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May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

morphologia synt. obserutines significti obserutines oksnom obserutines uerba

intr H3eg 28 ai affirm * gj

tr proclam proclaim * gsj

fem conti speech << gtis

inc H2ep apscor reach * pj

jo fem 10 segs harvest << sntis

mas H2eb-(e)lo, bl- 11 malum (fructus) apple * belos

HHi3-bh- r /n ;
adI i
HH 3-bh-r /n ; cf. repentnus sudden * abhns

(per-) per- (uald) very pref. * abhro-

mas H2eg(wh)-no 16 agnus lamb * acnos

ind 64 ad at * ad

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIIIo tr praepar prepare * adej

AIIa tr H2edgh circumveni beset * adgh

BIf tr HeH 2-d-; adj sicc dry (to) * dmi

neu ritus rite << adm

desos neu H2ed-os ador spelt * ados

intr 24 metu fear * ghar

neu lacus lake * gherom

fem H2egh imentum plough animal * aghj

adI 59 repellens repellent * aghls

(aghlews) fem irrorti (bruine) drizzle * aghlws

BIVb tr afflig afflict << ghneumi

adII caprnus of rams/goats * agns

fem prls brood * agl

adI H2eg- Hli-/ ili- /Hlo- agilis agile * glis
en neu agmen rank passage (mil) * agmn

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

cau H2eg 54 ag (pell) push * ag

mas H2ego- noxa fault * agos

HeHi2g-, HeHi3g-
mas i i
aris ram * ags
/ HH 2g-, HH 3g-

fem 43 trucidati massacre * agr

neu H2eg-r fructus (agr) fruit * grnom

mas agricola farmer << agrqols

mas H2egro- 1 ager land * agros
fem la wing << agsl
adI actus pushed driven, acted * agts

sta 39 pudet (mihi) feel ashamed * aichesj

ej fem 6 aedes hearth home << aidhis

intr o io arde burn * aidh
H H 2-dh

fem H2eigeH2 9 robus oak * aig

adI H2oig-ro 39 aeger ill * aigros

meet with point

AIa tr H3eHi2k 46 ic(i) * aik

BIVb imitor copy << imneumi

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu H2eimo- effigs replication * aimom

sta H3eH 2; dat pertine belong * ain

tr H3eHi2 potior take possession * inumoi

adI 59 aequus even * aiqos

fem 9 lolium ryegrass * air
tr H2eisd- honor honour * aisdai
neu ardor ardour << aisdhom

H1eisk- / H2eisk- ?
adI clrus clear * aiskrs

tr H2eis- 25 reuereor respect * ais

tr quaer request * isosk

fem desiderium desire * aissk

jo fem H3eHi2-ti / H3Hi2-ti 51 pars part * aitis

ind semper always * iw(es)i

mas 63 aetas (epoch) period * iwesos

adII H2eiwo- aeuus eternal (lifetime-lasting) * aiws

jo fem aetas eternity << iwotts

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

H2oiwu(s)/ H2oiwi-
neu uitlits vital energy * aiwu
/H2oiwo-/ H2oiw-

ind HH 2eri mane early * jeri

adII aereus brassy << jesnos

es neu H2ei-os aes cprum brass copper * ajos

jo fem 9 acer maple * keris

mas 4 aceruus pile * keswos

intr H3H 2k- ace be sharp be sour * akj

fem H3Hi2k- acis blade * akjs

fem buccella bit * akm

(kmenos) mas H2ek-mon 3 lapis stone * akmn

fem 4 agna prickle * akn

BIVa tr ed eat * knmi

mas H3Hi2k-H3oHi2k- 10 acridium scammony sharp plant * akks

es neu acus (aceris) chaff * akos

adI i
59 cer sharp * akris
H3(e)H 2k-(e)ro-

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu H3H 2k-ro- promontorium promontory * akrom

fem ascia axe * ksij

jo mas H2eg s-iH2 axis axle * aksis

fem genista broom (plant) * aksteinos

mas aculeus sting * kulos

ew fem acus needle * akus

excl. heus! hello * al!

intr ambul stroll * aljai

adI H2elbho- 60 albus white * albhos

mas pecnia money * alchos

en mas 8 potrium trough * aldhn

(aliks) alica spelt * aliks

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem H2el-esno- 9 alnus alder * lesnos

sta alge be cold * alghj

id lois H2el-yo alius another * aljos

ind ali to another place * ljote

AIIIo tr 69 tueor protect * alkej

mas / capreolus
ej cf. eln 16 alcs roe-deer * alkis
fem capreolus

al nourish * al

adI paruus small * alpos

adII alter the other one << lteros

adII altjs adultus adult * altjos

adI altus high * alts

mas 34 lius garlic * lujos

neu H2elu- ceruisia beer * lum

tr HemH, cf. omos 23 am love (to) (relatives) * amy

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

h2 tbh ? >
ind circum around * ambh
*h2 tbh

mas ambhagots agens publicus public servant * ambhagtos

neu circuitus circuit << mbhinom
mas seruus servant * ambhqolos
mas iter periploos travel periple << ambhrmos

lois amb both * ambhou

fem amca friend << meik

(amiks) mas amcus friend << amiks

fem 17 amita aunt (fatherly) * met

tr H2emgh ang oppress * amgh

adI H2mghu-; amghus angustus narrow * amghs

fem angustiae narrowness * mghustis

cf. aidh; HeHi2-/

BIIf tr i 6 calefaci heat * mi
HH 2-nu-mi
fem 17 mamma mother * amm
mas apprehensi seizing act of * ms

adI amrus sour * amrs

mas cf. mi 63 mane morning * mros - mrei

ind forsan perhaps * an

mas /
et H2enH2-t(i)- 13 anas duck * ants

ind na ad to * ana

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem uirg maid * ndhes

caecus blind * andhos

mas H2eng-lo rotula angulus articulation corner * anglos

tr remoue withdraw * anj

mas H1enko- ancus hook * ankos

ind cf. noqtis anteluci before dawn * anksi

neu antelucnum time before dawn << nksitjom

mas H2enH1(e)-mo animus breath * anmos

fem anus (auia) granny << ann

mas anus (circulus) ring * anos

fem ansa handle * ans

provided with
adII anstus * anstos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas H2emsu- cretr cretor * amsus

ind 64 uersus towards * anta

H2enH2teH2 antae portico * antas

ind H1enti 64 ante before * ant

adI antiquus antique << ntijos

classicus classical << ntitjos

fem antiae fringe * antjs

neu fnis end * antjom

neu tugurium cave * antrom

fem H2enu- anus (auia) grandmother * anus

mas ripa shore * peros

neu apsm copula compags fastening * apm

ej fem H2ep-ni 8 amnis brook * apnis

ind 64 ab from * apo

fem 43 represalia revenge << apqitis

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI *apoHk o- uersus backward * pqos

fem distantia distance * apsttis

ind 64 post behind * apteri

adI posterus hint << apteros

adII absens absent * apowsentis

(powoikjos) mas colonia colony << powoiks

mas pappa dad * apps

mas Hepro- 16 aper boar * apros

(aps) fem H2e(H)p- aqua water * ps

fem H2epseH2 9 ppulus tremula asp * aps

mas membrum limb * apsos

fem H2ek eH2 7 aqua (mouens) water (running) * aq

ind erg therefore * ar

tr H2rH1; H1rj; arj ar plough * arj

tr adapt adjust * rarj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu artrum plough * artrom

fem 13 ardea heron * rdej

ej fem punctus point * ardis

neu H2rg- argentum silver * rgtom

adI 2 albus white * argis

adI H2(e)rgr- 2 splendidus brilliant * argrs

tr 29 argu reason * arguj

mas dominus sir * arjos

neu armentum cattle (for plowing) * rmtom

mas H2erH-mo- 18 armus arm (upper part) * armos

neu H2erom harund reed * arom

mas H2rkwo- 58 arcus bow * arqos

ind ade precisely * arti

jo fem ars art * artis

mas artus joint * artus

fem H2er- 11 abellna hazelnut * rus

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem aruna (manteca) butter * arw

neu H2erH3w-o \ / 1 aruum field * arwom

fem HeH 2-seH2 ra altar * s

sta HeHi2-s-j 6 are be dry * sj

mas cinis ash * sos

ej mas astur hawk * astris

mas astus guile * astus

ind re(d) again * ati

mas reliquiae remnant * atiloiqos

fem 14 sparus aurata seabream gilthead * atis

adI nbilis noble * atlos

mas 63 annus year * atnos

mas halitus breath << tms

AIIe intr HH 2et- respir breathe * t

ac and * atqe

adI H1eH2-tro 60 ter black * tros

mas 17 tata dad * atts

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas dominus sir * audhos

fem fascis (luminis) glance * aug

prog auge enlarge increase << augj

AIIIo cau auge aument increase << ugej
en neu augmentum increase enlargement << augm

cau H2ewg aug increase * aug

neu ugestis auctum development * augos

adI auctus grown * augts

fem HHw1l- 58 conductus tube * aulos

fem cf. ukns 56 aula (culinaria) pot * auqsl

tr hauri empty * ausij

neu aurum gold * ausom

fem aurra dawn * auss

neu matna morning * ausrom

intr illcesc dawn (begin to) * ussketi

orientlis eastern * usteros

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ind autem howbeit * aw

fem fons fountain * aw

tr H2ew 22 desider desire * awj

fem aura breeze * welj

fem H2ewig-sneH 2 10 auna oat * awigsn

fem 17 auia grandmother << wij

ej fem H2ewH1i- 13 auis bird * awis

tr H2ewi(s) + dheH 1 senti feel * awisdhij

(venos) neu fons fountain << aw

dur H2ew pernoct spend the night * aw

mas 17 avunculus uncle (maternal) << wontlos

mas H2euH2o- 17 auus grandfather * awos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ind H2ewo(u) 64 retr back (adv.) * awou

ind aut or << awti

ind autem otherwise << awtim

adI H2eut- destittus destitute * awtjos

adI 60 badius orange * badjos

fem falda skirt * bait

baculum club * baktlom

and barbarus barbaric * blbalos

adI 41 balbus tongue-tied << balbos

bombus drum * bmbalos

locuti sine
fem 28 babble * bat

intr latr bark * baubjai

intr 65 bb bleat * bebj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu 42 uis strenght * belom

neu 42 robustus strong << blowents

fem extrmum end * bend

mas cnodax (nauticus) pintle (rudder-pin) * bendl

AIa tr imbu damp * bew

tr pronunti pronounce * bhsk

tr 45 quati hit * bhtj

bhH2w- /bhH3w
tr faue be favourable * bhwj

fem 11 faba bean * bhabh

ew mas bracchium arm * bhghus

tr frig fry * bhagj

cau addic atribute * bhag

mas porti portion * bhagos

fem bheH2go- 9 fgus beech * bhgos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas pnis penis * bhalns

neu affmen speech * bhmn

fem fma rumor fame, news * bhm

intr bhH2-moi 28 for speak * bhmoi

BIVb tr 2 illmin bhH2neumi, illuminate give light * bhneumi

fem sententia sentence * bhnis

neu 2 illuminti lighting << bhnom
adI bhnus 60 lucidus bright * bhns

(bhaesos) neu bheH2os; bhwos 2 lux light * bhos

(bhars) neu 10 far wheat * bhar

fem barba beard * bhardh

mas 57 fibula brooch * bharkos

fem farna wheat << bharsein

neu 10 pnis bread * bharsjom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem 9 pnus pinetree * bharwos

mas 57 fascis bundle * bhaskis

mas 13 ltur vulture * bhsos

fem bhtis expressi expression * bhtis

mas 16 fber beaver * bhebhros

AIa intr 32 curr run * bhec

AIb intr postul require * bhedh

cau 36 arcu curb * bheg

AIa tr 29 fd trust * bheidh

fem 9 fcus fig * bheikos

fem bheiq- 12 aps bee * bheiql

non IE? Item

mas ascia axe * bheitlom
ai. parau

AIa intr 45 battu (ianuam) knock (the door) * bheld

fem 13 fulica coot * bhelks

tr H3bhel prosper enhance * bhelj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

intr 2 superluce fluoresce * bhel

intr strep make noise * bhel

neu 40 dbilitas weakness * bhelu

fem 34 hyosciamus henbane * bhlun

(bhmenos) 18 femur thigh * bhem

AIa tr 52 lig (ligre) bind * bhendh

mas 23 collga mate * bhendhros

adI melodicus melodious * bhendos

contusi hit * bhenjom

(bhergos) fem bherH2-g 9 betulla birch * bhergs

AIa tr 55 conseru keep * bhergh

AIa sta cf. merk 2 fulge glimmer * bherk

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

Bia tr bhHr; bher 54 bher bear * bhermi (bher)

neu onus burden * bherm

fem fissra breach * bhern

bhristi ? cf. testis

ind cit quickly * bhersi

AIa inc 6 feru boil * bherw

Bia intr spir blow * bhesmi

AIa inc expergiscr wake up * bheudh

AIa perf. 33 eueni ben succeed * bheugh

AIa 68 flect fold * bheug

tr (liquid) commisce knead (with a liquid) * bheur

fem compendium profit * bhwed

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

BIa / BIIb dur bhwH2 55 sum be * bhewmi

neu relits rs ura reality * bhwonom

jo fem bhtis, bhts ntura nature * bhewtis

neu circumiectus environment * bhewtlom

tr 24 time fear * bhbheimi

mas 56 fiscus vessel * bhidhs

adI asper bitter * bhidrs

adI bonus (bonae fidei) good * bhilis

BIVa tr bhiH 45 tund strike * bhnmi

cau find cleave * bhind

adI bhiH-t tusus struck * bhts

fem flamma flame << bhlgsm

neu flbellum fan << bhldhrom
neu flmen (sacerdos) priest * bhlaghm

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr 45 tund hit * bhlag

adI 60 candidus clear * bhlaidos

adI 41 flaccus thin * bhlakkos

tr fl blow * bhlmi

adI bhleH3; cf. bhls 60 fluus yellow * bhlwos

AIa intr glorior boast * bhled

AIa intr 45 flg hit * bhleic

AIa intr inflor inflate * bhleid

intr 27 fle weep * bhlmi

adI 59 sublustris dim * bhlendhos

AIa intr 8 flu flow * bhleuc

en neu 8 flmen stream << bhleugsm

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

BIII/AIIIu tr bheluj dbilit weaken << bhleumi

AIa tr 39 suffoc choke * bhleus

sta 2 fulge shimmer * bhgj

tr 38 fulci support * bhkj

mas 7 floccus flake * bhlokos

white-stained << bhlros

(bhlsos) mas bhleH3-s- fls flower * bhls

sta flore bloom << bhlosj

mas scandalum scandal * bhloskos

(bhltjos) fem bhlH-ti flos flower * bhltis

adI crassus dick * bhghus

tr fodi dig * bhodhj

mas coruus scald-crow * bhodhwos

adI (compartuus) melius better << bhodjs

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI excellens excellent * bhodrs

fem fossa grave << bhods

fem 43 guerrilla guerrilla * bhog

intr 44 litig contend << bhogj

mas amnis crook * bhogjos

fem 8 amnis stream * bhogl

bhoiH-dhH 1o-
adI foedus horrendus ugly horrible * bhoidhos
<bhei 'time'

es neu foedus ugly << bhoidos

mas fcus drone * bhoiqos

focus flame * bhokos

ej mas follis bag * bholghis

neu bheljom folium leaf * bholjom

neu bhwljm cuble den * bhljm

mas uapor steam * bholos

adI 15 strepitosus noisy << bhols

fem praeseps crib * bhondhs
bhrs mas fr thief * bhr
tr for bore * bhorj

adI 42 rudis rough * bhorcos

mas gestmen worn << bhoros

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI 21 superbus (negatu) proud * bhorsos

adII planips barefoot * bhosos

AIIIo cau expergefaci awaken << bhoudhej

fem fga flight * bhoug

cau fg flee << bhougj

adI bheHwiy- propitius favourable * bhwijs

sta ole smell (to give off) * bhragrj

(bhrtros) mas bhreH2-ter 17 frter brother * bhrtr

mas 17 sobrnus fraternus brother's son << bhrtreinos

adII frternus brotherly << bhrtrijos

AIIf intr 2 luce shine * bhrg

AIa tr frig fry * bhreic

AIa intr 27 frem grunt * bhrem

AIa intr 31 exuber gush up * bhrendh

AIa intr excell edge * bhren

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr 51 disrump shatter * bhresj

