IV Process Assignement 2

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Course Code : ESSF0074

Course Title : Law and Society

Course Leader : Ahmad Imran bin Kamaruzaman

Learning Outcomes : 1) Explain the history of legal system in Malaysia and the sources of
Malaysian Law

2) Explain the general principles and the various factors involved in the

Malaysian legal system.

3) Classify the function of law towards the society.

4) Explain the concepts of fundamental liberties and international


Issue Date/week : 25 November 2016

Submission Date : 22 December 2016
Plagiarism Notice :
According to UNITAR International University Academic Regulations, Section 5.10 Plagiarism:

o 5.10.1 Plagiarism is the presentation of another persons thoughts or words as if they were the
students own.
o 5.10.2 Plagiarism is an offence and will be subject to disciplinary action as prescribed in the
Students Disciplinary Rules and Regulations.
o 5.10.3 All work submitted as part of the requirements for any assessment must therefore be
expressed in the students own words and incorporate his own ideas and judgments. Direct
quotations from the published or unpublished work of another must always be clearly identified as
such and a full reference to the source must be provided.
Details of the Assignment
1. Assignment 2

Students are required to discuss the topic titled The Fundamental Rights Provided By the
Federal Constitution. The length of the essay should be around 1500 to 2000 words.

Font Times New Roman

Font size 12
Double Spacing
Should be in paragraph (at least 4 paragraph)

2. Answer Key

Fundamental Right Provided by Malaysian Federal Constitution

Article 5: No person may be deprived of his life or personal liberty saves in accordance with law.

Article 6: No person shall be held in slavery. All forms of forced labour are prohibited but
Parliament may by law provide for compulsory service for national purposes.

Article 7: No person shall be punished for an act or omission which was not punishable by law
when it was done or made, or no person shall suffer greater punishment for an offence than was
prescribed by law at the time it was committed. A person who has acquitted or convicted of an
offence shall not be tried again for the same offence except where the conviction or acquittal has
been quashed and a retrial ordered by a court superior to that by which he was acquitted or

Article 8: All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law.
Except as expressly authorized by this Constitution, there shall be no discrimination against
citizens on the ground only of religion, race, descent, place of birth or gender in any law or in the
appointment to any office or employment under a public authority or in the administration of any
law relating to the acquisition, holding or disposition of property or the establishing or carrying on
any trade, business, profession, vocation or employment.
Article 9: No citizens shall be banished or excluded from the Federation. This provision has to be
read with reference to Article 25, which permits the Federal government to deprive of his
citizenship any person who is a citizen, by registration, ... or a citizen by naturalization under
certain circumstances.

Article 10: Every citizen has the right to freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and association
but Parliament may impose certain restrictions in the interest of security, public order or morality.
Parliament has amended the Sedition Act 1948 and made it an offence to question the sovereignty
of powers and prerogatives of the Rulers, Malays and natives of Sabah Sarawak and the legitimate
interests of other communities.

Article 11: Every person has the right to profess, practise and propagate his religion but laws may
be made to control or restrict the propagation of any religion, doctrine or belief among Muslims.

3. Rubric attached at the back


Poor Fair Good

10 15 20

Content and Development - Content is incomplete - Content are not - Content are
- Major points are not comprehensive comprehensive,
clear and persuasive - Major point are accurate and
addressed, but persuasive
not well - Major point are started
supported clearly and are well
- Content and purpose
of the writing are clear

Format - Paper lacks many - Paper follows - Paper follow

element of correct most guidelines designated guidelines
formatting - Paper is over / - Paper is the
under word length appropriate length as
described for the

Grammar, Punctual and Spelling - Paper contain - Paper contain few - Rules of grammar,
numerous numerous usage, and punctual
grammatical, grammatical, are followed, spelling
punctuation, and punctuation and is correct
spelling errors spelling errors - Language is clear and
- Language uses - Language lacks precise, sentences
jargon and or clarity or includes display consistently
conversational tone the use of some strong, varied structure
jargon or
conversation tone

Organization and Structure - Organization and - Structure of the - Structure of the

structure detract from paragraph is not paragraph is clear and
the message of the easy to follow easy to follow
writer - Paragraph
transition need

Course Code : __________________________

Course Title : __________________________
Course Leader : __________________________

Lecturer : __________________________

Title of Assignment : __________________________

Submission Date : __________________________

Students Affirmation :
I, ____________________________________________________ acknowledge the submission of this

assignment. I will be responsible if this assignment is found plagiarized and will bear the consequences.

Students Signature: Lecturers Signature:

__________________________ ______________________

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