Cutting Activity Ideas

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Cutting Activities

Straight Lines, Circles and Spirals, Simple Shapes, Advanced Cutting

1. Straight Lines: Coloring and cutting out long strips of paper and
pasting the together in a chain pattern. Or forming a simple flower
design. An upgrade may be to form a paper lantern from the

2. Circles and Spirals: Spider cutting activity Color and cut 8 strips of
paper and one circle of predetermined size. Paste them together to
make a spider. Add some string to make a dangly spider.

Caterpillar Cutting Activity: Cut 5 or 6 circles of predetermined size

and paste them together to make a caterpillar. Stick the head circle
a little higher than the rest and give it a smiley face. Add pipe
cleaners feelers. Add little pipe cleaner legs to the first segment
(folded 3 short sections and pushed them through three little holes).

3. Spiral Snakes:

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