristics of peer to peer

It is popular because it is simple to set up.
It is also quite cheap compared to clients architecture.
Each computer is set up to share folders and peripherals such as printer, scanner, and
external hard drive.


There are several advantages to using peer-to-peer architecture:

The networks are in expensive and easy to install
They work very well for smaller networks with less than ten computers or devices.

Each computer / device needs the correct application loaded
Each computer / device needs its own anti virus scanner
Each computer / device needs its own backup schedule
This architecture lacks powerful network management software to effectively monitor
larger networks activities.

Client Server Network Architecture

In a client server architecture, one powerful computer is dedicated to coordinate and supply
resources and services to all other computer or devices on the network.

Features or Characteristics
- The powerful computer that provides access to the centralized resources such as
databases, application software, and hardware is called Server.
- The other computers or devices that make use of the centralized resources are called
- Only one computer, the server hosts the resources that all the clients request and use.

It has the ability to handle very large networks efficiently.
This architecture has powerful network management software that monitors and controls
the networks activities.
It is simple to set up
It takes less time to find fault when there is a problem on the network.

It has high cost of installation and maintenance
If the server goes down, the entire network shuts down.

File Server Architecture

In a File server architecture, a computer is dedicated on a file server.
The file server is devoted only to the task of delivering programs and data files to other
computers (workstations) on the network.
The dedicated file server does not process data or run programs for the workstations.
The data is processed and programs run on the workstation not the file server.

Network Configuration

In this section you will learn how to configure a peer to peer network.

In the peer to peer network, you simply use the same Workgroup for all the computers and a
unique name for each computer. In addition give a unique IP address and its related subnet mask
to each computer. For example use:

Computer name IP Address Subnet Mask Workgroup

PC 1 Shs network
PC 2 Shs network
PC 3 Shs network

To do this

1. Right click on My Computer and then click Properties then go to the Network
Identification Section.
2. Access the Local Area Connection properties dialog box.
3. Click Internet Protocol Version 4, and then click the properties button.
4. Click then use the following IP address radio button.
Enter the IP address
Enter the Subnet mask
5. Configure the IP address and Subnet mask for the other computers.
6. Click OK. Then in the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, Click OK.

Communication of data on networks

Data communication refers to the transmission of data between two or more computers and a
computer network. Data communication is then defined as the sending of data between
geographically separated computers.
Data communication involves the following components:

(i) Hardware Component eg: Servers, bubs, switches, bridges, cables.

(ii) Software Component e.g. Communication software
(iii) Communication Channels e.g. Physical structure.

Data can be transmitted in two basic forms:

Digital Signals, data transmitted in series of discrete bits ON and OFF

Analogue Signals, data transmitted as a continuous wave

The telephone system uses analogue signals whereas computer systems use digital signal forms
of data. In a network, there are three basic directions for transmitting data;

Half duplex
Full duplex

In the simplex mode or direction, data can only travel through the channel in one direction.

In half duplex communication, data flows in both directions, but not at the same time. That is
data flows in only one direction at any one time.

In full duplex communication, data is transmitted back and forth at the same time.

The full duplex is the fastest and most efficient form of two-way communication.

Data Security on networks

Data security is the collection of techniques that provide protection for data.

There are various ways of providing data security on networks:

Restrict physical access to the computer systems on the network.

Restrict online access to data; prevent people from accessing data so they cant
steal it or tamper with it.
The most common way to restrict access to a computer system is with user IDs
and passwords.
Encrypt the data; this is a way to prevent criminals from using stolen data.
Encryption is the process of scrambling or hiding information so that it cannot be
understood until it is decrypted, to change it back to its original form.
Install and Use Virus detection software.

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