Signtature Assignment #2 Unit Plan: Ryan Muzzy

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Ryan Muzzy

Signtature Assignment #2 Unit Plan

40 Points

As your final project for this course, you will be creating a unit plan which
includes a project for your future students to complete. The goal of this project is
to blend literacy, technology, and your content area together into an
applicable project for your future teaching. Youll be (1) writing instructions
for your students, (2) providing them with resources, (3) developing a rubric
to guide their projects. The project must include reading and writing (see
directions for Signature Assignment #2 in syllabus). The idea is that you make it as
relevant as possible to your future teaching, while incorporating the viewpoints on
literacy youve acquired or adapted this semester.

Unit: A scope and sequence of standards/objectives covered that

are connected by a theme or area of focus. This is not pages of
detailed lesson plans, but a sequence of standards/objectives that
are covered in order, listing major activities or checks for
comprehension, with a project that acts as the culminating activity
(can be developed throughout the unit).

Day : Teaching method Tie to theme Activity

(lecture, lab, or area of (single or
cooperative focus portion of
groups, ..) and main project)
check for
Day one: Lecture and We will be Students will
Introduction cooperative using listen to the
into Direct groups, vocabulary teacher say
Objects comprehension from the sentences out
Content check will be overlying unit loud (in
Standard: based on how Family. English), and
IL.NM.1 - students do with will write
Understand, the whiteboard down the
interpret, and activity (formative sentence on a
analyze what assessment). white board
is heard; (in German).
some familiar
words and
Students will
Ryan Muzzy

be able to
identify what
is the direct
object in a
Day two: Lecture and We will be Students will
Strategies for cooperative using read a
Direct Objects groups, vocabulary paragraph of
Content comprehension from the text (in
Standard: check will be a fill overlying unit German) and
IR.NM.1 - in the blank Family. students will
Understand, worksheet, where identify the
interpret, and students need to direct objects
analyze what fill in the correct by writing
is read or case for each them down
viewed on a word (der, die, (the words
variety of das). that are the
topics; direct
Recognize and objects)
words, and

Students will
be able to
identify the
correct case
to be used in
a sentence.
Day Three: Cooperative We will be Students will
Identifying groups, using be paired up
Direct Objects comprehension vocabulary and
Content check will be from the instructed to
Standard: students turning overlying unit write a family
PS.NM.1 - in their peer Family. roleplay using
Present edited roleplays. 5 direct
information, objects.
concepts, and Student
ideas to Groups will
inform, pair up with
explain, another group
persuade, and and share
narrate on a their roleplay,
Ryan Muzzy

variety of groups will

topics using peer edit
appropriate their partner
media and group
adapting to roleplay.
various Students will
audiences of then either
listeners or volunteer to
viewers; present in
Present front of class
information or be
about self and voluntold.
other familiar
topics using a
variety of
phrases, and
Students will
be able to
create and act
out a scenario
proficiency of
direct object
Day Four: Cooperative We will be Students will
Practice with groups, using do the
Direct Objects comprehension vocabulary whiteboard
Content check will be the from the activity again,
Standard: story that each overlying unit students will
PW.NM.1 - pair wrote. Family. also be put
Present into pairs and
information, instructed to
concepts, and write a short
ideas to story using at
inform, least 5 direct
explain, objects (5
persuade, and sentences).
narrate on a Students will
variety of present these
topics using stories to the
appropriate class.
Ryan Muzzy

media and
adapting to
audiences of
readers or
concepts, and
ideas to
persuade, and
narrate on a
variety of
topics using
media and
adapting to
audiences of
readers or
Students will
be able to
write a story,
using direct
objects and
Day Five: Lecture, We will be Students will
Review and comprehension using play several
test of Direct check will be quiz vocabulary review games
Objects on Direct Objects. from the to prepare for
Content overlying unit the quiz. The
Standard: Family. games will be
IR.NM.1 - a Kahoot and
Understand, Speed
interpret, and Write.
analyze what (Speed write
is read or is a game
viewed on a where you
variety of divide the
topics; class in half
Ryan Muzzy

Recognize and or into large

understand teams and
some they send one
characters, person to the
words, and whiteboard to
phrases. write a
Objective: sentence as
Students will fast as they
be able to can(correctly)
demonstrate , then they
mastery of get points.)
direct objects.

