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The Mohan Scholars

Lesson plan Pre k

Shapes (circle, square, triangle,rectangle)


Introduction of circle shape

Purpose - Students will be aware of different shapes.

Objectives- At the end of the session children should be know the shapes.
Assessment- Teachers will see that student are able to identify the shapes from
books, objects, classrooms, charts .
Resources- objects,-circle bangle, dish, bottlelid, chapati, ring, CD.

Teacher will show circle shaped objects of different sizes. She will show all the objects
one by one and introduces the word circle as the name of the shape. After showing all
the objects she will make children sit in a circle and she will pass the objects one by one to
all children to make them touch and see the shape of object i.e. circle. Objects are bangle, dish,
lid, chappati, ring, CD, etc. Teacher will teach that circle does not have any sides and corner.
Introduce rhymes
Heres a circle, heres a circle.
How can you tell? It goes round and round
No end can be found
Heres a circle, heres a circle.

Day 2
Resources- Ground, circle shape objects .
Process- teacher will take children outside to identify other objects in the environment.
Day 3
Resources- Big circle on paper, small circle, gum, plate, bowl.
Indoor activity (pasting of circle). Teacher will draw a big circle on the paper and will
give to children and then teacher will give small circles in one bowl .teacher will make
children sit in a circle. She will give demo how to paste small circles in big circle. After giving
a demo teacher will tell children to do activity.

Day 4
Resources- ground, colour to draw shapes,
Outdoor activity. Teacher will draw a circle on the floor. Let all of them sit inside the
Movement game jump in the circle, jump out of the circle, dance inside the circle,
walk on the circle, walk outside the circle. (SONG)
This is a circle, this is a circle
It is round, it is round
It has no side, no corner

Day 5
Resources-square shape object .
Teacher will show square object of different sizes she will show all the objects one by
one and introduce the word square as the name of the shape .after showing all objects.
Teacher will make the children sit in a square shape and she will pass the objects one by
one to all children to make them touch and see the shapes of objects.

Day 6
Resources- ground square shape objects.
Teacher will take children outside let them identify other objects in the environment.

Day 7
Activity shorting of square and circle shape.
Resources- objects of square and circle shapes,bajot,bowl
Collect things of square and circle shape. Put all the things on the bajoth in the center
let them observe .
Call 2 children at a time and tell them to separate square and circle things in 2 given
bowls continue till all gets there turn .

Day 8
Resources- colour, ground, music , tape, Plate.
Teacher will make square shapes on the floor .eg if you have 15 students you have to
draw 15 squares and make them play locomotion games. Teacher will play the music all
15 students have to walk when teacher will stop the music children have to stand on
square shape. Those who will not get square is out .Then teacher will put 1 plate on 1
square .teacher will make them play till only 1 child remind and that is a winner.
Take them to class
Make them sing song.
This is a square , this is a square,
It has 4 sides and 4 corners

Day 9
Introduction of triangle shape.
Reources- Tringle shape objects plate, sandwich,watch, parattha,
Teacher will show triangle objects of different sizes .Teacher will show all the objects
one by one and introduces the word triangle as the name of the shape. After showing
teacher will make them sit in a triangle shape. Teacher will pass the objects to children
and make them touch and see the object of triangle paratha, sandwich, watch,
Triangle has 3 sides and 3 corners.
Introduction of rhyme.
I am Tommy Tringle
Look at me
Count my sides
One, two, three
I am a triangle

Day 10
Resources- ground ,triangles shape objects
Teacher will take children outside and let them identify other object in the environment
and then show the things which are of triangle shape.

Day 11
Resources- blocks of circle, square triangle.
Take the children out to play with triangle, circle, square shaped blocks with other
children. While they are playing teacher will ask children name of the shapes.

Day 12
Resources- Tringle, Square,Circle, shapes cutout, colour to draw shape .
In advance cut a set of small shapes of triangle , circle, square from chart paper. Draw
same big shapes on the floor. Ask the children to sit on big shape drawn on the floor.
Give each child small shapes and tell them to sit on the big shape which they have in
their hand.
Day 13
Introduction ofRectangle shape.
Resources-rectangle shape objects plate, window, box, rectangle shape wooden bed,
photo frame, tray.
Teacher will show rectangle shapes of different sizes. She will show all the objects one
by one and introduces the word rectangle as the name of the shape .After showing all the
objects she will make children sit in rectangle . Teacher will pass the object to children and
make them touch and see the rectangle shape and she will pass the objects one by one to all
children to make them touch and see the shape of the objects . Objects are plate , window, box,
rectangle shape wooden bed ,photo frame rectangle shape, tray.
rectangle has 4 sides and 4 corners.

Introduction of rhyme
I am a rectangle, a lovely rectangle
I have four sides
I have four corners, four lovely corners
I am a rectangle, that is my name.

Day 14
Resources- ground ,objects of rectangle shape.
Teacher will take children outside to identify other objects in the environment.

Day 15
Fine moter Activity.
Resources- Colour dough roller pin, roller board, rectangle shape.
Process teacher will first introduce all things needed .Then she will roll the roller pin and
show them how to make mould then she will cut it with rectangle shape cutter and it will be
of rectangle shape . then she will tell all children to play with dough.

Day 16
Resources- computer or laptop
Viewing of all four shapes .
PPT, rhymes, video,


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