Parashah 28 M'Tzora 5777

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Parashah 28: M'tzora (Person afflicted with

Parashah 28: M'tzora (Person afflicted with tzara'at) Leviticus 14:1 through 15:33.
Haftarah (Writings and Prophets): 2 Kings 7:3-20.
B'rit Hadasha (New Testament): Matthew 9: 20-26; Mark 5:24-34; Luke 8:42-48;
Hebrews 13:4.

Summary & Overview

o Leviticus 14:1 | Purification of Lepers and Leprous Houses
o Leviticus 15:1 | Concerning Bodily Discharges

Last week we looked at leprosy, what it represents and if it is still relevant to us

today. We will conclude from last week and finish off chapter 13 before we start
with this weeks Portion on the purification of Lepers and contaminated houses.
This includes the cleansing of the House of YHVH, where YHVH will deal with
removing things associated with this plague from His House.
The context of Leviticus is with restoring the Garden of Eden state, and the
reason of leprosy is because of Adam and Eves sin which left them in an
unclean spiritual state, which caused them to be evicted from the Garden. Later
YHVH established a dwelling place in the wilderness which simulated the
Garden, and that was through the Tabernacle where YHVH could dwell with
man again. After that, this structure was replaced by the Temple in Jerusalem
where He dwelled with His people once again. This Temple was eventually
destroyed in 70 AD and replaced by a Tabernacle again, made with living
stones. This Tabernacle still exists today and is made up of hundreds of
thousands of smaller Tabernacles across the world today, that is the Body of
Messiah. These were all prophetic pictures of the Almightys heavenly dwelling
place with man, and the process of returning man back into the purity of Eden.

Warnings Regarding Emitting Evil.

The name of this Torah Portion is Mtzora, the one afflicted with tzataat. The
word tzara'at is an acronym for "he who emits evil" (motzi ra). This evil can be in
various forms as we saw last week; not growing up, evil speech, becoming
lukewarm and mixing truth with traditions. Leprosy was a disease with different
shapes and forms, and some were very contagious, and the affected person
needs to be isolated and removed from the Community for a period of time. The
disease originates from these evils and found within different kinds of believers;
a new believer, a defiled believer and an extremely defiled believer. These three
types of Leprosy are described as; someone whos whole skin is defiled,
someone whos skin is partly defiled and someone whose head is defiled. We
will now look at these three types of leprosy (fallen states) and the warnings
associated with each one of them.

New Believer
Lev 13:12-13 If the disease breaks out all over their skin and, so far as
the priest can see, it covers all the skin of the affected person from head to
foot,13 the priest is to examine them, and if the disease has covered their
whole body, he shall pronounce them clean. Since it has all turned white,
they are clean.
This is someone completely covered in leprosy, but this person is declared
clean and could come into the Assembly.
Q Why is this, it sounds contradictory allowing someone completely covered
with leprosy to mix with clean people?
Spiritual Insight: The Sages teach that someone
that is totally corrupt and sinful, holds no danger to
any soul. Someone who is partly contaminated is
the most dangerous. This is an example of
someone who is completely covered with sin and
represents someone who has just come to faith,
immature and unchanged with a dominant sinful
nature. This can be compared to a newborn baby
who is born with a sinful nature and needs to be
taught within family setup, so that he/she can grow
up to become a God-fearing person, just like their parents.
YHVH teaches us that it is ok to mix with sinners as long as you are strong
enough to stand and not conform to their ways, going back to your old ways.
Your motive should be to build a relationship with them so that you can have
the opportunity to share the Gospel Message to them.
The other reason revealed here is that new believers in Messiah hold no
threat to mature believers who are grounded in the Word and in faith. Mature
believers are to welcome new believers in so that they can receive love and
support, not judging them on their condition of their skin (sinful habits). They
should feel safe in their new environment where YHVH can work with them
as they learn and make mistakes. Do not overwhelm them with dos and
donts, but through a loving relationship teach them YHVHs Ways.
Eph 5:26-27 Messiah also loved the Assembly and gave Himself up for
her, 26 so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing
of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the Assembly
in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she
would be holy and blameless
This verse actually makes sense in the context of leprosy, and new believers
need to be cleansed by the washing of YHVHs Word. Put them through the
Torah Cycle that will cleanse them because it covers all areas YHVH wants to
address and for them know about so that they can become mature followers of
Messiah without any spot or blemish. This will release them from this fallen
state, and they can dwell with YHVH in the Tabernacle build up yet again, with
another living stone.

