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Nama : Rahmat Ageng Muhkharom

Nomor : 22
Kelas : XII A 4

16. The news is about the Indonesian Batik Foundation in collaboration with the Industry Ministry hosted
Batik fashion week 2016 at plaza Indonesia shopping mall
17. From the text we can conculde that the event was open with a fashion show titled "Reimagining the
past through the eyes of the future " featuring collections from local designer
18. The Batik Fashion Week 2016 was conducted to preserve batik ad cultural heritage.
19. The above letter is considered as an application letteran for scholarship program
20. The word Consideration can be replaced by Deliberation, Attention
21. The second paragraph tell us about the reasons of Dhenmas Aji Rosulli to choose Deakin University
22. Dhenmas Aji convince the AUSAID to grant him scholarship by enclosing his scholarship application
and ceritificate of some achivements in academic competition
23. From the caption,, we know that the traditional game is being enjoyed by foreign visitors at the
24. We can conclude from the text that the area near Mount Merapi has become a tourism spot for about
10 years
25. The news inform us about the fifth Bororbudur Writers and Cultural Festival
26. The paragraph which informing the specialIty of this year festival is paragraph 2
27. As an instructive place isnt the objectives of this year festival
28. The writer get the information of the news form Ganjar Pranowo and Yoke Darmawan
29. Atitag Khusnulmina will apply for an English speaking coach for English private course
30. Atitag is still assisting his lecturer
31. The world Involve can be best replaced by Engage
32. The picture show that women dominating the online shops than men
33. The graphics show the proverly levels in chinas rural areas according to the poverly standard, oct 17,
34. The tourist should wear pranakan to go inside the royal cemetery
35. Advanced
36. Spent
37. Couples
38. The best caption is " The cheap and simple table and chair that comfortable use to study and suitable
for classroom
39. Rosa wants to apply the position an administrative assistant in Navaro, Inc.
40. The word Convenient has the closest meaning with Suitable

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