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Fractures of the Foot and

Ankle in Children

Sally Tennant

Contents Abstract
Fractures of the Ankle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4831 Fractures of the foot and ankle are not com-
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4831 monly seen in children. However correct man-
Applied Anatomy and Ossification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4832 agement is necessary to prevent potential
Classification and Mechanism of Injury . . . . . . . . . . . 4832 complications such as long-term articular dam-
Transitional Fractures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4835
Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4837 age, growth arrest, and even avascular necrosis.
Treatment-General Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4839 This chapter summarises the main principles of
Closed Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4839 management of the most important foot and
Indications for Surgery and Operative ankle fractures, emphasizing indications for
Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4840
Complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4842 operative intervention where appropriate and
summarising possible techniques.
Fractures of the Foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4846
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4846
Fractures of the Talus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4846 Keywords
Fractures of the Calcaneus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4847 Anatomy  Ankle  Biomechanics  Classifica-
Tarso-Metatarsal Joint (Lisfrancs) Injuries . . . 4848 tion  Closed treatment  Complications  Foot 
Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4849 Fractures  Surgical indications  Surgical
Base of 5th Metatarsal Fractures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4850 Techniques
Jones Fracture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4850
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4850
Fractures of the Ankle


Fractures of the ankle in children are distinct

from those in adults. They occur most commonly
between the ages of 10 and 15. The surrounding
ankle ligaments are much stronger than the
physis, which forms a plane of weakness, so
that ligamentous injuries are not common in chil-
dren, and ankle injuries almost always involve
the distal tibial and fibular epiphyseal plate.
S. Tennant
They account for 11 % of physeal fractures [40],
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore,
Middlesex, UK and are a common site of premature growth arrest
e-mail: following fracture [3].

G. Bentley (ed.), European Surgical Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 4831

DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-34746-7_154, # EFORT 2014
4832 S. Tennant

a b
3 2
8 3
7 4

5 5

Fig. 1 (a) Lateral view of the ankle indicating ligamen- anatomy. 1, tibia; 2, epiphyseal plate; 3, deltoid liga-
tous anatomy. 1, fibula; 2, tibia; 3, anterior tibiofibular ment; 4, talus; 5, calcaneus (From De Mesquita Montes
ligament; 4, anterior talofibular ligament; 5, calcaneus; 6, J. Surgical techniques in orthopaedics and traumatology.
calcaneofibular ligament; 7, posterior talofibular liga- Paris: Editions Scientifiques et Medicales Elsevier SAS;
ment; 8, posterior tibiofibular ligament; 9, epiphyseal Fig. 1 Paediatric lower leg and distal physeal fractures)
plate. (b) Medial view of the ankle indicating ligamentous

Applied Anatomy and Ossification and fuses with the diaphysis by 18 years.
Closure begins centrally, proceeds medially
The ankle joint is a modified hinge joint between and finally laterally, taking approximately 18
the dome of the talus, the tibia and the fibula, months, meaning that for a time, fractures can
joined together by the syndesmosis consisting of occur on the lateral side without injury to the
three ligaments: the inferior transverse ligament medial side (Transitional fractures). The distal
and the anterior and posterior inferior tibiofibular fibula ossifies during the second year of life, and
ligaments (Fig. 1). On the medial side the deltoid closes 12 years later than the distal tibial
ligament has deep and superficial components, physis.
stablilising the distal tibia to the talus and foot.
On the lateral side, the anterior and posterior talo-
fibular ligaments and the calcaneo-fibular liga- Classification and Mechanism of Injury
ments pass between the fibula and the foot
(Fig. 1). All ligamentous attachments occur distal Fractures are usually caused by indirect violence,
to the physis, and avulsion type injuries are com- for example when the fixed foot is forced into
mon. Accessory centres of ossification are seen abduction/adduction, rotation, eversion/inversion
medially (os subtibiale) and less frequently on the or plantar or dorsi-flexion. The medial and lateral
lateral side (os subfibulare) and can be mistaken ligaments transmit forces to the distal tibial and
for avulsion injuries. fibular epiphysis, producing tension at the physis.
The main distal tibial epiphysis ossifies The Salter-Harris (SH) classification of
between 6 and 12 months of age, except the physeal injuries is simple and useful [35, 36]
medial malleolus which appears at 7 years in however a classification scheme such as the
girls and 8 in boys, usually as a downward exten- Lauge-Hansen classification that provides infor-
sion of the main epiphysis. However, if it mation regarding the mechanism of injury can
develops as a separate centre of ossification it predict the likelihood of achieving a closed
can be mistaken for a fracture line. The distal reduction and is extremely helpful in determin-
tibial physis contributes 45 % to the growth of ing the technique [1822]. Dias and Tachdjian
the tibia. It is completely ossified by 1415 years modified the Lauge-Hansen classification to
Fractures of the Foot and Ankle in Children 4833

include the Salter-Harris classification so that it epiphysis with a posterior metaphyseal-diaphyseal

applies to paediatric injuries, and is commonly fragment and posterior displacement. The fibula
used [9, 10]. This classification proposes 4 remains intact (Fig. 2). A Grade 2 injury results
mechanisms of injury: the first term refers to from further lateral rotation producing a spiral frac-
the position of the foot at the time of injury, ture of the fibula which begins medially and
and the second to the direction of the deforming extends superiorly and posteriorly (Fig. 3).
force (Table 1).
Pronation-Eversion-Lateral Rotation
Supination Lateral Rotation Injury Injury
This injury is produced by a lateral rotation force Eversion and a lateral rotation force is applied to the
on the supinated foot. Grade 1 injuries represent fully pronated foot (Fig. 4). A Salter-Harris type 1
a Salter-Harris type 2 fracture of the distal tibial or 2 fracture of the distal tibia occurs, with
a transverse or short oblique fibular fracture.

