Remix Project Rational

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Nelson Ingram

UWRT 1103

Remix Project Rationale

My choice of genre was a poster/flyer that would be used to convince people to use

renewable energy. My inquiry project was about how renewable energy is what is going to be

used in the future so my remix project plays off that and tries to convince people to switch now.

This is more effective than any other genre because it keeps the readers attention and spreads a

clear, direct message. The audience for this piece is home owners and anyone concerned about

where their energy comes from. I know the audience will respond well to it because it is a short

and sweet little poster/flyer that is not difficult to understand or interpret. It could be passed out

in a neighborhood or hung on a bulletin board. This message is an important one and is sure to

grab the readers attention. My message is conveyed through this genre by explaining to the

reader who, when, where, why, and how they can use renewable energy. It gives the reader a

chance to think that it is very possible for them to be using renewable energy on a daily basis.

There are not very many assumptions being made in this genre. It could be thought to be geared

towards more financially stable people who can afford to switch to renewable energy. I do not

think there is any real power inequality at play here because it is just a poster that hopefully

would be accessible to everyone.

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