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TEL 431: Learning in Workplaces

L2: Assignment

Adult Learners
Constructs: Intrinsic Motivation, Autonomy, and Self-Directed
Name: Emily Bourne
Date: April 2, 2017
Your Assigned Facilitator: Foulger

NOTE: Please bold all your responses so nothing is missed when your work is assessed.

This activity will help you realize where your innate abilities lie with respect to being
autonomous, so you can make good use of opportunities to be self directed. It will also help you
to realize your weaknesses, and to set goals to be mindful about improving your ability to be

The process is based on research by Tassarini (2012) related to the distinct but interrelated
dimensions the author believes are supportive to autonomous learning.

Before you begin, please read the following article about assessing language learners
Tassinari, M. G. (2012). Evaluating learner autonomy: A dynamic model with descriptors.
Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 3(1), 24-40. Available at

Figure 1. The dynamic model of learner autonomy (Tassinari, 2012)

The model accounts for the wide spectrum of competencies, skills, and actions that support
ones ability to be autonomous.

Following this model, the desire to manage my own learning is superordinate to all other
components, and thus is required in order to address any other component. In essence,
learners can decide to address any component at any point in time, and move freely from one
component to another without following a given path, thus improving their abilities to be

For this lessons activity, the Tassinari model will be used, with adjustments made to eliminate
the need for a facilitator.

Building on Discussion Board

Intrinsic motivation was the small group discussion board topic for this lesson. This was meant
to help you situate yourself in adult learning needs. This activity will build on the discussion
board conversations.
In the following prompts, you are asked to reflect about your capability to perform the functions
of autonomy, as defined by Tassinari (2012).

Recall the factors of the Tassinari model listed below:

Motivating Yourself. It is important to be able to motivate yourself at the beginning of the

learning process. As well, it is important to be able to re-motivate yourself when the initial
motivation wears thin.

Dealing with Your Feelings. It is important to recognize feelings that come up when learning,
and to process your feelings in order to organize learning effectively.

Structuring Knowledge. The ability to structure knowledge, sometimes disparate knowledge

bases, is a component that plays a role in all autonomous learning phases and activities.

Planning. It is important to recognize ones needs, to formulate these into realistic learning
objectives, and to structure these into steps that create a learning plan. In addition, one has to
be flexible enough to change the learning plan if the situation or needs should change.

Choosing Materials and Methods. The ability to choose and work with suitable learning
materials, methods, and strategies is acquired and developed bit by bit.

Completing Tasks. The ability to complete tasks is reliant upon access to any necessary tools
and resources, organizing time to learn, completing individual or multiple tasks, and employing
appropriate methods and strategies.

Monitoring. The ability to reflect on topics, tasks, the learning process, and to observe oneself
helps learners to identify their strengths and weaknesses and to structure or re-structure
learning activities accordingly.

Evaluating. The ability to review what you have learned, how well you have learned, and what
progress has been made toward competencies is the hardest part of autonomous learning. It
requires practice and normally occurs through an exchange with other learners or superiors.

Cooperating. The ability to cooperate extends learning from an isolated and independent activity
to learning in association with others. Cooperation can support learners to complete tasks,
realize a project, negotiate resources, evaluate the outcome, etc.

Reflection can occur using a variety of different techniques. To comprehensively reflect on your
learning for this activity, you will use this thinking routine in the next phase of this activity.
What do you do, when you are not so mindful (or maybe when you are stressed)?
Describe how you are now. What thoughts and behaviors challenge you? What environmental
factors, personal patterns, beliefs, etc. exacerbate your challenges?

So What?
How do you want to be?
Describe how you would like to be. What thoughts and behaviors would you like to change?
What environmental conditions (that you have influence over) would you like to change?

Now What?
What would you like to learn?
Describe whats in store for the future now that youve learned more about yourself. What you
are going to do to continue your professional development in light of this learning. What future
learning opportunities will help you grow in this area? What new experiences or situations will
help you grow in this area? How will you engage in them differently now? What mistakes do you
want to prepare to avoid?

Of the factors from the Tassinari model, pick 3 deficit areas that, if strengthened, would create
the most impact in your ability to be an autonomous learner.
Reflect ONLY on those three, using the thinking routine as outlined above. To attain maximum
points, provide relevant details and examples from your life in your reflection.