Table 1 A classification of paediatric ankle injuries

Supination-Plantarflexion Injury
Class 1 Supination-lateral rotation fractures A plantarflexion force is exerted on the supinated
Grade 1 and 2
foot (Fig. 5). Most commonly this produces
Class 2 Pronation-eversion-lateral rotation
fractures a Salter-Harris type 2 injury of the distal tibial
Class 3 Supination-plantar flexion fractures physis with posterior displacement and no fibular
Class 4 Supination-inversion fractures Grade fracture and is often easiest to see on the lateral
1 and 2 radiograph.
Class 5 Axial compression fractures
Class 6 Juvenile Tillaux fractures Supination-Inversion Injury
Class 7 Triplane fractures An inversion deforming force occurs while the
Class 8 Other physeal injuries foot is supinated. Grade 1 injuries represent

Fig. 2 Supination external

rotation fracture of the
ankle grade 1. (a) AP
view. (b) Lateral view.
Salter-Harris type II
physeal injury of the distal
tibial epiphysis. The
metaphyseal diaphyseal
fragment is posteriorly
displaced (From De
Mesquita Montes J.
Surgical techniques in
orthopaedics and
traumatology. Paris:
Editions Scientifiques et
Medicales Elsevier SAS;
Fig. 3 Paediatric lower leg
and distal physeal
4834 S. Tennant

Fig. 3 Grade 2 supination-

external rotation fracture of
the ankle (From De
Mesquita Montes J.
Surgical techniques in
orthopaedics and
traumatology. Paris:
Editions Scientifiques et
Medicales Elsevier SAS;
Fig. 5 Paediatric lower leg
and distal physeal

a b

Fig. 4 AP and lateral radiographs of pronation-eversion-lateral rotation fracture of the ankle

Fractures of the Foot and Ankle in Children 4835

Fig. 5 AP and lateral

radiographs of a a b
supination-plantar flexion
fracture of the ankle

a Salter-Harris type 1 or 2 fracture of the distal type 3 fracture is always medial to the midline and
fibular physis (Fig. 6), the type 1 fracture being the may be associated with a distal fibula fracture.
commonest ankle fracture in children. There may
be minimal displacement and this injury may Axial Compression Fractures
therefore go undiagnosed or be confused with Salter- Harris type 5 injuries result from an axial
an ankle sprain, however since children are more load applied to the distal tibia, and are often
likely to sustain a physeal injury than an ankle recognised only in retrospect following physeal
sprain there should be a high index of suspicion. arrest. If suspected, MRI may be useful in
Soft-tissue swelling and tenderness will be diagnosis.
found clinically and swelling will also be appar-
ent on the radiograph directly over the physis, Salter Harris Type 6 Injuries- Ablation of
which may be widened. Comparison views of the Perichondrial Ring
the opposite ankle may be useful. Oblique views Severe injuries which remove the perichondrial
may be required to visualise the usual minimal ring (e.g., lawnmower, de-gloving) result in
displacement. Occasionally the lateral ligament a callus bridge producing varus deformity and
may rupture or the tip of the lateral malleolus growth arrest. Again, this may only be recognised
may fracture. in retrospect.
Grade 2 injuries occur with more severe force.
The talus is pushed medially and tilted against the
medial malleolus, usually producing a Salter- Transitional Fractures
Harris 3 or 4 fracture (Fig. 7) although occasion-
ally type 1 and type 2 distal tibial fractures are These are injuries occurring close to skeletal
seen. The epiphyseal fracture component of the maturity as the physis is closing from medial
4836 S. Tennant

to lateral. The progression of closure of the

physis at the time of injury determines the pattern
of injury. Because they occur close to the time of
complete physeal fusion, growth arrest is
not usually a clinical problem, however
articular incongruity is, and these fractures
require accurate analysis and reduction.

Juvenile Tillaux Fractures

This occurs within the final year of closure of the
distal tibial physis, when the central and medial
parts of the physis have closed but the
anterolateral aspect is still open. It represents
a Salter-Harris type 3 fracture of the antero-
lateral portion of the epiphysis. When an
external rotation force is applied to the foot,
separation begins through the physis at its lateral
corner, and when the force reaches the fused
portion of the physis, the separation changes
direction and passes through the epiphysis into
the joint, producing an avulsion of the
anterolateral distal epiphysis attached to the
anterior tibiofibular ligament. The more skele-
tally mature the child the more lateral the frac-
Fig. 6 Grade 1 Supination Inversion injury-SH type 1 ture line (Figs. 8 and 9).
fracture with separation of the distal fibular physis The diagnosis is often missed and is easy to
mistake for an ankle sprain. A mortise view
should show the fracture. The lateral view should
be carefully evaluated to differentiate this from
a tri-plane fracture.

