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Measures to ensure that an outbreak will not occur?

If i was the CEO of a monkey exportation company I would make sure that the
facilities in which the monkeys are stored are clean and up to date on regulations. I
would also employ a certified veterinarian to make sure they cages are clean and give
the monkeys daily check ups to make sure the they are healthy. If a monkey is not
healthy then it will be placed into a separate living area separate from the rest of the
healthy monkeys. Separating the monkeys ensures that the disease would not be able
to spread from monkey to monkey preventing an outbreak of any disease.

Measures taken to eliminate the threat of contamination

If an outbreak did occur all monkeys from my company will be no longer available
for shipment. None of the monkeys will be removed from their habitat to stop the risk of
spreading airborne pathogens. Everyone who will come into contact with the monkeys
must wear wear gloves and a full body suit that is supplied with air. I would take all of
the monkeys and give them proper medical care until they are healthy or pass away. If a
monkey does become healthy then he will be examined to see if he is virus free and
then shipped off. Once all the sick monkeys become deceased, the room will be
decontaminated. The monkey's dead corpse will be placed into a bag to be disposed of.
After the outbreak is contained and the virus eliminated I will inform the public through
the internet and news reporters on television. I will answer any question reporters have
pertaining to the outbreak

Level 1
Biosafety level 1 is used to work with agents which do not cause disease in healthy
people. Experiments in the lab are done in open laboratory benches without the any
special containment equipment. Some safety precautions used are washing hands
when entering and exiting the lab, decontaminated work surfaces, and prohibiting food
and drink in lab. Lab equipment used in level one includes eye projection, gloves, lab
coats, and compound microscopes. Types of microorganism studied in level one include
Bacillus subtilis, Naegleria gruberi, and non-pathogenic E. coli.
Level 2
Biosafety level 2 is used to work with agents that usually cause disease in humans.
Level 2 is more precautions because viruses in level 2 can be harmfull to humans.
Safety precautions in level 2 are easily cleaned biological safety cabinets, eyewash
stations available at anytime, and self closing doors. There also a mandatory a sink for
hand washing. Lab equipment included in level 2 are eye and face protection, protective
lab coats, gowns, and gloves. Sometimes a face mask is worn depending on the
microorganism. Some examples of microorganism found in level 2 are HIV, Hepatitis B
and C, pathogenic E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, and Plasmodium

Level 3
Biosafety level 3 is used to work with diseases that are lethal in humans. A worker must
wear a solid gowns that cover the entire body along with a respirator that must be worn
at all times. Level 3 safety precautions include no recirculation of exhaust air, windows
have to be sealed, and the the floors, walls and ceilings have to be slip and chemical
resistant. The microorganisms used are M. tuberculosis, yellow fever, and the West Nile
virus. Level 3 has a few special practices such as the laboratory worker can receive
immunizations for the microorganisms they work with. Also, if the worker is exposed to
the microorganism, they must be examined immediately and treated according to the
the biosafety manual.

Level 4
Biosafety level 4 is used to work with diseases that are the most dangerous in the world.
Level 4 is known as the hot zone and pathogens are known as hot agents. The lab
equipment used in Level 4 is a full body space suit that is supplied with air and positive
pressure, inner disposable gloves and a scrub suit. Work done must be in a class 3
biological safety cabinet. Some safety precautions are workers must change clothing
before entering and showering upon exit, and procedures must be done that creates the
least amount of splashes or aerosol. The microorganisms found in level 4 are Marburg
and Ebola.

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