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Department of Biology

Faculty of Science and Mathematics

Sultan Idris Education University

Information and Communication Technology in Biology (SBI3013)

Data Logger: Pressure Law

Prepared by:

Bil. Name No. Matrix Group


Lecturer: Dr Azmi bin Ibrahim

Date submit: 21 March 2017


Definition of data logger

A data logger, is an electronic instrument that records measurements at set intervals over a period
of time. Depending on the particular data logger, measurements can include: air temperature,
relative humidity, AC/DC current and voltage, differential pressure, time-of-use (lights, motors,
etc.), light intensity, water temperature, water level, dissolved oxygen, soil moisture, rainfall,
wind speed and direction, leaf wetness, pulse signals, room occupancy, plug load, and many

Data loggers are typically compact, battery-powered devices equipped with an internal
microprocessor, data storage, and one or more sensors. They can be deployed indoors, outdoors,
and underwater, and can record data for up to months at a time, unattended. A data logger may be
a single-unit, stand-alone device with internal sensors, which fits in the palm of a hand, or it may
be a multi-channel data collection instrument equipped with one or more external sensors.

How does it work?

First, the data logger is connected to a computer via a USB interface. Next, accompanying data
logger software is used to select logging parameters (sampling intervals, start time, etc.) and
activate the logger. The logger is then disconnected and deployed in the desired location, where it
records each measurement and stores it in memory along with the time and date. Bluetooth Smart
loggers can be configured and launched wirelessly, after deployment.

After the desired monitoring period, the data logger is then reconnected to the computer and the
software is used again to read out the data and display the measurements in graphs that show
profiles over time. Tabular data can be viewed as well, or exported to a spreadsheet for further

Where the data logger used?

Data loggers are used in a broad range of indoor, outdoor, underwater and temperature-controlled
environments essentially anywhere data is needed and the convenience of battery power is

The pressure in a sealed container changes with temperature. These changes can be monitored
using sensors attached to the computer. A graph of pressure against temperature can be plotted as
the changes occur.


Pressure Law

Aim: To investigate how the pressure of a gas changes when it is heated at a constant volume.

Materials and apparatus: Water bath, flask with bung, delivery tube, interface, temperature and
pressure sensors.


1. Set up the apparatus as show in the diagram below.

2. Fill the flask with water bath prepared before the experiment start.
3. Repeat the experiment by using other three set of different temperature of water.

Experimental setup:


1. In this experiment, what two experimental factors were kept constant?

2. What seems to be the pattern between pressure and temperature?
3. How could you succeed in finding absolute zero in this experiment?


1. Firing a bullet
When a gun powder burns, it creates a large amount of superheated gas. The high
pressure of the hot gas behind hot gas the bullet forces it out of the barrel of the gun.

2. A burning automobile tire

The heat from the burning rubber will cause the air pressure in the tire to increase. This
can cause the weakened tire wall to explode.

3. Heating a closed aerosol can

Tossing "empty" aerosol can into a fire can increased pressure and may cause the
container to explode.

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