Defiled Unclean Believer
Lev 13:1-3 YHVH said to Moses and Aaron, 2 When anyone has a
swelling or a rash or a shiny spot on their skin that may be a defiling skin
disease, they must be brought to Aaron, the priest or to one of his
sons who is a priest. 3 The priest is to examine the sore on the skin, and if
the hair in the sore has turned white and the sore appears to be more
than skin deep, it is a defiling skin disease. When the priest examines that
person, he shall pronounce them ceremonially unclean 4 If the shiny
spot on the skin is white but does not appear to be more than skin deep,
and the hair in it has not turned white, the priest is to isolate the affected
person for seven days. 5 On the seventh day the priest is to examine
them, and if he sees that the sore is unchanged and has not spread in the
skin, he is to isolate them for another seven days.
Last week we looked at the four reasons for being contaminated with Leprosy;
the fallen, sinful state, the tongue, becoming luke-warm and mixing. This kind of
leprosy in this passage is associated with the second and third way of being
contaminated, namely; the tongue and becoming lukewarm or losing your first
love. The affected person will be isolated and examined by the Priest, and if
he/she is still contaminated, will be isolated for another period until he/she is
declared clean.
Spiritual Insight: The isolation period is a period of trials and
testing you will go through. The reason for this is to bring you
back from being luke-warm in becoming hot or passionate
again. Since YHVH deals with your heart, the hard-heartedness
can only be broken if He exposes you to tribulations. A few weeks
ago, we described this as the purification of the Spirit (Shin-fire)
that is like fire melting silver to rid it of impurities. These tests will
bring impurities to the surface and if He examines you and still
sees that you are not clean, then He will send you through trails
again (maybe the same one) until you have learned to overcome
that weakness or blemish in your life. We all go through these
tests and trials so that we can stay hot and passionate for Him so that our
garments can be without spot or wrinkle and our skin can be without
blemishes of leprosy.

Extremely Defiled Unclean Believer

Lev 13:40-44 A man who has lost his hair and is bald is clean. 41 If he
has lost his hair from the front of his scalp and has a bald forehead, he is
clean.42 But if he has a reddish-white sore on his bald head or forehead, it
is a defiling disease breaking out on his head or forehead.
43 The priest is to examine him, and if the swollen sore on his head or

forehead is reddish-white like a defiling skin disease, 44 the man is

diseased and is unclean. The priest shall pronounce him unclean because
of the sore on his head.

Spiritual Insight: This is the extreme case and a very
contagious Leprous state that is worse than a sinner in the
world and needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. This
form of leprosy is associated with the last kind of leprosy we
looked at the previous week, that is the leprosy of the mind
that is a result of mixing false doctrines and manmade
traditions with the truth. This results in the form of foreign
worship which YHVH despises. This kind of leprosy is
commonly found within leadership and is therefore very contagious and will
spread and contaminate the whole Assembly, that can split up or destroy that
Tabernacle (Assembly/Body of Messiah).
This is the hardest form of contamination to get rid of because the person who
is affected, cannot think straight because of confusion and deception that
corrupted their reasoning and foundational beliefs. This kind of leprosy gets in
the door when someone loses their humility and teachability in exchange for
pride and arrogance. They will become puffed-up, claim to be always right,
and stab people with their sword of truth to conform to their ways. They will
speak against other leaders and find fault in others to elevate themselves even
more. This kind of leprosy is even found among members of a Congregation
and leaders should not allow them to contaminate the rest of the people. They
can be identified by those who always knows more and will target individuals
(normally new believers) before or after the service to indoctrinate them.
If not dealt with, this contamination will spread to other members, and before
you know, there will be a new congregation that will split off and go their way.
This is not what YHVH planned or intended for us; He wants us to unify and
become one or Echad with the Truth of His Word as our only foundation. Please
do not be contaminated with leprosy of the mind and test everything you learn
only on Scripture and Word of YHVH. Stay teachable and love one another
even if you differ in opinion and search the Truth together in unity and love.

Neutralising the Negative

In the Hebrew language, each 3-letter root has six possible
permutations (making up all possible words with those three
letters in different arrangements). In all the Hebrew language, there are
only seven 3-letter roots whose six permutations all have meaning. One
of these is the word tzara'at that means leprosy.
If you list all these meanings, it will form a cycle of thoughts, and some might
have positive meanings and some negative. Together they will form a whole
and if you think on these about the initial root word, will give you the true
essence of that root word, supported by all these rhyming thoughts. However,
when you meditate on the negative implication as part of the entire cycle, the
whole will purify and rectify the negative connotation, in other words, give the
answer to the problem (negative meanings). Furthermore, the negative
implication is necessary for the rectification of the whole. The very fact that
negative is required to complete the whole, that makes the negative a curtail
part of the overall process it reveals. This principle of the Hebrew language
applies to all phenomena in life and truth. In relation to the creation process of
man, means that we are created through positive and negative experiences.