Factor #1:
Structuring Knowledge. The ability to structure knowledge, sometimes disparate
knowledge bases, is a component that plays a role in all autonomous learning phases
and activities.

I choose this factor because:

Reflect about this factor using the thinking routine outlined above. Write a paragraph for each
phase of the routine: what, so what, and now what. (400-500 words) (10 pts.)

Currently I am able to understand that knowledge is important and allows one to grasp
what they are learning and retain it for later use. With structure knowledge I think that
mastering this will give me the opportunity to have the confidence to share my
knowledge with others. I am challenged by confidence. At times I am to nervous to share
my knowledge at times because I am afraid that I might say the wrong thing. Or, someone
might ask me a question and I might not know the answer. I am a Christian and having
the faith to believe in something that is not physically there can be hard at times. I strive
to discover ways to jump out in faith in regards to the knowledge that I have and want to
share with others. My environment is very motivating which helps. My husband is always
telling me how proud he is of me and how great of a job I am doing. He encourages me to
not stress and worry and doing things with the hope and assurance it will all work out.

So what:
I want to become a strong autonomous learner. I want to do so for my future career so I
can be a role model and mentor to my students. I want to walk with my head held high
and be ready for any moment to arise for me to speak out and share the knowledge that I
have learned and continue to learn about. I want to teach my students that failure is
actually a good thing. It allows each and every one of us to evaluate the reason and to
depict what we need to change to try again. I just do not understand why I want to teach
my students the importance of failure but I get so upset with myself when I fail? It seems
that I will be continuing my time in grasping the fact the failing is good not bad.

Now what:
With the help of what and so what I am able to see what I need to continue to work on
in order to master structure knowledge. Each of my students will grasp the
understanding that the are different and therefore they learn different. As a class we will
be able to share the way that we accomplished the task at hands to demonstrate the yes
we all have gained knowledge in a certain area/topic but, we did so in our own way so we
could reach the our goal. I will continue to stay determined and focused on accomplish
and polishing my confidence issues so I can help my students do the same.

Your word count: 444

Factor #2:
Monitoring. The ability to reflect on topics, tasks, the learning process, and to observe
oneself helps learners to identify their strengths and weaknesses and to structure or re-
structure learning activities accordingly.

I choose this factor because:

Reflect about this factor using the thinking routine outlined above. Write a paragraph for each
phase of the routine: what, so what, and now what. (400-500 words) (10 pts.)

I worry and stress way to much. With the help of my family, husband, and friends they
help guide me towards accomplishing and completing what I seemed to be stressed
about. When it comes to monitoring I had a difficult time in understanding academics in
middle and high school. During my sophomore year I did not understand what the
teacher was explaining. I raised my hand understanding that I would not get it unless I
told Mrs. Lavin I do not understand. So, I said, Mrs. Lavin, are you able to explain that
again. So she did but in the same words so I asked her to reword it or explain it in
another way. I could tell she was getting very frustrated and my classmates were
mumbling and looking around. She blurted out, Emily it is what it is, there is no other
way to explain it, you either get or you don't, tough luck. Worry and stress overwhelmed
me causing me to think of failure. I do not want may students to think there is one way to
understand something and that they might fail and that's all there is. Now that I am in
college I have discovered my way of learning and therefore I am receiving better grades
than I ever have.

So what:
I am so excited to be able to understand all types of students. I was a C student in high
school, one of my teachers my senior year told me I would make a great teacher because
I will be able to understand my students on an academic level. I can help those that are
struggling like I was and I will have to knowledge to push my A students with a challenge.
I am excited to teach my students in a way that they understand. Whether it is with the
help of assistive technology, hands on activities, audio, or group work. My students will
receive praise during accomplishments so they can feel inspired to continue their hard
work. I want to be able to be a model for all teachers. Just because I am teaching my
special education students in this way doesn't mean a general education teacher is
unable to help their students find out ways they can learn easier and become a better
version of themselves.