To include with unit:

1. Title of your unit: Direct Objects (Akkusativ Kasus)

2. What big ideas do your students need to take away from this

a. What couldnt we do if we didnt understand direct
objects? We wouldnt be able to talk about anything!
The direct object is what is being verbed. For example,
Ich werfe den Ball. Den ball is the direct object, but if
you didnt know about direct objects you wouldnt be
able to tell that the ball was being thrown.
b. How are Direct Objects applied in the world beyond the
classroom? Direct Objects are needed to tell what is
being talked about in a sentence.
3. What essential questions will guide and focus student
Remember: Quality essential questions DO NOT point toward the one official "right"
answer, and they SHOULD NOT elicit mere lists and thus no further inquiry. Examples:
To what extent does where you live influence how you live? What should our diet and
wellness plans be in a world of constantly changing advice from experts? (Wiggins &
a. How do we use direct objects in German?
b. Why do we need to use direct objects in German?
4. Directions to give to students for project completion
The project will be a test/quiz at the end of the unit.
Ryan Muzzy

5. Resources to give to students for project completion (See

6. Rubric for guidance and grade of project
Students will be graded on whether the response is correct or

Selecting and Evaluating Print and Digital Resources for Unit Plan (Information Literacy)

For each, identify:

The lexile level of the resource if it is a reading resource.

Whether you would use it as a teacher Read Aloud, if it would be used in class with support (cooperative
learning and/or other strategies), or if students would read independently at home.
Evaluate the resource:
o Who authored and published the material?
o Is this a reliable source for the resource?
o Is the author an expert? Credentials?
o What year? Is this the most recent information or is there a reason for using an older resource?
o Original purpose of the resource (inform, persuade, entertain)?
o Is there is bias? Is it appropriate to have a bias for this material (as in, does it fit the purpose of the
o Why is this material appropriate to the unit? For each, explain how this resource will help students
reach your planned objectives.

Required resources:

Online resources: find at least two websites (organizational or educational websites, etc) that support your unit
(you must link to these sites) where you would send students to locate/gather information related to the topic.
These websites should be at two different lexile levels to accommodate/differentiate for student reading levels.
Two non-fiction/informational text journal articles, blogs, or newspaper articles (whether online, in a database,
or print) related to the topic at a level that students could read with support. Either attach as a pdf or link to the
article. These should be at two different lexile levels to accommodate/differentiate for student reading levels.
An online video that relates to the topic (YouTube? TeacherTube? Vimeo? BrainPop? Subject-specific
At least one childrens book related to the topic.
At least two trade books (can be fiction, informational text, adult or young adult) related to the topic.

To make sure you have all of the elements, follow this format:

Resource Lexile Author / Link to original How will resource Evaluation:

Publisher or citation be used in class Is this a reliable
(describe whether it source for the
will be a Read resource?
Aloud, Is the author an
collaborative expert?
reading, Credentials?
independent What year? Is
research, etc) this the most
Ryan Muzzy

information or is
there a reason for
using an older
Original purpose
of the resource
Is there is bias?
Is it appropriate
to have a bias for
this material (as
in, does it fit the
purpose of the
Why is this
appropriate to
the unit? How
this resource will
help students
reach your
Online - All Acapela http://www.acap Day 2: extra This is good, because it
Acapela Levels ela- resource, if students allows students to hear want to hear the an authentic oral
languages/#Ger text read while they representation of
man, Greek read. whatever text they are
Online Grade 9 Marathons http://marathons Teacher resource. A reliable resource for a
German - 12 bit of a refresher on the
Cases m rman-cases- topic.
Nonfiction - Grade 9 Englishgra https://www.eng Day 1: Read before It has some good
English 12 mmar101. lishgrammar101 lecture. information that is good
Grammar com .com/module- for students to review,
4/sentence- because students need to
parts/lesson- know about their own
6/direct-objects language grammar rules
before they learn about
another languages
Ryan Muzzy

grammar rules.
Nonfiction Grade 9 Robin L http://www.cho Not to be used, This will be used as a
Direct 12 Simmons more of a teacher teacher resource. Just as
Objects erms/directobje resource. a brief refresher if
(English) ct.htm needed.
Video Video TeacherPh https://www.yo Day 1: Video I checked it for errors
Explanation ilEnglish shown to ensure and there were none, so
of direct h? understanding of it is reliable.
objects. v=EPosseKSKk Direct Objects.
Childrens Grades 3 Heinrich Book Wouldnt use, but Written by Heinrich
Book - -8 Hoffman could analyze for Hoffman.
Struwwelpet direct objects.
Trade book AD460L Grimm http://maerchen Lexile level too It is reliable. It is a story
- Cinderella Brothers - high, wouldnt use. whose purpose is to
Version entertain.
Trade book 810L Grimm http://maerchen Lexile level too It is reliable. It is a story
Hansel Brothers - high, wouldnt use. whose purpose is to
and Gretel entertain.

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