AIVa tr bhreuH-g fruor use * bhrgjai

(bhrugs) mas frux fruit << bhreugs

en neu 10 frmentum wheat << bhreugsm
jo fem sus use << bhreugtis

AIa tr mulce strike * bhreuk

neu lmes limit * bhrun

AIa cau 4 tumefaci swell * bhreus

fem 58 pons bridge * bhrw

AIa tr concoqu brew * bhrew

(bhrewos) neu puteus well * bhrew

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI bhgh- altus high * bhghos

intr 65 frig chirp * bhrigij

tr fri crumble * bhrijj

cau bhHriy/bhHruy 49 incd cut open * bhij

tr 49 prem press << bhrkmi

tr farcio stuff * bhkj

fem bhrH2g-sno 9 frxinus ashtree << bhksnos

adI cf. mktos uarius speckled << bhktos
incisi incision * bhm

tr bhrH1-g 51 frang break * bhrg

mas 4 cacumen (arboris) summit (of a tree) * bhroigos

fem 9 cedrus cedar * bhrosdhos

neu squma scale (in skin) * bhrounm

adI spdix brown * bhrounos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu frstum fragment * bhroustom

mas frns (frntis) forehead * bhrwtis

fem 67 cuspis tip * bhsts

fem portti bearing * bhtis

fem 70 iuncus bulrush * bhrughnos

(bhugs) mas 18 guttur throat * bhugs

(bhruvs) fem H3bhruH; bhrews brus eyebrow * bhrs

BIVa tr 47 defring break * bhrsnmi

fem lorca cuirass * bhrusnj

mas pectus breast * bhrusos

neu 51 particula particle << bhrustm

(bhrutks) mas (bhrutks) 9 frutex bush * bhrutks

neu bhrwHt- dfrutum syrup * bhrwtom

en neu solum soil * bhudhm

mas fundus (podium) ground << bhudhnos

dur 33 fugi flee * bhugj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas 16 bestiola (hypocor.) animal * bhugos

adI bhukus 59 hebes blunt * bhuks

fem tumor swelling * bhulj

mas uigil watcher * bhulkos

(aor. ab esmi) intr bhHu-m; bhwom fu was * bhm

AIa intr fungor serve * bhncai

tr oscul kiss * bhusj

intr 32 percurr hasten * bhsj

fem mansi dwelling * bht

tr 45 quati hit * bhutj

adII part. pf. esse been * bhts

fem blis gall * bistlis

fem 12 blatta cockroach * blakt

intr 28 blater chatter * blatsj

intr 65 bb bleat * blkj

mas 7 gutta drop * bdus

adI 41 surdus deaf * bodhrs

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas 16 caper goat * bokkos

AIVd intr expld explode * blbolj

mas 58 cuniculus tunnel * bolkos

intr 27 person resound * boukj

adI raucus rough * brenghos

mas 16 mls badger * brokos

mas 13 bub eagle owl * bughn

fem 19 bucca mouthful * bukk

intr gwH2dh immerg dive * cadh

neu gradus step * cm

adI mundnus mundane * cclos

AIa tr cruci torment * cedh

w w
g H3itu-, g H3i-
fem w uita life * ct
taH2, g H3iwot

adI uuax lively * cwks

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa dur gwH3ei-w uu live * cejw

mas animl animal * cwotos

AIIIo cau torment torture * clej

ej fem 11 glans acorn * cldis

AIa tr g elH2 abici throw away * cel

neu g(e)uH2-lo cauits cavity * celom

neu g elH1-ono- laubrum bath-tub * clwonom

intr gwj 33 ueni come * cemj

fem gwnH2; gwnis, gwn mulier woman * cen

uor devour * cerbh

ej neu w
g erH- 4 mons mountain * ceri

AIa intr fini finish * cerj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIb tr 28 laud praise * cer

sta febri have fever * cer

ew neu ueru pike * ceru

neu berrum watercress * crurom

BIVb tr exstingu extinguish * csneumi

fem 9 foliamen branches * cespis

mas bitmen resin * cetus

es neu 61 immunditia rubbish * ceudhos

adI ghwH2y-so 59 pulcher beautiful * chaisos

AIa tr rog pray * chedh

neu 20 fel bile * cheldi

AIa tr H1ghwel desider desire * chel

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

cau 42 feri wound * chend

tr interfici murder * chenmi

jo fem nex death << chentis

tr 6 calefaci warm * cher

es neu calor heat * cheros

neu flum wire * chislom

tr 48 fall deceive * chn

(chkos) fem chkeH1? fax torch * chks

adI 59 abundans abundant * chons

adI 6 formus warm * chormos

mas chnos fornus hearth * chornos

mas 6 aestus summer heat * chrenss
cf. cher

intr fur be violent * chj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

BIIa inc g eH2 33 abe go away * ccmi

fem oule fold for sheep * cij

BIVa intr praeuale prevail * cnmi

adI laetus lush * crs

fem 18 digitus finger * cistis

mas gwH3i-wo- uita life * cwos

adI g H3i-w- uuus alive * cws

fem gula gullet * c

intr uol (uols) fly << cj

adI 40 lassus tired * cns

BIVa intr g lH praepatior agonise * cnmi

mas uultur vulture * cturs

fem itus march * ctis

adI congltnsus viscose * cobhn

mas saccus sack * coinos

mas uterus womb * colbhos

mas cibicida big eater * cors

mas 57 uirga rod * cosdhos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIIIo tr 28 alld mention * cotej

mas tumr swelling * cotls

fem merda shit * coucis

adI 61 immundus dirty << coudhros

fem 13 uanellus lapwing * cwij

adII bounus bovine * cowijs

mas pstor (pecoris maioris) herdsman * cwqolos

cewos and gweH3u- / gwH3eu- 16 bs cow * cows

(cowstajs) g ou-stH2 boule ox-stall * cowsts

gwH2-u/ gweH2u/
adI 59 grauis heavy * c(w)s
gwreH2u; c(w)us

adI g rH-t brtus heavy * crtos

tr gwrH3 uor devour * cj

adI grH2-to 21 grtus welcome pleasing, grateful * crts

w w
mas g reH2-n /g reH2-w mola millstone * cwenus

neu gurgustium hovel << ccestjom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

(ccets) mas gurgues whirl * ccots

mas foetus embryon * cebhos

adI g ru-Hgh 39 maestus sad * creughos

mas 19 adam malum Adam's apple * croghos

adI grossus big * crotsos

adI maestitia sorrow * croughnos

(cews) fem 13 grus crane * cs

ind cert certainly (yes) * d

tr distribu divide up * daimoi

fem 63 tempus (horae, dis,ann) time * daitis

(daiwrs) mas 17 leuir brother-in-law * daiwr

akru / dk-akru
ew neu >drakru > dakru / lacrima tear * dakru

mas sodlis mate * dmos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas 8 fluuius river * dnus

BIVb tr carus esse be expensive << dpnmi

neu impensa dapis cost of a feast * dapnom

daps mas daps banquet * daps

fem 5 taeda torch << dwt

mas incendium conflagration * dwetus

BIVb tr 6 accend scorch * dwneumi

fem cibus ignis fuel * dawtis

ind 64 d from upwards * d

AIa tr deps knead * debh

mas allergia allergy * dedrus

fem rihipicephalus tick * degh

neu exemplum example << deikmn

AIa tr 28 monstr show * deik

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas directi (sdis) address * deikos

fem quoque diktis indicti' indication * deiktis

fem dea goddess << deiw

adII duus godly * diwijos

mas deus god * deiwos

(deiwottjos) fem deits deity * deiwotts

(diwetos) adI dues rich * deiwots

intr decet (mihi) be proper * dekj

ind dekm(t) decem ten * dek

mas 18 digitus finger * dktulos

adI dignus worthy << deknos

es neu decus virtue * dekos

adII dexter right * dksteros

AIVc tr dHl; del calcul calculate * delj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr 50 abiung split * del

es neu aeds building << demos

AIa tr 45 admorde bite * denk

AIa tr 29 ddc infere * dens

jo mas H1dont- / H1d t- 18 dens tooth * dentis

AIa intr 67 gyr turn * derbh

AIa intr cumul get cumulated * dergh

derH; d(e)rj,
tr 50 spar separate * der

(drewos) neu derH-u; doru 9 lignum (materis) wood (material) * deru

AIa tr 54 dc drag * deuk

(duks) and dux leader << deuks

tr ruin spoil * deus

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ind dewH2 dweH2 procul far * dew

fem exhausti exhaustion << dhtis

mas 2 habilis skillful * dhabhros

fem uiridia vegetation * dhaln

fem 9 abis pinetree * dhanwos

adI praedator predator * dhaunos

BIVb inc abe (e uis) vanish * dhchnmi

fem dlti destruction * dhchitis

AIa intr Hdhebh abtr abuse * dhebh

AIa dur 6 arde burn * dhech

auus grandfather * dhdhjos

mas consultus (documentum) decree * dhedhms

(dhghmos) mas humus earth * dheghom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem inflammti inflammation * dheghwis

AIa tr dheig fig puncture * dheic

fibula brooch << dhicodhl

tr dheH 1 sg suck * dheimi

AIb tr pon put * dhej

(dhliks) adI flix productive * dhliks

(dhgos) fem falx scythe * dhlgs

mas lactans baby * dhljos

AIb intr 2 splende shine * dhel

mas 18 tetta teat * dhls

neu habitus condition * dhm

AIb intr uapor steam up * dhem

fem dhlus femina female << dhmon

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa tr 45 imprim press * dhengh

grnum, faenum,
neu genitra terrae produce of land grain, hay, yield * dhnom

es neu faenus interest << dhnos

AIa inc start * dherbh

fem prnus spinsa sloe * dherghnos

tr corrobor strengthen * dhergh

adI rber red * dherghos

(dhghos) fem 61 excrmentum shit * dherghs

AIa cau 61 macul stain * dherk

tr dherH2 retine retain * dhermi

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

(dhass) mas dhH1s- sacrificti duty (religious) * dhs

jo fem dhHt-, dheHti- factum fact act, deed * dhtis

AIa intr suffici enough (to be) * dheugh

AIa cau 45 conter destroy * dheuk

es neu dh(u)nH2 fnus death * dheunos

AIb intr dhewH1 32 curr run * dhew

ind her yesterday * dhghjesi

(ghdhmenos) mas hom human being * dhghomn

fem 14 perca perch * dhghus

jo mas fnis end * dhicsnis

BIIb / AIVb tr dheHi1 faci do * dhdhmi-dh kj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AVIa tr fing model * dhingh

fem dbitum debt * dheghl

fem fams hunger * dhis

fem dhH1melo- fundti foundation * dhels

mas dhH1mo- famulus employee * dhos

adI directus direct * dhghus

adI solidus solid * dhobos

AIIIo cau 6 foue make hot << dhochej

mas (dh)ech / (dh)och 63 dis (tempus diurnum) day * dhochos

mas 58 moenia wall * dhoighos

mas cauitas hollow * dholos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas 13 columba dove * dhombhos

mas sententia opinion * dhms

fem 10 cerele cereal * dhn

adI fuscus dark << dhncelos

adI 53 obscrus dark * dhoncos

fem 18 ula hollow (of the hand) * dhnej

ej mas 8 fons fountain * dhontis

fem diarhea diarrhea * dhorj

adI 41 surdus deaf * dhoubhos

adI dhoubhus 60 ter black * dhoubhs

neu mundus world * dhoubnom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

dhlis fligo soot * dhoulis

mas fnis strick * dhunis

AIIa tr 55 prm bring out * dhragh

AIa intr 32 circumcurr run around * dhregh

mas gemitus crbr roar drone * dhrnos

intr drens cry * dhrensj

AIa sta milit do military service * dhreugh

mas fascis (pack) bundle * dhrighss

adI firmus steady * dhmos

BIVb intr salt jump * dhnumoi

neu tornus fictilirius potter wheel << dhroghnom

fem rota wheel * dhroghs

AIIh tr aude dare * dhs

fem audacia boldness * dhstis

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI audax bold * dhsus

tr dhrub(h)? 45 comminu crumble crush * dhrubhj

jo fem 7 stilla fragmentum drop fragment << dhrubhtis

tr 51 dismont dismantle * dhruslij

adI dhubus profundus deep * dhubs

(dhugtrs) fem 17 flia daughter * dhugtr

dur fm smoke * dhmj

mas dhuH1-mo 5 fmus smoke * dhms

BIVb tr 35 agit agitate * dhneumi

adI 59 fuscus dark * dhuskos

and cause
AIa tr defraud acuminibus deceive * dhwer

fem 34 pulicria fleabane * dhwestus

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI insnus crazy * dhwolnos

fem 7 uertex whirlpool * dhwols

mas sonitus sound * dhwonos

ej fem dhweris, dhur- foris door * dhworis

neu 58 forum courtyard * dhworom

dhwosos (masc.)
mas /dhwesos -es- diabolus demon * dhwosos

tr dH1(-je/o) 52 lig tie * ddmi

BIIa tr deiH2 concipere conceive * ddjmi

tr dsc learn * didksk

fem capra goat * digh

intr moue move * djej

(djwos) mas dyeH1-w 63 dis (lux) day * djws

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem djn 63 dis day * djnos

intr dat 40 contine perdr maintain last * dghj

adI dulcis sweet * dkus

cp. dleH1ghijos-,
sp. mas dlongho-, dlH 1gho- longus long * dnghos

fem longitud length * dnghot

neu locus operum building place * dpedom

adI rudis rough * dpus

(property land,
dseghns neu dominium (proprius fundus domain * dsegh
real estate)

fem lingua tongue * dghw
dt-ghuH2 ?

adI densus thick * dsus

ind ad usque to until * d

AIIIo pred uideor seem * dokej

mas cauda tail * doklom

tr dolH1- 50 dol cudge << dolj

AIIIo tr dolH1- 50 drump disrupt * dolej

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas ros dew * dolghos

mas 56 dlium (sin) barrel * dljom

mas 48 dolus fraud * dolos

ind dum still * dom

tr dmH2 dom tame * dmmi

BIIc tr deHw3 d give * (d)dmi

fem domus domus house * domos

fem domina landlady << dmn

mas dominus landlord * dmnos

neu doH3-no /doH3-ro dnum gift * dnom

neu 18 manicula wrist * dornom

mas scissra rent * doros

mas seruos slave * dsos

jo fem dos dowry << dtis

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu duHno-, dno- oppidum town * dounom

mas 9 dmus bush * dousmos

mas braccium (inferius) arm * dusontos

intr labor work * drj

mas drappus drapery << drappos

fem labos work << drtis
jo mas operrius workman << drtr

intr murmur murmur * ddrj

intr 32 curr run * drem (ddrmi)

AIa abscind cut out * drep

AIa cau 48 dcipi beguile * dreugh

fem 8 cursus (flialis) course * drew

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa tr consusc (aliquem) treat s.o. * drew

adI asper harsh * drisms

mas 9 dmus bramble * dristos

intr. manifestor be visible * dkjai peri

tr 25 perspici make up * dkj

tr 25 uide (uis crin) see <= dk

mas facis vision * dkos

mas prospectus perspective * dksmos

fem lmen light * dkt

fem 25 conspectus view << dktis
jo fem uisus seen << dktis

dur obdormiscor fall asleep * dmij

mas drH-n 51 fragmentum split * dns

fem 51 scissi split * dtis

adI scissus split * dts

fem lolium ryegrass * dw

fem dsH2 bellum war * ds

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas caudula tail (small) * dumbos

tr duH2 habilit arrange * dnmi

ind mal bad * dus

adI precrius precarious * dspis

adI inscius incompetent * duswids

tr 24 time fear * dweimi

adI bonus (efficiens) good * dwenos

adII uigint twenty * dwidkti

jo adII bps biped * dwipods

lois bis twice * dws

adI pr matching * dwskos

lois bn two each * dwsns

adI dweiros, dweisos? drus fearful << dwoiros

adII duplus double * dwoplos
adII secundus (ordinis) second << dwteros

adII duo two * dwou, dwu, dwou

(chenos) neu H1eH1gwh- r /n pti drink * ch

adI brius drunken << chjos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

jo mas H1egw-ni- 5 ignis fire * ecnis

fem H1edh-lo- 9 ebulus elder (bot) * edhlos

(dhenos) neu uallum palisade * edh

ind hodie today * edjw

tr H1ed ed eat * edmi

pron ecquis someone something * edqis, edqid

ecqu, -quae, -
pron some << edqos, -q, -qod

fem dolor pain * edun

sta ege lack * egj

H1egh-yo /
mas 16 er hedgehog * eghjos

(eghns) neu 58 circunscripti boundary * egh

(mene) pron egH(o)2 eg I * eg

ind ut completiua- that * ei

AIa intr H1eibh futtu fuck * eibh

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr H1eik 55 habe have * eik

dur H1ei 33 e go * eimi

fem ira wrath * eis

inc irscor be angry << eisskai

neu gel ice * eisom

H1egh-si 64 ex outside * ek(s)

(ksoqjos) adI inuisibilis procul ab oculs invisible out of the eyes * eksoqs

(kstaros) neu ek-stH2-, cf. enstar longinquits remoteness * ekstar

adI tab exterior external * ksteros

adI extimus outermost * kstos
ind 64 praeter excepted * ekts
fem equa mare * ekw

adII equnus of horses * ekwns

mas H1ekwo- 16 equus horse * ekwos

fem 57 cuspis bodkin * l

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

(alns) mas cf. alkis 16 alcs ceruus elaphus red-deer * eln

es neu ulcus wound * elkos

adI malus bad * elks

ew mas 16 anguilla eel * ellus

pron ille illa illud that * elne eln elnod

(aor. a ges) tr gess conducted * elm

(leros) mas olor swan * elr

60 rosaceus pink * elwos

tr 55 em take * em

fem insectus insect * empis

ind 64 in- (particula) loc) in * en

ej fem H2engwi- ; cf. ochis 15 anguis snake * anghwis

ind in inside * endo

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu suppellex furniture << endsdjom

ind et and << enim
fem eni-H3kw-eH2 facis frontispicium face faade * enq

adII tab qudam certain * enis

AIa tr 54 condc drive * enk pr

adI interior interior * enns

neu insidiae ambush * nsdjom

fem insula island * ensl

(nstaros) neu en-stH2-, cf. ekstar proximits proximity * enstar

ind inter between * nteri

adI internus internal * nternos

neu interuallum interval << nterom

adI tab interior internal * nteros

adI tab intestnus intestine << nteros

ind intus inside * ents

neu occidens west * perom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ind opi 64 insuper on * epi

friend, relative or
adII H1eH1p-i- adfnis relation * pijos
adI piromos adII supernus placed on top * piromos

neu H1ergwo- 10 erm pulse * ercom

mas H1er- aris ram * erjos

fac H1rk 47 commnic share * erk

intr H1rH1 requiesc rest * ermi

adI H1rH1-mo- solus abandoned * ermos

adI arrectus upright * ernos

AIa tr erig heave * er

mas er-H3ero- 13 aquila eagle * roros

AIa intr H1erkw 2 splende shine * erq

fem H1ers- cauda tail * ers

neu cauda tail * ersbhaljom

sta 48 err wander * ersj

fem terra land * erw

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

dur H1es 55 sum be * esmi

intr sum in loco, sedens be situated * smoi

m H1esH-o- erus housemaster * esos

(senos) neu H1esH2-r sanguis blood * es

adI eH1su- ?; sus bonus good * ss

adII secundus (ordinis) second * teros

ind etiam even (adv.) * eti

etsqe ind etiam even (adv.) * tiqe

en neu animus soul << etm

tens mas H1eH1-tr interior inside * t

adI tros ? uiuidus vivid * tros

AIa tr euk / eH k col (suui) be used * euk

intr H1eus 6 r burn * eus

inc H1ew 53 indu get dressed * ew

ind ex (cum mouiment) from << extrd

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

intr garri (loquor) talk * glgalj

mas potentia power * galnos

mas 13 gallus gaul << galnos

intr siffil (iniurios) pin down * gang

ind ar ge enim quoniam indeed seeing that * gar

intr 28 garri talk * garsij

geH2-dheH1 /
intr geH2wi-dheH1 / 23 gaude rejoice * gudhj
geH2-dhH1-sk ?
neu gaudium joy << gaudhjom

ind qudem (quando minus) at least * ge

AIa sta actus sum be bitter * geig

AIa intr germin sprout * geim

fem 3 calculus (glarea) gravel * geis

fem ftus embryo * geltis

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ew neu 7 gel ice * gelu

AIb tr grautus esse be loaded feel oppressed * gem

mas gemHro- 17 gener son-in-law * gemros

cau gener create << genesj

fem gingiua gum * geng

mas comp. -gnH1yo- sexus gender * genjos
feminnus, etc

en neu genH1mn germen germ offspring * genm

es neu genH1os genus kin * genos

jo fem genH1ti- / gH1ti- familia family * gentis

birth status, birth

neu genH1tlo- nascentia cnbla birth * gentlom

mas genH1tor 17 genitor parent * gentr

(gntrijos) fem genH1triH2 genitrx parent * gentrks

mas genH1tu- genitus procreation * gentus

neu 18 gen knee * genu

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu 18 maxilla maxilla * genus

