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Log: March 16, 2017. Lesson 6.

5, Examining Regular Polygons

Noted Behaviors: March 16, 2017. Student, RJ, an ELL student hesitant in participation
involving vocabulary, offered to solve a homework problem utilizing heavy geometric
vocabulary. With instructor assistance, RJ demonstrated drawing and describing lines of
symmetry and rotational symmetry of a square for a homework assignment. Drawing was the
easy part, description using vocabulary came at a slower pace, but the instructor and student
were able to work through and relay material to class.
Side Notes: RJ is an exceptionally bright student but struggles to communicate through her
language barrier. Today, she took a very large step in confronting the barrier not only by
volunteering to answer homework questions, but to do so in a format that required both use of
language and demonstration of graphic geometric concepts. Though the communication was
quiet and directed mainly at the me as opposed to the entirety of the class, relaying her ideas and
the class witnessing that she knew the ideas through her demonstrations is still a very important
step in reaching a desired form of mass communication.

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