This is one of the fascinating aspects of the Hebrew Language, and that is why
it is called YHVHs supernatural language. In conclusion, the ultimate truth will
only be discovered when there is some opposition when someone has a
different opinion, and that stimulates the searching of the truth to see what the
actual truth is regarding that matter.
Lets look at the root word for leprosy and see what wisdom can be discovered
when applying this technique. What makes this word tzara more unique, is the
fact that this word only has root word permutations with negative meanings, no
positive meanings at all. The cycle of thoughts created by the root of tzara'at:
1. iro - tzadik, reish, ayin - tzara that means, leprosy, to pour forth, to gush
out. This word is used in Scripture in Exo 4:6 with Moses hand covered with
leprosy. From last weeks study, we learned that it pointed to the first Work
of Messiah where Yshua shed His blood to take our leprous state upon
Himself. This pouring forth is then associated with the pouring out of the
blood of Yshua, as well as the streams of living water that flow from Him
(John 7:38). This is a quote from Isa 35:6 saying; Then the lame will leap
like a deer, and the tongue of the mute will shout for joy. For waters will
break forth in the wilderness as well as Isa 44:3 For I will pour out
water on the thirsty land and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out
My Spirit on your offspring and My blessing on your descendants.
Leprosy is associated with the pouring out and gushing out of unclean fluids
due to the skin disease, but here we see what is pouring out of Yshua, His
blood and living water, that is His Spirit. This reveals the positive (His
Spirit) that will counter and neutralise the negative (leprosy). Yshua
poured Himself out for humanity so that man can have access to His
Blood and His Spirit.
2. rio - tzadik, ayin, reish - tza'ar that means, hardship, pain, to be brought
low, to make small. This word is used in Job 14:21 and the chapter are in
the context of how futile man is and when he dies, who will awaken him.
To make low has to do with death and that is what Yshua faced, He was
made low by facing death to pay the penalty so that we do not have to face
death. The Work of Messiah is associated with leprosy and taking our sin
and unclean nature upon Himself and took it down to Sheol (death) where
He received the keys of death. Yshua said in Rev 18:1; I am the Living
One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the
keys of death and Hades. Possessing the keys of death means that the
risen Messiah has control and authority over death, taking authority over
that realm so that He can lock up all uncleanness of those who received His
life in exchange for their death (leprosy). Yshua is the Redeemer and
paid for the penalty of sin, namely death. Man will not have to face
death because of their leprous nature.
3. /ir - reish, ayin, tzadik - ra'atz that means, to break into pieces. This
word is found in Exo 15:6 as part of the Song of Moses they sang after
being freed from slavery (sin and bondage). They sang; Your right hand, O
YHVH, has become glorious in power; Your right hand, O YHVH, has
dashed the enemy in pieces. We have previously discovered what the Right
Hand of YHVH represents the Messiah.