Tri-Plane Fractures
The tri-plane fracture occurs at an average age of
13.5 years, slightly younger than the typical child
with a Tillaux fracture. An external rotation force
passes through the open part of the physis, then
changes direction when it reaches the closed part
of the physis, often passing in two directions.
This fracture is therefore named because the frac-
ture line occurs in sagittal, coronal and transverse
planes (Figs. 10 and 11). The transverse fracture
travels through the physis, the coronal fracture
runs proximally from the physis through the pos-
terior metaphysis, and the sagittal fracture travels
from the joint line to the physis, producing an
anteromedial and often anterolateral fragment.
Fig. 7 AP radiograph of a Grade 2 supination-inversion These can result in either a 2-part or a 3-part
injury fracture, although the extra-articular tri-plane
Fractures of the Foot and Ankle in Children 4837

Fig. 9 AP radiograph of a tillaux fracture

but normal radiographs. Eventually the cartilage

model forms an ossicle and occasionally this pre-
sents much later with symptoms. Most lateral
avulsion fractures can be treated closed with
Fig. 8 Tillaux fracture in the adolescent. A Salter-Harris eversion of the ankle and a short leg cast.
type III fracture of the lateral part of the distal tibia,
which is closed medially (From De Mesquita Montes J.
Avulsion fractures of the medial malleolus are
Surgical techniques in orthopaedics and traumatology. less common. If displaced they may require fixa-
Paris: Editions Scientifiques et Medicales Elsevier SAS; tion. A Maissoneuve proximal fibular fracture
Fig. 3 Paediatric lower leg and distal physeal fractures) should be excluded.

and a 4 part fracture have also been described

[6, 7, 13, 17, 28, 29, 39, 41]. Diagnosis
AP, lateral and mortise xrays are required,
demonstrating a Salter Harris type 3 fracture on Examination must include careful inspection of
the AP radiograph and a Salter-Harris type 2 the state of the soft tissues e.g., soft tissue
fracture on the lateral view (Fig. 10). The fibula swelling and lacerations, for clues as to the
may be fractured in up to 50 %. Since nature of the injury and causative force, as
the metaphyseal fracture is often overlaid by the well as a full neurovascular examination.
shadow of the fibula, radiographs must be Although ligamentous injuries are rare in chil-
analysed carefully. CT scanning can help to visu- dren, tenderness of the soft tissues is important,
alise the fracture clearly, assess the degree of for example medial soft tissue tenderness in the
articular incongruity and plan the placement of presence of a distal fibular fracture may imply
internal fixation (Fig. 11). a threat to ankle stability and require fixation of
the lateral fracture.
Avulsion Fractures It is important to elicit the exact area of bony
Avulsion by a ligament of the lateral cartilagi- tenderness, bearing in mind that undisplaced SH1
nous model can occur, producing ankle swelling fractures may not be visible on radiographs.
4838 S. Tennant

a b

Fig. 10 (a, b) AP and lateral radiographs of a triplane fracture

a b

Fig. 11 (a, b) Sagittal and coronal CT scans of a triplane fracture

AP, lateral and mortise views are important basic In a young child an avulsion fracture may involve
radiographs, and should be carefully analysed, cartilage only and radiographs may be normal.
looking not only for obvious fractures but for Accessory centres of ossification may be seen on
subtle signs such as soft-tissue swelling over both medial and lateral sides of the ankle and
physes which may indicate occult injury. these must be differentiated from a fracture.
Fractures of the Foot and Ankle in Children 4839

It must also be borne in mind that the radio- Pronation-Eversion-Lateral Rotation

