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Words I Wish

Someone Had Said to Me As a Kid

By Bill Zimmerman
Creator, MakeBeliefsComix.com

Art by Tom Bloom

Words I Wish
Someone Had Said to Me As a Kid

This book belongs to

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By Bill Zimmerman & You

Art by Tom Bloom

An Interactive Digital Diary

from MakeBeliefsComix.com
Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me As A Kid
By Bill Zimmerman

Copyright 2014 by William Zimmerman

Drawings Copyright 2014 by Tom Bloom
All rights reserved under international
and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.
No part of this book may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form In memory of
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, my parents and my cousin Ruth.
recording, or otherwise, without express written permission Dedicated to the children in my life.
of the publisher, except for brief quotations or critical reviews. B. Z.
Book design: Barbara Berasi
The author welcomes your comments and suggestions
that you would like to see included in future editions.
Please write: William Zimmerman, Guarionex Press Ltd.,
201 West 77 Street, New York, NY 10024.
Thank you.
For other books by Bill Zimmerman,
visit http://www.billztreasurechest.com
or http://www.makebeliefscomix.com
Dear Reader, this free e-book at MakeBeliefsComix.com because so many girls and
boys regularly visit the web site and I wanted to reach out and be
I wrote this book of encouraging words to help young people as
there for you. It is my hope that you and your friends will
they make their way in the world. All girls and boys need to
turn to the book whenever you need a good word or
hear such words. I know I did.
when you are feeling lonely or unsure.
You see, I lost my father when I was very young and missed
At the end of each thought in this book, you will find a question to
hearing the words that a child needs to hear from his or her dad.
help you think more deeply about what you have read and about
Growing up, I tried hard to imagine the things he would have
your life.There is even space there for you to write your own thoughts
said to guide me if he were around. A few years ago, right before
directly onto the computer screen and into this book, which is in an
Fathers Day, I longed for my dad very much, and to seek comfort
interactive PDF format.You can save what you have written or print
I began writing a letter from him to me, saying some of the things
out the pages you wish. Other pages encourage you to write letters
which I so wanted to hearthat he was proud of the person I had
of support to yourself or to someone you care about. This e-book
grown up to become and that he loved me very much.
also links to an essay I have written,Words Fathers Need to Say and
Writing the letter helped me that day and I continued to write Boys Need to Hear, published in our 4Parents section.
more letters in the voice of a father talking to a child. In time,
The words offered here are as truthful as I know; they represent all
these letters grew into this book to inspire children.
that I have learned from my own lifes experiences.Writing them
If youre a young person reading this book, think of each page allowed me to create something positive from the many worries and
as a personal letter of caring words from me to you, cares I had in growing up. I hope you will find the books thoughts
like the ones an older friend or relative might say to you. If you are a caring and hopeful, too.
parent or teacher, you may find some of the thoughts offered echo
Yes, deep down I still wish my father had been able to express some of
what you may have said to a child in your life, or perhaps they will
these words to me. But because he couldnt, I did the next best thing: I
give you new ideas for future personal messages.You can also read
simply wrote the words I would have liked for him to have said to me.
and discuss the books thoughts with a young person.
And now, I share them with you. Perhaps one day when you are
All the words in this book are encouraging in nature because I know grown you will say them to the children in your life.
full well that none of us ever hears enough of them in life.They
Yours in friendship and goodwill,
are the ones I have said or written to young people in my own life,
including my daughter, my younger sister, my niece and nephews
and children whom I have taught over the years. I decided to offer
Bill Zimmerman
Creator, MakeBeliefsComix.com
The Words Begin...
What Every Parent Wants for a Child Remember These Words

If I could, I would give you

a basket of happiness Every time
that you could reach into you do your best,
all your life. you make someone
proud of you.

Every time you try your best,

be proud of yourself.
If I could, I would never allow pain to enter your life,
Every time you are kind and unselfish to others,
If I could, I would keep you in my pocket
be proud of yourself.
to make you feel safe,
Every time you work hard to master a problem,
If I could, I would plant seeds of joy in your soul,
no matter how difficult
If I could, I would make you believe that no hope
or how discouraged you may feel,
is impossible to attain,
be proud of yourself.
If I could, I would catch your sweet dreams and
Every time you hold your anger in check
save them for you,
and try to work out a solution to what hurts you,
If I could, I would grow beautiful colored flowers that blossom for you in the snow,
be proud of yourself.
If I could, I would borrow the songs of birds to give to you when you feel sad,
As much as I wish to, I cant be with you all the time to say these things,
If I could, I would jump through hoops of fire to free you from dragons,
so you must remember to always take pride in the way you conduct
And, if I could, I would steal away all your doubts to bring a smile
to your face.

What would you do for your own child? What do you take pride in?
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1 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 2
Advice I Wish Someone Had Given Me A Wish For You

You are always

in someones heart; May you meet people
you are never alone. who will be kind to you.
Dont be afraid.