This thought in relation with leprosy (our original thought), reveals that His
Right hand will break the enemy into pieces, who caused leprosy to come
upon YHVHs people. Thinking on this in relation to the previous positive
revelation, show that the Work of Messiah on the stake (cross) was the
event where He broke the enemy into pieces, taking our leprosy upon
Himself into the grave. This was where He took the keys of Hades and
death from the enemy, stripping him from his authority (Rev 1:18). The
authority and hold the enemy had on you is broken into pieces, just like
Pharaoh and his men was separated and destroyed by the Red Sea event
(mikvah/Immersion/death & resurrection of Yshua). Destruction of the
authority of the enemy, Yshua has the authority over life and death,
making Him the Judge.
4. roi - ayin, tzadik, reish - atzar that means, to enclose, prison, hold back,
to stop (self), to prevail, to rule, to assemble. We find this word in Gen 16:2
where YHVH restrained (atzar) Sarai to bring children into the world and
she persuaded Abraham to take her slave, Hagar instead. This word is also
used in Num 16:48 where Moses stood between the living and the dead,
restraining (ratzar) the plague. The context of this event was when the
Children of Israel rebelled against Moses, and YHVH struck them with a
plague where they fell like dominoes. Moses took a censer and ran over the
dead to prevent rest of Israel to be wiped out. Thinking on these two
thoughts and in the context of the initial root word tzara (leprosy), gives
the following insight: Sarai was still in her leprous state because her name
was not yet changed to Sarah at that stage (receiving a Hey/Breath/Spirit).
YHVH restrained her from having offspring in her fallen state, but Sarai
insisted and through her maidservant Hagar, reveal her leprous nature.
The next thought is where Moses is running and standing between the living
and the dead, stopping the plague. The plague, in relation to the original
root word, refers to mans fallen leprous nature. Now thinking of this in
relation to Sarai whose name was changed to Sarah, gives us the insight
that her name change was the time when she received a changed
character, as well as being healed from her leprous fallen state.
Hagar then represents Sarais fallen state and Sarah, her restored state.
This means that Ishmael was born from Sarais leprous state and we all
know the history. She then became pregnant and bore the son of promise,
Isaac, that is a picture of your second birth, where you are born again. This
time without the fallen leprous nature. This birth cause the plague to be
restrained, meaning that the old nature is now restrained by your new
nature. This reveals that there is a specific time when YHVH will step in and
stop the plague of destroying someone. I believe everybody has that
chance before they die. This opportunity was given to you when you were in
your worst rebellious state of unbelief, but through His grace, He sent
someone with the Torah (Moses), to come to your rescue. In his hand he
had a censer with incense, that represent the prayers of those who prayed
for you. Never stop praying for loved ones who are still Hagar(s), so that
YHVH can send someone running to their rescue, someone with the Torah
(His Word), backed by your prayers. The second birth will transform
and cleanse man from their old leprous nature. This is made possible
by someone with the Torah (Word) and the prayers of the saints.

5. ior - reish, tzadik, ayin - ratza that means, to inflict stripes (by whipping
with a strap), to pierce, to bore. This word is only found in Exo 21.6 where it
explains the commandment regarding the Bondservant, where his ear had
to bore through and nailed to the doorpost of his Master. The meaning of
this word also connects to the suffering of Yshua when His hands and feet
were bored through after He was whipped, receiving the stripes so that we
can be healed. Yshua went through immense suffering and pain so that His
Bondservants can receive physical healing, but also spiritual healing from
the disease and plague of leprosy. The other aspect associated with this is
that the Bondservants will experience suffering for the sake of others and
the Name of their Master. Remember, every suffering is like an offering and
if you endure, it will cause a sweet smell that is pleasing to the Father.
Yshua is the Healer, and through His suffering, man can be healed
from their fallen leprous state, able to be adopted into His
Household through becoming Bondservants of Messiah Yshua,
suffering with Him for the benefit of humanity.
6. /ri - ayin, reish, tzadik - aratz that means, to respect (a tyrant) because
of his power, to fear, to shake, to dread, to oppress, to prevail. This word is
found in Deut 1:29 where Israel was about to enter the Promised Land.
They approached the mountain of the Amorites and was afraid because of
their stature and number. They stayed in their tents and complained that
provoked YHVH to anger. The Amorites represent the flesh or the old
nature (nephesh) that we need overcome. This is the final step in returning
to the Camp after you have been inspected by the Priest if we are indeed
healed from your leprous state. Only one of the ten lepers returned to the
One Who healed Him, showing that there will not be many healed ones
who will have a relationship with Him as the Bride. This is a picture of
believers who accepted Yshua and their new nature, but they never
fed their nashamah and stayed under the control of the fleshly
nephesh (fallen state of bondage) because of fear (lack of
faith/fitfulness). Those who will completely overcome their flesh
(Amorites) will be part of the restored Bride.
Through all these meanings, YHVH revealed how the negatives could be
overcome and changed to positives, through the Work of Messiah Yshua. He
is the answer to the problem, the Supreme Healer, Who poured Himself out for
us so that we can have access to His Blood and Spirit and become part of His
Household and ultimately, be part of His Bride.

Cleansing of the Leper

Lets look at the Commandments regarding the cleansing of leprous person. It
starts with inspecting the person who has leprosy, and what he/she must do
when they are affected.
Lev 13:45-46 Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn
clothes, let their hair be unkempt, cover the lower part of their face and
cry out, Unclean! Unclean! 46 As long as they have the disease they
remain unclean. They must live alone; they must live outside the camp.