graph is not a reflection of the maximal force that Injuries
produced the injury, as this may have either These fractures are reduced by longitudinal trac-
reduced spontaneously or prior to the radiograph tion in the line of the deformity (lateral rotation
being taken. Oblique views, and comparison and with the hindfoot everted). Distal traction is
views of the opposite ankle may sometimes be maintained while the hindfoot is inverted and
necessary. CT scanning is often useful, and vital medially rotated. An above knee cast with the
for the full assessment of the tri-plane fracture. foot in internal rotation and inversion is worn
for 8 weeks.
Up to 15 of valgus deformity can be accepted
Treatment-General Principles and will disappear with growth. If there is more
than this after the first manipulation, it can be
All reductions, both open and closed, should be repeated after 34 days but, if unsuccessful,
gentle with minimal force. Epiphyseal separa- open reduction is not performed. Residual defor-
tions should be reduced immediately, as any mity is better treated later with supramalleolar
delay makes reduction increasingly difficult osteotomy [8, 40]
[1, 33]. After 710 days, type 1 and type 2 fractures
cannot be reduced without excessive force and Supination-Planter Flexion Injuries
damage to the physis, and therefore it is better Reduction requires longitudinal traction firstly
to accept mal-union than cause a growth arrest in plantarflexion, and then gentle dorsiflexion
during treatment. of the foot. The leg is immobilised for 46
Type 1 and type 2 fractures can usually be weeks in an above-knee cast with the ankle in
reduced easily, with bony remodelling capable of 10 of dorsiflexion. Moderate residual deformity
correcting moderate residual deformities if reduc- will correct (including <10 angular
tion is not perfect. However type 3 and 4 fractures deformity) and is better accepted than risk
require accurate reduction to restore articular con- repeated traumatic manipulations. If the posi-
gruity and prevent growth arrest. In the case of tion is not acceptable, open reduction should be
Salter-Harris type 4 fractures this will nearly performed.
always be an open reduction although occasion-
ally a closed reduction will suffice but require
percutaneous fixation to maintain the reduction. Supination-Inversion Injuries
Smooth K-wires should be used, screws or These injuries are reduced by longitudinal
threaded wires should not cross the physis. traction applied medially, and the foot is then
everted. It is immobilised in slight pronation,
with the ankle in neutral dorsiflexion.
Closed Reduction In grade 1 injuries (affecting the distal fibula),
a below-knee walking cast can be worn for 46
The majority of ankle fractures in children are weeks. A grade 2 injury with a SH3 or 4
adequately treated using closed reduction and fracture of the distal tibial epiphysis, requires
external fixation, by using reduction techniques anatomical reduction, which will often
that reverse the causative deforming forces. require an open reduction. An above-knee
non-weight-bearing cast is applied for 68
Supination-Lateral Rotation Injuries weeks. These fractures carry the risk of
Both grade 1 and grade 2 injuries are reduced medial growth arrest, producing varus
by longitudinal traction and medial rotation deformity and leglength discrepancy. Careful
of the foot. An above knee cast is worn for follow-up is required to ensure that reduction
8 weeks. is maintained.
4840 S. Tennant

Juvenile Tillaux Fracture displaced physeal fractures, displaced articular

The aim of treatment is to restore articular congru- fractures and open fractures. The Salter-Harris
ity. Traditionally, an initial closed reduction to classification is used to guide the surgeon in the
within 12 mm of the anatomical position has treatment plan.
been advised. This is performed by internal rotation Operative management should be carried out
of the foot to allow the anterior tibiofibular ligament as soon as the condition of the soft tissues, includ-
to relax, together with digital pressure applied to the ing swelling, allows. The ankle should be gently
distal tibial epiphyseal fragment. If successful, an reduced and placed in a back slab with elevation
aboveknee cast is then applied with the foot in and ice to reduce swelling. Surgery is best done in
internal rotation, and maintained for 34 weeks the first 24 h before maximal swelling, or after the
with serial radiographs and conversion to a short- initial swelling has resolved, often after 1 week.
leg cast with the foot plantigrade for a final 3
weeks. However, the limit of 2 mm has been Salter-Harris Type I and II Fractures
based on radiographs, on which displacement is Most SH type 1 and 2 fractures will be adequately
often difficult to see. When CT scans are used, the managed by closed methods. Occasionally inter-
acceptable level of displacement is unknown, position of soft tissues such as periosteum may
and there are no long-term outcome studies to prevent reduction and require open reduction
help. Therefore it is increasingly considered possibly with internal fixation e.g., with smooth
better to perform open reduction and internal K wires.
fixation for any degree of displacement in order Open reduction will also be required for unac-
to achieve an anatomical reduction. ceptable varus or valgus deformity, particulary in
children over 1213 years in whom significant
Tri-Plane Fracture remodelling is unlikely.
Anatomical reduction is essential, as unsatisfac-
tory results are associated with more than 1 mm Salter-Harris Type III Distal Tibial
of displacement [12]. Closed reduction may be Fractures
performed for fractures with minimal displace- These represent approximately 20 % of all distal
ment, and achieved by axial traction under GA tibiofibular fractures in children. They are always
with internal rotation of the foot. Percutaneous caused by a supination-inversion injury, and are
K-wire or screw fixation of the articular fragment associated with a fibular fracture in 25 %. The
is advisable to prevent fracture displacement in epiphyseal fracture component is always medial
the cast. An aboveknee non-weight-bearing cast to the mid-line, differentiating it from a Tillaux or
is used initially for 34 weeks, with a short leg tri-plane fracture when the epiphyseal fracture is
cast for another 23 weeks. CT post-operatively at the mid-line or lateral to it.
may be useful to confirm adequate reduction, and If there is more than 2 mm of displacement,
serial weekly radiographs should be done to reduction either closed or open should be
ensure no loss of position in the cast. Sometimes, followed by screw fixation. An anterior
reduction of the fibular fracture may be required arthrotomy between the EDL and the EHL can
before reduction of the tri-plane fracture is be used to view the articular surface and guide the
possible. reduction using bone reduction forceps. 3.5 or
4 mm cannulated screws are useful, although
small fragment 3.5 or 4 mm screws may provide
Indications for Surgery and Operative better compression and can also be placed percu-
Technique taneously. Belowknee casting is used for
6 weeks. There is a 15 % incidence of premature
Indications for operative treatment include physeal closure with angular deformity, even
inability to obtain or maintain a closed recuction, after fixation [34]. Early degenerative arthritis is
Fractures of the Foot and Ankle in Children 4841

