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Carmel High School SunDevil Cheerleading 2017-2018

General Information
Ian Lopez - Program Advisor/Varsity Cheerleading Coach
Phone: (760) 460-6181 Email:
!Jenna Schram - Varsity Cheerleading Assistant Coach
Phone: (858) 243-1007
!Charmagne Enriquez - Varsity Cheerleading Assistant Coach
Phone: (858) 395-2752
!Introduction/Program Objective
The Mt. Carmel High School SunDevil Cheerleading Program promotes pride and spirit in our school,
teams, and student body. We strive to achieve true leadership by being the best examples for others to
emulate, holding ourselves accountable for all we do. We value members through establishing great
teamwork and relationships on and off the cheerleading mat. We insist on integrity, honesty, and
excellence so that our athletes can develop an appreciation for the sport. Lastly, and most importantly, we
make sure all of our athletes practice and perform in a safe well-structured environment.
!CLASS Character, Leadership, Attitude, Scholarship, Service
!SWAG Staying on task, Working together, Accepting responsibility, Giving respect
Attendance at practices, games, competitions, fundraisers, community events, and any other type of
events scheduled by the coaching staff are mandatory. No exceptions. Acceptable reasons for absences
Extreme illness or injury with a valid doctors note
Family crisis such as an immediate family death
Academic engagement in which a letter grade is being earned
Athletes are allowed two (2) absences per trimester. Please be reminded that the absences must fall under
the criteria mentioned above. All other absences will need approval from the coaching staff. Athletes that
are attempting to get approval for an absence that does fall under the criteria mentioned above should do
so in a timely manner; at minimum three (3) weeks in advance, not the day of or the night before.
Coaching staff reserve the right to reject or decline any attempted excused absence request. No call, no
show absences will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action.
!Athletes are also expected to be on time and prepared. It is suggested that athletes arrive five to ten (5-10)
minutes prior to any type of scheduled event to prevent tardiness. Being prepared is defined as having
used the restroom, in proper athletic attire from head to toe, and having required materials laid out and
readily available for use such as pom-poms, mats, signs, speaker, etc. Athletes are not given any leniency
when it comes to tardiness. A verbal warning will be given the first (1st) time an athlete is tardy. After the
first (1st) tardy, athletes will then follow the discipline system.
!Overlapping in other extra curricular activities, sports, social events, and/or jobs is not suggested.
Cheerleading is a year-round sport. Every athlete is expected to meet all commitments of the team at all
Athletes are to wear all issued uniforms and accessories. Athletes are expected to keep their uniforms
clean and pressed. Loss of any part of the uniform must be replaced by the athlete. Uniforms are not to be
altered unless approved by the coaching staff. Uniform or uniform pieces, such as camp or spirit wear, are
not to be worn unless approved by the coaching staff. Uniform skirts are not to be worn with warm up

