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Dominique OConnell

Reflective writing: Catholic Healthcare Ministries

Noticing (25 points)

What did you initially notice about Catholic Healthcare Ministries?

When introduced to the idea of Catholic Healthcare Ministries, what
I found most interesting was the history of it all. Before coming to
Bon Secours College of Nursing I was not familiar or aware of the
deep-rooted history behind the establishment of Bon Secours and/or
the Catholic Healthcare System. I enjoyed finding that their
teachings and practice are largely focused around the care of the
entire being, not just an illness or disease. The elements of Catholic
Healthcare, such as promoting the common good, attending to the
whole person, acting on the behalf of justice and promoting dignity,
show me they care not just on a spiritual level, but also physical,
emotional, mental etc.

Describe how your initial thoughts evolved as you learned more about
the themes of Catholic Social Teaching and the Ethical and Religious

As I learned more about the themes of Catholic Social Teaching and

the ERDs, my feelings stayed the same as far as agreeing the
establishment cares about the whole person, however some of the
literature I didnt quite agree with or understand. My spirituality is
something I keep personal and I dont use it as a deciding factor
towards or for others, which I feel like some of the ERDs may do. I
also thought it was interesting that in various ERDs some
interventions were approved, while others were not. Per the lecture
we had in class, there is always a gray area and each situation is
unique and with that being said, I believe in time I will have a better
appreciation for these ideas.

Interpreting (25 points)

Describe how the Sisters of Bon Secours influenced practiced the themes
of Catholic Social Teaching.
The Sisters of Bon Secours accomplished the ultimate practice of
these themes by successfully bringing their healthcare to the United
States, and especially having it still standing and thriving today.
Tending to the poor and vulnerable when many were fearful and
would not, being a presence in the community, giving nurses dignity
and pride in their work, showing solidarity and overall caring for
Gods creation.
The actions they took then have allowed the healthcare system to
grow and evolve into what it is today. Bon Secours current Mission:
The Mission of Bon Secours is to bring compassion to health care,
and be good help to those in need, especially those who are poor
and dying, exemplifies what the Sisters stood for.

Give an example of how a nurse in today's society could practice using

these themes regardless of their religious affiliation.
A nurse in todays society could practice these themes by
volunteering in the community at any local shelter, donating
clothing/goods to those in needs, lending a listening ear to anyone
who wants to be heard, or providing free medical screening such as
blood pressure readings at community health fairs there are many
ways to get involved in society regardless of religious affiliation.

Responding (25 points)

Which of the 7 themes of Catholic Social Teaching speaks to you the

Within the 7 themes of Catholic Social Teaching, I found myself
thinking about and relating to the theme of Solidarity the most. As
USCCB defines it on their website, We are one human
family whatever our national, racial, ethnic, economic, and
ideological differences. We are our brothers and sisters keepers,
wherever they may be. Loving our neighbor has global
dimensions in a shrinking world. At the core of the virtue of
solidarity is the pursuit of justice and peace. Pope Paul VI taught
that if you want peace, work for justice.1 The Gospel calls us to be
peacemakers. Our love for all our sisters and brothers demands that
we promote peace in a world surrounded by violence and conflict.
I was able to connect with this theme more so than others because
caring for people, regardless of their race, background or
socioeconomic status, closely aligns with my personal belief.
Growing up with a family of health care providers, I have always
been taught to be caring, respectful and selfless, offering my help
wherever needed. My current employer also has had a large
influence on shaping my values by instilling some of theirs such as
treating others the way you desire to be treated, extending grace to
the teachable and seeking first to understand before being
understood. I believe having morals such as these, or similar, and
genuinely caring for the well being of one another is something we
should all deem important.
Which Ethical and Religious Directive can you link your theme to and why?
The ERDs that would be linked to this theme are #2, #3 and #6.
I saw a connection with these ERDs because they all describe
mutual respect and compassion being offered to those who are
vulnerable as well as brining an uplifting animated presence to the
community. I also thought #6 was relevant because I believe it is
wise and/or responsible to be using resources in this manner.
#1: We are a community of care animated by the Gospel and
respectful of the churchs moral tradition #2: We act in a manner
characterized by mutual respect among caregivers and serving with
compassion of Christ. #3: We distinguish ourselves by service to
and advocacy for the marginalized and vulnerable. #6: We are to
use healthcare resources responsibly.

Reflecting (25 points)

What does the phrase "Call to Serve" mean to you after learning about
Catholic Healthcare Ministries?
I think for a lot of people after familiarizing themselves with the
Catholic Healthcare Ministries they might relate this phrase to
religion or a higher calling, but for me its still as simple as merely
being a genuine caring human being, wanting to help others.
Ive been influenced by individuals I care most about and drawn
towards the profession and ideals involved with nursing due to my
selfless nature.
Describe any changes or an increased awareness in your values or
feelings as a result of this lecture.
This lecture has increased my awareness of the values I deem
important and how I subconsciously live them out each day. The
discussion and green card exercise performed in class has
strengthened the values I have, but has also widened my thoughts
in regards to the values of other individuals and/or establishments
such as Bon Secours and the Catholic Healthcare Ministries.
Although at this time I may not understand everything fully or agree
I am interested in learning more.

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