AIa tr H2ger; grneumi cog (gregem) gather * gerc

AIa cau 36 contorque wind * gerg

intr H1ger expergiscor wake up * gerj

adI senex old << gerls

AIa prog gerH2 snsc old (to become) * ger

fem gerra network * gers

mas ueternus veteran << gerws

tr H2gs 54 ger wear * ges

neu fauilla glowing ash * geulom

jo fem gustus taste << geustis

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa intr 27 reson resound * gew

tr 55 posside own * ghbhj

neu furca fork * ghabhlom

mas 16 hircus goat (he-goat) * ghabhros

adII haednus goatish * ghaidns

mas 16 haedus young goat * ghaidos

sta haere stick * ghaisj

neu gaesum spear * ghaisom

neu 57 pilum stick * ghaisom

fem 66 capillum (hirstum) hair * ghait

neu 39 labs disgrace * ghlerom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

es neu hitus yawn * ghanos

er mas 13 anser goos * ghansr

fem 57 hasta spearshaft * ghast

tr ghH2ew / ghwH2e uoc call * ghaw

ind haud not * ghawd

fem 19 caput head * ghebhl

AIb tr 61 iunific defecate * ghed

AIa tr 22 aue long for * gheidh

ghei-ke ghi-ke ghod-

tab hic haec hoc this *

adI hiemlis wintry * ghimentos

(ghimenos) neu gheims, cf. ghjems hiems winter * gheim

adII hibernus winterly * gheimrns

AIa intr hippit sob * gheip

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas w
gh eistlo- ? obses hostage * gheislos

AIa intr glorior boast * ghelb

intr 27 grunni (canum) growl (dogs) * ghelij

neu labrum lip * ghelnom

intr 47 insec incise * ghel

fem testud tortoise * ghelus

es neu ghelHw3-os/es 60 olus vegetable * ghelwos

mas ghelHw3-os uiridis green * ghelwos

BIIb intr gheH1 33 perueni arrive * ghmi

AIa intr uad step * ghengh

(ghers) mas 16 r hedgehog * ghr

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa tr 33 circumd encircle * gherdh

fem siliqua pod * gherghros

tr 22 desider desire * gherijai

tr commod lend * gher

neu butyrum butter * ghertom

exiguus small * ghers

(ghsenos) neu cf. ghestos 18 manus hand * ghes

fem digitbulum glove * ghesris

neu cf. ghs 18 manus hand * ghestos

jo fem aduentus arrival << ghtis

fem stua (artr, birotae) handle * ghetl

AIa tr obumbr veil for protection * gheugh

AIa tr audi hear * gheus

fem ftis mould << gheutis

neu bacrium vase * gheutlom
fem fouea hollow * ghwej

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

es spatium (sidereum) space * ghewos

ind cert certainly * ghi

intr rede come back << ghighj

intr hirri whine * ghirrij

inc hi gape * ghjj

(ghjmos) mas gheims; cf. gheim 62 hiems winter * ghjems

mas patibulum crossbeam * ghlaghos

adI gh(H)-sto- caeruleus blue * ghlastos

BIIc intr ghlH3; ghlj 2 renide glimmer * ghlmi

AIa tr 26 pertract study * ghlendh

intr nugor joke * ghleumi

mas sumptus luxury * ghloidos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

nuga joke * ghloumos

adII aureus golden << ghtns

neu ghH3-to aurum gold * ghtom

adI fluorescentia flourishing * ghlustis

mas cancer (tumor) cancer * ghdhus

AVIc tr 55 accipi receive * ghd

BIIIb tr 49 mulce caress * ghneumi

mas 18 pga nus rump anus * ghodos

adI 21 alacer joyful * ghoilos

fem cf. ghelus 'testud' 18 bald head caluum caput * gholw

neu 10 hordeum barley * ghrdejom

mas cf. ghortos saeptum enclosure * ghordhos

AIIIo cau hortor encourage exhort << ghorejai

ind libenter pleasantly << ghornim

mas 20 intestna intestine * ghoros

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIIIo cau horre erect * ghorsej

mas cf. ghordhos 1 hortus garden * ghortos

(aor. ab edmi) tr d (aor.) ate (aor.) * ghosm

jo adII hospes guest * ghstipots

ej and aduena foreigner * ghostis

mas ghostos inedia starvation * ghosdos

adI terrens (obj) terrible * ghouros

AIIIo tr faue pay attention * ghowej

dur 28 gredior step * ghradjai

en neu 10 grmen grass << ghrsm

neu ghreH2-so herba grass * ghrsom

AIa tr 53 inhum bury * ghrebh

mas fames hunger * ghrdhus

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa tr ghrbh / ghr-i-bh 55 capt seize * ghreibh

neu uncti ointment * ghreimn

sta uacuus sum be empty * ghj

AIa intr 27 frem grumble (natural elements) * ghrem

fem corona (arch.) cornice (arch:) * ghrendh

es neu ghrn 66 cirrus (capill) lock (of hair) * ghrendhos

AIa intr frend gnaw * ghrend

ind ghreH1u mane early * ghrw

AIa cau 45 conter grind * ghrew

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ingru fall into * ghrew

mas fremitus roaring (natural elements) * ghromos

mas signum mark * ghronos

mas pila (in corpore) ball (in corpore) * ghroudos

fem 3 calculus (glarea) pebble << ghrow
fem 57 cuspis tip * ghrt

damn do harm * ghudj

cau fund pour * ghund

fem 16 fera beast << ghwer

ghwerns fernus beastly * ghwrns

ghwr; ghwer;
adI ferus wild * ghwrs

mas faber smith * ghwobhros

fem gibba hump * gibb

BIIe intr geis accid happen * ggisai

cau genH1 gign beget * gign

adI actus sharp << gigrs

AIa tr mand chew * gjew

fem glacis ice * glgjs

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr fodi plane * glabh

adI 59 glaber even * gladhros

fem querla protest * glagh

neu lac milk * glakti

adI 40 infirmus docile * glegos

AIa tr adhaer adhere * gleibh

(gliss) mas glis mouse * gleis

adI callidus intelligent * glkis

AIa cau 53 incld include * glembh

AIa tr 49 glb peel * gleubh

BIVa intr adhaer stick * glnmi

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas globus globe * globhos

fem 57 cuspis point * glghis

mas gltinum rubber * gloidos

adI glutinoosus sticky * gloijs

gloitns neu glten glue * gloit

intr gloci clack * glokij

es neu glomus yarn (a ball of) * glomos

(glsos) fem gH2lw 17 gls sister-in-law * gls

AIIIu tr glti swallow * gluj

tr gign produce (to) * gnj
knH2; cf. kanm,
tr adrd gnaw (to) * gnmi
km, knm
(gnjs) m/f prls offspring * gns
inc gnH1-eH2-sk nscor be born << gnskai

gnH1-t; comp. -
adII ntus born * gnts

fem uellus fleece << gnebhis

AIa tr 49 uellic pluck * gnebh

AIa tr rd raze * gneibh

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa intr 38 ntor (fulcior) lean * gneich

AIa tr 49 abrd scrape * gneid

adI euidens evident * gnros

ad in compositine ingenuus native * gnos

AVc tr gneH3 nsc know * (g)gnsk (gnwa)

BIe tr gnsmi agnosc recognize * gnsmi

fem nti necessitd knowledge * gntis

neu signum sign * gntlom

mas ntor knower * gntr

adI gnH3ts ntus known * gnts

mas geniculum bud * gnoubhos

nuus wise * gnwos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas acmen dart * golbhnos

mas dentes jaws * gombhos

mas onus load * gomos

tr gonH1-eio/e- gener produce * gonj

mas fauces jaws * gopos

mas rga wrinkle << gorbos

neu tristitia sadness << gorgnm

adI 39 tristis sad * gorgs

mas buccale oral << goulos

mas 66 turbid (capilli) crimpy hair * gouros

intr 65 gracill cackle * grakij

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem grmiae rheum (in eyes) * gramm

neu grH2-no- 10 grnum grain * grnom

fem (s)karp ? 9 carpinus betulus hornbeam * gbeinos

sta rugtus sum have wrinkle * gbj

AVIII tr 49 charax scratch * gbh

mas rte net * grebhos

AIa tr 49 scab scratch * gred

(grcos) mas H2greg- 16 grex herd * gregs

neu 20 gremium lap << gremjom

corna crown * grendjom

cnae cradle * gretlom

AIa dur 33 m uert go aside * greubh

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa intr 68 curu bend * greug

AIa tr 49 abrd scrape off * greum

AIa intr solidific solidify * greut

adI grandis grown * grdhs

fem 9 quercus suber oak tree * grbhos

mas grand hail * grdis

mas grmus crumb << groumos

intr 65 grunni grunt * grundij

fem lac passum curd cheese * grutis

intestnum bowels * gudom

fem globus ball * gug

fem pithes cellar * gup

mas dorsum back * gurnos

tr gust taste * gusn

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

(gtenos) mas guttur throat * gut

ind ib there * idhei

tr H2yk 46 ic(i) reach << ikj

(lijos) neu intestnum (organum) groin * ili

AVIII H1lH2 redupl.

tr amand send away * lj
(lm-loja-leis) H1i-H1lH3

ind inde from there << imde

adII imm more than that * imm

BIIe tr H1nk apport convey * nekmi

45 opprim oppress * ipj

pron tab is, ea, id this * is, id

neu ferrum iron * sarnom

ind itH ita so * ita

freq 33 it journey << itj

ind itaque and also << itaqe

adII differens different * teros

ind item likewise << itim

(tenos) neu iter way * it

ind H1iwe ceu like as * iwe

sta 38 iace throw fling << jkj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr 46 iaci eject expel << jkj

tr jH2g-jo/e uener worship * jagj

adI jeH2g-ju- pius pious * jgjus

ind cert yes * ji
mas coniurti conspiracy << jlos

intr yH2 transe pass * jmi

ind iam already * jmi

AIVb tr coniur contra conspire against * jneumi

fem inua entrance << jnuw

tr 33 persequor persecute * jegh

ej mas glacis ice * jegis

AIb tr 28 narr tell * jek

adI snus healthy * jekos

neu desertum desert * jlom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

BIIb cau jeH1 46 expell expel * (j)jmi

tr 52 contine hold (to) * jem

neu geminus twin * jems

frter patrulis/
(jentrs) mas 17 cousin * jentr

(-neros) neu 20 iecur liver * jeq

AIb intr. HH es- ferment ferment * jes

fem uia recta right way * jeunis

(juss) neu ius (pulmentum) broth * jeus

jo adII iudex judge << jewesdiks

AIa intr adiuu help * jew

neu 10 hordeum barley * jewom

fem 10 cerele cereal << jwornjom

(jwesos) neu is (lgum) law * jewos

adI laetus exuberant * jdros

AVIa tr 22 aue desire eagerly * jt

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ind quia because * jod qid

rel b (relt.) where (rel.) << jodhei

mas 70 iuncus bulrush * joinkos

rel cum when (relative) << jom

rel unde (relt.) from which << jomde
ind et and * joqe
rel quapropter wherefore << jori

mas gazella roebuck * jorkos

(ur, aests,
neu yeHro- 62 tempus season * jrom

mas conspirtor conspirator << jrs

rel tab is quis that, the one that (rel) * jos (je), j, jod

BIVb tr HieHw3-s cing (to) begird * jsneumi

rel qumodo (relat:) how << jota

ind quasi alike nearly << jota sei
mas 16 imentum beast of burden << jugsmtom
adI istus just * jwestos

adII H2yu-gwiH3 igis eternal * jucis

AIIIo tr kwid kwismei 28 iube command * judhej

neu iugum yoke * jugm

tr ieH 3-g 52 iung join * jung

adII iuuenis young << jwenis

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

pron tab us you * juwes / juwe

adII H2iw-wH1k- iuuenis young * juwks

fem iuuentus youth * jwt

(jwenos); sup.
adI H2iw-wHen-- iuuenis young * juwn

tr kHp 55 capi catch * kpj

fem capsa box << kps

captus captive * kptos

sta 41 care lack * ksj

adI castus pure << kstos

adI H3Hi2kH3-to- catus (actus) sharp * ktos

sta caue beware * kwj

ind sc certainly * ka

mas equulus colt little horse * kblos

(kbonos) mas equus horse * kabn

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr praeseru keep * kadh

prog 37 cad fall * kad

es neu cra trouble * kdos

adII sanctus saint * kadros

fem caula opening << kaghl

mas claustrum enclosure * kaghos

cau 51 caed cut * kaid

adI 41 caecus blind * kaikos

neu augurium augur congratulation * kailom

fem 9, 10 caepa onion * kaip

adI integer untouched whole << kairs

fem caesaris long hair << kisjs

neu 66 capillum hair * kaisrom

neu 1 silua heath * kaitom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu exclusrius exclusive * kiwelos

fem perdix partridge * kkab

intr cac defecate * kakkj

intr cacill cackle * kaklj

BIVb tr foue promote * kkneumi

cau 40 tenuefaci thinnen * kak

sta calle be experienced << kaldj

mas callus blister * kaldos

(kaliks, kalijs) kalks calix cup * kaliks

(klgenos) clgo fog <= kalgn

fem macula (candida) spot (bright) * klis

calx heel << kalkis

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI kHwos caluus glaber (capite) bald hairless * kalwos

adI 67 tortus bent * kambos

tr am love * kmi

tr kH2m 45 comprim press tightly * kam

mas campus land * kampos

BIIIa tr fodi dig * knmi

tr cand glow * kand

mas 16 equulus colt * knkestos

mas kanku /kk 57 ramulus branch * kankus

knH2; kH2m,
fem knm, knH2mi-; 18 crus leg * kanm
cf. gnmi
(knmenos) neu carmen song << kanm

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

intr 27 can sing * kan

mas cf. witus cantus (rotae) wheelrim * kantos

mas cf. skpos instrumentum tool * kaplos

mas 1 fundus (villa) land estate piece of land * kpos

fem 16 capra goat (female) << kapr

16 caper goat (male) * kapros

(kaputs) neu 19 caput head * kaput

fem Har- carna keel * karein

(karkars) mas mntra fortification * karkar

nunti announce * krkarj

cancer crab * karkros

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIIIa tr carin pin down * karnj

en fem 18 membrum limb << karn

adI 21 crus beloved * kros

tr carp (man) collect (a fruit) * karp

fem 3 rps rock * krrk

adI kartus 42 drus hard * karts

mas 60 cnus grey * kasnos

neu castellum castle << kasterlom

(kastrm) neu castra camp * kastra

tr 47 castr prune (to) << kastrj

neu forfex scissors * kastrom

fem catna chain << katsna

intr congredior meet << katsjai

tr cg gather * katsj

fem 16 fls cat * katt

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas kH2etu- 44 pugna fight * katus

mas collectculum vessel * kaukos

fem 70 caulis cabbage * kaulis

adI pudendus shameful * kauns

AIIa tr keH2w-d 45 cd hit << kawd

AIIb tr keH2w 45 cd hit * kaw

fem noctua owl * kwon

ke k kod (eke ek
pron hic hae hoc this *

ind ki hic of here * ke

ind hic (loc.) here * kei

AIa intr 37 descend go down * keid

mas cmex bug << keimx

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

inc 38 iace lie * keimoi

kimesos neu colorans colorant * keimos

adI obscrus dark * keiros

adII culis civil << kiwijos

ej and cuis citizen * keiwis

tr 52 nect bind * kekj

fem cicatrix scar << kektrks

intr salt leap * kek

adI cicur tame * kkuros

fem cella chamber * kl

cau 53 cl hide * klj

tr 35 percell strike * keld

fem mysterium mystery * kelg

neu cnaculum penthouse << kliknom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas galea helmet * kelmos

tr kelH1 impell push * kel

mas coluber snake << klodhros

neu sagitta arrow * klom
es neu 53 coopertra cover * kelos

(kletos) mas ephebus boy * kelots

AIa intr kelH3, kl neH3- excell be high * kels

intr iter facere travel << keluj

fem uia road * kelus

neu caelum heaven * kmelom

fem lotus lotus * kmeros

BIIc tr H3Hi2keH3 exacu sharpen * (k)kmi

tr cantill hum * kemj

AIb intr adntor (tempt) strain * kem

adII incornis hornless * kemos

(kenss) fem 5 cinis ash * kens

intr uacill hesitate * kenkai

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

18 tend (calcaneus) tendon tendo Achillis * kenklom

AIa inc pend weigh <= kenk

mas hamus hook * kenkos

intr kj oborior surg arise appear * ken

mas pannus rag * kentom

neu centrum prick * kentrom

tr infens do harm cause damage * kep

AIa tr 61 mancill dirty * keq

neu kerH-s-ro- cerebrum brain * kersrom

mas 16 mustela weasel * krberos

mas pstor herdsman * kerdhjos

AIa tr ordin range (to) << kerdh

mas grex ord group order * kerdhos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

es neu ars profession * kerdos

AIa inc tenuesc grow thin * kerk

fem 13 gallna hen * kerkos

mas pla (mechanica) excavator (caterpillar) * kernos

mas nix gelta frozen snow * kerns

neu 66 caesaris hair * kerom

fem cna dinner << kersn

AIa tr mutil mutilate * kers

kers , kers,
(kersens) neu 19 caput head * kers

mas kerH2wo- ceruus deer * kerwos

intr cd withraw * kesd

tr ke(k)Hs-mi reprim restrain * ksmi

mas 34 lius garlic * kesnus

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr pect comb * kes

fem cubiculum room * ktj

AIa cau 36 curu curve * keub

AIa 33, 53 abd hide * keudh

dur 68 inflect warp * keuk

neu 4 turgentia swelling * keulom

tr keusH loc rent * keus

intr keH1w- oscill sway * kwj

mas cachinnus laugh * khkhatnos

mas hmus hook * khamos

fem hedera ivy * khderos

mas 39 agittus agitated * kighrs

(kikrs) mas cicer pea * kikr

BIIIb intr uigesc become vigorous << kkeumi

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem 13 pca woodpecker * kikj

(kiklwa) tr inuoc invoke << kiklsk

adI kelH frgidus cold * kikls

fem 13 ciconia stork * kknj

(kkewos) mas 18 msculus (corporis) muscle * kkus

ind hinc from this side * kina

tr cing gird * king

adII praecdens previous * kintos

mas cippus peg * kippos

mas circinus compasses << kirknos

mas circus circle * kirkos

fem biceps (anat.) biceps * kisk

fem cista basket * kist

adI citer of this side * kteros

ind cit immediately << kitd

ind citr towards this side * kitrd

mas colr colour * kiwos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr kieH2 diribe assort * kjj

cau 35 ci activate * kjj

mas clds damage * kldis

mas gladius sword << kladjos

intr 27 clang clang << klagj

intr clam yell * klmj

adI 41 mutilus mutilated * klambs

tr agger embank * klmi

adI klmH2-ro 40 dbilis weak * klamrs

mas tabella tablet * klros

adI klH1-r resonus loud << klrs

fem klH1-dhH1-ti conuocti convocation << klstis

adI 41 claudus lame * klaudos

tr 53 claud close * klawd

mas cluus nail << klawos

(klws) fem cluis key * klws

adI clausus closed << klawsts

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem klnis?; cf. kldos 58 callis mountain-path * kdis

mas cf. kldis lignum wood * kdos

fem 9 acer (arbos) maple * kleinos

fem casa hut * kleitis

neu firmmentum support base * kleitrom

sta 6 cale be hot * kj

tr klH1 28 nmin name * kj

AIa tr 55 clep steal * klep

neu kluH audi listen * kleumi

neu audtus hearing * kleum

neu reputti reputation * klumtom

AIa tr oboedi obey * kleus

fem klusts oboedientia obedience << kleustis

jo fem quoque klutis audientia listening << kleutis

AIa tr sortior raffle * kleut

neu historia story * kleutrom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa tr 7 purg wash * klew

es neu gloria glory * klewos

cau 36 clin klH2; klinmi cause to slope << klnmi

adI 21 gentilis gentle * klisrs

tr (s)kel 47 diuid divide * kj

BIVb* tr kleuH <*k-ne-uHmi audi hear << kneumi

AIIc intr klH1-g 27 clang sound * klg

adI kloinos cluus steep * kloiwos

jo fem 1 uallis valley * klopnis

jo fem 18 clnis buttock * klounis

mas 56 cupa wine-cask * kpros

adI calidus hot * ktos

adI kluH-t audtus (et celeber) famous (heard of) * klts

sta clue be named * kluwj

tr 28 difm defame * kwij

prog kmH2 40 dfetiscor get tired * kmmi

mas 16 langusta lobster * kertos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

