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h = 20 ft = 20 % =
1.5 cp
Co = 25x10-5 /psi Cf = 5x10-6 B = 1.3
bbl/STB q = 250 BPD rw =
0.3 ft

01/- m = ? 02/- P1hr = ?

03/- K=? 04/- Ct =?
05/- S = ? 06/- dPs = ?
07/- F.E, D.R & D.F = ?
08/- Is the well damaged or stimulated?
09/- tD/r2D =?
10/-Pressure at Point N. Located at 500ft south of the well.
11/- C= ? 12/- CD = ?
13/- tD/ CD 14/- tssl and T =?

15/-If the well has 2 inch tubing in 5 inch casing

(15 Ibm/cuft with coupling).
Density of liquid in the wellbore is 42.5
Ibm/cuft. Is the liquid level rising or falling?
Vu (Volume from completion data) =0.0134bl/ft
16/- Vu =? 17/- ri =?
t, hrs Pwf, psi t, hrs Pwf, psi
0.00 2733 5.00 2312
0.10 2703 7.00 2293
0.20 2672 9.60 2291
0.30 2644 12.00 2290
0.40 2616 16.80 2287
0.65 2553 33.60 2282
1.00 2500 50.00 2279
1.50 2440 72.00 2276
2.00 2398 85.00 2274
3.00 2353 100.00 2272
4.00 2329


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