Fig. 12 Approach to the Physis

medial aspect of the ankle Fracture
in the treatment of Salter- Incision Fracture
Harris type IV fractures
(With permission from Saphenous v. Saphenous
Tachdjian MO. Fractures of and n. V. and n.
the ankle. In: Herring J,
editor. Pediatric
orthopaedics. Philadelphia:
WB Saunders; 2008;
Vol. 3, [40], Chap. 43,
Fig. 43172, p. 2746)

also a risk, particularly if displaced fractures are K wire fixation if necessary (Fig. 14). The physis
not reduced. may be crossed since it is in the process of clos-
ing. A belowknee non-weightbearing cast is worn
Salter-Harris Type IV Distal Tibial for 6 weeks.
These are rare fractures, representing only 1 % of Tri-Plane Fracture
all distal tibial injuries in children, and are pro- Open reduction and internal fixation is advisable
duced by a supination inversion injury. ORIF is if the fracture is displaced more than 3 mm, or
usually required as they extend into the joint and after failure to achieve a closed reduction. The
are usually displaced, hence there is a high risk of soft tissues should be carefully inspected for
degenerative arthritis and growth arrest if not swelling, which should be allowed to decrease
anatomically reduced. prior to operative treatment.
A curvi-linear incision is made over the For a 2 part fracture, or where the SH type 2
antero-medial aspect of the distal tibia (Fig. 12). posterior fragment is only minimally displaced,
This allows inspection of the articular component an anterior exposure only is needed. Fracture
and the metaphyseal fragment. After reduction, haematoma is removed and the fracture is
screw fixation is performed parallel to the physis reduced with internal rotation of the foot then
in the epiphysis and the metaphysis. Serial mon- compression across the fracture site. A 4 mm
itoring of the physis every 6 months is particu- cancellous screw can then be placed via a small
larly important in these fractures. stab incision over the medial malleolus.
A belowknee cast is worn for 6 weeks.
Juvenile Tillaux Fracture If the metaphyseal fragment is more
Indications for open reduction with internal fixa- displaced, usually with an associated fibular
tion have been discussed above. It is performed fracture, an anterior approach is performed to
via an anterior approach to the ankle between the visualise the ankle. A closed reduction of the
EHL and EDL tendons (Fig. 13). Haematoma is posterior metaphyseal fragment is attempted
evacuated and the joint surface is inspected. with compression and internal rotation of the
Internal rotation of the foot allows reduction of foot. This may require the use of a bone reduc-
the fragment under direct vision. The physeal tion forceps placed through a stab incision
fracture line should be restored as well as the just lateral to the Achilles tendon. Failing
distal tibial articular surface. A 4 mm partially this, an open reduction is perfomed through
threaded cancellous screw is passed from a postero-lateral incision, lateral to the achilles
anterolateral to posteromedial, with temporary tendon and between FHL and peroneus brevis.
4842 S. Tennant

Fig. 13 Anterior approach

to the ankle for reduction a
of a Tillaux fracture. Incision
(a) A midline incision is
made directly over the
ankle joint. (b) The interval
between the extensor
digitorum longus and the
extensor hallucis longus is
developed. The surgeon
carefully identifies the deep b
peroneal nerve and anterior Extensor
tibial artery. (c) The Extensor retinaculum
interval is enlarged and the digitorum Extensor
neurovascular bundle is longus m. hallucis
retracted medially. After longus m.
incision of the capsule the
fracture is easily identified
(With permission from
Tachdjian MO. Fractures of
ankle. In: Herring J, editor. Deep peroneal
Pediatric orthopaedics. n. and anterior
Philadelphia: WB Joint capsule tibial a.
Saunders; 2008, Vol. 3,
[40], Chap. 43,
Fig. 43179, p. 2754)
Extensor c Extensor
digitorum retinaculum
longus m. Extensor
longus m.


Deep peroneal
n. and anterior
Joint capsule tibial a.

The fracture is reduced and fixed with 2 cancel- the fixation used to treat the tri-plane fracture
lous screws placed from anterior to posterior. illustrated in Figs. 10 and 11.
The fibular fracture is reduced temporarily dur-
ing the reduction of the metaphyseal fragment,
then re-reduced if necessary following fixation. Complications
The antero-lateral epiphyseal fragment is then
reduced and fixed as before. An above-knee non- Premature Closure of the Physis
weight-bearing cast is worn for the first 4 weeks Salter Harris 3 or 4 injuries are traditionally
of 6 or 7 weeks immobilisation. Figure 15 shows thought to be at greatest risk of growth arrest.
Fractures of the Foot and Ankle in Children 4843

a b

Fig. 14 (a, b) AP & lateral post-operative radiographs of a tillaux fracture

Fig. 15 Post-operative
radiographs of a triplane
4844 S. Tennant

a b

Fig. 16 (a, b) Salter-Harris IV fracture of the distal tibia resulting in medial growth arrest and varus deformity due to
inadequate reduction