Now what:
As I am pursuing my career in special education I look forward to researching ways and
ideas on how I can present a topic to my different students. Not only will this help my
students work hard and reach their academic goals that are set into place but it will help
me become a well-rounded teacher understanding multiple ways to teach my variety of
students. I want to learn more about the specifics of their disabilities with the hopes of
better understanding them. I want help them transform their weaknesses into strengths.

Your word count: 482

Factor #3:
Cooperating. The ability to cooperate extends learning from an isolated and independent
activity to learning in association with others. Cooperation can support learners to
complete tasks, realize a project, negotiate resources, evaluate the outcome, etc.

I choose this factor because:

Reflect about this factor using the thinking routine outlined above. Write a paragraph for each
phase of the routine: what, so what, and now what. (400-500 words) (10 pts.)

Currently I am working with others. Being a Starbucks employee we work with others and
we rely on others. We all have particular job during our shift. One must do that job right
in order for others to do their jobs right. They all intertwine. Unlike a desk job that works
with others, they might be able to take off due to being sick and they are only going to
put themselves behind and not harm the work of others. Well if I have a barista call out
due to being sick or something as a shift manager I have to find someone to take that
persons shift. Otherwise we will be down a person and that will only make our day more
stressful and chaotic. I am a true team player and I put others before myself. I get this
trait from my dad. We both enjoy making others feel good and we want to show them that
we appreciate them. My dad will bring a dozen bagels to my store for all of us. I grab
things for friends if I see something that makes me think of them knowing I will receive
nothing in return. My husband does not understand why I might buy a friend or two a gift
for Christmas understanding that there might be a possibility that I might not receive a
gift from them. My baristas and I all work together to achieve a successful shift.

So what:
I want to transform my mentality on others towards an educational view. I want to help
my peers and students succeed. I want to be sure that they are aware of how much they
mean to me. I want to change and become a teacher that does more than teach
academics. I hope to become a role model and a mentor to my students. This way they
can feel open with me to discuss what they are struggling with. This way we can then
work together to accomplish the assignment. Depending on the school district I am in I
might even be able to mentor the parents too.

Now what:
In my special education classroom I look forward to cooperating and working with my
students. I want to spend one on one time and talk with them about what they need help
with. We will partner together and work hard on the difficult topics to reach their overall
goals. Also I will be able to talk with the parents of my students. Here we can discuss
what might need to be worked on at home, what they are working on in the classroom, as
well as, what they have accomplished. The IEP will help guide all of us to reach the goals
that are set into place. Lastly I will have the opportunity to collaborate during inclusive
education and mainstream my students into a general education classroom. We will be
able to play of each others ideas and help these students reach their goals.

Your word count: 500


Write a detailed plan for improvement of the three areas by completing the tables below.

Deficit Area #1 (5 pts):

Action Steps Information People/mentors who Supplies, materials, or
sources that would might help or support experiences that are
provide insight to you in this activity. needed for this activity to
your understanding (Explain their related be successful.
of the need, and expertise or
strategies to experience.)
address the need.
Could include
articles, blog posts,
videos, web sites,
discussion boards,
(Add these to the
Reference list

Structuring Mrs. Gordy Assistive technology

Knowledge She is a mentor and Hands on activities
helps me understand Group work
things that I might see Interactive centers
or do as an upcoming
special education
teacher. She informed
me that I must
understand my
student individually so
that I might be able to
administer information
to them on a level that
each of them will

Deficit Area #2 (5 pts):

Action Steps Information People/mentors who Supplies, materials, or
sources that would might help or support experiences that are
provide insight to you in this activity. needed for this activity to
your understanding (Explain their related be successful.
of the need, and expertise or
strategies to experience.)
address the need.
Could include
articles, blog posts,
videos, web sites,
discussion boards,
(Add these to the
Reference list
Monitoring Mrs. Irby One on one
She is a special opportunities
education liaison that
interviewed my last Assessments
month for a special
education position in Example:
Chesterfield County If I were to give a
Public Schools here in spelling test I might have
Virginia. She some students that are
explained to me some unable to hold their
advice about sped. pencil do to their
She discussed that disability such as
making time for one cerebral palsy. I would
on one opportunities say the word look out
gives you insight on loud and place it in a
how the student is sentence then they will
truly progressing. have to write out the
Sometimes group word to demonstrate that
work them might be they know how to spell
copying of following it. Well since they are
along and not really unable to hold a pencil I
understanding the would have a lunch tray
information. with an even layer of
sugar on it. They will
then be able to use their
whole hand or finger to
write out the word on the
tray versus a small line
on paper.