Dont be afraid. You will be all right

in life. Just have trust in yourself
and each time, when you are afraid, May you meet someone special
reach deep within you to gather today
the courage you need to overcome who makes you smile
your fears. and feel good
Every human being is fearful at times, about life and about yourself.
not just you, and each of us must fight And may you also be
to retain our humanity and courage. No that someone special
one is exempt from this battle, no matter to another.
how pretty or handsome or smart or physically
strong. Each of us must struggle with our life, for it is the Thats my wish for you today.
struggle that forms us as human beings.
You have much courage in you, if only you will look. Take comfort
in your strength.

What is the best advice that was given you? Who is special to you?
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3 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 4
Keep on Marching Theres No One Like You

You can always

Always remember
overcome a problem
how special you are
with time and effort.
in your own way.

I believe that in life we get second

and third and even more chances.
Sometimes we make mistakes and
fail in our early attempts to reach a When youre feeling lost and isolated,
goal. Sometimes we just stumble. But child, hold on. Listen to the voice within
that never means all is lost.
you that says you are special. No matter
I know from my own experience, whether what people say about you or do to you they
in working through a family problem or cant take away your good qualities.
having trouble in school or even losing a job, that
Think about this for a moment:
there is always another chance to succeedthat is, if
there is no other person like you on earth.
we can pick ourselves off the floor and keep working toward the goal we have
set. Maybe well need to take a different path to reach that goal, but inch by inch, There is no one who sees things the way you do,
step by step, we creep toward that elusive goal until it is right there before us who thinks your thoughts, who feels the way you do. While we
and we finally grab it and make it ours. all share some things in common, each of us sees the world
through our own lens. Each of us has a particular sense of
Yes, it takes grit and sticktoitiveness to not allow failure to overtake us or sap
awareness that makes us who we are. That specialness is a gift
our spirit. So just keep marching on and never look back!
which you must treasure and be thankful for.

What is an important goal you have set for yourself? What is an important goal you have set for yourself?

3 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid

5 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 6
You Aint Seen Nothin Yet Make the World A Little Better

If you give yourself fully

Try hard to make things
to your goal
better in life.
you can accomplish
Each of us has
all that you hope for.
this responsibility.

Sometimes, child, when we find

ourselves a little lacking, it might be a
good time to look at our baby pictures
to recall all the progress we have made Whatever you do in life, try to make the
in lifefrom taking our first baby world a better place. Try to be kind to people
steps to becoming the person we are who need you. You have much goodness
today. Remember how you first had in you to offer others.
to learn how to crawl, then stand on A funny thing about kindness and
shaky legs and begin to walk.Then lovethe more you give, the more
you learned how to speak and make comes back to you. You become richer
yourself known, and later to read.
in spirit. Child, there is so much pain
All of these were monumental tasks when you first undertook them, but you
in the world and you have it in you
accomplished them so well since that time when the early photos were taken.
These are just the beginning of a long life of firsts and achievements that will to make things better for others.
make up your life in the many years ahead of you. Just remember that everything
takes its own time to learn, so be patient with yourself as you master other new
What can you do to make life better
What has been your hardest-won achievement so far? for someone or something?
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7 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 8
Dont Ever Lose Your Dreams Words to Encourage You on Your Journey

Never underestimate
Have big dreams! the strength within you
You have a lifetime it is waiting to come out
to achieve them. when you call
upon it.

Be true to your own internal vision of how

you want things to be. Believe in yourself
no matter if some reject your ideas. Your
ideas and imagination are to be trusted
There will be days when you will wake up feeling
they belong to you and represent the best overwhelmed by all that you have to do
in you. so many pressures on you. You realize that you
just dont have all the answers. I have known
Yes, test your vision and ideas against re-
this feeling, too.
ality, but believe, too, that you can always
fulfill some of your dreams if you are will- When you feel this way, please pause for a
ing to fight for them with all your heart. moment. Then reach down deep within you
Never ever lose belief in what you yearn and you will find all the strength that resides within
for. Never ever give up! Sometimes all you. You must believe in yourself and in your abilities. Just try
you have are your hopes and dreams, and if you surrender them, or allow to take things one step at a time, and you will see, things will
someone to take them away from you or put them down, then you will be fall into place.
lost. Your ideas are a gift to be treasured.

Think of a dream you have. What is it? What strengths do you have?
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9 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 10
Be Your Own Good Friend Time to Do Your Funny Monkey Dance

Love yourself
in the same way you love others.
You are worthy of such love Always try to find
and need to take laughter and joy in life
good care of yourself. to ease your way.