59 camur curved * kros

dhr 64 cum with << kti

ind centum hundred * ktom

adI knH2-ko glaesus yellow * knakos

adI recens recent * kjs

mas 18 ceruix neck * knokos

(kneukos) fem 11 nux (fructus) nut << knouks

tr 29 cense opinate * ksj

mas kenstr ortor censor spokesman * kstr

fem nux (arbos) walnut * knuw

neu euentus (bonus) success * kobom

tr turific thurify * kodj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI koilus snus healthy * koils

jo fem ualtd health state of << kilutts

fem pacta agreement << koim

adI 21, 23 crus lovely * koimos

mas hay foenum * koinos

adII koi(H)-no cogntus akin kindred * koins

fem cra (occupti) occupation * kois

(koitews) fem modus (uia) manner * koits

fem kokso- coxa hip * koks

fem -edniH2 coxendx hip bone * koksednks

mas 16 canis (hypocor.) dog (hypocor.) * kolignos

tr adhaer stick * kolj

en neu 4 culmen summit << kolm

mas kolH2-mo- calamus stalk * kolmos

kolH-ni-, kH-ni-,
ej fem 4 collis hill * kolnis
kolH-wi, kolH-wo

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu 58 sublca pile * kolnom

adII unioculis one-eyed * kolnos

nn qolsos quoniam
mas collum neck * kolsos
gmc. nn *hw incipit

mas columba dove << klumbhos

ind 64 cum with * kom

neu kmagdhlom collecti collection * kmglom

mas coniuncti union * kmjougos

komjugs epi 17 coniux consort << komjugs

adII commnis common * kmmoinis

jo fem commnitas community << kommoinitts

neu congregti meeting * komnom

neu cognmen surname << kmnm

neu armmenta equipment << kmopjom
mas globus mass << kmos
adII 59 compltus complete * kmplnos

adI perfectus perfect * kmsqtos

fem patientia patience << kmttis

ind 64 contr against << komtrd
neu curia court << kmwoirjom

fem conscientia conscience * kmwoistis

inc cnr try * knjai

AIIIo cau combr burn * konkej

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem concha shell * konkh

mas H3Hi2k-eH3-no- turbn top (spinning top) * knos

mas 18 ungula hoof * kophos

mas 58 portus (maris) haven * kopnos

mas 61 immunditia dirt << kqros

(krbhejos) mas corbis basket * korbhis

fem acarus acarian * koris

neu corium leather << korjom

neu exercitus army * korjos

adI caenum mud * korkos

mas aqua lixiuiae bleach * kormnos

(krmenos) mas mustla erminea ermine * kormn

mas dolor pain * kormos

fem 13 cornx crow * kornks

cornus cherry tree * kornos

mas saccus bag * krukos

adI korw-, korweH2 42 raucus raven * korwos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem 9 corilus hazel * ksolos

fem H3osteH2 costa (ossis) rib * kost

mas artus joint << koubos

fem kp cpa cup * koup

fem copia lot * koupn

fem cf. kotos maplia hut << kout

adI 59 cauus hollow * kowos

(kwenos) neu kuH2-r cauerna cavern * kow

Bib / BIVa tr krH2 / kneH2 35 permisce mix * krmi

ind cras tomorrow * krasi

en mas 12 crbr bumblebee * krsrn

ej fem krH2tis crtis network * krtis

crassus plump * kratsos

kdnos card hinge << kdn
(kdhens) mas carb carbon << kdhn

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

(kdejs / kdj) neu cor heart * kdi / kdjom

prog stomachor get angry * kdijai

intr krH-d 35 trepid rock * kdj

fem camisia shirt * kdsus

tr krd + dhH1/dhH3 crd believe * krddhmi

neu crbrum sieve * kreidhrom

neu crmen crime << kreim

AIa intr 35 agitor shake get excited * kreits

AIa tex (quatiens) weave (by hitting) * krek

cau 6 crem burn * kremj

tr krH1 cre create * krmi

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu ceruisia beer << kremom

neu 9, 10 caepa onion * krmusom

mas anus (circulus) ring * krenghos

fem 41 cictrix scar * krenktis

intr 27 crep crackle * krpmi

AIa intr praecipitor precipitate * krep

adI 42 fortis strong * kreps

fem 58 lims border * krq

prog crsc grow <= krsk

fem crta chalk * krt

AIa tr 47 exsec cut * kret

AIa intr 27 gem (pueri) cry (a child) * kreug

(kruks) fem crux cross * kreuks

tr kru-H dposit stock * kreumi

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa inc 52 incrustor get encrusted * kreup

AIa tr 35 permoue agitate * kreut

AIIf tr commoue touch move * krw

27 clamor cry * krig

tr kry; tab 25 crin sieve * krin

jo fem crnis mane * kripsnis

adI 66 crispus curly * kripsos

fem crista crest << kripst

cau 35 agit shuttle * kristj

fem differentia difference << kritis

fem caris rot << kjs
adI gracilis slender << kklos

tr krH1 corrump rot * knmi

adI corruptus rotten * knos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

knews neu tab corn kH2-n / knH2ng- horn * knu

mas duoti devotion * krbhtus

intr 65 croci shriek * krokij

mas 4 peplum anorak * kroknos

tr 35 agit shake * krotjj

(kreusos) neu crs leg * krous

mas refugium tectum shelter refuge, roof * krowos

mas krH2pjo-; krpjo- calceus shoe * kpjos

es neu k pos ? 59 corpus body * kpos

sta 49 carre be scratched * ksj

60 ter black * ksnos

AIIh tr 32 curr run * ks

mas cursus course << kstus

mas currus cart * ksus

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem crustula (glaciei) icicle * krust

fem krts cupula dome * krtis

es mas kr(e)uH2- cruor blood * kruws

adI curuus curved * kwos

fem cf. ksnuj 9 sentis briar * ksentis

adI ksrs 6 siccus aridus dry arid * ksers

ksuw, ksuj,
tr ksj, ksnj, 49 abrd shave * ksnuj
ksnowj, ksnutj

fem 56 noucula razor << ksnowtl

fem columna lignea post wooden pole * kslom

sta 38 cub lie << kbmi

intr orbiurg reprove * kudj

intr 65 cucu facere cockoo * kukulj

mas 13 cuclus cockoo * kukls

fem latebra hiding place * kl

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

(klks) mas 12 clex gnat * kleks

mas clus ass * klos

fem 56 catnus pot * kumbh

intr 38 accumb recline << kumb

mas kuH1-mo cumulus heap * kms

mas cuneus wedge * knejos

tr 22 exig demand * kupj

mas pulllus foal * kurnos

mas thesaurus treasure * kusdhos

mas basium kiss * kusis

ej fem kHuti-; kts 18 cutis skin * ktis

sta grauidus sum be pregnant * kuwj

mas catulus whelp * kuwos

adI potens powerful * kwos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr 22 acquro acquire * kwimi

mas caseus cheese * kwatsos

mas 60 candidus white * kweidos

(kwnos) mas 16 canis dog * kwn

neu labrum lip * lbjom

cau lacer tear << lkesj

laci trap * lkj

mas lacerti tearing * lks

neu pulm lung * lnchijm

sta 59 plnus sum be flat * lpj

(lpeds) mas 3 lapis stone * lpods

sta lascui fancy * lskj

sta 53 late be concealed * ltj

tr 55 em take * labh

fem pla spade * lagh

AIIe intr (s)leH2g; cf. lgw 40 languesc droop * lg

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adII laeuus left * laiwos

tr obiurg scold * lj

neu adeps fat * lajos

mas lacertus forearm * lakertos

ew mas 1 lacus lake * lakus

intr 28 blater babble * laljo

ind 18 pnis penis * lalu

fem lma poodle * lm

neu obiurgti tell off << lmtom

neu sartag frypan * landhom

(l esos) mas lr home god * ls

mas bs cow * lpos

fem lamps lamp * laps

latkos mas latex liquid * latks

mas 63 dies (slis) day (sunny) * latom

fem opus saxeum stonework * lur

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr lH2; abl. fruor benefit * law

mas leH2w- squadra team * lws

neu lucrum benefit << lawtlom

laxr, obliuiscor, relax (to), forget

tr lH1d 29 mitt fatigor uel release (to), get weak or * led
infirmus fier tired (to)

sta 38 occub lie * legh

es neu fulcrum lay * leghos

fem sds (locus) settlement (place) * leghsk

adI 40 pger lazy * leghsks

mas destina support * leghtrom

adI cf. lnghros; leghus 59 leuis light * leghs

BIVb tr 7 gutt (uestem) wring out * lgneumi

tr leg collect * leg

(lgos) fem lx law * legs

(libs) mas 7 gutta drop * leibs

tr permitt permit (to) * leidmi

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem leigdhl 56 ligula spoon * leigl

AIa intr H1lei-g sali jump * leig

neu liilium lily * leiljom

mas lmus mud * loimos

AIa tr 36 uit avoid * lein

neu lnum flax * leinom

fem 9 tilia lime-tree * leip

fem lra parterre * leis

AIa intr 33 e go * leit

litesos neu litus seaside * leitos

AIa tr suspend (uerticaliter) hang (vertically) * lemb

Bic tr lH indulge sin grant permit (to) * lmi

tr H3lem 51 abrump break up * lem

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas phasma phantom * lemsos

fem 8 fons spring * lendh

lnis weak * lnis

fem 9 picea juniper * lentos

intr 28 balbuti stutter * lep

BIe dclr declare * lenghmi

adI 59 plnus flat * lergos

(lsanks) fem lwanks ? 3 ardesia slate * lsanks

tr carp pick * les

adI sublestus middling * leswos

fem indulgentia concession << ltis

CELT. *pletro- ?,
neu corium leather * letrom
cf. lat. pellis

adI 21 crus dear * leubhos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI H1leudh liber (non captuus) free * ludheros

AIa intr 29 mentior lie * leugh

intr 2 luce shine (to) * leuk

adI 2 lucens bright * leuks

(luks) fem 2 lux light * leuks

en neu lmen light << leuksm

BIg tr leH1u adflict damage * lumi

(lups) mas folium leaf * leups

mas falcula sickle * lewis

tr 52 lig bind * ligj

tr 55 lict (mihi) be allowed * likj

sta 52 haere stick * limp

tr ling (lamb) lick * lingh

tr liH; linmi lin oint * ln

adI litus ointed * lns

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr linqu leave * linq

sta adhaere be sticked * lipj

fem lippa rheum (in eyes) << lipp

adI lipH2r adipsus greasy * liprs

lit appease * litj

mas 70 lituus rod * litwos

tr lamb sip * lb

AVIc cau (s)leH2g; cf. lg 40 fatig tire << lc

adI cf. leghs 59 leuis light * lghros

fem dlictus crime * lb

neu tarde late << lodi

cau dpn lay down * loghj

neu situs site * loghjom

mas dpositus deposit * loghos

mas 16 uitulus calf << loigos

mas H3loigo- lack penury * loigs

neu commodtus lend * loiqnom

adII reliquus remaining * loiqs

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem lra tablet * lois

adI mitis mild * loiss

mas 14 salm lax * loksos

adI 59 obliquus slanting * lokss

mas loktus culpa fault * loktos

neu 1 regi land * londhom

mas lumbus hip * londhwos

mas 12 lombrcus worm * longhros

adI 67 tortus twisted * lords

fem uestigium footprint * lorg

mas 57 uirga club * lorgos

mas 57 hasta (apex) spear (point) * lostos

ej mas laus praise * loudis

neu sacramentum oath * loughjom

mas 57 rmulus twig * lougos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIIIo cau ilmin illuminate * loukej

adI 2 splendidus radiant * louktjos

mas 1 saltus lcus glade forest * loukos

mas 2 splendor radiance * louks

fem fenestra window * louks

fem lna moon * louksn

mas lynx lynx * louksos

(lusns) fem 12 pedis louse * lousn

fem mertrix whore * louts

fem 66 coma lna, fragmentum hair wool, fragment * low

tr lH3w lau wash * low

neu 7 lbrum bath * lowtrom

tr 23 libet (mihi) like * lubhj

fem 10 herba herb * lubhj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas liber (arboris) bast * lubhros

(aor. a cemj) intr 33 i went * ludhm

sta fractus sum luge be broken be sad * lugj

fem 56 rificium hole * lugj

adI flexibilis flexible * lugns

mas copiae multitude << lugtos

sta 2 luce shine * lukj

tr incend light up * lukskj

tr leH2; leH2u- 50 rump split * lnmi

adI lts soltus unbound released * lns

neu l(H)u-to- 61 lutum dirt * lutom

adI soltus unbound released * lts

tr lewH 46 lu (solu) unbind * luw (lew)

tr absolu redim acquit release * luw ap

sta 7 made be wet * mdj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI nbilis noble << mglos

adI magnanimus magnanimous << mgnnmos

mH1-g-n /
sup. mgistH2o- adI magnus big * mgnos

ind magis more * mgis

tr mact honour * mgtj

mas maghu- iuuenis youngster * machos

fem iuuents youth * machotis

BIVb tr 69 dfend defend * mghneumi

mas 1 pratum field * maghos

tr mH2g configur form * mag

prog mtr prosper * mj

cau maci pit << mkj

mas (makns) crumna pouch * makn

mrus wall * mkesj

mkenos mas papauer poppy * mkn

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI 59 macer slender * makrs

fem mamma mamilla mum nipple * mamm

ind meH2n etenim so * mn
intr 31 mn spring * mnj

mas hom man * mnnusos

adI bonus good * mnos

fem puella girl << maq

mas ephebus boy * maqos

mas mariscus marsh * mreskos

margens mas 58 marg boundary * margn

ej neu 8 mare sea * mari

mas equus horse * markos

neu 57 mlus (nauis) mast * masdos

tr 28 dsign designate * mtj

(mtrs) fem meH2-ter- 17 mter mother * mtr

mas 59 solidus solid * mters

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem 17 mtertera aunt (of the mother) * mtrter

fem malleus hammer * matl

adI fuscus gloomy * mauros

mas cf. nebh- imber storm * bhros

adI gH2-dhH1o- magnificus magnificient * gadhs

pron H1me; aton. m acc. me accusative * me

ind n (priut.) not * m

intr mH1d; cgit. 29 medeor ponder * medai

mas mergus gull * medgs

mas 63 meridis midday (noon) << mdhidjws

adII medius middle * medhjos

ew neu mel mead * medhu

neu glans acorn * medjom

BIVb tr meH1d / mH1d administr administrate * mdneumi

med- / md- cf.

epic medicus doctor * mdodiks

neu aestimti valuation * mdos

AIa intr w w
H1mei-g ; -g rrus mut (d loc) move migrate * meic

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa tr mei /meit /meid desculp scratch out * meid

neu auctorits prestige * meidos

(meilts) mas mils warrior * meilts

neu propositi purpose * meinom

AIa sta dsum lack * meit

contractus agreement * meitrom

adI minor smaller * meiwijs

intr mnmi 8 me flow * mejj

AIa inc mt change << mejn

inc mt (permt) exchange * mej

jo fem quoque mjtis permutti shift << mejtis

mas labrum lip * mknos

fulmen thunderbolt * meldhj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

intr precor pray * meldh

mlitos neu mel honey * melit

neu 10 milium millet * meljom

AIa tr 49 mulce rub * melk

neu 51 articulus article * melm

AIb tr mol grind * mel

adI 42 robustus strong * melos

AIa tr cf. mljos 48 mentior deceive verbally * mels

neu farna flour * melwom

AIa tr puni punish * membh

tr metior measure * mmi

neu memsm 18 car meat * mmsm

intr cogit. 29 interest (mihi) be interested * mendhai

AIa tr 36 torque stir up * mendh

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr sg suck * mend

neu mendum fault * mendom

adI frequens frequent * menghos

AIa tr uesti saturnaliter disguise * meng

mas 14 phoxinus dace * menis

en neu 29 intellectus intellect << menm

es neu 29 sensus sense intelligence * menos

ej mas meH1ns-, mH1nt- 63 mnsis month * mnsis

fem 57 uirga rod * ment

es neu meH1-H -os 63 mmentum moment * mqos

AIa tr nigr make black * merc

fem furca fork * merg

fem laqueus snare * mergh

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem situs filth * mergis

AIa cau merg/mezg merg sink * merg

(merkds) fem naulus charge * merkds

cf. bherk 2 fulge flimmer * merk

BIVb tr turb worry * mrneumi

adI merus simple * meros

tr incterclud block * mers

insipidus insipid * merwos

AIa tr 52 communic communicate * mesg

fem 13 merula blackbird * mesl

fem memstis ? mensra measure * mestis

adII memsts? mensus measured * mests

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem mta post * mt

ind 64 in medi parte in the middle * meti

tr mtior measure * mtijai

fem meH1-ti- dmensi dimension * mtis

AIb tr 55 met reap * met

mtrom 2 comp. neu mensra measure * metrom

adI 39 superbus (positu) proud * meudos

AIa intr 48 dld (in ld) cheat * meug

AIa tr 49 rd scratch * meuk

(mss) neu 18 ms muscle * meus / musks

fem 7 uapor mist * mighl

dur 2 mic flimmer * mkmi

neu minium red ochre * miljom

inc 25 accurr meet * mimd

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AVc intr cogit. 29 memini remember * mmnsk (memna)

