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Healthy Habits

For Your Growing Family

You play an important role in your

childs health! Establish healthy eating
habits early on for your child!
Eat meals together as a family!
Keep fruits and vegetables
around so your children can The WIC Program is an equal
have a healthy snack! opportunity program open to all
eligible persons regardless of
Avoid high fat foods. race, sex, color, national origin,
Avoid foods high in sugar. age or handicap. Any person
who believes he or she has been
Choose healthy beverages discriminated against should
such as water, juice, or milk! write to the Secretary of

Introduce your child to a Agriculture, Washington, D.,C.,
variety of foods. Complaints regarding sex
and/or handicap should be

mailed to the EEO Officer, Illinois
Department of Public Health,
535 West Jefferson Street,
Springfield, IL 02761.

WIC Using nutrition to reduce
lead absorption and prevent
Macon County Health
your childs blood lead
Department levels from increasing.
1221 E Condit St. Decatur, IL 62521
(217) 423-6988
Preventing Blood Lead
Levels From Increasing
Preventing blood lead levels from increasing can prevent damage to your childs
developing brain. How can food help? Food provides our bodies with nutrients that
can improve our overall health. There are three key nutrients, provided by food
that our bodies use to help prevent blood lead levels from increasing.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is another key nutrient that
reduces lead absorption. Vitamin C
can also help absorb iron in the
body. Include sources of Vitamin C in
your childs daily diet.

Iron Sources of Vitamin C

Iron is one of the key nutrients to Bell Peppers
reducing lead absorption. Calcium also helps reduce
Oranges/Orange Juice
Include sources of Iron in your lead absorption. Include
childs daily diet. sources of calcium in your
childs daily diet.
Sources of Iron Broccoli
Dark Green Leafy Vegetables Grapefruit Sources of Calcium
Iron-Fortified Cereals, Breads, Cantaloupe Milk
and Pastas Kiwi Yogurt
Seafood Pineapple Cheese
Meat (Red meat, Poultry, & Watermelon Cottage Cheese
Pork) Green Peas
Beans United States Department of Agriculture,
Iceberg Lettuce
Peas American Academy of Pediatrics Canned Salmon
Mayo Clinic & The Academy of Nutrition Almonds
& Dietetics.

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