Dear child,
Hold your own hand. By that Can you laugh at yourself? Can you
I mean be your own best friend. enjoy the foolishness within you?
Sometimes when it may seem that Must you always take yourself so
there is no one there to love and seriously? Arent humans some-
help you, thats when you need times like the little chimpanzees
you see at the zoo, scrambling
to reach out to yourself and offer
and scurrying around, leaping into
a helping hand. Such times you
the air, tumbling and making silly
need to treat yourself as you would
sounds. They make you smile just
someone who is in need of encour- thinking about them, dont they?
agement. This means silently offer- They take you out of yourself and
ing yourself a comforting word or help you remember to be happy
two, or even a warm smile. Maybe what I am saying is that we need and silly at times. Let your heart become a little lighter as you do
to recognize and honor ourselves from time to time. your own funny monkey dance. Make time to enjoy your life fully.

Say some good words to yourself. What is an important goal you have set for yourself?
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11 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 12
A Loving Prayer Be Strong Like a Gentle Labrador

The strongest people I know

May life be good to you.
are those who are caring
and who help others.

When I was a young boy I always

worried whether I was macho
From far away I lay my hands
enough. Did I have what it takes to
on your head and bless you, child. be a man? Now, so many years later,
May the spirit of the universe, I can say to you that it is not impor-
the spirit of nature, love and tant to worry about this. Just be
protect you and strengthen yourself. The strongest people I know
your heart throughout your life. are those who are kind and gentle.
It takes real strength to believe in
May only good things happen
yourself and to do the right thing for
to you.
others.Yes, you can play the game
and swagger or speak gruffly if you
feel you need to, but deep inside be a gentle labradortheyre
really the best because they have good souls and are the strongest!

Who worries over you? Who do you worry about? Whats your definition of being strong?
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13 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 14
What Is Courage? Sweet Thoughts for a Child

Each of us has more courage

than we think;
we just need to work hard May you always
to put aside our fears reach for the stars.
which hold us back.

Courage is a funny thing. You never know if youll

have it in you until the time comes when you need it.
May your dreams be sweet
But dont worry too much about how courageous you
arejust try to do the right thing when the situation when you sleep,
arises, when you see the need to help someone or to May you always find time
work out a reasonable solution to a hard problem. to leap with frogs,
Sometimes the most courageous acts seem to be
May you find treasures
the simplest acts, such as overcoming your fear of
someone different from you and trying to help that when you walk the seashore,
person, or trying to learn a new skill which you dont May you live to hold new life
think you are capable of learning or too afraid to try. in your hands,
Its a matter of going ahead even when youre least sure of yourself.
May you one day
When I was young, perhaps the most courageous thing I did was to overcome my
fears and help care for my father in his last days. He was separated from my mother fly to the moon,
and lived apart from us, and after school I would visit him when he came out of the May you have a chance
hospital to keep him company. I was sometimes afraid to be with him because he to swim with dolphins,
was so weak and frail and because he had changed so much from the strong, healthy
man I had once known. I was afraid I would lose him and it upset me to see him so May much of what you wish for come true.
weak. But I saw he needed me and I overcame my fears and did my best to comfort
him. Helping him helped me become less afraid.

What is the most courageous thing you have done or hope to do? May you............

15 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 16
Love Makes You Leap Finding Your Passion

May you
love someone Dont settle for second
as deeply choice in life: always reach
as you are loved. for something better.

Dear child,
When you find someone to love or care If you want to have the fullest, best life
deeply about, leap with joy for you will find possible, then find your passion and go
your heart growing bigger as you discover for it. Find the interest or work you can
the fullness of both your natures. Love means take pride in and which fully engages
giving of your heart and soul to another, of your imagination and your heart and
which gives you meaning.
showing the other respect and gentleness.
Too many people are told to be practical
Love never means taking over another person and to give up their dreams for something
or bossing them around, just as you can never less. But passion, in my book, is what
really own a flower. Yes, you can nourish that counts. Maybe you wont make a ton of
flower with your love, you can admire all its money, maybe every step you take to real-
beauty and splendor and gasp at its loveli- ize your passion will be hard. But you will
ness. But you cannot pluck it and hoard it just be a content person, not getting lost in
what could have been.
for yourself. If you do, it will shrivel and waste away.
Do you know people who had to settle in life? What do their sad faces tell
Love and affection mean sharing what you have to offer with another you? Passion for something you love will always get you through the hard
person or creature who will do the same for you. And by doing so, you will timesthats how powerful it is. May you find the thing in life that you were
both grow stronger and happier. meant to do.

Who has shown their love to you? Whom do you love? What is an important goal you have set for yourself?
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17 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 18
Something Important to Think About This Is What I Believe

Remember to stand in awe

at the wonder of the
world and nature. I believe that each of us
Enjoy every precious can make a positive
moment. difference in the world.