BIVb cau eff. mnmi 40 minu reduce * mneumi

intr ming piss * mingh

ind minus less << mnusi

neu slrium salary * misdhom

fem miks- srum lactis whey * misg

AIIIo cau meik/meik-sk- 35 misce mix * miskej

cau 40 dbilit weaken * mlj

adI ml-H2-k stultus stupid * mlks

neu mlH2-t farna flour * mltm

adI ml(H2)-dh- permissiuus permissive * mdhos

adI molltus softened * mdsnos

adI ml-du; tab 40 mollis soft * mdus

tr molli soften << mduwij

tr 28 nunti anounce * mgj

adI neruis slack * mlns

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI falsus false * mjos

BIIIa intr 40 languesc weaken * mkmi

adI melH2-; mnejs mulleus dark * mnos

adI excelsus lofty << mldhrs

intr mlH3 30 appare appear * mlsk

mas lentus slow * msos

fem mH-weH2 9 malua mallow-plant * mw

tr mand (mandre) commit * mdmi

sta mane remain * mj

omc mine tower * mijai

sta mnH2 29 opnor (informliter) consider (informaly) * mj

adI cf. mnwos mancus defective * mkos

neu mixtarium shaker (for cocktails) * mkstrom

neu intend intend << msjai

tr mentior put on * mtijai

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

jo fem mentis 29 mens mind * mtis

tr mH2t; mtH2 mand (mandere) chew * mt

neu 18 mentum chin * mtom

mas menti mention * mtos

tr 49 abrd (pedibus) wipe (with feet) * mtrj

(mnews) fem 18 manus hand * mus

adI cf. mnkos insignificans scant * mwos

ind sed but * m

mas moH3do- constantia perseverance * mdos

es neu modus (/mensra) measure * modos

adI 21 amoenus pleasant * moghjos

AIId tr mH3gh possum can * mogh

jo fem potests might * moghtis

neu remedium means << moghtrom

mas uriina pee * moighos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI miH1- 21 coms mild * moilos

tr mni fortify << moinijai

adI mnis obliged << moinis

neu moenia walls * moinja

mas pellis ouna sheep skin * moisos

tr mt exchange * moitj

mas mitimos grtes thanks * moitmos

adII mutuus mutual * moitwos

mas commtti exchange * mojnos

ind mox soon * moksi

fem molH1(e)H2 mola millstone * mol

fem 8 ltus coast * molj

fem 19 occipitium occipital * moldh

mas prex prayer << moldhos

fem molna mill * molein

adI mlestus annoying uncomfortable << mlestos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr mulge milk * molgj

ej fem mls mass * mlis

es neu mlimen effort << mlos

fem superbia (positua) pride * molp

adI 7 madidus wet * molqos

neu molH-tlo/-to/-lo malleus hammer * moltlom

tr orn adorn * mond

mas 16 cattulus whelp << monds

AIIIo cau 29 mone warn * monej

fem 18 collus neck * mongos

neu monH- monle collar * monli

mas 18 ceruix neck * monos

ej mas 4 mons hill mountain << montis

fem mora delay * mor

fem nightmare * mor

60 obscrus dark << morcs

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr 45 morde bite * mordj

fem mulier woman * morign

ed mas 18 poples thigh * morjods

mas horror panic * mrmoros

neu mrum berry * morom

fem cf. mtis infortnium fatality * moros

mros /mros cf.

adI nbilis renowned * mros
yrom /yrom

adI mrus stupid * mrs

(moss) mas ingenium character * ms

neu cerebellum cerebellum * mosgom

mas mcus mucus << moukos

mas mounos illuuis slop * mouros

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem alga weed water/seaweed * mousos

mas 18 mt penis * moutos

AIIIo cau 35 moue move * mowej

mas caluaria skull * mreghms

sta mere deserve * mj

mas 59 breuis short * mghs

intr morior die * mijai

mas pbes pubescent young man * mjos

carota carrot * mk

sta H2mr-k marce be withered * mkj

adI murcus disabled * mkos

adI cf. bhktos uarius speckled << mktos

fem 12 formca ant * mmeik

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

murmur murmur * mmrj

tr -nH2moi exspoli plunder * mrnami

tr 45 conter crush * mtj

neu mortrium mortar << mtsjom

jo fem cf.moros mors death * mtis

adII mortuus dead * mtos

adII mortuus dead * mwos

neu dtersuum detergent * mdlom

mundus clean << mdns

mas mustus must * mudstos

intr 65 mugi moo * mugij

AVIa tr mung blow out * munk

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

(mss) neu muH-s-; mews 16 ms mouse * ms

fem 12 musca fly * musk

mas muscus moss * muskos

meuH; muneH2/3-
BIVa tr 54 abd secrete * msnmi
mi; meuH2/3-s-

neu lutum mud * mtrom

sta 41 mutti mutter mumble << muttij

adI 41 mutus speechless unable to speek * muttis

ind in- (negti) un- in- *

fem 18 natis nates * ntis

fem audacia courage * nantis

ej fem neH2s-i 19 nrs nose * nsis

fem 15 natrix serpent (aquatic) * natrks

epic nauta sailor * nawgs

(nws) fem neH2w- nuis ship * nws

neu abyssus abyss * bhudhnm

fem H1ngw inguen groin * cn

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ind H1ndh- deinde then * dha

adI tab inferior underly * dhers

adII infectus unmade << dhts

ind 64 magis etiam in excess * dhi
adI sincrus sincere << dwojos

ind n no * n

ej fem 7 nbes cloud * nebhis

fem 7 nebula fog << nebhl

ej fem 9 urtca nettle * nedis

adI nHed-yo- propinquus near * nedjos

AIb tr nHd 52 nd link * ned

fem nassa net << neds

Ava tr nHd-sk 52 nect bind * nedsk

AIa tr penetr penetrate * negh

en mas rnis kidney * neghrn

ind nequaquam not at all * nei

tr 7 lau wash * neic

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa tr 39 humili humiliate * neid

AIa tr ventil winnow * neik

neu inimicitia odium occultum rivalry rancour * neitom

adI dpressus depressed * neiws

tr nec kill << nkmi

mas necopiinus unexpected * nekopns

(kos) mas nex death (violent) * neks

neu sancturium sanctuary * nmtom

tr n-em 54 distribu distribute * nem

es neu 1 nemus forest * nemos

(nmetos) epic. inimcus enemy * nemots

(npotos) mas 17 nepos grandson * nepts

jo fem 17 neptis grand-daughter * neptis

ind neque and not * neqe

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

pron. nihil nothing << neqid

nem nobody neqis

ind nunquam never << neqom

pron. quisquis someone * neqos

mas H2ner(o)- mils soldier * neros

adII inferus lower * nrteros

adI 42 robustus strong * nertos

adI neHs-ro modestus modest * nesros

ind 64 sine without * eu

AIa tr impend spend * neud

adI 41 myops myop * neukos

adI nouus new * new(ij)os

tr nou renew * newj

ind H1newn nouem nine * new

adII nouenus (nnus) ninth << nwos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa intr 28 nu nod * new

(newottjos) fem nouits newness * newotts

adI igntus unknown * gnts

ind 64 sub down * n

(aor. a bher) dx lead (aorist) * nijm

fem 10 grnum corn << niktis

BIIa, BIVa tr H3nH2; nmi faue befriend (to) stimulate * nnmi

adII prnus inclined forward * nqos

mas ndus nest * nisdos

sta *nei- 2 nite shine * nitj

adI tab inferior inferior << nteros

adI usittus usual * nitjos

neu iuiuria unjustice << jousjom

adI iniustus unfair << joustos

AIIIe tr necesse est (mihi) need * kj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

H2nk; cf. nkskai;

BIVb tr pf. H2eH2n(n)kH2e perueni arrive * kneumi
= noka

adII mt- immortlis immortal * mrtijos

mas 67 plecmentum bending * ntos

H2n-H2nk-sk- ; cf.
AVc tr kneumi nanciscor find by chance * nkskai

cau exu put off << nocj

adII ndus naked * ncodos
/nogwoto /nogwno-

mas ndus knot * ndos

adII sanctus holy * noibhos
pron ninlos nullus none * ninos

AIIIo cau dele destroy * nokej

ind num so * nom

ind nonne do not? is not? << nom n

H3neH 3-mn,
en neu u
nmen name * nm
H3nH 3-mn,

tr nmin name * nmnj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

nmenos neu subtilits precision * nom

adII nocturnus night * noqterins

jo neu 63 nox night * noqtis

AIIIo cau 44 recipi (liber) free * nosej

fem noH2u- esuris famine * nun

adI improbus wicked << probhwos

adI inquitus restless * qijts

adII noster our * sers

jo mas H2n si / H2n sr ensis sword * sis

adII illmis unmuddy << sloimis

pron tab ns we us * sme

adI rrus (inusulis) extraordinary << swodhros

ind nunc now * n

ind ki num nunc now * numki

adI ignrus ignorant * widis

ind 64 ob middle (in the) * obhi

fem obrussa flask * brusj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas cf. anghwis 12 lombrcus worm * ochis

intr exulceror aggravate * odugjai

tr ol (olorem percipi) smell * odj

neu claustrum enclosure * odhrom

tr H3d 24 di hate * odj (da)

neu dium hatred illwill << djom

es mas odor odor smell << ods
AIIIo cau inquiet trouble * oghlej
mas molestia annoyance << oghlos
mas H2og-mo orbita track * ogmos

sta H3eid 4 tume be swollen * oidj

intr proficiscor depart * oighai

mas itus march * oimos

adII nicus single * inoikos

adII H1oi-no- nus one * oinos

in edem niuersus; pariter simultaneously

adII together; in a go * oinowsts
tempore factus cum made

fem H3iH2s-? tm rudder * oisj

adII iste that one * oisos

BIf tr H3oit- appet fetch * oitmi

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas 28 sacrmentum oath * oitos

fem H3eiwo- 9 taxus yew * oiwos

sta 29 dubit doubt * okj

fem occa harrow * kt

adI compositus ready << kins

fem H3eHi2k-ri- 4 apex summit * okris

(i oi) H1okt(u) octo eight * oktu

adII octuus eighth * oktowos

H3ku-/eH3ku- +
mas 13 accipiter hawk * kpteros

HeH3-k-u-; kus; cf.

adI 32 rapidus swift * ks

AIIIo cau ol- / al- ? 6 adole heat * olej

AIIIe cau H3elH1 abole destroy * olj

fem cincinnus (uineae) tendril * olgj

ind lim formerly * lim

pl. pron omnes all * oljoi olji olja

fem 9 ulmus elm * olmos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem H3olH1-neH2 uln elbow * ln

adI ulterus further << lteros

sup. ultimus furthest << ltos

ind 64 ultr over there * oltrd

fem 9 ulua sedge * olw

adI H3emH3o- firmus firm * omos

adI eH3mH2 crdus raw * ms

mas H1omH-so 18 umerus shoulder * omsos

mas H3nbh- umbilicus navel * onbhlos

ej mas H3nghw-i 18 unguis fingernail * onchis

(ncenos) neu h3engw unguen ointment * onc

AVIII tr H3engw ungu oint * onc

(cls) mas H1ongw-l, cf. ecnis carb coal * oncl

ndesos neu 3 saxum rock * ondos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr H3enH2 culp blame * onj

mas Honr/-n- Honerio- somnus dream * nerjos

mas cluus nail * onghlos

adII alius another * onjos

65 unc groan a pig * onkj

mas uncus hook << onkos

es neu H3en-os- onus load * onos

adII secundus (ordinis) second * nteros

adII ultimus last * pitjos

tr lig choose * opj

fem substantia wealth * opn

fem 13 upupa hoopoe * pop

(pesos) neu H3ep-os- opus work * opos

intr opportet be necessary << opos esti

(pos) mas ops riches goods << ops
tr 25 uide see * oq

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas H3okwo- 19 oculus eye * oqos

fem ra edge * r

tr r deum pray to god * rj

mas H3erbhi-; cf. orghis orbis disk * orbhis

neu hrdits inheritance * orbhjom

adII H3erbho- orbus orphan * orbhos

pordhos ? cf. gr.

mas malleus hammer * ordhos

tr H3erg contund beat up * orgj

ej fem H3erghi-; cf. orbhis pila ball * orghis

tr H1orgh- sollicittus, incited * orghs

adI pauper poor * ormos

es neu mons mountain * oros

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI H3eru-; H3ersi- altus high * ors

H3eH 3s- (Bernab)
(sos) neu H1eH3s- (Melchert) 19 s mouth * s
H3eH1s- (Vaan)

mas nodus (in lign) knot * osbhos

mas H2osdo- 70 rmus branch * osdos

(osns) mas H3esH3r / H3esH3en 62 autumnus autumn * osn

fem H3es-ko- /-k 9 frxinus ashtr * oskos

fem H3es-no- 9 ornus ashtree * sonos

H3estHi-; H3estH- /
ej mas 18 os bone * ostis
H3estH -

BIf tr H3eHw3s- aperi open * smi

neu stium aperture entrance * stjom

(udesos) neu terra land * oud

adI frigidus cold * ougros

H3Hw3s-, H3oHw3s-,
fem 19 auris ear * ousis
H3eHw3s-, H3H3ws-

neu H1oH2w-yo uum egg * w(ij)om

tr ou (outionibus) cheer * owj

fem H3ewi- 16 ouis sheep * owis

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI pH1g-to pactus fixed * pgts

adI pH1g-ro pH1g-no constans sure * pgrs

ind 64 iuxta close to * pra

ind prae before * pros

neu pagina page * pstrom

sta ptH1 /pH1t pate lie open * ptj

(ptros) mas pH2-ter; tab 17 pater father * ptr

fem 56 patera saucer << pter

tr 40 patior suffer << ptjai
fem patria fatherland * ptrj

adII paternus fatherly * ptrjos

mas patruus uncle paternal * ptrujs

sta paue fear * pwj

neu peH2-dhlo/tlo- pbulum sustenance * pdhlom

mas pagus region * pagos

(pgos) fem pax peace * pags

tr 69 proteg protect * plj

fem 10 palea straw * plej

adI 60 pallidus grey * plowos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr tang touch * palpj

mas pampinus vine-leaf * pmponos

mas 67 pandus bent * pandos

pannus swelling << panknos

intr tumesc swell * pank

mas pannus rag * pannos

mas ppili butterfly * ppeljos

fem 4 papula swelling * papl

fem paelex concubine * pareik

intr pre come out * prj

AIIb tr parc refrain from * park

fem parra sparrow * pars

ej mas 10 pbulum food << pasknis

tr peH2-sk; cf. psmi psc feed * psk

peH2-sk; cf. psk;

BIe intr attend heed * psmi

mas 17 familiris relative * pss

adI 59 fixus fix * pastos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas pastus pasture * pstus

ind tab paucum (adv.) a bit * pau

adI tab paucus (adj.) little << paukos

adI tab paruus small * paulos

(pwns) neu peH2w-r- 5 ignis fire * pw

adI II dterius worse * pedjs

neu sandalia sandal * pedlom

neu pedm ? peda footprint * pedom

es neu pectus chest * pegtos

AIa prog 59 pinguesc grow fat * peid

AIa tr molest annoy * peig

fem 13 pca woodpecker * peik

AIa tr orn adorn * peik

mas pcus magpie << peikos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

(piks) fem pix pitch * peiks

adI 32 celer quick * peimis

mas resna resin * peitus

AIa tr 24 insult insult * pj

tr pect comb * pek

(pektns) mas pecten comb << pektn

AIa tr pect comb * pekt

(pkewos) neu pecu cattle * peku

AIa tr pelH2; cf. pnama 35 pell impel * peld

AIa intr migr move * pelk

jo fem 18 pellis skin * pelnis

AIb tr 55 lucror make money * pel

neu superficis surface * pelom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem 3 rps rock * pels

ind pelH1u multum much * pelu

adI varius variegated * pelupoikos

fem peluis dish * plwis

pHwo-, polHwo-,
es neu puluis dust * pelwos

neu dtrimentum damage * pm

tr pend hang << pend

work with a
tr cum fl labor * pen

neu ltum mud * penom

es neu prouisi provision * penos

adII quinquaginta fifty * penqadkta

ind quindecim fifteen * penqdek

ind quinque five * penqe

jo fem pugnus fist * penqstis

adII quintus fifth * penqtos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas 3 saburra sand/gravel * pnss