Damage may occur at the time of initial should be removed and further imaging including
injury, although anatomical reduction is also a CT or MRI performed.
vital to prevent arrest secondary to displacement. Options for treatment depend on the location
Recent studies have suggested that Salter-Harris of the bar, its size, and the amount of
1 and 2 fractures may have a higher rate of skeletal growth remaining. If more than 2 years
growth arrest than previously thought, perhaps of growth remain, and the bar is less than 50 %
up to 40 % [2, 27]. In one study of Salter Harris of the width of the physis, an epiphysiolysis can
1 and 2 fractures, rates of premature physeal be performed, replacing the bar with adipose
closure of 60 % were seen if the residual fracture or other tissue. If close to skeletal maturity,
gap was greater than 3 mm radiographically, then an epiphyseodesis of the rest of the tibial
and this gap often represented trapped physis and the fibular physis can be done to
periosteum [2]. prevent progression of deformity, combined
Depending on the size and location of with a contralateral epiphyseodesis to prevent
the growth arrest, and on the age of the child, a leglength discrepancy. Significant deformity
premature closure may result in varus or valgus at skeletal maturity is treated with an opening
deformity, with or without shortening of the injured wedge osteotomy of the tibia 2 cm proximal
side (Figs. 16 and 17). Close follow-up should to the physis, with screw fixation and a fibular
continue for at least 2 years after a physeal osteotomy.
injury. Radiographs are monitored for the
presence of a bony bar, and growth arrest lines Valgus Deformity and Mal-Union
can sometimes indicate an asymmetric growth Valgus deformity may also be due to
arrest. If suspected, any internal fixation devices inadequate reduction, particularly of a pronation
Fractures of the Foot and Ankle in Children 4845

a b

Fig. 17 (ac) Intra-articular fracture of the Medial indicates the direction of forces affecting the lateral part of
malleolus. This was adequately fixed following open reduc- the distal tibial physis which went on to arrest with progres-
tion but the fibular fracture on the original radiograph sive valgus deformity, in this case secondary to the injury

eversion lateral rotation fracture. Valgus defor- allow gradual correction. Use of an 8 plate or a
mity of 1520 requires surgical treatment. If single screw allows removal when correction is
there is sufficient growth remaining, a medial obtained, to prevent overcorrection. At skeletal
epiphysis of the distal tibia can be performed to maturity a distal tibial osteotomy can be used [43].
4846 S. Tennant

occasionally be required to confirm a fracture or

Fractures of the Foot the amount of displacement.

Introduction Talar Neck Fractures

Talar neck fractures are the commonest fractures.
The commonest foot fractures in the paediatric The three-part classification of Hawkins which
patient are metatarsal fractures which are usu- was later modified by Canale based on the
ally relatively straightforward to diagnose and amount of fracture displacement and providing
pose little challenge in management. Other information on the risk of AVN, is appropriate for
injuries can be difficult to diagnose, particularly use in children (Fig. 18) [15].
in the young child, due to the small size of some Most neck fractures in children are
of the ossification centres, and the presence of undisplaced (Hawkins type 1) and can be treated
several normal apophyses in the foot. While in a long-leg cast for 68 weeks, followed by
talar and calcaneal fractures are rare in children, a short-leg walking cast for 23 weeks, with less
complications can be major, as in the adult. than 5 mm of displacement and less than 5 of
In the adolescent, surgical treatment is more mal-alignment on the AP view deemed accept-
likely to be needed, and treatment principles able [5].
may mirror those in the adult. Hawkins type 2 fractures show displacement
but without subluxation of the ankle or subtalar
joints. In a young child these can be treated with
Fractures of the Talus an attempt at closed reduction by gentle plantar
flexion and pronation of the foot. Percutaneous
Fractures of the talus are rare in children, K wires can be used to improve stability. A long-
accounting for only 0.08 % of paediatric frac- leg cast is worn for the first 4 weeks, usually with
tures [23], and consequently there are few the foot in some plantarflexion, followed by
reports in the literature. However it has recently a short-leg cast for 34 weeks. Open reduction
been suggested that mechanisms of injury and should be performed if the fracture cannot be
outcome patterns are comparable to adults, reduced to within 1520 [16].
including the risk of complications such as avas- Children older than 10 years have a worse
cular necrosis and arthritis, and therefore treat- prognosis than younger children and a closed
ment concepts should also be similar if not more reduction is harder to maintain, therefore they
aggressive [26]. are best treated as adults, i.e., with open reduction
As in the adult, the talus is at risk of AVN and internal fixation. This is done via
following displaced fractures because of the pre- a posterolateral incision, allowing reduction and
carious nature of its blood supply. The sole blood screw placement without further damage to the
supply enters on the dorsum of the neck which is blood supply. A limited anteromedial incision
the only part not covered by articular cartilage. can be added if necessary, with care to avoid the
Because of incomplete ossification, fractures deltoid branch of the posterior tibial artery. (For
in the child under 6 years can be difficult to more details see chapter on adult talus fractures).
diagnose [25] and the amount of displacement is Partially threaded cancellous screws are used to
often underestimated. compress the fracture site, from the posterior
The mechanism of injury is usually forced talus into the neck anteriorly. A below-knee cast
dorsiflexion of the foot, for example a fall is then worn for 46 weeks.
from a height. Radiographs should include Type 3 fractures are displaced fractures
AP, lateral and oblique views centred on with dislocation of the talar body from both the
the ankle. A pronated oblique radiograph of ankle and subtalar joints and should be treated
the talus [5] is also useful as it gives an with open reduction and internal fixation
excellent view of the talus. CT scanning may as above.
Fractures of the Foot and Ankle in Children 4847