Never take for granted the beauty and wonder

of the world.
There is a reason why they were put here for us to
Stand outside and look for a moment at the light of the sun.
Go to the beach and watch the wide ocean, wave after I believe that hope is with us forever.
wave after wave. I believe in the healing sunshine.
Feel the breeze on your face. Smell the freshness of the air. I believe in the wild and loving heart
Listen to the sounds of a sea shell.
that beats in each of us.
Go to a park and smell a beautiful flower or look at the trees.
I believe in rainbows.
Then wonder how all these beautiful, wonderful things came
to be. What was the reason for them? Wonder how you and all the other people I believe in the narcissus that bravely
came to be. Think of what role you will play in the world. Think of the Spirit, the Force blooms in cold winter.
which created our universe, and stand in awe at their mystery and majesty. Where I believe in music and laughter and song.
do we fit into the grand scheme of things? I believe that things always get better if we will them to be.
Think big things, oh son, oh daughter, for you must try to measure up to the wonder I believe in the kindness of people that waits to come out.
of our universe. Be the best you can be. Be the kindest you can be. Be the lovingest
you can be. Be worthy of your sacred life.

Name one thing that amazes you. I believe


19 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 20
Giving Can Also Fill You Up A Divine Mission

Never hold back. We must honor the life

Give yourself fully we are given by using
to whatever you do. our time here
as well as we can.

Look around you.

You will find some people are takers, others are givers.
The takers are always hungry for something
love, power, food, money, possessions.
The givers are the providers, the nurturers, the Dear one, why do you think
unselfish ones. We all have a little of each in us, we were put here on earth?
but deep down I hope youll be more a giver Do you think each of us
in life rather than a taker. You see, there is so has a divine mission to fulfill?
much pain and need in the world. Our job is to Id like to think so, to believe
do the best we can to make the world a little better that there is a reason for our
than when we found it. lives that is tied up with
A funny thing about givingthe more you give, the more ultimately comes back to making the world a beautiful
you. Isnt it wonderful to see someone who has been able to grow a little stronger place in which to live.
and happier because of your kindness and support? Imagine what kind of world
wed have if everyone reached out to someone else and had their back? How
much better things could be!

Who has been giving to you? In what way? Who have you given to? How would you like the world to be?
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21 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 22
It Pays to be Stubborn Coaching Yourself

Never take no
for an answer. You have a responsibility
No is a closing of the door, to be the best you can be,
yes is an opening as hard as that may be.
to something better.

We cant all be Kings or Queens of the World,

Heres something to think about: but each of us can be our very best, like majesties
Sometimes being stubborn is a good thing, over our own personal domains. Always try to set
despite what others may say. high goals for yourself. This will make you stretch
and grow. But dont set them so high that they
By that I mean taking an attitude that you
become unattainable and leave you frustrated.
wont give up in trying to achieve your goal
Yes, you can make demands on yourself to be
even if people say that youre crazy or its im-
better than you are today, but also realize that
you need to make time to develop the skills you
your dreams to come true. I remember being
need to realize your dreams.
told many times in my life not to do certain
things, or that they couldnt be done. But I refused to listen and needed to try things Everything, including the writing of this book for you, took practice, practice,
my way. Many times I was right. Other times I failed, but I learned from my mistakes. and more practice. In writing it, I experienced moments of doubt and had to
Nothing lost here. You use your perseverance to stay in the game as long as you can. talk myself through the problems and be my own coach. I would urge myself
on, reminding myself that this hard work was important. All goals are never
Sometimes, though, to reach a goal you need to take smaller steps, rather than great reached at once. It takes much toil to gain the skills and ability you need to
leaps.You approach that goal over a period of time and you use your orneriness to fulfill your ambitions. Most of all, you need to believe with all your heart in what
keep you going and focused on your goal. Your hard work will pay off, I promise you. you are doing.

What new skills would you like to master?


23 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 24
Its Important to Ask Questions Asking for Help

Dont be afraid
to ask for help.
Never be afraid Most people are giving
to ask questions and want to share what they
that is the only way know with you.
you can learn.

Its okay to ask for help. Theres nothing

wrong in showing others that you dont
Learn to ask questions of the people whom know everything or that you need help in
you meet. A writer once said her mother finding answers. Yet, asking for help was one of
told her that when entering a room of new the hardest things for me to do when I was a kid.
people to ask at least 10 questions of each Maybe it was because I didnt trust many adults or
of those whom she met. By doing so, she lacked self-confidence. But by acting that way I cut
would show that she was really interested myself off from a lot of learning which could
in learning about those whom she encoun- have come in handy later on.
tered, but even more important, she would Sometimes it may take a lot of courage to ask for
learn new things that she hadnt known. help. Many of us dont like to show our weakness
Some of these things might be interesting, some helpful. or ignorance to otherswe feel well be judged as
lacking. But, just remember, we arent born into this
That goes for interviews, too. When you apply for a position, try to answer the inter- world knowing everything. We need time to learn all
viewers questions as well as you can. But dont be passiveit is also a time for you the things that go into making us good, capable human beingswe pick up this
to learn more by asking questions about the position or how the person interviewing knowledge day by day, bit by bit, and by asking questions.
you got to where they are today. Such information can be useful, and your question- Each day I have new questions for which I seek answers. It doesnt make you less
ing is a way for you to display your own curiosity and intelligence, traits which any of a person to seek advice and help from others whom you respect.
employer values.