AIa tr indg track << pent

AIa tr coqu cook * peq

fem cocti cooking * peqtis

mas coctor cook * peqtr

adI coctus cooked * peqts

ind 64 per about * per(i), per(ti)

tr experi experience * perij

neu religi religion * perstnom

fem cf. pqos 14 tructa trout * perkn

neu perw-r /en mons mountain hill * prknjom

adII absoltus absolute * pers

ind 64 praeterea besides * perom

neu plma feather * perm

ind prorsum farther in time and space * peros

ind perperm turned aside * prperks

fem 9 quercus oak * perqos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem pers(n)eH2 calx heel * pers

fem perna ham << persn

AIa intr resperg splash * pers

fem 57 pertica pole * pert

ind 64 altrinsecus otherwise * perti

ind anno praeterito last year * pruti

intr ped fart * pesd

jo mas 18 pnis penis * pesnis

mas la wing * peters

adI ptH2los petilus meager * ptos

intr ptH1 33 aduol fly (go flying) * pet

fem penna feather * petsn

mas uolucrs bird * petsns

tr 29 intelleg understand * peumi

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa tr pwH 61 purg clean * pew

tr peHi3 bib drink * pib

sta molestus (esse) be annoying << pigj

adI picans sharp * pikrs

mas 66 pilus hair * pilos

adI crassus fat * pms

BIIb tr prH1 6 crem confl burn blow up * (pm)prmi
tr ping paint << pink

neu 57 baculum stab * pinjos

tr pins crush * pins

ej neu piper pepper * pperi

intr 65 pipi squeak * pipjj

(pepta) tr praecipitor fall down * pipt

ej mas 14 piscis fish * piskis

mas cibus food * pits

adI (fem. pwery) 59 pinguis fat * piwn

intr garri babble * plabrjai

AIIIo cau suade advise << plkej

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI plnus flat * plkos

adI 59 latus (lata latum) wide <= plkos

adI plH2-no 59 plnus flat * plnos

neu contabulti floor * plrom

neu 1 campus planitis << pltom

adI plH2-tu; pltus 59 latus (lata latum) broad * plts

adI 41 plautus flat-footed * plautos

intr plaud in aqu paddle * pdj

ej fem multitd (hominum) crowd * pldhwis

plis ind pleH1-is / ploH1-is pls more * plis

sup adII plrimus greatest * plistos

comp adII maior greater << pljs

cau 67 plic fold * plkmi

AIa tr 67 plect plait * plekt

BIIb tr plH1; cf pnmi ple fill * (pm)plmi

neu pltra filling * plm

adI plH1-n plnus full * plns

fem pltra (actus) filling (action) * pltis

coll. fem 18 scapulae shoulder-blades * pletj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI plH2-to plnus full * plts

AIa tr pleu-d inund flood * pleud

en mas pulm lung * pleumn

AIa intr 8 flu plu flow rain * plew

fem appendix appendix * pligh

fem plH2meH2 palma palm (of the hand) * pm

BIVa intr pelH2; cf. peld appropinqu approach (to) * pnama

plH1; plnmi,
BIVa inc ple fill * pnmi
pnmi; cf. pmplmi

AVIc tr plH2-g 45 plang strike * plg

fem plma feather * plousm

mas tabula board * ploutos

fem pluuia rain << plwij

neu cf. plows nuis ship * plwijom
mas cf. plwijom ratis boat * plows

pelH-, pH-;
adI 60 albogiluus grey * pows

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem ptH2wiH2 terra (planta) earth (planet) * ptwij

plH2t-H2no; cf.
mas planitis flatness plateau * ptnos
sagum coat * ptom

neu plumbum lead * plwaidhom

(pwedos) mas 1 palus swamp * pwods

(pdkos) mas pantex paunch * pdks

(strongly, from
AIa intr 40 anhel (lassitudine) breathe * pneus

tr pH1g pang (pepigi) nail * pg

tr ptH1 /pH1t pand spread out * pt

neu podium relief (geogr.) * podjom

(pedos) mas 18 ps foot * pods

poimks mas pmex pumice (stone) << poimks

en mas poH2i-mn pstor (pecoris minoris) shepherd * pimn

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIIIo cau inebri get drunk * pojej

(plejos) fem (t)pH-i- urbs city * polis
ueruactum fallow << polk

(polks) mas pollx thumb * polnks

intr pH3l cad fall * poln

mas pulpitus scene * polpos

mas pelH- puls porridge * poltos

es neu pondus weight << pondos

neu ptus (haestus) drinking (gulp) * pnom

ej mas 58 uia way * pontis

mas coquus cook * poqs

fem aer air << por

AIIIo cau cau 54 asport convey * porej

mas 16 porcus pig * porkos

mas cf. pratis 'filix' plma feather * porns

mas bouuculus bull (little) * porsis

ind procul far * porsd

tr port carry << portj

ind 64 post after * pos(ti)

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ind 64 postea afterwards << psteri

adI tab posterus subsequent * psteros

sup. tab porstrmus last << pstos

ind 64 retr backwards << postrd
tr 55 posside hold << potj
ind 64 uersus towards * poti
inc abl 55 potior acquire << potijai

ej mas dominus master * potis

jo fem pti drink * ptis

neu pculum glass (to drink) * ptlom

mas ltitdo span * potmos

fem domina mistress * potnj

mas ptor drinker * ptr

fem 18 pga buttocks * poug

adI uirginlis virginal * poughos

mas pugnus fist * pougnos

fem 4 turgentia swelling * poun

mas 18 pnis penis * poutos

AIIIo cau purg clean * powej

mas puer boy * pweros

adI prus pure << powros

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ind prH1i 64 prae before * pri

ind praest (adu) at hand << prighesto

adII praesens present << priloghos
en neu praenmen name << prinm
ind 64 praeter along << priteri

sup prH2-mo- prmus first * prmos

ej fem cf. porns 'plma' 9 filix fern * pratis

adII prmus (seriei) first * prwos

adI anterior preceding << preistos

intr flabell fan * prj

tr aliquid ab aliqu precor beseech * prek

(prkos) fem prex plea * preks

AVIII tr prem press << prem

AIa intr uideor look like * prep

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AVIII tr prem press * pres

neu pretium price << pretjom

AIb tr percipi realise * pret

es adI anterior previous << prwijos

AIa dur pullulo hover * prew

fem porticus portico * pg

tr prH3 30 pari give birth * pij

adI 21 crus dear * prijs

(prjesos) adII prmus (affinitte) foremost << prjs

adI *preisk ? priscus ancient * prskos

sup. prmus (tempore) first * prsmos

fem priH-ti delectti contenti pleasure satisfaction * prtis

adI priH-to delecttus contentus pleased satisfied * prts

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem 1 sulcus furrow * pk

adI uarius motley * pknos

fem quaesti question * pksk

tr (bhewom kwomd) posc ask * pksk

BIVa tr prH2 uend sell * pnmi

adI pH-n, perH-n praeteritus past * pnos

ind 64 pr forwards * pr(d)

mas attenti attention * prbhoudhos

tr prob (uerific) prove << probhwj

adI probh- bonus (strnuus) good * probhwos

adII prditor traitor * prodtr

tr prod (index sum) put forth << prddmi

ind mane in the morning * pri

fem profecti departure * proitis

mas procus suitor * proks

adI prouectus advanced * prokos

sup prmus (dictrum) principal * promos

ind prope near << proqd

adI propinquus nigh * proqos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu beneficium kindness * prsdjom

adI extensus extended * prstrnos

mas 4 tumulus promontory * prostos

prmus (a
adII first (of two) * prteros

ind 64 contr against * proti

neu prH3-t attribtus assigned * prts

intr irrit irritate * prousij

(pptews) 59 forma form * pptus

adI cf. perkn 2 uarius (coloribus) coloured * pqos

fem prH3sneH2 51 fragmentum piece * psn

neu porrum leek * psom

mas prominentia prominence * pstis

fem prH3ti- 51 pars part * ptis

(ptwos) mas 58 portus (transitus) ford * ptus

tr 7 gel freeze * pruns

BIVb tr 7 rig water * prsneumi

fem pruna frost * prusw

fem tilia lime-tree * ptelj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

inc puH 61 putsc molder * puj

adI cf. pts pius righteous << pjs

mas cauda tail * pukos

fem 66 crnis lock of hair * pulg

adI cf. pters puter putrid * pls

tr pung punch * pung

mas ppus child * ppos

mas puHro- 10 nucleus (fructus) core * prs

mas H3pu-s-bhi pubs groom * pusbhis

tr infl inflate * pusj

pusks mas 12 plx flea * puslks

fem pustula pustule << pustl

sta 61 pte be rotten << ptj

adI cf. pls puter rotten * pters

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu infans child * putlom

adI cf. pjs putus clean * pts

tr comput reckon * puwj
es neu puH 61 ps pus * puwos
neu quadrum square << qddrom

tr 45 quati shake * qtj

ind quater four times * qtrus

adII quatern four each << qtrusnos
adII k twH3r- quadrgint forty * qtwdkta
adII quadragsimus fortieth << qtwdktos
neu quadriennium four years << qtwatnjom
ind quattuordecim fourteen * qtwdek
neu quadriduum four days << qtwdjwijom

adII ktwH3r-; tab quattuor four * qtwes

adII four hundreth << qtwktmtos
adII quadrigenti four hundred << qtwktos
jo adII quadrups quadruped * qtwpods
adII quartus fourth * qtwtos
ind qu which << qd

adII qulis how * qlis

ind kweH2m quam (excl.) as than * qm

pron quisque whoever * qqos

mas 56 cista (gerrae) basket * qasjos

pron quantus how great << qwtos
adI magicus magic << qdnos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ind (encl.) que (encl.) and * qe

mas angulus (externus) angle (exterior) * qedos

neu magia magic force * qedos

w w
tr k ei-s/k ei-t senti feel * qeis

AIa fem quoque kwistis considerti consideration * qeistis

intr qiH1 quisc rest * qejsk

tr compn compose * qej

fem quoque qjtis collecti collection << qejtis

neu rota wheel * qeklom

AIa tr prospect gaze * qek

ind procul far (from) * qeli

AIa dur k elH2 uersor circulate * qel

neu caterua group * qelos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa tr 67 incuru curve * qelp

tr sulc furrow * qels

tr uor swallow * qem

adII sacer holy * qentos

AIa inc 36, 67 reuertor turn * qerp

intr 28 queror complain * qsai

fem 51 pars part * qestis

ind quippe indeed << qidpe

fem quis rest * qijtis

adI quitus peaceful * qijts

tr 45 uindic claim * qnumoi

BIId tr 23 aestim estimate * qqeimi

int tab qui quae quod (interrogat.) what * qis qid

pron anyone * qisqis qidqid

int quand when * qd

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr patior suffer * qtj

int ub (interr.) where (interr.) * qodhei

ind qu where (towards, interr.) * qoi

fem 43 ulciscti retaliation * qoin

mas excrmentum dirt * qoinom

adI 40 sernus fair weather << qoitrs, koitrs

fem 11 culcita cushion * qolk
(ew) fem colus distaff * qolus

ind cum when * qom

ind unde (interr.) where << qomde

fem angelica angelica * qondhros

ind cr why ? * qori

neu 56 catnus cauldron * qorjom

mas indols type class * qoros

rel tab qu quae quod (relat.) who, which * qos q(i) qod

fem tussis cough * qost

int quot how many * qot(j)os

int ut (interr.) how * qota

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

int qu whither * qote

pron uter which (of two) * qteros
ind qu whither << qotrd
ind unde wherefrom << qotrd

BIIIb dur kwrH; qerj ger (me) handle * qeumi

tr kwrei-H2 em buy * qrnmi

adII emptus bought * qrtm

(qmejs) mas 12 uermis worm * qmis

mas 9 arbustus bush * qsnos

(qtews) mas cf. krwtis uix time * qtus

intr 39 rab rage * rbhj

neu rtH radium ray << rdjom

tr rig wet * rgj

tr 55 rapi snatch * rpj

(rtjos) fem rati reason << rtis

rac H(w)rH2d 49 rd shave * rd

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu rpum turnip * rpom

adI 59 rrus (spartus) dispersed * rrs

adI glaber (rsus) smooth << rasts

es neu roudho- ? metallum metal * raudos

adI 42 rudis tough * raukos

adI 60 ruus grey * rwos

intr crsc grow * dhj

adI 59 arduus steep * dhwos

fem saltus (dansa) leap * rebh

intr salt (dans) jump << rebhj

(tectum cum
AIa tr teg shield * rebh

mas conductus tube * rebhrus

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas H1eregwo- ; pl. tenebrae darkness * recos

ind re(d) dis- * rd/re

fem rgn regna queen * regein

adII regius kingly << regjos
neu regjom regnum kingdom * regnom

tr H3reg 42 reg direct * reg

(rgos) mas rex king * regs

mas 59 rectus right * regts

AIa tr equit ride * reidh

adI facilis easy * reidhos

AIa tr 52 allig bind * reig

fem reiw rma crack * reim

en neu rmo-, rm- seris list * rim

(rijs <*Hr H1js) fem *HreH1-i- rs (patrimonium) propriety thing * ris

mas reiH2- 8 ruus brook * reiwos

AVIII intr H1rH rm row * rj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

12 ricinus tick * rek

BIVb tr ordin range * rkneumi

AIb intr requiesc relax * rem

neu 29 reor reckon * rmoi

mas possessi rs property * rentus

intr 33 rp crawl * rp

AIa tr 67 plect (capilla) plait * resg

fem restis rope <= resgtis

H1reH1-smo / (-t-
mas 57 rmus oar * rsmos
smo ?)
neu colum strainer * rti

AIb intr 32 curr (uehiculum) run (a vehicle) * ret

ind retr back << retrd

AIa intr 49 abrd scrape out * reub

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI 66 rfus red (-haired) * reudhos

es neu H1reudhos/es rubr redness * reudhos

reud(H); reud /
AIa intr 27 rd cry * reud

adI rudis wild * reudos

neu pasta dough * reughm

AIa intr H1reu-g ruct belch * reug

rumor (to
rmorem faci * reumi

neu rmen rmen * reusm

intr rmin ruminate << reusmnj

ind fors outdoors * rew

fem ruina ruin << rwesn

mas Hrew planta planet * rewis

neu capillum (cadens?) hair (falling?) * rewm

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

H3rw / rwH3
AIa inc / tr 51 dfring fodi, ru break off dig, collapse * rew

rews, rows; cf.

(rwesos) neu 1 rs open land * rewos
jewos, weis

tr sollicit incite * ghj

tr torment torture * rigj

inc orior set out * ijai

tr ruin ruin * rikj

BIVa tr H3ry eger flush away * rnmi

AIIIe sta tr H2rk arce contain * kj

neu repagula door-bar * kslom

fem r ktl arcula chest box * kl

BIVa tr H1erH2 47 duid divide * r nmi

BIVb intr H3r 35 cie move (intr.) * neumi

BIVb tr capess try to get * numi

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

jo fem mmentum movement << nutis

mas H3robho- 58 tectus roof << robhos
(abl./instr.) ind 64 caus on account of * rdh

tr conitor endeavour * rdhj

tr H(w)rH2d 49 rd tear * rd

adI 21 alacer joyful * rdos

mas 58 agger dam * roinos

(rsos) mas ros spray * ros

neu rstrum beak << rstrom

fem rotH-eH2 rota wheel * rot

et mas auriga charioteer * ots

mas r(o)udh-to? rbg rust * roudhstos

mas plrtus crying * roudos

fem ruH-n; rn secrtum secret * roun

fem rps rock * roupis

mas 20 intestnum (animalium) intestiones (of animals) * routos

fem cessti pause * row

fem H2r- inuidia envy * sj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

intr H1r 33 e go * skai

jo fem abiti farewell << ts

mas H2rt-ko- 16 ursus bear * tkos

sta rube be red * rudhj

adI H1ru-dhro- ruber red * rudhrs

adI rubeus reddish * rudhss

adI rudis rude << rudls

H3reuH / H3reug /
intr 65 rugi roar * rugij

mas tunica tunic * ruktus

tr 51 rump break * rump

AVIa tr H3ruk runc weed * runk

adI rupus insincrus shoddy * rups

tr rspor rummage * ruspjai

adI H3rw-to rutus collapsed * rwts

neu s whenever * s(w)ei
ind sc thus << s(w)eike
fem sacna pickaxe * skesn
neu 3 saxum stone (piece of) * sksom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr sapi have taste * spij

tr sH2g sgi seek * sgij

neu sagum mantle << sagom

mas saeps fence * saipis

fem 66 saeta hair (strong) * sait

neu 63 saeculum lifetime * saitlom

adI 42 saeuus fierce << saiwos

sta 44 saeui be furious * sj

neu sacrificium sacrifice << skrodhokjom

et mas sacerdos priest << skrodhots

adI sacer holy * sakros

(sals, slejos) neu sali sal (salis) salt * sal

cau sall salt * sald

(saliks, salijs) fem salks 9 salix willow * saliks

fem salua saliva * saleiw

neu salum (maris) swell (of the sea) * salom

adI salus immundus dirty * sals

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu quis quietness * smn

mas sabulum sand * samdhos

adI quitus tranquillus quiet calm << smis

mas sos, s 62 aestas summer * samos

sH2; sH2neumi;
BIVb tr satisfaci satisfy * snmi
stij (cf. westij )

BIVb tr snH effici perform * sneumi

tr sanci enact (law) * sankij

fem succus juice * sapos

neu messis crop * sasjom

fem satis satisfaction * stis

adI acerbus sour * sauros

seH2w-l/n; sw-/n
sl sun * swel(jos)

