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Date: Sep 13, 2013

To: Harry Larsen

Gary Onan
Student Managers

From: Larry Baumann

re: 2013-14 UWRF Swine Herd Vaccination & Deworming Management


UWRF Swine Vaccination & Deworming Management Plan

Age Group / Vaccine/Product Type Proposed Product Name
Baby Piglets 1. Iron Injection 1. Injectable Iron Dextran
(1 day old)
Baby Piglets 1. Atrophic Rhinitis, 1. Toxivac AD+E (Boehringer)
(7-10 days old) Pasteurella, & Erysipelas
Baby Piglets 1. Circoflex 1. Ingelvac Circoflex
(14 days old) 2. Ear Notch, Dock Tails & (Boehringer)
Weaning Pigs 1. Atrophic Rhinitis, 1. Toxivac AD+E (Boehringer)
(4-5 weeks old) Pasteurella, & Erysipelas
2. Mycoplasma 2. MycoSilencer Once (Meck)
Growers 1. Mycoplasma 1. MycoSilencer Once (Merck)
(8-10 weeks 2. Dewormer 2. Dectomax (Zoetis)
Finishing Hogs 1. Dewormer 1. Dectomax (Zoetis)
Replacemt Gilts 1. Parvovirus, Leptospirosis, & 1. FarrowSure Gold (Zoetis)
(6 wks pre- Erysipelas
Replacemt Gilts 1. Parvo, Lepto, & Erysipelas 1. FarrowSure Gold (Zoetis)
(3 wks pre- 2. Dewormer 2. Dectomax (Zoetis)
Sows & Gilts 1. AR, Past, & Erysipelas 1. Toxivac AD+E (Boehringer)
pre- 2. E. coli, & Clostridium 2. Litterguard LT-C (Zoetis)
farrowing (4
Gilts pre- 1. AR, Past, & Erysipelas 1. Toxivac AD+E (Boehringer)
farrowing (2 wk) 2. E. coli, & Clostridium 2. Litterguard LT-C (Zoetis)
Sows at 1. Parvo, Lepto, & Erysipelas 1. Farrow Sure Gold (Zoetis)
weaning 2. Dewormer 2. Dectomax (Zoetis)
Boars (repeat 1. Parvo, Lepto, & Erysipelas 1. Farrow Sure Gold (Zoetis)
every 6 months) 2. Dewormer 2. Dectomax (Zoetis)
Use of brand names does not constitute endorsement of any particular
company, but are merely examples of available products.
fn: uwrfswinevaccSep2013.doc

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