Fig. 18 Classification of
talar neck fractures. Type
1-Nondisplaced fracture,
Type 2 Displaced fracture
with subluxation or
dislocation of the subtalar
joint, Type 3 displaced Talus Naviculus
fracture with dislocation of
the talar body from both the
ankle and subtalar joints,
Type 4, subluxation or
dislocation of talar head
and dislocation of talar
body (From Tachdjian MO.
Fractures of ankle. In:
Herring J, editor. Pediatric
orthopaedics. Philadelphia:
WB Saunders; 2008, Vol. 3, Type I Type II Cuboid
[40], Chap. 43,
Fig. 43192, p. 2763)

Type III Type IV

Fractures of the Body of the Talus because of the rarity of these fractures. There is
This is a much less common injury and carries a some evidence that it is more common in children
worse prognosis. If the fracture is displaced, open older than 12 years [11].
reduction and internal fixation will be necessary. AP and mortise views should be done 68
weeks after the fracture to look for Hawkins sign.
Lateral Process Fractures This is a radiolucency in the subchondral area,
This is a very uncommon injury, caused by forced which implies that the blood supply is intact and
dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot. Diagnosis there is a good chance that the talar body will
can be very difficult, particularly if the fracture is remain viable. An absent Hawkins sign is not
undisplaced. Undisplaced fractures can be treated a definite predictor of AVN, but the patient should
with a below-knee weight-earing cast. Displace- be kept non-weight bearing to avoid collapse. An
ment more than 1 cm requires reduction and MR scan of the talus should be done at 3 months if
internal fixation. Hawkins sign is still absent at this stage.

Avascular necrosis is the most serious complication Fractures of the Calcaneus
following a talar fracture. The incidence increases
with increasing Hawkins grade in the adult popula- These are rare injuries, usually sustained by
tion, but is not accurately known in children a fall from a height. Most fractures involve
4848 S. Tennant

the tuberosity. In the young child, the height of require consideration of open reduction and inter-
the fall may seem innocuous and not arouse nal fixation as in the adult. Good results have
suspicion and the diagnosis is often difficult been reported [4, 30, 31].
and may only be made in retrospect when frac-
ture callus is seen. Outcomes are usually good, Complications
and often non-operative treatment only is The most common complications is early osteo-
needed. In the adolescent with a displaced arthritis in the subtalar joint.
intra-articular fracture, surgery is usually pref-
erable. Because of the association of calcaneal
fractures with vertebral compression fractures, Tarso-Metatarsal Joint (Lisfrancs)
a lateral radiograph of the spine is advisable Injuries
[38]. In high energy injuries, it is important to
be aware of the possibility of compartment The tarsometatarsal joints form articulations
syndrome. The traditional classification sys- between the distal row of the tarsals and the
tems used for the adult fracture have been metatarsal bases. Weak dorsal and plantar
modified for use in the child by Schmidt and tarsometatarsal ligaments connect adjacent bor-
Weiner. A useful classification system for ders of the cuneiforms and the second and third
intra-articular fractures has also been described metatarsals. The intermetatarsal ligaments are
by Sanders et al. [37]. stronger. Lisfrancs ligament connects the second
metatarsal to the first cuneiform (Fig. 19).
Diagnosis Lisfranc injuries are rare in children, are often
Lateral, axial, straight dorsoplantar and oblique undisplaced and easy to miss. They may be caused
dorsoplantar views should be taken. Brodens by direct or indirect mechanisms, with the latter
views may be used when a fracture is not seen being the commonest, for example violent abduc-
on the lateral or oblique views. This view is taken tion or forced plantarflexion of the forefoot.
with the leg internally rotated 40 and the X-ray The classification by Hardcastle et al. [14]
beam directed 10 , 20 , 30 and 40 toward the (Fig. 20) is useful, which divides these fractures
head and centred on the sinus tarsi. Intra-articular into those with total incongruity, partial incon-
fractures require CT evaluation to delineate the gruity and those with a divergent pattern. In chil-
degree of subtalar joint incongruity. dren, the partial incongruity pattern is by far the
In the young child if a fracture is suspected commonest and is usually minimally displaced.
but not confirmed, the safest option is to treat The child presents with pain in the foot and
with a below-knee cast and repeat radiographs dorsal swelling, usually without gross deformity,
23 weeks later. as spontaneous reduction of the injury often occurs.
In the older child, Bohlers angle and the cru- Radiographs should include AP, lateral and
cial angle of Gissane can be measured as in the oblique views. A fractured base of second meta-
adult. tarsal, sometimes with a fractured cuboid, should
raise suspicion of an associated tarsometatarsal
Treatment dislocation. The lateral border of the first meta-
Most calcaneal fractures in children can be tarsal should line up with the medial cuneiform
treated non-operatively with a below-knee cast and the medial aspect of the second metatarsal
for 36 weeks, especially in young children. should line up with the medial aspect of the
Extra-articular fractures in the older child can middle cuneiform on the oblique radiograph.
be treated in the same way but may need Weight-bearing stress views and comparison
a slightly longer period of immobilisation. views of the opposite foot are helpful, as are CT
Displaced fractures may require open reduction scans in certain cases. If radiographs are normal
and internal fixation. In older children, fractures but suspicion persists, MRI can be used to diag-
are more likely to be intra-articular and these nose ligamentous injuries.
Fractures of the Foot and Ankle in Children 4849