(sewe) pron tab se (pron) himself * se

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

pron tab iste ista istud this * se/sos s/s tod

ind s apart * sd

cau sd appease settle * sdj

sta sede be sitting * sedj

sta circumsede besiege * sedj ambh

fem sella chair * sedl
neu conditus dducti (acti) settlement (action) << sedmn

es neu sds residence seat * sedos

(segts) fem sati sowing << segts

fem buris plough handle * seghdhl

AIa tr 55 retine hold * segh

mas 44 uictoria victory << seghos

adI firmus secure * seghurs

BIVb tr capi (pedic) trap * sgneumi

neu pedica trap << segnom

AIb tr ser sow * seg

fem fustis club * seik

tr effund spill * seiq

AIa intr exstill drip * seil

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem seiH-meH2 uitta band * seim

neu H2sei-mn secrti secretion * seim

mas seiH-nu- catna chain * seinus

neu clum sieve * sjdhlom

AVIII tr sH1y 40 cl sieve * sj

tr 47 sec cut * skmi

adI 40 calmsus calm * sknis

ind sex six * seks / sweks

adII sextus sixth * sekstos

fem secris axe * sekris

AIa tr 46 dispar shoot * selg

adI 21, 39 amoenus pleasant << seljos

HeH 3lk / s-
AIa intr w
sulc drag * selk
HH 3elk

AIb tr 55 em (compar) buy * sel

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu solos, sol, solis domicilium residence * selom

neu sementis sowing * slom

fem possessi (praedium) property * selw

adII medius half * smi-

tr aquam a naue excupre bilge out * semj

ind semel once * semli

smenos neu smen seed * sm

mas semo- / so- nus (numerus) one * semos

intr 27 can sing * sench

sta sene be old * senj

senos; senH1,
(sens) mas senex old * senks

AIa inc merg sink * senq

es neu smita path * sentos

tr sepeli bury * seplij

neu sepulcrum tomb << speltrom

tr par provide * sep

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ind septem seven * sept

adII septimus seventh * sptos

dur 33 sequor follow * seqai

ind 64 aduersum vis--vis << seqi

tr 28 dc say * seq

adI separtus separate * seqos

AIa tr ser connect * ser

neu serum liquid * serom
adI srus long-lasting * sros
mas 15 serpens snake * srpenos
AIa intr 33 serp crawl * serp

dormi (sine somni) sleep (no dream) * sesmi

fem spartum sedge * sesqos

epic. uisittor visitor * setis

stius less * stjosi

AIa tr sg suck * seug

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa sta ferue boil * seut

prog 40 minu lessen * sewj

sui self << sewe
adII suus his << swijos

tr seuH 36 permoue stir up (to) * sew

intr sile silent (to be) * silj

BIVb tr syH(w) 52 lig bind * sneumi

adI idneus propice * sinsteros

tr sin (loc) place * sin

ew mas 59 sinus bosom * sinus

intr sd sit down * sisd

BIIe intr flu flow * ssermi

tr olfaci smell * ssghrmi

adI benignus beneficial << sslwos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr sHi1 ser sow * sis

adI 6 siccus dry * sisqos

sHi-tu, cf. sis;

adI sparsus far-reaching * sts
adI clrus clear * skrs

neu sjuHmn stra seam * sjewmn

AIa tr syHw 52 su sew * sjew

fem syHw -(dh)leH 2 52 sbula sewer's awl * sjdhl

adI stus sewn * sjts

fem scabis scabies << skabhjs

neu scamnus stool * skabhnom

tr 49 scab scratch * skabh

adI 41 scaeuus left-handed * skaiws

tr 49 scalp carve * skalp

dur 33 scand mount * skand

fem scla ladder << skandsl

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas 57 manubrium handle * skpos

dur 31 scate gush << skatj

inc 31 scat spring * skat

AIa intr dispergor scatter * sked

intr 32 festn hasten * skeg

AIa sta luce shine * skej

AIa intr 30 irrump burst in * skek

AIa tr debe shall * skel

es neu scelus evil * skelos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr 53 uel cover * skem

AIa tr 49 excau hollow out * skerbh

fem 61 merda shit * skerd

AIa 47 castr castrate * skerd

tr scind split * skerj

intr 35 exsult spring * sker

AIa inc 33 effugi escape * skeubh

AIa tr 46 mitt shoot * skeud

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa tr 53 obru cover * skeum

adI 53 obscrus dark * skeuros

AIa tr s-kuH-t 53 operi cover * skeut

AIa tr H2kw- 25 inspici inspect (to) * skew

tr dcern decide << skidj

tr 29 sci know * skij

tr 50 scind split split (to) * skind

(skws) neu (s)kiHu- tbia shin-bone diaphysis * skw

fem siliqua pod * skiq

tr (s)kel 50 scind split * skj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

BIVb 68 deflect deflect * skneumi

intr claudic limp * skgj

fem ouum (pediculi) nit * sknid

mas damnum harm * skodhos

mas 9 lignum (lementum) woodpiece * skoidos

adII scurr clown * skoirss

neu skoito-s, skeito-m sctum shield * skoitom

fem umbra shade shadow * skoj

fem columella small pillar * skolm

mas lementum element * sklos

mas pluteus (librrum) shelf * skolpos

neu scortum whore << skortom

neu umbraculum canopy << skostrom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas umbra shadow * skotos

mas septentri nord * skouros

fem pantalnus trousers * skous

AIa tr scrib write * skreibh

AIa tr 47 cael carve * skreid

fem scrobis pit << skrobhis

mas scrpus sherd * skroupos

mas larua skeletton * skroutos

fem 18 scapulae omoplate * skubtis

tr trunc maim * skutj

mas skuH-to 53 opermentum covering * sktos

intr 37 labor slip * slabai

adI slH2g- laxus slack * slags

tr 45 offend hit * slak

fem ferula rod * slat

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa prolabor slip * sleib

AIa intr 33 surrp glide * sleidh

AIa explan smooth * sleig

fem sleH1i-meH2 lma file * sleim

tr 49 lm polish << sleimj

jo mas 12 cochlea snail * sleimks

adI liueus violet (colour) * sleiwos

adI sleH1i-u-, sljus luis smooth * sljs

AIa inc prolabor slip * sleub

AIa tr uor devour * sleug

en mas lig mattock * slign

inc sali spring * sijai

mas massa mass << sloidhos

neu 11 prunum (fructus) plum << sloiwom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas multitd crowd * slougos

tr lurc (uor) gulp * slgj

ind 64 cunctim together * s

ind cert certainly * sm

mas smH1-lo, smeH1-lo animal animal * smalos

AIa tr 22 cupi desire * smeg

AIa tr 47 cael carve * smeidh

neu mille thousand * smeighsli

neu mca crumb * smeik

tr admror wonder << smeirai

neu mirculum miracle << smeirtlom
adI mrus wonderful << smeiros

AIa tr mitt send * smeit

AIa intr arride smile * smej

fem 18 mentum chin * smeksl

fem 9 agrostis turfgrass * smelg

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa dur ur (leui igni) burn (slowly) * smel

fem 29 memoria memory * smemorj

BIVb inc 61 macul stain * smneumi

fem 61 merda shit << smerd

AIa intr foete stink * smerd

es neu mendum defect * smeros

fem medulla marrow * smerw

AIa intr fm smoke * smeugh

fem sm(i)H2- macula stain * smitl

adI similis similar * slis

fem 17 uxor wife * sloghs

fem concursus conuenti accordance convention * soitis
sptros epi 17 fraterculans sibling * sptr
mas 58 angustiae alleyway << smoughos
mas fmus smoke << smoughos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AVId intr acc. uel cgit. 29 machinor contrive * smudhn

BIVb tr irrp slip in * smghneumi

intr 33 rp creep * snghj

tr 47 amput cut off * snadh

Bib intr snH2 n swim * snmi

(snighws) fem 7 nix snow * sneighs

AIa tr 47 dminu curtail * sneit

adI 59 exiguus scanty << sneitos

tr 52 ne spin * snmi

neu nmen yarn * snm

AIa intr contorque whirl * sner

fem intextus embroidery * sntj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa tr nb marry the woman * sneubh

(snudhs) fem (aerea) turbulentia smog * sneudhs

neu *sneH1w-r/n - mitra (funis) cable * snwr

ind 64 separtim apart * si

sta ninguit snow * snncheti

15 serpens snake << snogh

sensus intelligence sense * sstus

cgit (actus) think (activity) * stj

ind 64 absente missing << ster

fem 17 norus daughter-in-law * snuss

AIIIo cau institu settle * sodej

mas 5 flg soot * sdj

neu solium seat * sodjom

(aor.ab eimi) intr i went * sodm

mas retinaculum rope << sognos

mas soiH(w)-to uenficium magic * soitos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr selH2 39 slor give joy * sljai

mas s-HH 3olko- 1 sulcus furrow << solkos

mas oleum oil * solpos

pron ttus whole * solwos

(solwottjos) fem integrits totality * solwotts

AIIIo tr aequ make equal (to) * somej

adII somH-; sos aequus equal * soms

mas son-dhH1o excrescentia protrusion * sondhos

AIIIo cau 54 mitt send * sontej

adI sons guilty * sontis

mas socius allied * soqjos

mas sor 8 fluxus flow * sormos

tr sorbe sip * sorbhj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem 9 sorbus rowan tree * sorbhos

fem uiscus uiscera entrails * sorw

adII sinister left * soujs

mas swoqs scus juice * soukos

fem sauia kiss << swij

adI spH1-ro prosperus thriving * spros
mas 7 gutta drop * spakos

BIVb extend extend * spneumi

mas sparus (sublica) post * sparos

mas 13 parra sparrow * sparwos

fem 57 spca head of cereal * speik

fem spna prickle << speiksn

adI tenuis thin * speimis
fem specis aspect << spekjs

tr 25, 26 speci look * spekj

fem lien spleen * spelgh

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas 57 asser pole * spelgis

intr 27 recit recitate * spel

tabula table * spelt

prog speH1 33 extend extend * spmi

mas psteHn ?? tetta nipple * spnos

mas 1 specus cave << speqos

AIa tr cert (in lds) compete (in sport) * sperdh

AIa intr festn hurry * spergh

tr sparg scatter (to) * sperj

(spsos) fem spes hope * spes

tr acceler hurry * speud

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem 13 passer finch * spingj

AIa intr spu spit * spjew

fem digitlis purpurea foxglove * spjonos

adI sputus spit * spjwtos

AIa tr 47 sec split * spleid

AIa intr 33 scd retire * spleigh

mas latus (lateris) side * splighsts

sta splende be bright shine * spndj

AIa tr 50 separ cut off * sptj

intr s-pH1d corusc flutter (and twinkle) * spd

fem spma foam * spoim

intr spir perspire * spoisj

fem halitus breath << spoisn

neu spolium dispossession * spoljom

AIIIo tr sponde promise * spondej

fem lectus (corpus) bed << spondh

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas 57 uirga stick * spnos

mas sponsus betrothed << sponsts

fem sporta basket * sport

tr coactus haste << spoud

calc tread << spmi

AIa sta abund abound * spreig

AIa intr 35 acceler accelerate * spreud

AIa tr excit excite * sprew

AIIh tr spH2r-g tr displd burst * spg

cau 54 spern calcitr move away kick * spn

mas 18 talus ankle * spos

mas squalus large fish * sqalos

es neu prodigium portent * sqeros

fem 34 spna thorn * sqij

intr sredh / sret aestu billow * sredh

AIa intr diffilor fray * srems
AIa intr sternu snore * srenk

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa intr 8 flu flow * srew

fem quoque srwtis 8 fluxus strom * srewtis

sta frige be cold be inactive << srgj

es neu frgus cold * srgos
tr sarri weed * sij

tr sarci repair * skij

mas aests maritim sea heaviness << srodhos

fem 19 rostrum (auis) beak * srokn

mas srowos, srewm 8 cursus (aquae) stream << srowmos

neu fistula pipe * srwtom

fem falcicula sickle << sp

tr 47 put cleanse * spij

tr 25 seru observe * swj

sicut twkos et
mas custs guardian * swos
non er sicut kerwos

steH2ti- / stH2ti-;
fem stati standing post * sttis

mas status position * sttus

neu stbulum stall << stdhlom

neu lacus (stagnans) pond << stagnom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

sta remane (aqua) remain (water) * stag

neu stagnum pool stang * staknom

mas solium couch * stlos

BIIa intr steH2; ststmi st stand * (s)stmi

sta praest advantage << (s)stmi ant/pri

intr dist be far * (s)stmi ap

steH2-m /
neu institti arrangement * stm

tr cond place << stnj

neu locus place * stnom

adI stbilis stable * strs

neu catasta platform * sttlom

AIIIo tr instaur adminicul set stake << staurej

mas stoH2u-ro 57 adminiculum stake * stauros

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI strs adminicultus staked * staurs

AIa tr dtine stop * stw

AIa intr 33 ambul walk * steigh

(steipts) fem 57 stps stick * steipts

fem stua plough handle * steiw

AIa inc spiss condense * stej

fem stria icicle << stejsj

AIa intr 8 dflu flow down * stelgh

tr pn put * stel

(stlenos) cf. tlej stol offshoot * steln

AIa intr 25 intueor stare * stelp

AIa tr cf. tembh conculc stamp on << stembh

intr 28 titub stumble * stem

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

neu pellis sicca dry skin * sterbhnjom

AIa intr decad decline * sterbh

AIa tr am love * sterg

AIa tr coinquin befoul annoy * sterk

es neu 61 stercus shit * sterkos

es neu stercus shit <= sterkos

fem H2s-ter-leH2 stella star * sterl

neu intestina entrails * sternom

adI sterH1-n/ sterH1-y rigidus rigid * sterns

AIa tr fror rob * ster

adI sterilis sterile * strolis

mas H2ster- stella star * steros

(stpos) mas stirps trunk * strps

AIa intr stert snore << stert

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas pinaculus (obscne qq.) pinnacle (obscene too) * stertos

AIa tr (s)H2teu-g 45 abig push away (to) * steug

tr 28 nunti inform * steumi

AIa tr 45 quati hit * steup

AIa tr 49 sustine support * steut

tr 32, 54 instig stick * stigj

adI secrus safe * stiprs

neu lamina plate << stlm

mas s-tlH2-to latus side * stltos

ej fem (s)H2lei-t/s 43 ls lawsuit * stltis

mas locus place << stlokos

mas truncus trunk * stnos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

sta moror be delayed * sttj

mas 58 sublic pillar * stobhos

mas uara trestle * stoghos

mas 58 uia street * stoighos

AIIIo cau stp densifiy << stoipej

ruler (in
mas 57 uirga (topograph) * stolbos

mas uis force * stolgos

es neu paltum palate * stm

AIIIo cau corrig straighten (to) * storej

fem centrum centre << stornj
neu studium study << stoudjom

fem stp oakum * stoup

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

strmn lay * strm

exercitus army * strtos

adI strH2-t strtus spread * strts

fem linea line * streib

AIa dur streid / streig 27 strid hiss * streid

armam a uagn a weapon from

AIa tr 49 string draw * streig
recld the sheath

(strigs) fem strx night bird (wren?) * streigs

AIa obstring restrict * streng

corda string << strengom

adI 42 strnuus active * strnwos

AIa intr 27 strep make noise * strep

AIa tr acerb make bitter * streubh

AIa dur 44, 45 cert fight * streud

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa tr str-w stern strew * strew

intr strig stop * strigj

fem stria line << strigj

AVIa tr string draw tight * string

BIVb intr pster sternu sneeze * stneumi

tr s-trH2 stern spread * stn

mas strtus extension * stnos

fem canna pipe * strudsm

mas 17 abauus ancestor * strutjos

ej fem strus heap * struwis

sta stude thrash << studj

sta 59 stupe rigid (to be) << stupj

mas 57 plus stick * stupos

lois H1su-(H) ben well * s

mas zythum beer * sudhjom

tr effund pluit spill rain * suj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas porcellus piglet * sks

fem 61 colluuis dregs * sulj

mas uiridis (hom) vigorous * snoros

ew mas 17 flius son * sns

ind sub under << sup

fem ius soup * sup

tr iaci throw * supj

ind tab super over * (s)peri

adI tab superior superior * (s)peros

sup. summus uppest << (s)upmos

(suws) mas suH-; sews 16 ss pig * ss

intr susurr buzz * susj

H2sus- / H2suso /
mas H2susk(w)o-/ H2susdo- siccus dry * susdos

mas partus birth * stus

adI doctus expert * suwids
swl HeH1, inc.
tumidum habe
tr swlsk, caus. tume be swollen (to) be arrogant * swlj
AIIIo cau sude recommend advise << swdej

adI sweH2d-u-; swdus 40 suauis pleasant * swds

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ind sc so * swi

inc susc get used << swdhsk

ew fem mos custom * swdhus

6 flagr blaze * sweid

es neu sdus star << sweidos

intr sbil whistle * sweighlj

AIa prog oscill seesaw * sweig

AIa siffil whistle * sweisd

AIa intr fragr smell good * swek

adI fragrant fragrant << swekos

mas 17 socer father-in-law * swkuros

ew fem swekrH2 17 socrus mother-in-law * swekrs

fem aprcum sunlight * swel

tr uor devour (to) * swelj

(swlakos) mas 16 phoca seal (zool.) * swelks

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas familiris relative * sweljos

AIa intr splende glare * swel

neu traversa sleeper * swelom

es neu sulpur sulphur * swelplos

dur sectus ueni be followed * swemr

BIIIa intr 27 son sound * swnmi

AIa prog s-wndh dcrsc swindle * swendh

AIa dur dormi sleep * swep

(swpenos) neu somnium dream * swep

AIa inc swr-bh 67 gyresc turn (start) * swerbh

AIa tr cr take care * swergh

AIa intr susurr whisper rustle * swer

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI swrus srius important * swrs

adI transpuntorius snappy << swerwos

er fem 17 soror sister * swesr

mas 17 sobrnus sorris sister's son * swesreinos

adII porcnus porcine * swns

intr swidj 7 sd sweat * swoidj

mas sdor sweat * swoidos

fem solea ground * swlej

mas 1 fungus fungus * swombhs

mas swons ? sonus noise * swonos

cau spi fall asleep put to sleep << swpij

neu everriculum broom * swoplom

intr cog. somni dream << swopnjj

neu somnium dream << swopnjom
mas somnus sleep * swopnos

fem sra wade * swor

ej fem 61 sords rubbish * swordis

(sworks) sorx shrew * sworx

mas 57 plus stick << sworos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

BIVb tr 45 uulner wound * swneumi

intr susurr whisper murmur << swrswrj

inc tace silent (to be) * tkj

tr qualific (nt) qualify * tdj

intr 61 tbsc melt waste away << tdhsk

ej fem tH2-dh/k/w 61 tbs corruption * tdhis

tr ordin put in order * tagj

mas massa dough * taismos

tr 48 fror steal by cheating * tj

(tjetos) mas tyus = ttis fr burglar * tjots

fem cf. steln 70 talea stab * tlej

adII tlis such * tlis

ind tam at that point * tm

mas 20 uenter belly * tarss

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI tardus slow * trudos

neu pappa dad * tt

mas 16 taurus bull * tauros

ind silenter silently << tausnim

adI silens silent * tausos

pron tantus so much * twtos

fem tegdhl tgula << tgl

neu 57 tignum (lignum) beam * tegnom

tr 53 teg cover * teg

es neu aedicula shrine * tegos

neu 53 tectum ceiling * tegtom

adI tegus 59 crber dense * tegs

fem tbia shin-bone * teibhj

neu crtra creature * teknom

AIb tr accipi receive * tek

fem secris axe << teksl

fem ars technique << teksn

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa tr tek(s) 49 fabricor fashion * teks

fem testa bowl * tekst

neu tla web * tekstlom

AIa intr tHkw 32 curr run away * tekw

neu tel-H2-mon- infula strap * telmn

AIa intr locus mihi est get in a space * telp

telH2o-, telH2mn
ew fem 1 tellus ground * telsus

(s)tem-b(h); cf.
AIa tr 24 contemn spurn * tembh

fem pl. 53 tenebrae darkness * temesras

neu temH-lo /temH-no templum temple * temlom

es neu 53 obscurits obscurity * temos

mas brius drunken * tmos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

es neu tempus time * tempos

fem taenia ribbon * ten

tr tend extend * tend

AIa tr abstrah drag away * tengh

tr ting impregnate * teng

ind 64 tenus until * teni

AIa tr prolong extend * tenj

neu 19 tempus temple (part of head) * tenjom

prog 33 ueni result * temk

es neu 52 ligmen ligament * tenos

prtl extend * tens

neu fnis string * tentrom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

sta 6 tepe be warm * tepj

es neu febris fever * tepnos

neu triecti passage * teqom

AIa tr minor threaten * terc

neu terebra auger * tredhrom

*trigw ? cf. gr.