Deficit Area #3 (5 pts):

Action Steps Information People/mentors who Supplies, materials, or
sources that would might help or support experiences that are
provide insight to you in this activity. needed for this activity to
your understanding (Explain their related be successful.
of the need, and expertise or
strategies to experience.)
address the need.
Could include
articles, blog posts,
videos, web sites,
discussion boards,
(Add these to the
Reference list

Cooperating Mrs. Gordy I will be learning how to

She is not only a be a team player.
mentor to me but also I will be sure to not be
a special education afraid to ask questions
teacher. She helps and to figure things out.
guide me into I look forward to
understanding that I communicating with
will not be alone when them and the parents to
I get offered a job. I strive towards a
will have other sped successful academic
teachers to pull ideas year with the students.
from and share my
own ideas with. Also I
will be collaborating
with general
education teachers
during times of
mainstreaming my


Review the resources provided for this lesson. Then write a vision for how you will address your
professional learning from a self-directed standpoint. Follow APA guidelines for in-text citations
and references. Include in-text citations to at least 3 of the information sources from this lesson
and 1 (or more) outside resource. Save your sources, as you will be asked to create a
Reference list for these sources below.
(400-500 word count):
I look forward to taking the information that I learned in this section with me as I
become a special education teacher. I am aware that I want to become and continue to be
a lifelong learner. I hope to push my students to understand that we are always learning
and growing with knowledge. I feel as though Guglielmino helped me see a side of how I
want my classroom to be. Guglielmino said, the key element in an effective learning
organization is acceptance of responsibility by each individual for recognizing and
addressing his or her own learning needs and then sharing that learning with appropriate
others in the organization (Guglielmino, 2008). I want to give my special education
students the opportunity to gain responsibility for their learning and for them to realize
that the only way they will reach their goals is with hard work, determination, and
understanding that we will be able to use our current knowledge to problem solve and
gather a way to understand new information. With my help I want them to show them that
they do have what it takes to understand they will just have to gather that knowledge
with a little more work and patience. An essential characteristic of learner autonomy is
the capacity of the learner to activate an interaction and a balance among these
dimensions in different learning contexts and situations (Tassinari, 2012). We can see
that understanding that learning can be done a number of ways will allow for my student
to be comfortable and try and interact with others to discover what works best for them.
Also Queensland Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Collaborative, showed me that we can,
promote active participation by allowing students to try things rather than observe
(Qeensland, 2007). Giving my students hand on activities and working in groups will
allow them to trial and error with an assignment and to also play off one anothers ideas.
There will be a lot of autonomous learning in my classroom because each student will
have the understanding of a topic in his or her own way. One student might be learning
and doing the assignment in a different way than they student sitting next to them, and
that is okay. Understanding that, communication of learning goals between a student
and the advising faculty member is critical (Self-directed, 2015). This is very important.
All of the paper work and IEPs I will be in charge of will help guide my student and me to
success. I will be able to communicate with the student, receive their ideas and thoughts
about their progress. Next I will discuss it with the parents to see what they are seeing at
home. Together we will join and become a team to reach for the win, which is academic

Your word count: 466

References (10 pts)

Guglielmino, L. M. (2008). Why Self-Directed Learning? International Journal of
Self-Directed Learning 5(1), 1-14. Please read only pages 1-14. Retrieved
Queensland Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Collaborative. (2007). Adult learning theories and
principles: Become familiar with adult learning theory and the six principles of adult learning.
Available at:
Self-Directed Learning: A Four-Step Process. (2015, July 13). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from
Tassinari, M. G. (2012). Evaluating learner autonomy: A dynamic model with
descriptors. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 3(1), 24-40. Available
Professional presentation (professional language, grammar, spelling, word count) (10
Please proofread your work to be sure it meets university level writing standards. Note that if
your written work does not meet this standard, you will be asked to revise and resubmit within 3
days, and these points will be lost. The Writing Center can provide support. See for details.

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