What do you think is the most important piece of information

What important question would you like to ask someone? youve acquired so far in your life?
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25 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 26
Learning the Bs Giving What You Need

Be kind to others.
There is so much pain The more you give,
in the world. the more will come back
to you.

I read about an educator who encourages kids

to learn the Bs. Some of his Bs include: A poet, Anne Michaels, once said,
BE responsible. I see that I must give what I most
BE on time.
need. Her words have always
BE friendly.
BE polite.
stayed with me. Think about them.
BE a listener. I take them to mean, for example,
BE a tough worker. that if you feel very alone or, maybe
BE a goal setter. unloved, then you might consider
befriending someone who may
I like his idea and decided to add a few of my own
feel alone, too. Maybe its an older
Bs for you to think about:
BE caring.
relative you know, maybe its an
BE generous. animal who needs to be taken care
BE hopeful. of. I think of my dog, Nena, whom I adopted after she had been abandoned
BE helpful. and kept in a cage for four months at the dog pound. She looked so forlorn and
BE loving. alone. All she really needed was a little love, and in return she unselfishly gave
BE a good person. me what I needed most, toolove and companionship.

Your turn: BE (you fill in the rest) What is it you need that you might be able to give others?
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27 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 28
Taking Responsibility Keeping A Personal Journal

The more responsibility Make time to think about your life

you take on, and your experiences. Doing so will
the stronger help you understand yourself better
you become. and make better decisions.

Give some thought to keeping a journal to record your

Someone once wrote that each of journey through childhood and life. It will be a safe place
us must be the drivers of our own you can retreat to, where you can record your deepest
car. The writer means that each of us hopes and yearnings, even your fears. Everyone needs a
is responsible for pointing ourselves in refuge where they can turn to, to catch their breath and
the right direction and for our actions. figure out their life. A little notebook will do the trick.
We should not allow our friends or peers Carry it around with you during the day, or
to dictate to us what we should do or if youre fearful youll lose it, then keep
how we should act to others. Weve got it in a protected place at home. Come
to it each day to keep in touch with
to decide for ourself what is the right thing
your heart or to see what troubles you or
to do. This reminds me of what the fabled
makes you so happy. Record the amazing
mountaineer, Edmund Hilary, the first person
things that happen to you, the laughter you
to climb Mount Everest, once said: Its not the hear, the jokes, even the sad things because they
mountain we conquer, but ourselves. are all a part of your life and affect you in every way.
Writing in a journal becomes a way of breathing and bringing
light to your soul.

What mountains in your own life do you want to scale? What one thing happened to you this week
that youd like to remember?
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29 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 30
Your Power to Change the World Taking Stock

You have more power Take pride in yourself

than you think you have and in the way
to make a difference you conduct your life.
in someones life.

When I was very young I never felt that I had much

power. My daydream back then was to one day work
Dear child, think about the things which you do well
charge of something. (As a child I felt in charge of noth- and which you are proud about. Is it your great love
of reading and all the books which you have already
success and make important decisionsall of them read in your young life? Is it your amazing collection
rightand that would make me powerful. But that
of postage stamps or bottle caps? Is it your ability to
was a long time ago, and Ive come to realize that
each of us, no matter how young or small, has the catch a high fly ball? Is it your beautiful singing voice?
power to make a difference in the world. Or your ability to speak more than one language?
How?, you may ask. Say you help one person this day, Each of us needs to take pride in the things we do
even to make them smile or laugh, and that person well or in the new skills were acquiring. This
in turn makes another person smile or laugh, and then is particularly important as we struggle to
that person makes another one smile ....well, you get the learn new things, some of which may take time
to master. If we can feel good about the things we
other people who then pass on what they feel or experience to others. So, youre the key to a
have worked hard to learn, then we will have more confidence to tackle new
chain reaction that can echo throughout your neighborhood, throughout your city, your state,
your country, then cross the oceans and go around the world. I bet you didnt know you had challenges. Thats why its important now and then to take stock of how far
this power, did you? we have come.

What is the one small act you might do today to change the world? What are some of the things you do well?

31 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 32
I Know Youll Pass the Really Important Tests Searching For Heroes

You will be tested

throughout your life. Be the hero
Just try your best, of your own life.
thats all one can ask.