AIa tr 49 terg wipe * terg

neu mantellum towel << tergslom

tr 49 teir rub * terj

(terns) mas terminus end * termn

trHw1; tneumi
BIVb tr 33 transe cross * ter

AIa intr 23 oblector enjoy oneself * terp

jo fem quoque tptis delectti enjoyment * terptis

fem 1, 6 terra (materis) earth * ters

intr seresc get dry * tersai

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI teren 40 tener feeble * trunos

(ttkenos) mas lignrius woodworker * tetkn

fem tetta teat * tett

mas pav turkey * tturos

neu progenis progeny * teukm

AIa effodi dig out * teuk

AIa inc 68 genuflector knee * teup

AIa tr 53 obtr stop up * teur

neu cumulus lot * teusm

(tesqm) neu desertum desert * teusqa

fem teuteH2 populus people (of a nationality) * teut

tr 25, 26 tueor observe * tewai

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

es neu 42 impetus force * tewos

neu tibia stalk * tibhj

tr 24 metu be afraid * timj

intr 65 titi (passeris) chirp * titij

Bid tr cond establish * tkeimi

sta telH2; cf. tn, tnmi 42 resist endure * tlmi

adI 40 patiens patient * tltjos

sta requiesc rest * tij

telH2; tnmi; cf,

tr toll raise * tn

intr 28 loquor speak * tloqai

tr temH1 47 sec cut * tmmi

adI diffusilis elasticus elastic * tpus

sta tr 55 tene comprehend * tj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI 59 obsus fat * tghus

tr 49 tang touch * tg

adI 58 lacte coagultum curdled milk * tmklos

adI concrtus clotted * tmktos

adI tentus stretched * ttos

adI tnH2-u- 59 tenuis thin * tus

fem toga garment * tog

ind profect certainly * toi
mas bipennis hatchet * tkslos
tk-so, tok-so,
fem w w 9 iuniperus juniper * toksos
tk so-, tok -so ?

adI fugax pernix fugacious swift * tokws

tr aduoc call for resort to * tolj

mas furfur bran * tolkos

ind tum then * tom

ind tunc then << tom-ke

mas secti cut * tomos

BIIIa intr (s)tenH2 / (s)tonH2 27 ton resonate * tnmi

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIIIo tr 47 tonde shave the hair * tondej

AIIIo tr extend extend (to) * tonej

AIIIo tr 29 opnor (formliter) give one's opinion (formaly) * tongej

fem tls fierceness << tonslis

jo adII tonsr hairdresser << tonstr
mas strepitus noise * tntenos

neu tonitrus thunder * tontrom

mas tepor warmth << topnos

ind quoque also * toqe

adI minax threatening << torcs

ind propterea therefore * tori

neu tormentum tension (engine) << trkmtom

mas cndax bolt * tormos

adI penetrans (sonitus) loud * tors

AIIIo cau delect rejoice << torpej

AIIIo cau 67 torque turn * torqej

ej fem torqus necklace * torqis

AIIIo cau 6 torre dry * torsej
neu tonitrum thunder << torsm
adII tot so many * tot(j)os

ind e towards there * totrd

ind inde from there << totrd

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem fortna (bona, mala) luck (good, bad) * tough

fem 18 perna thigh * toukn

ej fem 58 trabs beam bar <= trabhis

tr 54 trah drag * tragh

fem trma weft << traghsm

ind 64 trns through * trntis

AIa sta trb(h) habit dwell * trebh

mas audx brave * tregsnos

adI tristis sad * treistis

adII tab trs three * trejes trija trsores

AIa dur 35 trem tremble * trem

AIa tr 22 incit incite * trenk

(go through on an
AIa tr 35 perambul pass * trep

AVIII trem shiver << tres

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa cau intrd force in * treud

adI miser miserable * treughos

AIa tr 50 abscind cut out * treuk

mas mare sea * trjtos

adII triple threefold * tripls

fem triplicti triplication * trptis
ind ter three times * trs
trn three in a go * trisns

ej adII testis witness * tristis

adII tertius third * tritjos

adI triH-t trtus rubbed * trts
(tmtos) fem 67 cuneus wedge * tmts

mas tarmes termite * tmos

fem spna thorn * tn

mas 17 subols posterity * troghos

fem porca sow << trogj

mas porcus pig * trogos

mas uia way * tropos

AIIIo intr 24 terre make afraid * trosej

ind uae alas * troughi

fem trua (lautrum) ladle << trow

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIId tr corrd gnaw away * trow

sta torpe torpid (to be) * tpj

adI turpis ugly << trpis

mas 13 turdus thrush * tsdos

sta tsy 6 siti be thirsty * tsj

fem 6 sitis thirst * tstis

adI 6 siccus dry << tstos

adI siccus dry * tsus

fem leprae leprosy * trudsk

adI molestus annoying * trudsms

(truks) epi interfector slaughterer * truks

(tewe) pron t you * t

neu tuHljo- multitd multitude * tljom

sta 4 tume be swollen * tumj

mas 4 tumulus mound << tumls

mas tumultus turmoil * tmolos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr 45 tund strike * tund

sta 4 turge swell << turgj

mas 4 caseus cheese * trjs

ej fem turris tower * tursis

intr delector rejoice oneself * tusjai

fem 7 unda wave * tusn

intr tussi cough << tustij

ej fem tussis coughing cough << tustis

es neu armatra armour * twakos

AIa tr 42 compell (compellere) force * twenk

AIa tr amplexor enclose * twer

adI 42 uiolentus violent * twoiss

(twbhnos) mas turb whirl * twbhn

mas aper boar * twkos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem turma troop * twm

adI 32 uelox quick * twtos

sta H1ugw/H1eugw/H1uegw 7 me wet (be) << ucj

w w
adI H1oug - / H1uog - dus wet * oucs

neu 64 ex out * ud

mas terus uter * deros

H1uHdh-r/n /
(dhenos) neu w ber (in pectore) udder * dh
HeH 1dh-r/n
adI 21 ber (felix) udder << dhros
adI dhus immeditus immediate * dhs

ind insuper on top in addition * udsqe

(ughns) mas H2ugh- collus neck * ughn

en and 16 bos ox * uksn

(kseros) fem 17 uxor wife << uksr

intr 65 ulul howl * ululj

fem unksn umbra shadow * unksr

adI H2wp-elo malus (non bonus) bad * upelos

ind optim very well * peres

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ind H2u-per 64 super over * uperi

adI superus high * peros

ind sub under * upo

neu interpretium commission * upqrijom

neu fundamentum fundament * upsdjom

neu seruitium service * upstnom

adI upsls altus high * pselos

ind supra above * upsi

mas cf. auksl fornus owen << uqns

adI H1ur-u; urus amplus wide * urs

adI H1us-to- ustus burnt * usts

ind potius rather * uta

fem 16 lutra otter * wdr

mas uter leather bag * wdris

intr uagor roam * wgjai

fem dsiderium desire * wnsk

tr dsider desire * wnsk

w(o)rHo-; cf.
mas uarus pimple * wros

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr accend set fire * wrj

ej mas uas caution * wadhis

intr 33 ud walk * wadh

neu uadum river ford << wadhom

fem uagna sheath * wagein

intr ugi cry * wghij

ind uae alas * wai

mas humilis (animus) humble * wailos

mas lupus wolf * wails

fem 16 uacca cow * wakk

adI 41 ualgus bandy-legged * walgos

neu 57 uallum wall * walnom

(aor. a chenmi) intr mortus est died * walm

sta nebulosus sum foggy, to be * wapj

sta clam (dolore) scream * waplj

fem 13 noctua little owl * warn

mas 18 urus asunder-legged << wros

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

adI unus empty * wstos

ej mas uats poet * wtis

adI 41 uatius legbent * watjos

encl ue encl. or * we

tr Hwebh 52 tex weave * webh

BIVb tr 52 lig link * wdhneumi

tr wHedh / Hwedh 54 addc lead * wedh

wdhenos neu arma weapon * wedh

neu tempus (sl, pluuia) weather * wedhrom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

tr caed strike * wedhsk

neu locti utterance statement << wedm

AIb tr H2wed(H) 28 narr tell * wed

fem 58 uia way * weghj

tr 54 ueh carry * wegh

jo fem 57 uectis leuer * weghtis

neu uehiculum vehicle * weghtlom

mas uector transporter * weghtr

AIb dur 42 uege (corporliter) be strong * weg

AIb tr tex weave * weg

wiedr/widenos neu bestia beast * weidr

AIa tr 47 duid divide * weidh

es neu 31 praesentia presence * weidos

(wiks) cf. woikos domus house * weiks

fem uictima victim * wiktom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

BIId tr unor hunt * (w)weimi

en neu 52 textrnum loom * weim

AIa tr 36 inuolu wrap * weip

mas fnis wire * weiros

(wss) neu weiH-s/os/es 42 uis strength * weis

fem una vein << weisn

AIa sta 8 flu flow * weis

(weitks) fem 9 uitx agnus castus << weitks

ej fem 9 utis vine * weitis

AIa cau 36 incuru arch << weit

fem 9 uiuerra (hurn) ferret * wiwers

pron wei-; tab ns we * wejes / weje

tr desider desire * wekmi

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIb intr 68 flect arch * wek

adI conuexus convex << wekss

tr Hwl; cf. weumi uell tear off * weld

(weliks) fem wiks armilla bracelet * welks

tr 22 uol (uelle) will * welmi

fem wn unda wave * weln

es neu uellus hair velvet << welnos

AIb tr 26 uide see * wel

AIa tr expect expect wait * welp

fem wtis uolunts will * weltis

neu tegmen wrapping * wlwen

tr H1wl-w 36, 67 uolu turn * welw

neu inuolcrum envelope * wlwtrom

tr 46 uom vomit * wmmi

BIIb tr H2weH1 exhal blow * ()wmi

adI 59 pulcher beautiful * wmos

tr 22 appet aspire * wnmoi

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa intr 69 oppugn attack * wendh

neu uennum love potion << wensnom

fem 17 familia family << wenj

dur 23 concupisc desire * wen

es neu amor love * wenos

fem 4 uensca blister * wenseik

wentjos suff praeditus equipped with * went

H2weH1-to- /
mas uentus wind * wentos

fem rs (abstracta) thing (abstract) * weqtis

neu dictus expression * weqtlom

(wos) neu fors door * wr

es neu H1wr-b flagellum whip * werbos

fem secta sect * werein

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa sta 33 uerg head towards * werg

neu labos work * wergom

neu Hwr; wr, wri aqua water * weri

tr werH1 nmin name * werj

BIIe tr inueni find * (w)wermi

fem 9 betullla alder * wern

adI urus true * wros

AIa tr 67 uolu wrap out * werp

mas ms male * wersis

en neu cf. wros 4 uerrca wart * wersm

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa tr uerr drag * wers

fem trames track << werstis

neu uestibulum hall << werstidhlom
neu directi direction alignment << wertmn

mas ualor value * wertos

neu dfensi defence * wertrom

mas cinctus (secrittis) belt (for safety) * wrunos

neu uescor eat * weskai

tr 45 exprim squeeze * wsk

AIVa tr instig prick incite * wsnmi

AIIIo tr negotior bargain << wesnej

neu unum sale * wesnom

AIb sta H2wes mane stay * wes

adI ulis (non crus) cheap << wsolis

*we- 'exclsuum'
we-skw(e)ro- /
mas 63 uesper evening * wespros
wesp(e)ro- /

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

(wesens /
neu 62 ur spring * wes

mas matina morning * wsros

fem pulmentum food anything eaten with<< west

tr cf. wosj 53 uesti dress clothe * westij

jo fem uestis cloth * westis

mas daps feast * westos

mas domicilium dwelling * westus

H1wesu-; wesu-
adI /wsu-/wosu-; excellens excellent * wsus

tr *we- exclsuum uet forbid * wtmi

mas 16 uitulus calf yearling * wetlos

es neu tempus time (yearly) * wetos

wes one-year creature * wetss

es adI uetus old * wetwos

ind 64 s asunder * w

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

cau 35 uibr vibrate * wibrj

fem apprentia appearance * wid

tr weidmi ? 25 uide (uis nu) see * widj

fem H1wdheweH2 uidua widow * wdhew

fem 9 salx willlow * widhus

fem widj scientia wisdom * widjom

sta 42 uige (spirituliter) be strong * wigj

sta weH1i 36 uie be curved * wijj

inc 36 uisc wither * wijsk

ej fem uicis chance opportunity * wikis

dur 44 cert contend struggle << wikj

fem uenfica witch * wikk

adII satis constans widely known << wklutom

AVIb tr comperi find out * wind

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fac inuestig investigate * wind peri

adI appararens apparent * windos

fem cable cable * winis

tr 52 uinci shackle * winkij

tr 44 uinc win * wink

AVIa cau caus cause * wins

adI multifrius diverse << wikwos

wiHr-, weiHro-,
mas uir man * wrs

sta uire sprout * wisj

neu uiscum mistletoe * wiskom

fem 57 uirga club * wsog

intr circume turn around * witj

adI complementrius supplementary * wteros

fem wHi- textus framework * wtj

neu curua curve << witjom

mas cf. kantos cantus (rotae) wheelrim * witus

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

AIa tr 28 loquor speak * wweqmi

mas H1wlb(h)o-nt- camlus camel * wbhontis

fem conuiuium feast * wd

tr 42 imper (imper) rule * wdhj
cf. wy

es neu 7 liquor liquid << weiqos

AIa tr uerber beat whip * weis

sta uale be fit * wj
cf. wldhy

sta lepe whip beat << wepj

BIIIb tr H2welH1; cf. weld 45 diripi pillage * weumi

fem 16 le lion * wlew

fem uallis basin * wghis

sta 7 lique liquid (to be) << wiqj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

fem H1wl-neH2 lna wool * wn

lrum strap * wrom

mas 16 lupus wolf * wqos

fem 66 caesaris tuff of hair * wtis

mas adspectus impression * wtus

fem 7 unda wave << wd

sta tortus sum complexed (to be) * wghj

w w
tr H1ewg h / H1weg h 28 uoue vow * wochj

fem 7 aqua water << wod

(wdenos) neu wed 7 aqua water * wod

AIIIo cau addc induce (to) c woghej

mas uehiculum car * woghnos

mas uecti transport * woghos

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas uomer ploughshare * wogsmis

tr sci know * woida

AIIIo cau dirig certir orient * woidej

mas woH1i- udulus basket * woidlos

(woidwesos) adII fem: widwsy conscius knowing witness * woidws

fem ulmus elm * woighos

fem uigor vigour * woik

mas cf. weiks ucus village hamlet * woikos

adI wikrs peruicax steadfast warlike * woiks

fem uilla farm country house << woiksl

fem poena punishment * woin

mas weinom unum wine * woinos

mas uennum poison * woisos

fem untus hunt * woit

tr lig choose * wolj

es neu uulgus people (common) * wolgos

mas spra roll * wolmos

mas wlos lecti choice * wolos

mas uolens willing * wols

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ej fem uulps fox * wolpis

es neu H2wolH1no uulnus wound * wolnos

neu pernicis damage * wolsom

adI wls rotundus round * wolws

AIIIo cau torque wind * wondhej

wondhsos 66 caesaris hair * wondhos

adI unus empty * wns

fem aqua water * wopj

fem 12 uespa wasp * wops

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

(weqs) fem uox voice * woqs

neu cannabis cannabis * worgjom

mas 12 uermis worm * wormis

mas color colour * wornos

mas tresuir policeman << wors
AIIIo cau inuert invert (to) * wortej

AIIIo tr cf. westij uesti dress * wosej

mas H1ws tiara turban * wosis

adI 7 madidus wet * wosms

mas indmentum garment * wospos

neu spna backbone * waghm

ei fem circumductus perimeter * wrbhis

neu wH1-dhH1o- uerbum word * wdhom

wrH2d-iH2; cf
fem rdix root * wdj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

mas clausra enclosure * wegis

fem rca veil * weik

neu ricinium webbing << wikonjom

Hwr urna harn * wein

tr uereor respect * wjai

(wernos) mas uerux lamb * wn

BIIIb tr werj, wneumi claud defend close defend * weumi

werj apo,
BIIIb tr aperi open * weumi apo
wneumi apo
fem 42 uigor vigor << wg

sta 69 urge attack (to be in) * wgj

tr/intr labor work * wgj

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

impetus attack * wgos

tr claud close << wij

intr rde laugh * wisdj

AIVa tr persequor persecute * wnmi

intr ringor grumble * wgai

fem manus hand * wonk

fem fouea dip * wonkis

(wdiks, wrH2d-eiH-;
fem rdix root << wrdks
wdijs) cf.wdy
fem pluuia rain * wst
worsos, wors

fem uersi indols turn modality, manner * wstis

mas uersus fig. modus agend row fig. action line * wstos

AIIh tr 67 uert turn * wt

neu saepimen enclosure * wtom

May 2011 Fernando Lpez-Menchero

ej mas 10 scale cerele rye * wughis

Vocabulary Topic
1 ager
2 lux
3 saxum
4 mons
5 ignis
6 calos
7 aqua
8 flmen
9 arbos
10 grnum
11 fructus
12 insectus
13 auis
14 piscis
15 reptle
16 animale
17 familia
18 corpus
19 caput
20 uenter
21 animus
22 uol
23 am
24 time
25 uide
26 uide
27 clam
28 loquor
29 cogit
30 appare
31 surg
32 celer
33 e
34 uiridia
35 moue
36 agitor
37 cad
38 iace
39 aeger
40 dbilis
41 mutilus
42 uis
43 pugna
44 pugn
45 tund
46 iaci
47 put
48 fall
49 ter
50 separ
51 dud
52 iung
53 teg
54 fer
55 em
56 recipiens
57 hasta
58 constructi
59 forma
60 color
61 immundus
62 annus
63 tempus
64 praeuerbia
65 latr
66 capillum
67 torque
68 flect
69 defend
70 calamus

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