First of all, the Priest had to inspect and confirm that the person is infected with
leprosy. Then the person had to proclaim in public, that they are infected. They
did this by covering the lower part of the face (the mouth) and make a warning
sound, crying unclean, unclean! Then they had to be isolated, outside of the
Camp for a period of time.
Q Have you ever wondered what was going on outside the Camp?
Imagine yourself in their shoes, experiencing something like that. It will defiantly
be embarrassing walking down the street with part of your face covered,
shouting unclean, unclean! Then you are isolated, and I can imagine what
those who are on the inside is saying about you. This is exactly what sin does to
us; it embarrasses you when it is exposed and will humiliate and isolate you.
This is what Adam and Eve experienced in the Garden (Camp); one moment
they were standing there in their lovely glowing garments of light, and the next
they were naked, shocked and embarrassed, running hastily to find something
to cover their nakedness.
Leprosy is a consequence of sin, and the consequences are tailor made to
take you through an experience that will unearth the seed that caused the sin
in the first place. This makes leprosy a blessing and not a curse, even though
we experience it as such. This unearthing process happens in isolation when
you are in a state of embarrassment, shock and humiliation. This is when
YHVHs Spirit can come in, and do a work in you while you are in this
vulnerable state. He will convict you of sin, righteousness and judgement (John
16:8) and lead you to repentance. If you submit to His Spirit, then He will
remove that seed that caused the glitch in your life.
Lev 14:3-9 And the priest shall go forth out of
the camp; and the priest shall look, and,
behold, if the plague of leprosy be healed in the
leper;4 Then shall the priest command to take
for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive
and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and
hyssop: 5 And the priest shall command that
one of the birds be killed in an earthen vessel
over running water: 6 As for the living bird, he
shall take it, and the cedar-wood, and the
scarlet, and the hyssop, and shall dip them and
the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running
water: 7 And he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the
leprosy seven times and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the
living bird loose into the open field. 8 And he that is to be cleansed shall
wash his clothes, and shave off all his hair, and wash himself in water,
that he may be clean: and after that, he shall come into the camp, and
shall tarry abroad out of his tent seven days.
The Priest took two birds, cedar wood, scarlet and hyssop. The one bird was
killed, and its blood was mixed with water in an earthen vessel.
The other bird was kept alive, and bound to the cedar with scarlet and hyssop,
and dipped into the mixed water and blood. The Priest then applied the mixed
water and blood to the affected person by sprinkling it on them with the live bird
tied to the cedar with scarlet and hyssop. Then the live bird was set free, and
the person was declared clean and ready to be reunited back to the community.

Spiritual Insight: We find all these symbols in the Appointed Day called
Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement. On this day they took two goats, one goat
was killed, and its blood was sprinkled on the mercy seat of the Ark of the
Covenant, where the two tablets of the Tem Commandments resided. These
tablets represent the foundation of the Water of the Word of YHVH. The other
goat was kept alive, and the High Priest transferred the sin of the nation on it
whereafter it was set free into the wilderness. A scarlet thread was tied to the
scapegoat and the door of the Temple and turned white as a sign that YHVH
accepted their offering. Yshua represented the first goat (sin offering) Who
was pierced with a spear to confirm His death, then water and blood poured
from His side as a witness.
Yshua also represents the scapegoat, after His death the scapegoat with
the sin of the world went into the wilderness (Sheol realm of death) to lock
it up after which He took the keys of Hyades and death, making Him the
Judge and Ruler of that Kingdom as well. Only He can decide who will be
taken there and who can be released from there.
Cedar or erez zra (aleph-reish-zayin) is the perfect tree. That why it
is referred to as the upright one. Its roots are among the firmest and
deepest in the ground, its among the tallest and longest living of trees;
and, its wood is without knots (perfect as Yshua is perfect). His blood
and our teshuva make us as cedars. The numeric value of erez is
208, that is associated with the following words:
vee qabats or and He gathered;
ha ger or the stranger who sojourns
b debar or through the Word.
This gives us the meaning of the Cedar; He gathered the stranger who
sojourns through His Word. All this is done through Yshua Who is the Upright
One, Who is the Word of YHVH manifest in the flesh.
Scarlet or shawniy yns (shin-nun-yud) is the colour that
represents our sin.
The numeric value of shawniy is 360 and equals:
n ishi or my bride (plural) and
b mashiach or in Messiah.
Isa 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, says
YHVH. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as
snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
Messiah Yshua is the Groom, and through His Blood, He made it possible for
man in a fallen leprous state, to become part of His Bride, washed and made
white as snow and clean as wool.