I was surprised to read that two people whom I

admire, Winston Churchill and the Reverend Martin
Son, daughter, its good to look up to heroes in life
Luther King Jr., did not perform so well in school.
for they can teach us much about becoming
They were not great test-takers, and it was said
outstanding human beings. The heroes who mean
that King did not have great verbal skills. Can you
believe that? One became a great leader in Great a lot to me are the ones who try to make the world
Britain who helped keep the world free from the a little better, who care about people and living
Nazis, and the other, through his soaring words creatures. It makes good sense to learn about the
and actions, led a great civil rights movement that life stories of these people and to try to assume
freed us all. some of their traits. But maybe, we also need to
So as you prepare for your own tests remember begin thinking about becoming the heroes of
these great men and keep things in perspective. our own lives. We need to try to be brave and
Study hard and prepare well. But these tests wont tell the whole truth about you courageous as we tackle the particular problems that we encounter daily and do
they wont get the full measure of your strengths and abilities. The real tests will our very best to solve them. We are all are capable of becoming heroic, too.
be how well you will confront problems in life and get through them, how you will Step outside of yourself for a moment and observe your own actions. Are they
the deeds of a person whom you would respect? If you can say so, then you are
live with others, no matter how different they are from you. I know deep down you
indeed becoming a hero to yourself.
will try to do the best that is in you.

What big challenges do you face in your own life? Who is your hero? What brave deed have you done?

33 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 34
Someone Is Thinking About You If I Could

There is always
someone in the world
who cares about you. If I could,
Never forget that. I would give you all the stars
in heaven.

There is someone in the world who has

so many hopes and dreams for you. If I could, I would give you the moon to hold,
There is someone in the world who or fly with you to the clouds.
often says a prayer for your well-being.
If I could, I would ask the hummingbirds
There is someone in the world who to come to your room at night to hum you
smiles when they think of you. to sleep as they beat their wings.
There is someone in the world who If I could, I would bring butterflies
can better bear all the pain that life brings to your classroom to bring smiles
because you are part of their world.
and delight to your face.
There is someone in the world whom
If I could, I would build a bridge
you make happy just by your being you.
of rainbows upon which we could walk
Believe this. across the ocean.

Who do you think about with happiness? And, if you COULD, what wonderful thing would you do?
(type here) (type here)

35 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 36
Whats Your Vision? Listen Carefully

Be sensitive to the needs

Try to find something of others.We need to step
you feel passionate about. outside of ourselves
It will see you to understand others.
throughout your life.
Are you a really good listener? I ask this
because I once read about a teenage boy
who took a vow of silence for one whole
Try to think about the type of person you
year. He said he did so because I noticed
want to become in life. Have a vision of your-
I wasnt really listening to people. I was
self a year from now, or even five, ten years just waiting for people to stop talking so
down the road. Maybe you should take a few I could chime in.
minutes to write down the characteristics or
When a person talks to you, does he have
traits of the person you want to be. Do you
your full attention, or only a small part?
want to brave? Strong? Kind? Loving? Gentle?
The highest compliment you can pay to
Funny? Do you know people with these traits?
someone is to listen fully to what she is
If so, use them as your role models to come
trying to tell you. This way you convey
closer to how you want to be. Visions can
that you feel what she has to say is im-
indeed come true if you work to fulfill them. portant. Isnt that how you want to feel when you talk to someone, too?
Carry around that piece of paper with your One thing more. We listen with our hearts as well as our ears. Sometimes a
vision of yourself and refer to it from time to time when you feel a little lost or adrift. person may say one thing to us, but he really means something else. Thats why
It will give you strength and help steady you. Maybe, even, consider writing a letter to its important to listen carefully and ask ourselves what deep down is that per-
the person you will be 10, 15 years from now. What would you say? son really telling us. This means we must always trust our instincts, the gut feel-
ing we have about others. Such feelings always protect us and never lie to us.

This is my vision of the person I wish to be: Whos the best listener you know? Who has truly listened to you?
(type here) (type here)

37 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 38
Can You Look Below the Surface? Imagining Youre Someone Else

Try to put yourself

in another persons shoes.
They are as special as you. Respect others
They laugh and cry and in the same way
have fears as you do. you want them
to treat you.
I have a best friend who sometimes ex-
presses shame about her skin color and the
way she looks. I tell her she is as beautiful You can do anything you want with the
on the outside as she is on the inside, but help of your imagination. You can fly, you
somehow she still cant fully accept what can soar. You can transform the people you
I say and is often unhappy with herself. meet into gladiators or princesses or wizards
Maybe she is that way because she suffered or into anybody you want. Your imagination
so much discrimination as a child. I tell you is your way out of prison, it will always deliver
all this because I believe we need to accept you to a special place, a wider world.
people for who they are, not what we
want them to be. People cant change their But in the real world, too, use your imagi-
skin color, or their ethnic origin, or their nation to try to see whats really inside of
religion, nor should we want them to. And people, whats under their surface. Maybe
neither can they make us change from the way we were born into the world. under the strict demeanor of your teacher is a person who loves her school
The thing we can change, though, is our attitude and the way we respond to others who children so much and makes great demands on them because she wants them to
are different in some way from us. We can respect others for who they are and not expect achieve a great deal. Maybe under the surface of the bus driver who yells at kids
them to change for us. We need to look under the surface to find the human being we to be quiet is also a father who feels very responsible for the safety and well-being
can relate to and become a friend to or love. If we were all born blind into the world, we of all his children on the bus. Maybe hidden inside a bully at school is a person
couldnt easily distinguish the physical differences between one another. And without be- who never seems to get enough love at home and who carries sadness in her
ing able to see, wouldnt we get to know others in a deeper way, through our hearts, our heart which she turns into rage against others. This doesnt excuse her actions,
minds, even our touch? Must we be blind in order to accept one another fully? but maybe it helps you understand her better.

