Statement of Faith

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Statement of Faith

I believe that God is the father almighty, and the creator of heaven and earth. The Father,

Son and Holy Spirit are what guide my Christian beliefs as the trinity is the centre of my

foundational beliefs; especially that God is three in one. The father, who sent his son to save

humankind, and the holy spirit are spiritual guides that shift us closer to Him in every action we

take. The Bible is truth and God has spoken through it as a spiritual guide for his followers. This

spiritual guide is then used to allow us to live in this life through Him and His will and to show

to others this truth and His will.

The biblical narrative begins with creation. God created everything, both life and

creation, and that creation is good and beautiful. We must be stewards for His creation and take

care of His creation. With the fall of man and humankind the action of the biblical narrative

grows. We move foreword to the Ten Commandments, which we must follow as God stated to

Moses and share them as Moses shared them with Gods chosen people. This climax of the

biblical narrative is the birth and death of Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Jesus fulfilled our true

salvation through His death and resurrection. This is symbolized through the sacrament, which

symbolizes the sacrifice of Jesus. Jesus will come again to bring us to the new heaven and new


My faith is strengthened by my belief that God works in my life and in my heart so that I

may do His will. My passion for spreading the word of God stems from my Evangelical

Lutheran background which founds itself on the mission that God calls us to be disciples and to

make disciples of others. I believe that this spiritual calling strengthens every action I take and

further strengthens my passion to teach. Each job I take will be founded on the belief to make

disciples of others and to show them the will and beauty of God and his love for his people.

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