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JaZhariya Ewing

April 26, 2017

Transcripts/Attendences Reflection

I do not think my four-year transcript represents my capabilities. I could have done so much

better but I chose to procrastinate. What surprises me the most about my transcript is how I managed

to take an AP classes my sophomore year and passed it. Even when my counselor told me I could do it

I had my doubts but she was right. I managed to pass the class and I went on to take the AP exams

with complete confidence Even though I didnt pass the AP test for World History I am still proud that I

had pushed myself to take the class and pass with a high B. Im proud to say that Ive been passing all

the college prep classes. My senior year I know that I didnt have wonderful grades, I know that I

couldve did better and I couldve push myself to do great but I guess I believe them when they say you

can catch senioritis because I had got lazy during the year and it shows in my grades, but I have been

accepted to colleges but I hope I dont procrastinate as much I as I did here as shown by the amount of

Cs and low Bs on my transcript. Ill try to revert to getting more As. I may procrastinate from time to

time but I still manage to get work done to get the passing grade. Im a good student at heart; I just

need to break my bad habits.

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