Medial dislocation

Lateral dislocation


Total Partial

Fig. 20 Lisfranc Injury patterns (With permission from

Hardcastle et al. [14]; Fig. 1 Classification of Lisfranc

1 mm, otherwise open reduction is needed.

Sometimes failure of satisfactory closed reduc-
tion can be due to entrapment of the tibialis ante-
rior tendon or fracture fragments in the fracture
Fig. 19 Lisfranc ligament gap.
Following reduction, percutaneous K- wire
fixation is recommended. One wire is passed
from the medial cuneiform to the second meta-
Treatment tarsal, with others depending on the type of frac-
ture. In the most common type of fracture (partial
Undisplaced fractures or those displaced less than incongruity) a second pin is placed between the
2 mm can be treated non-operatively, with first metatarsal and the medial cuneiform or
a short-leg cast for 56 weeks. Sometimes this between the first two metatarsals to stabilise the
needs to be preceded by a few days of elevation in medial displacement of the first metatarsal.
a protective dressing to allow the swelling to Open reduction and internal fixation are indi-
settle. cated when an anatomical closed reduction can-
For fractures displaced 2 mm or more, closed not be achieved, or for residual diastasis.
reduction can be performed using axial traction Longitudinal incisions over the 1st2nd and
and manual pressure on the dorsum of the foot. 3rd4th metatarsal interspaces are used. The frac-
Stabilisation of the second metatarsal base frac- ture is reduced under direct vision and pinned as
ture is crucial. Radiographic assessment must above. These can be left percutaneously and
confirm that residual displacement is less than pulled out at 6 weeks.
4850 S. Tennant

Metatarsal Fractures the apophysis can also occur. In the case

These are the most common fracture of the foot in of either a fracture or apophyseal avulsion,
children, usually due to direct trauma from a below-knee weight-bearing cast should be
a falling object, or a crush injury. The most com- worn for 36 weeks.
mon site is the 5th metatarsal, except in those less
than 5 years in which the first metatarsal is most
often affected. It is often a small buckle of the Jones Fracture
base, and may be missed. Crush injuries must be
carefully assessed for compartment syndrome as Sir Robert Jones described his own 5th metatarsal
they are indicative of a significant energy force. fracture and gave fractures which occur at the
X-rays should include AP, lateral and metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction his name. Due
oblique views. to a limited blood supply, healing is often delayed.
Many fractures can be treated non-operatively These fractures must be treated with a non-weight-
in a weight-bearing cast for 36 weeks depending bearing cast and monitored carefully, although in
on the age of the child. Significant displacement athletes some would advocate immediate intra-
and angulation of the middle metatarsals can be medullary screw fixation [24, 32].
accepted particularly in the young child, since it
will remodel. However, in the older child, Phalangeal Fractures
displaced and angulated fractures may require Fractured toes rarely require more than taping
reduction as there is less remodelling capacity, or other symptomatic protection. Occasionally
and residual deformity may have significant significant angulation requires closed reduction,
impact on weight-bearing dynamics. Finger traps sometimes with percutaneous K wires. Care
can be used on the affected toes if closed reduction should be taken with stubbed great toes, as if the
is difficult, and percutaneous K wires can be added nail bed is also damaged in association with a
to aid stability if necessary. K wire fixation of the fracture, this is technically an open fracture, at
first and 5th metatarsals may be particularly useful risk of infection, and the wound should be cleaned
in the case of multiple fractures to help maintain and dressed and the patient given antibiotics.
reduction of fractured middle metatarsals. Intra-articular fractures of the big toe proximal
Open fractures, irreducible fractures, and frac- phalanx require accurate reduction if displace-
tures that cannot be held reduced by a cast may ment is greater than 2 mm and sometimes internal
require open reduction and internal fixation. fixation is necessary.
A dorsal skin incision is made over the fracture.
A K-wire is then drilled antegrade out of the
distal fragment, followed by reduction and retro- References
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