Hyssop or eyzowb bvza (aleph-zayin-vav-bet) is a plant of cleansing. It has
the following Scriptural uses:
To place the blood of the Pesach (Passover lamb) on the doorposts
and lintels of the homes in Egypt;
Used to cleanse the Temple mount with the ashes of the Red Heifer;
To deliver sour wine to Yshuas lips when He was on the stake (cross).
Hyssop is also antibacterial, anti-capillary fragility, anti-inflammatory, etc., and
can help with about 81 different medical conditions including cancer,
bronchitis, insomnia, edema, colds, etc. The numeric value of the letters in
eyzowb is 16, which equals ayadeh or I will praise. Hyssop has a purple
flower and is the colour of royalty; that was when Yshua was crucified as the
King of the Jews, indication that He is the King that will come from the Tribe of
Judah. His work that was fulfilled on the stake resulted in Him being anointed
with joy and we should rejoice in His Work that freed us from Egypt, that
allowed us to enter the Covenant (Passover) and Who will allow us back into
His House, when it will come down as the New Jerusalem after the earth is
cleansed by His fire.

Leprosy in the House

Lev 14:34 When you come into the land of Canaan, which I give to you
for a possession, and I put the plague of leprosy in a house of the land of
your possession;
The Sages teach that leprosy comes on your
body because of your mouth, then it can come
on your clothing because of pride and if it
comes to the house because there is a hidden
blessing reserved for the people who
possessed that house. The context of this
verse is about Israel possessing the Land of
Canaan and the gifts YHVH gave His people.
Part of these blessings they received were
houses that were infected with leprosy. When
Israel overcome the Canaanites, they
occupied the houses that were already built. When signs of leprosy appeared
on the wall, they had to remove those affected stones and replace it with new
stones to could remove leprosy from their house. When they removed these
leprous stones, they sometimes found hidden treasures behind it. If it weren't for
the affliction on the house, the occupants would never receive the hidden
treasures or blessings.
Spiritual Insight: From last weeks study we learned that leprosy was given
to Israel as a gift by YHVH, and when you embrace that gift, the situation
or issue you perceived as a curse, will turn into a blessing. Behind every sin,
in your life, there is a hidden blessing or treasure, which comes from your
Father, that He wants to give to you as you deal with, and remove these
sinful habits. Every dark cloud has a silver lining, and every bad situation has
a hidden treasure behind it, revealing who you can be and what YHVH wants
you to become.

Your greatest gift is sometimes covered and hidden behind sin, and this is
the Serpents plan to keep you bound up behind that sin so that you will
never blossom and walk in the purpose and gifts YHVH planned for your life.
The sin you struggle with the most is normally related to the area in your life
where there is the strongest gifting.
James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to
one another, and pray for one another so that
you may be healed. The effective prayer of a
righteous man can accomplish much.
Most people feel embarrassed to ask someone to
pray with them if they have sin in their lives. For you
to get rid of sin, you have to bring it to the light. Sin
will fester and become greater and greater as you
keep on covering and hiding it and you will decay
spiritually. You need to invite YHVH as ask His intervention in your life before
the sin becomes too great for you to handle. Remember, one area of sin is like
an affected stone in your house and can make your whole house affected with
leprosy and ultimately destroy your life if you do not deal with these sins.

Removing Rejected Stones from the House

Lev 14:38-40 Then the priest shall go out of the house to the door of the
house, and shut up the house seven days: 39 And the priest shall come
again the seventh day, and shall look: and, behold, if the plague be
spread in the walls of the house; 40 Then the priest shall command that
they take away the stones in which the plague is, and they shall cast them
into an unclean place outside the city:
Elders within a Congregation have two
jobs; one is to feed the sheep, the other
is to protect the sheep from unhealthy
infected stones who are like wolves
disguised in sheeps clothing. The
challenge is to discern whether it is a
sheep with a mild condition of leprosy or
when it is a wolf that can destroy the
flock. We previously looked at different
kinds of leprosy, and the more serious
cases hold more risk and danger to the flock or Congregation. The worst case
we looked at was the leprosy of the head or the mind. Paul gives us very clear
guidance how to deal with such people and when to remove them from the
Congregation or Fellowship because a little leaven leavens the whole lump.
1 Cor 5: 1-11 It is reported commonly that there is fornication among
you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles,
that one should have his father's wife. 2 And ye are puffed up, and have
not rather mourned, that he that has done this deed might be taken away
from among you. 3 For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit,
have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath
so done this deed, 4 In the name of our Master Yshua the Messiah, when
ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Master
Yshua the Messiah,