Who is the human being under your surface? Can you see the world through someone elses eyes?
(type here) (type here)

39 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 40
Having an Open Heart Always Keep a Dream in Your Wallet

Care for all

living creatures. Hang on to all your dreams
Each has a role no matter what hardships
in our universe. life brings to you.

Have reverence for all of life,

from the tiny ant As you plug away each day, child, dont forget
to the white dove to keep a big dream or two alive in your heart.
to your fellow human I know in my own life that dreams are very
who wanders the land important. They keep us going no matter
what bad things befall usand they give us
the way you do.
the strength to try new roads! When you stop
Each living creature
dreaming or hoping you begin to dry out
needs to be loved
and lose the joy of life. You dont want that to
and honored, happen to you, do you? So, take a moment and
for each is a part write your special dream down on paper, then tuck
of the chain of life. it away in your wallet to look at from time to time.
Itll make all the hard work youre going through right now a little easier
to bear and it will strengthen your wonderful spirit.

What things do you revere? What dream(s) do you carry around?

(type here) (type here)

41 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 42
Quick, Hide That Grouch! Practice Your Dream

Practice, practice, practice.

Try to master your anger Everything good that you
so that it does not want to achieve will take
take you over practice.
and destroy you.

Something worth considering: keep a special space in

your head for your visions of the important things you
want to accomplish in your life. You see, before you can
No one loves a grouch. This is because make a dream come true, you must go over it again and
people have their own problems and dont want to again in your head, scoping it out, plotting out how you
put up with others bad humor. One person may be
will achieve what you want. Your visions are necessary,
worrying about an ailing child, another fears losing
for as you visualize what you want, you are actively re-
his job, another has a sick parent on her mind or
is not feeling well herself. That is why we need to hearsing how to get there. You are priming your heart
learn how to put on a positive face no matter how and your body to take the necessary steps to realize
bad we may feel. your dream. But remember, fulfilling a dream doesnt
happen overnight. Great visions take time and hard work and patience to come true.
Yes, you may be sad or angry inside, but in dealing
with others it may be best to try to put on a good I once read about the habits of an Olympic swimmer who won a gold medal. The
front. In so doing, you prove that you can control your feelings when necessary, and that you nights before her races, while lying in bed preparing for sleep, she would rehearse the
can interact effectively with othersso important in school and work. I am a firm believer in race she planned to swim. Lap by lap, second by second, she practiced her meet. Her
recognizing and accepting ones feelings (good and bad), but in working with and managing mental preparation was as important as the physical practice she did daily in the pool.
many people over the years, I also know how important it is to be able to work harmoniously
So remember, first comes the vision, then followed by the hard, sweaty work of prac-
with others.We just cant give in to the upset in our souls and make other people miserable.
ticing and learning a new skilland if we are deserving, we can achieve much, if not
In controlling and working through our anger and problems, we take charge of our lives and,
over time, grow stronger. all, of what we seek. In my own life, I have discovered that the act of trying to realize
a goal is perhaps even sweeter than the victory. But see for yourself!

What is the best way to get out of a bad mood? How do you envision yourself 10 years from now?
(type here) (type here)

43 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 44
Honor Learning to Bounce Back

Only do things You can recover

that will make you feel from defeats and losses
good about yourself. if you keep your will strong
Dont sully your and refuse to give up.

I want to share a new word with you todayresilient.

A good name is one of the most important
It may be one of the most important words to know in
things you can have in life. By that I mean you
lifeit means being able to spring back to the original
want to be known as a person who will keep her
word and treat others with respect. You want shape or position even after being twisted or
to do deeds that will not bring shame to you or stretched out of shape.
your family. When you go out into the world you Problems and hurts in life can twist us or leave us,
represent all of your family, not just yourself, and initially, with a bowed head or spirit.The key is to find
you want your actions and the way you conduct
our strength so we can spring back. Even after death or
yourself to bring credit and admiration for
you from all. That is what I mean when I
war, people who have suffered great loss find, with time, that
use the world honor. they can carry on with their lives and build a new future. I learned this
myself when my father died when I was a boy. His loss was terrible to me and I
The other day I read the obituary of
missed him with all my heart. But what kept me going was my memory of him
a man who was persecuted for crimes which he did not commit. Because he
was falsely accused, he lost his job and suffered much pain. But he persisted and my belief that he would want me to be brave and try to lead a useful life.
in trying to prove his innocence. Years later, it was found out that all the So I tried my best and moved ahead.
charges against him were false. Afterward, someone asked him how it felt to Now, all of life will not be easy for youit is never for anyonebut when bad
have his honor restored. He answered, I never lost it. things happen you do have this great power in you to heal and bounce back
So if you live truthfully and fight for what you believe in, you, too, will never as you pick yourself off from the floor and continue on with your life. There-
have anything to be ashamed about. fore, I urge you to be resilient.