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pants. Flip-flops, boots, and/or non-cheerleading shoes are never to be worn with the uniform. Hair must
be tied back in a tight ponytail so that it is off the athletes face and shoulders. Please avoid using metal
hair pins and barrettes. Dramatic hair color is not allowed. Fingernails, including artificial nails, shall be
kept at a length appropriate for safe participation and to minimize risk for the participants. The
appropriate length for all athletes of a stunting team means the nails are not visible beyond the end of the
fingers when viewed from the palm side of the hands. Jewelry and body piercings are not allowed at any
time. Any visible tattoos must be covered up.
!Academic Participation
Athletes are expected to succeed academically. Therefore, in accordance to CIF Rules and Regulations;
all student athletes must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or above. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to
temporary suspension and/or termination. Bi-monthly grade checks will be enforced to ensure that all
athletes are achieving and maintaining academic success.
!Behavior Expectations/Consequences.
Aside from all of the expectations mentioned above, here are some additional guidelines all athletes must
abide by:
Athletes will not use any electronic devices during any cheerleading event unless
authorized by the coaching staff.
Athletes will maintain a positive attitude at all times.
Athletes will be respectful to all other participants, their belongings, and beliefs.
Athletes will obey instructions from any authorized adult.
Athletes will not use profanity.
Athletes will obey all school rules.
Athletes will address all adults by their title.
Athletes will be respectful and trust all decisions made by the coaching staff.
Athletes will be dismissed by the coaching staff.
Athletes and their parents/guardians are expected to attend all meetings.
Athletes will refrain from public display of affection (PDA).
Athletes are ambassadors for the school and the entire Mt. Carmel High School
community. If behavior and actions are an issues, whether on or off campus, in person
or via social media; athletes may be terminated from their position.
!This season, our program will implement a basic consequence system. The system flows in the following
Strike One (1) Verbal warning, parent contact
Strike Two (2) Parent contact, benched from entire game/event
Strike Three (3) Parent contact, removal from program
Please be advised, the coaching staff and school administration reserve the right to override any policies
and consequences in order to maintain the best interest of the team. This consequence system renews for
basketball season.
!Parent/Guardian/Athlete Communication
The coaching staff encourages communication and wants all parents, guardians, and athletes to feel free
to communicate any questions or concerns. The coaching staff asks that parents, guardians, and athletes
practice the 3-Before-Me rule. This will help expedite receiving a response to a question or concern.
Before contact is made to the coaching staff, please do the following:
1. Check the program contract
2. Check your email, text messages, and/or Remind application
3. Ask your peers
Individuals that contact the coaching staff with a questions or concern that can be answered by reviewing
the program contract, emails, text messages, and/or Remind application, will be kindly redirected to these
specific areas.
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Parent support is not only appreciated, but is recognized as integral to the success of the Mt. Carmel High
School SunDevil Cheerleading Program. Opportunities to assist and participate in team activities and
events will be communicated by the coaching staff throughout the cheerleading season. Should any
questions arise, please contact the coaching staff directly. Decisions about style and/or program
management are the responsibility of the coaching staff. Boundaries that are overstepped will be
addressed immediately in a private, personal, and direct manner. Appropriate concerns to discuss with the
coaching staff include:
Mental and/or physical treatment of your student athlete
Strategies for improving your student athletes performance or abilities
Behavior issues affecting your student athlete
Issues that are not appropriate for a parent/guardian to discuss with the coaching staff include:
Mental and/or physical treatment of other student athletes
Student athlete placement in formations, routines, and/or stunts
Team strategy and management
Our program promotes positivity and growth, therefore, our coaching staff upholds an open door policy.
We ask that all parents, guardians, and athletes understand the effective lines of communication. The
chain of command is as follows:
Head Coach
Athletic Director
For more information, please refer to the Mt. Carmel High School Sportsmanship Policy. Any parent,
guardian, or athlete that does not follow this proper chain of command will be kindly redirected to the
appropriate individual.
!Again, communication is definitely welcomed and appreciated from parents, guardians, and athletes. To
make contact more efficient, please follow these guidelines:
Emails that are received Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM
should expect a response within twenty-four (24) hours.
Emails that are sent on Fridays after 5:00 PM, during the weekend, or on a holiday may
not be responded to until the following business day.
Keep in mind that your correspondence with the coaching staff is written in the context
of a business/professional environment. Also, the expectation that emails, text
messages, or any other type of electronic messages, be written in a courteous and
respectful tone.
When emailing the coaching staff, please title your subject line First, Last
Name_Team Name_Subject (i.e., Jane Doe_Junior Varsity_Absences). This enables a
quicker response to your question.
!Safety/Injury Prevention/Athleticism
Mt. Carmel High School athletes are required to participate in warm up, conditioning, weight training,
and stretching to maintain strength and flexibility in order to prevent injury. Nutrition is also a critical
factor. Poor nutrition leads to more injuries and longer recovery time. For stunting and tumbling safety,
coaching staff must be present at all times. New skills will be introduced and attempted but only if lower
level foundational skills are consistently demonstrated and evaluated by the coaching staff. All injuries
are taken seriously. An athletic trainer is typically available during school hours and athletic events.
Athletes that suffer from an injury will be directed to the athletic trainer for evaluation. Athletes must be
given clearance from the athletic trainer to return to activities. Athletes that have a health related issue that
affects performance, need to submit a doctors note at the beginning of the season. All athletes that are
participating in the Mt. Carmel High School SunDevil Cheerleading Program will follow the safety
guidelines set by the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches & Administrators (AACCA). For
more information, visit
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School transportation will be provided for the majority of game events. Otherwise, transportation plans
will be directed, planned, and communicated accordingly. Athletes that wish to self-transport to and from
events, must notify coaches one (1) week prior to the event. Clearance through the athletic office may be
!Fundraising/Community Volunteer Work
Each member of the Mt. Carmel High School SunDevil Cheerleading Program will actively participate in
fundraisers and volunteer work throughout the season. A variety of fundraisers will be planned and
executed throughout the season in order to assist with costs. All group fundraising will go to help off-set
the costs of clinics, camps, coaches, and other team needs.
This season all athletes will be responsible for fulfilling thirty-five (35) hours of community service as a
team. Community volunteer work is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful
community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic
responsibility, and strengthen communities.
Please keep this contract for your records. A copy of the contract can be obtained at any time during the
season. A copy of the contract will be carried with the coaching staff at all times. Parents/Guardians and
athletes please sign and date below, detach at the line, and return to the coaching staff on the first day of
!I understand the rules and regulations stated above. I promise to abide by the rules and regulations set
forth by the coaching staff and the administration of Mt. Carmel High School. I promise to cooperate and
follow the instructions of the coaching staff. I understand that my position, at any time, can be terminated.
I understand that the coaching staff and administration of Mt. Carmel High School must look out for the
best interest of the team therefore can override any policies and consequence.
!Athlete Name: _______________________________________________________ Team: ___________
!Parent Name: _________________________________________________________________________
!Athlete Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: ____________
!Parent Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ____________
Event Details!
Including Date, Time,
Consequence Verbal warning, parent Parent contact, Removal from
contact benched program

Parent Contact!
Date, Time

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