5 To deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the
spirit may be saved in the day of the Master Yshua. 6 Your glorying is not
good. Know ye not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? 7 Purge
out, therefore, the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are
unleavened. For even Messiah, our Passover is sacrificed for us:
8 Therefore let us keep the Feast, not with old leaven, neither with the

leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of

sincerity and truth. 9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with
fornicators: 10 Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or
with the covetous, or swindlers, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs
to go out of the world. 11 But now I have written unto you not to keep
company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous,
or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or a swindler; with such an one
no not to eat.
Paul mentioned six kinds of leprous stones that needs to be removed and cast
outside the City or Congregation. These are people who call themselves
Brothers but have some of the following traits:
1. Fornicator or immoral person: The word in Greek is the word pornos, and
that is where the English word
pornography got its meaning from. This
is anyone who indulges in sexual
immorality acts like sex before marriage,
sleeping around, married person cheating
on their spouse, pornography and
homosexuality. Paul lists this as the
number one problem because it is a
hidden sin that becomes an addiction and
lifestyle, which eventually destroys relationships. How many Pasters and
Churches have you heard of that has been destroyed or affected because of
this? People who practice these deeds need to repent or be removed from
the Assembly.
2. Covetousness: This is the Greek word pleonekts that means to claim
more than one's due, eager to have more,
greedy of gain. This is someone who
always wants more and sometimes at the
cost of someone else. This not necessarily
only applies to food, possessions and
money, but also apply to people who
always want to be the centre of attention,
and everything must revolve around them.
This also relates to social circles and to spiritual groups where someone
wants to be on the stage and in the limelight and want to be seen.
Covetousness applies to spiritual leaders as well, where they fall into this trap
of counting people, seeking a larger audience than other Congregations.
This sin is rooted in a competition spirit that will always compete against
everyone else, to have better or more things, to get more attention, have
more followers. If you suffer from this type of leprosy, repent and ask YHVH
to heal you, or you will be removed like a leprous stone from His House.

3. Idolaters: Comes from the Greek word eidolon
that means idol, image or likeness and has to
do with worshipping any form of deity other than
YHVH. This applies to foreign worship (avodah
zarah) as well, where people worship YHVH
through symbols and traditions that come from
different cultures, even pagan traditions.
Then there is the trap of entertainment. This is
when you want to be a-mused. Muse means to think or to consider
something thoughtfully, and A-Muse is the opposite that, becoming brain
dead, not thinking anymore. This is exactly what the media and mainstream
entertainment are all about, to get people entrapped by watching movies,
television or being on your Facebook every moment of every day so that
they can unlearn of how to think. This is a form of idolatry where you not
only become brain dead, you start to idolise the characters and artists and
want to become like them. People loose themselves in the world of
entertainment because they cannot deal with reality and eventually
becomes an addiction. There is nothing wrong with watching a movie or
going on Facebook; the problem is when you lose balance and spend most
of your time doing that. Believers can have these symptoms if they only
want to be entertained in church, enjoying the praise and worship songs but
are not really interested in the message. If you suffer from this kind of
leprosy, repent and start to fill your mind with the knowledge of YHVHs
Word and learn to think for yourself again, not being led my mass media
4. Railer or reviler: This is the Greek word loidoros that means to be ill-
behaving or abusive. This is when
someone abuses someone else
verbally, to treat someone as a
punching bag. Paul uses this
word as the opposite of to bless
someone and falls into the
category of cursing someone.
People will normally use a
weapon when they are violent and
want to hurt someone.
A reviler will use their tongue like a sharp knife to stab someone
emotionally. This kind of leprosy is rooted in abuse, where someone was
abused or mistreated by someone else when they were little or vulnerable.
What causes this behaviour is that the person has not dealt with their pain
and had to release it to cope. This release is in the form abuse because
they can only give what they have received. If someone suffers from this
kind of leprosy, they need to go for counselling and ask someone to pray
with them so that they can deal with their past and distorted emotions.
Tit 3:9-11 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and
contentions, and strivings about the Torah; for they are unprofitable
and vain. 10 A man that is a heretic after the first and second
admonition reject; 11 Knowing that he that is such is undermined, and
sins, being condemned of himself.