Which characteristic do you respect? When have you shown resilience in your own life?
(type here) (type here)

45 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 46
Keeping Hope Alive For When You Have A Bad Day

Focus on the things

Try to always keep that you are grateful for
the candle of hope in life; it does no good to
alight in your life. focus on the negative.
That will help you survive.

Sometimes there may be days when you feel bad and

even a little defeated (we each have such days). When
this happens take a sheet of paper and write down some
of the good things in your life. Maybe theyre goals which
I believe that no matter what bad
you have accomplished, maybe theyre people who love
things we are handed in life, we
you or have been good to you or can make you smile.
need to keep hope alive in our
Maybe its a wonderful book youve read (learning to
hearts. We have to believe that
read is a major accomplishment BIG TIME). Maybe its
things will get better and we must
a dream you have. I know that writing these things down
be prepared to work to get things wont necessarily take away all of the pain or worry you
moving our way. If we cave in to feel that day, but doing so will help balance the scale
whatever hurt or suffering each of a little better, so that the bad will be matched by the good.
us inevitably will experience over
Writing about what you are grateful for will give you a better
the course of our life, we will lose
perspective, too. By that I mean everything in your life is not bad even though you may feel a little
then the chance to find happiness.
that way sometimes. Everything in life has two sides to it -- thats what makes things so interesting.
Hope is like a little birthday candle
which we must cup with our hands Keeping a list of good things, too, will restore your courage.You see, when we feel overwhelmed with
problems or bad news, we tend to forget the good in our lives. Recording our accomplishments
to prevent the wind from blowing out. If we have hope, then we can do any-
helps reinforce the truth that we will have good experiences again in the future, and that this cur -
thing in life.
rent bad phase is just a small bump along the long road.

What are some good things about your life?

What are some things you hope for? (think hard, you have them, I know you do)

47 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 48
A Few Parting Words for A Young Person
A Place for Your Own Loving Words
for Yourself or Someone You Care About
Be grateful
(type here)
for the good
you have in your life.

Always try to do your best.

Work to keep hope alive in your heart.
Dont take no for an answer.
Trust what your heart tells you.
Be gentle and kind. Above all, be kind
because there is so much pain in our world
and never enough love to go around.

What comforting words would you want to say to a young person?

(type here)

49 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 50
A Place for Your Own Loving Words A Place for Your Own Loving Words
for Yourself or Someone You Care About for Yourself or Someone You Care About
(type here) (type here)

51 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 52
Believe in yourself.
Never give up! About the Artist
Tom Bloom is an artist who has brought joy
to the world with his cartoons and illustrations
About the Author which have appeared in many publications,
such as The New York Times, The New Yorker,
The author of two dozen books,
Fortune and Barrons. He has collaborated
Bill Zimmerman has pioneered
with Bill on many other books.
innovative writing techniques to help
people find their writers voices and
express all the important things within them. His other free
interactive digital books are:
Laptop Letters: Writing Notes of Love & Encouragement
to Young People in Your Life
Share With Us
Hummingbird Joy: A Book of All the Things That Make You
Happy Your feedback on using this book
is very welcome. Please be en-
Make Beliefs to Spark Your Imagination couraged to send your thoughts
He is also the creator of MakeBeliefsComix.com, the online comic or suggestions on how we can
strip generator that is used by youngsters, parents, and teachers in improve this book, along with
more than 200 countries to teach literacy and to encourage your permission to use your
creative thinking. The site was selected by UNESCO and Google ideas. For every idea used, a free write to:
as one of the world most innovative projects to foster literacy and copy of one of Bill Zimmermans Bill Zimmerman
reading. His other web site, http://www.billztreasurechest.com, books will be sent to you. Per- Guarionex Press Ltd.
features excerpts from all his books. Please visit the sites. haps you will even want to share 201 West 77th Street
A news executive all his life, Bill was senior editor at Newsday news- with us some encouraging words New York, NY 10024
paper where he created a nationally syndicated educational page that were said to you or which E-mail: wmz@aol.com
for young people that was twice nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and you have said to others. We each
developed comic books to teach news and history. need such inspiration in life.
53 Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me as a Kid 54
Other interactive digital books
from MakeBeliefsComix.com:

Laptop Letters:
Writing Notes
of Love & Encouragement
to Young People in Your Life

Hummingbird Joy:
A Book of All the Things
That Make You Happy

Make Beliefs
To Spark Your Writing

Make Beliefs
to Spark Your Imagination
By Bill Zimmerman & YOU
Art by Tom Bloom

If you find the work we are doing as useful to your life,

please consider making a small regular
financial contribution to us at PayPal.com at:
And please share our work with your friends,
family members and colleagues. Thank you.

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