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Jan. 29 Feb.

( x ) create website
( x ) create blog page
( x ) write in weekly blog
( x ) start thinking of venues & guest speakers
( x ) e-mail consultant

Feb- 5 Feb. 11
( x ) find/book venue
( o ) figure out guest speaker
( o ) e-mail consultant on progress
( o ) create agenda for seminar
( o ) research paper cranes
( x ) start powerpoint for seminar
( o ) talk to Lexie about hospital patient
( o ) e-mail Dr. Kemp about guest speaking

Feb. 12 18
( x ) talk to Lisa about guest speaker
( x ) talk to Katie about guest speaker
( x ) book venue
( x ) start time sheet
( x ) work on powerpoint
( x ) work on agenda
( x ) write in weekly blog
( x ) update anything on weekly
( x ) e-mail/update Lingua

Feb. 19 25
( x ) figure out guest speaker situation
( x ) create new tab for weekly
( o ) create picture slideshow for weebly
( o ) fill out about me section in weebly
( x ) update anything in weebly
( x ) e-mail/update advisor
( x ) work on powerpoint
( x ) find prices for origami paper
( x ) pay venue
( x ) write in weekly blog
( x ) update time log/sheet
( x ) work on agenda
( x ) start looking at hospitals/CHKD
( o ) start thinking of marketing methods i.e. flyers

Feb. 26 March 4
x ) buy/order origami paper
( x ) find where to donate paper cranes
( x ) update time sheet
( x ) update weekly blog
( x ) update mentor
( x ) update anything in weebly
( x ) check with Lisa about guest speaker
( x ) work on powerpoint
( x ) think about additional materials

March 5 11
( x ) check with Makenna about Sentara
( x ) update weebly
( x ) update weekly blog
( x ) update advisor
( x ) work on seminar powerpoint
( x ) work on agenda
( o ) buy any supplies
( o ) work on speech
( o ) work on agenda for guest speaker
( x ) check with Lisa for guest speaker
( o ) make practice crane
( x ) start telling people about Senior Project date

March 12 18
( x ) update weebly
( x ) update weekly blog
( x ) update advisor
( x ) check with Volunteer Coordinator at Sentara
( x ) check with guest speaker
( x ) work on speech
( x ) work on seminar powerpoint
( x ) work on agenda
( x ) work on advertisement
( x ) make practice crane
( x ) purchase materials
( x ) work on signs for seminar

March 19 25
( x ) update weebly
( x ) e-mail volunteer coordinator at Sentara
( x ) finish making powerpoint
( x ) finish agenda
( x ) design flyers

March 26 April 1
( x ) update weebly
( x ) create new tabs on weebly
( x ) create flyers for advertisement
( x ) distribute flyers to people
( x ) check on agenda
( x ) make cranes
( x ) buy any more materials
( x ) file any receipts for project documentation
( x ) check with guest speaker
( x ) design instructional pamphlets
( x ) practice powerpoint
( x ) practice speech
( x ) call Ms.Reed from Sentara

April 2 April 6
( x ) call Ms./e-mails Reed from Sentara
( x ) make paper cranes
( x ) practice seminar/speech
( x ) hand out flyers
( x ) check with volunteers

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