This is another form of railer and has to do with situations where someone
is prone to being argumentative, always being right. It is profitable to have
good discussions regarding the Word, even discuss differences but if it
leads to disputes and arguments, then it is vain and worthless. People like
this normally live and talk about the Word all the time, saying the right
things, but they believe they have the gift of the Sword of the Spirit and
need to challenge and correct everyone, causing disputes and divisions.
Some might even proclaim to be special because they constantly hear
from God and you have to receive what they say because of their elevated
state (of arrogance). They are normally very outspoken, and their
confidence tricks people into listening to them. In extreme
cases, they can be abrasive and dominant in character,
because of their gifting of hearing from God. This is one of
the greatest abominations in the eyes of YHVH causing
discord among the Brethren (Pro 6:19). You will know a
person by their fruit, if they are building up the Kingdom
or causing divisions and disputes, breaking down the
Kingdom and House of YHVH. Ask YHVH to remove
these leprous stones as soon as possible. These are two
examples of a very dangerous kind of leprosy, namely the mind, and will
contaminate and upset the peace within the Congregation and will be
removed if not dealt with by the emotionally scared individual.
5. The Drunkard: This is not only someone who is under the regular influence
of alkanol or substance. It is the Greek
word methysos and means to be so full
of something so that you lose focus and
rationality. If someone in the
Congregation has an addiction, they
need help and support. If they refuse
help or support, they should be
There is another problem that crept into churches today, and that is when
people seek to be drunk in the presence of God or drunk in the Spirit. This is
where they become emotionally overwhelmed (we are not to be led by our
hearts or emotions) and do things that are out of control and disorderly.
There is no such thing to be drunk in the Spirit; the Word teaches us to be
filled with the Spirit and not become drunk with wine. One of the attributes of
the fruit of the Spirit is Self-Control and is the opposite of becoming drunk,
losing control or focus and rationality. There are examples in Scripture where
people fell in the presence of YHVH, He then told them to stand up before He
talked to them. The Spirit of YHVH will help you to become Holy and not
becoming drunk or do all sorts of weird stuff that is not a great testimony for
someone in the world.

6. Swindler: This word comes from the Greek root word harpaz that means
to snatch away and is found in Matt 13:19 in the Parable of the Sower
where the evil one (birds) will snatch away the seed so that it would not be
received. This is someone in the Congregation who does the work of the evil
one and who snatches away the truth from the ones who are still learning.
Rom 16:17-18 Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who
cause discords and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you
learned, and turn away from them. 18 For such men are slaves, not of
our Master and Messiah, but of their own appetites; and by their
smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the
Jer 6:13,15 Everyone is given to covetousness; and from the Prophet
even to the Priest, Everyone deals falsely.
15 Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! They

were not at all ashamed; nor did they know how to blush.
Matt 7:15 Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's
clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
These leaders are doing the work of the enemy, misleading people,
especially new believers, with flattering words and twisted truth that results in
false doctrines. The enemy (serpent) is the counterfeiterHe has a false
gospel (Gal 1:6-9), preached by false ministers (2 Cor 11:13-12), producing
false Believers (2 Cor 11:26)He plants his counterfeits wherever YHVH
plants true believers (Matt 13:38).
Eze13:1-8 The Word of YHVH came to me: 2 Human being, prophesy
against the prophets of Israel who prophesy. Tell those prophesying
out of their own thoughts, Listen to what YHVH says! 3 YHVH
ELOHIM says: Woe to the vile prophets who follow their own spirits
and things which they have not seen! 4 Israel, your prophets have been
like jackals among ruins. 5 You [prophets] have not gone up to the
breaks in the walls or repaired it for the House of Israel, so that they
can stand fast in battle on the day of YHVH. 6 Their visions are futile
and their divination is false; they say, YHVH says, when YHVH has
not sent them; yet they hope that the word will be confirmed. 7 Havent
you had a futile vision and spoken a false divination when you say,
YHVH says, and I have not spoken? 8 Therefore here is
what YHVH ELOHIM does say: Because you have spoken futilities and
seen falsehoods, therefore I am against you, says YHVH ELOHIM.
False prophets do not address the gaps and breaks in the walls of the House
of YHVH. These are the gaps in the doctrines and ignorance of the people of
YHVH that needs to be addressed, but they do not close the gaps, teaching
the Word, but instead, share their false visions and prophecies from their
imaginations. This is an example of leaders who has leprosy of the mind and
should not be entertained or listened to. Test every word that comes from the
mouths of acclaimed prophets, test it against YHVHs Word, and if their
words contradict Scripture, have nothing to do with them. They are not
building up YHVHs house with clean stones, but cause the stones to be
contaminated with their leprous doctrines, causing all the stones to be
contaminated in the end. Remove yourself from that house and find one
where the stones are being cleansed by His Word.


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