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School Counselor: Alicia Nazar

Activity: Career Project 3 lesson project

Grade(s): 2nd grade

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors (Domain/Standard):

M5: Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high quality results and
outcomes. BLS3: Use time management, organizational and study skills.
BLS7: Identify long and short term academic, career and social emotional
goals. BSMS8: Demonstrate the ability to balance school, home and
community activities.

Learning Objective(s) (aligns with competency):

1. RED.CR.1.1 Students will identify traditional and nontraditional careers
2. RED.CR.1.2 Students will locate information on a career that interests
3. RED.CR.1.3 Students will be able to identify a skill, an ability, and an
interest that he/she knows about themselves

Video - Career Day by the Bazillions, outline to parents, career flashcards,
book What Shoes Will You Wear by Julia Cook, career research worksheet

Lesson 1 Introduction of Careers
Description of project students will create a poster about what they want to
be when they grow up
Explain career clusters, higher education and salary

Lesson 2 Research
Use computers to do research on their career choice

Lesson 3 Presentations
Students will present posters

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?

Process Data: All second graders, 120 students, 3 classroom lessons,
delivered in April/May
Perception Data: Completed research worksheet and completed poster
Outcome Data:
Follow-Up: School Counselor will help students complete poster who may not
have supplies or support at home to complete it.
Dear Parents,

For my next few guidance lessons I will be focusing on careers. At the end of
this unit, each student will complete a career project. The project will be
titled What I want to be When I Grow Up. Most of the work for this project
will be completed at school during guidance lessons or in the STEAM Lab. But
the poster will be required to be done at home. Please see my outline below
of when we will do each lesson. I encourage you to talk to your child about
this project. Even though they are in their primary years, it is important for
them to begin thinking about the possibilities for their future and what they
have to do to achieve their goals!

They can bring their poster in early if they get it done before the due date.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

Alicia Nazar
School Counselor
Southern Pines Primary

Lesson 1 Intro to Careers We will talk about all

different types of careers
and the students have to
think about what career
they want to do their
project on.
Lesson 2 STEAM lab research We will do research in
the STEAM lab about
their career choice.
Lesson 3 Poster due They will present their
poster to the class.

Guidelines for Career Project:

___ Pick 1 Career for research and project

___ Complete research worksheet on career chosen

___ Complete poster on career

Poster (paper will be provided) should include:
Title and career choice
Information from research worksheet
Students are free to decorate it however they want with pictures,
drawings, clip art, etc.

Name: ____________________________ Teacher:


What I want to be when I grow up:





What would you do (Duties):




How much education is needed:

Where would you work:


We are using this website today:
Why did you pick this search/

But you can do more research at:

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