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Genitive case

Genitive case is is the grammatical case that marks a noun as modifying another noun. It often marks a
noun as being the possessor of another noun; however, it can also indicate various other relationships than


Janets long fingers, Janets jacket, Janets drink (relationship indicating possession)
a wheel of cheese (a relationship indicating composition)

the love of music (participation in an action)

men of Rome (origin)

the capital of the Republic (reference)

man of honor(description)

Form of genitive case

Genitive case can be indicated by

1. adding 's after the noun (John's brother)

2. adding of before the noun (the end of the movie)

Spelling of 's

Spelling of the genitive case depends on whether the noun is plural, singular or ending in 's':

Type Genitive Case Explanation

singular noun the girl's room girl is singular: add 's

plural nouns the girls' room girls is plural: add '

singular noun ending s Jonas' car or Jonas's car After nouns ending in s (like Jonas) either add ' or 's

irregular plural children's toys for irregular plurals like (children) add 's

In case there are many nouns, add an 's only to the last noun.


Leila and Nancy's friend.

Genitive Case

1. Complete the sentences with or s:

a. Billy_______ blue car is in the garage.

b. Mr. John_______ secretary is here.
c. They sell ladies_______ clothes in this store.
d. The doctor _______kids are very nice.
e. The women _____boyfriends are late.
f. My friends _______cousins are beautiful.
g. We love Grandma _______cookies.
h. The engineer _______sunglasses are broken.
i. I dont like boys _______sneakers.
j. Bring the baby _______toys.

2. Rewrite the sentences using the Genitive Case:

a. The skirts of the women are white.

b. The tail of the horse is not short.

c. The offices of the doctors are beautiful.

d. The books of the students are new.

e. The toys of the babies are funny.

f. The hat of Mrs. Sally is red.

g. The dress of my sister is old.

h. The leg of the chair is broken.

3. Correct the sentences:

a. Julie closed the stores window.

b. The pupilss dog is sleeping right now.

c. The name's of the book is Twilight.

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