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OFFICIAL =| aU ee THe | z= ww ere Srurr ‘Si OFFICIAL, Coney hs gene a es Cerca SS Sa ae Oe Poiana aor Wes ise Sreet sane ISBN: 1-56686-441-0 ea Printing Cade: The rightmost ob gtnam co one e S a Pe ca we Siete Uh Ce ae eee a en ae “oF this book have used their best fforis in preparing this book. and he en ae ‘esearch, and testing ofthe theories and procedures to determine their Pere a ena Na Peas ne Ra ed haat Cua un ee} “PUBLISHER SPEOICALY res Semmes POEM nMnon tern urate tuk Ponce es coc Secu LATS Nea Le a aes Se ae oo cine ead Lee cane Ces eee! Preece cl es PPP a7 soins) ae 24 Dee LCs NIV AN AKI) Poca tmne an Phe aC vg = GILCHRIST Baye A PUBLISHE] q Re ee eo (i PADUKONE Oils Daas SACI DYHNO):y etc 7 ACQUISITIONS EDITOR pi Past eA PUNE Lie Exo cen ag asap ONS RONSON IO cian ee Re iets BISESI = e 4 ee a oN OMNES a2 3 POs aly bases Crp att pay ad a Tem Orca eee Pi aauea manent @ the human race. After'spending years playing the Street Fighter II ih Vir ighter series; besa looking for something new. Newer fighting games arrived Sear Risser of Weapon Lord and Mortal Kombat, nothing sparked his pace SecA ORO CUE eccon ao Tye Cee Mere Uncool acta aaa = pale Beret gtd Uc attle Gaiden, tate onsraind eA 2 eee Na ny ee ae he a Borris fate Re oer ptt Aico nes Site , oe Cun ever played, PUBL Conter tiara) oe Preeti Sey CUES) RO eve wet rey es cane and King L.20 a5 well. Now playing Ganryu and Renny bs ~ ena) Sena unS Bera A timasiag és Se siccnre ra ervon ts Racer, Nocont Bre Se CeO Pea ens er Beemer cs z ect Prorat oag enaecs SNC com Ra Care Bul ea eee Wy as ie SPECIAL. THANKS ie CURROn Cua La) Pr aon er cee Pe Re Recs ie a keene 7 CRS ee oe . cee om ane eo ORC soa Dan and Ben would also like to thank BradyGames Publishing and Gene ism nee ORR Ce CE mie s 3 Mace Sn oe MA Sn CeO Gas ed strategy around. Pere C RI ROR ao aca S ecu Lon Mom Doyle, Alan and Vicci Mueller (for the space and for putting up with Dan POR OCR on coe Cera aan all the people I've played against: Daryl and Duane Beadles, Delano Williams, James Parker, Steve, Chris, Brandon, Ped, Alex, and Jessi H, also, BradyGames See eee eC cuncian een tens Pe Core MT Rr CR Rnd that helped make this book a reality. Cem neces Mom and Dad Mueller (for the work-space, grits, and help), Jessi "The Feesh” Harrison (for the ice cream and for putting up with my lack of presence) , Ben Cree ne Ca or Coen non rc In Rahdau (for enduring my absence at band practice), BradyGames Dee eC Se Re re nicid RO eked CCR os pe ees Pe eed Ro ree ners) CONTENTS ieee EAS CO) Me 8 0 3 Catan “em «Usinc Tuts Book. - - - - - ----------- re] see ED Olt to) 12 hme seemememneneel me smeennaeeneeel enamel senemuemnemmmeaael mm! eel ~-YOSHIMITSU cca ommnue Sus-BossEes - siete 0 Sea es et rel a ee oad Le or A ee Stee} cnnemeneaelie OS iat Mt Ng le i cola 88 4 cemmmnmmmmamamelte <0) 0 ch poco} | e704 0 127 semmemnenel BOSCO) 6a eer 135 “2 Fiat Boss I -HIEIHACHI = - - - - ------------ 143 es ME Ot a) -CONTINUING IN GALAGA - - - - - - - - -I51 -PLAYING AS DEVIL BGA Ub 2, Oa aa Si a -GALAGA STAGES: —. => = oe Pitt om KING OF THE IRON Fist! For those who have been waiting for the ultimate Tekken strategy book, your wait is finally over. In this book, you'll find everything you need to know to reo U Oe oP Cee ERIE NAc Oe Coa select few who have the desire to join these ranks, your training begins and CAO eC EoSeOUe Pe ear ce ORO a cc CER RUe oud ene ask eo power! Read and you may become ... “The King of the Iron Fist.” SB odd CHARACTERS MAIN FIGHTERS Kazuya Mishima eB aiecieg Marshall Law ITEM IE Ty ag rand Yoshimitsu piers ck@nr ur ‘The main characters are always selectable in either mode. There are 8 selectable characters to choose from, and each of them has a different ending, You'll probably find one or two charac- ters who you like to play more than others, Onoe you've mastered your favorite characters moves, try a new fighter—or look for the sub-boss most like your character. Sus-Bosses. Fog Pare ae reese Meg — Pea eas POTTS 4 SU recone ey Crm Ty SOR cee ym cer Coren eeccae neva Ont OO eb am ute Mecca BOC eeu SUS caus Sm On as a sub-boss is to go into the COSMET coats Easy difficulty setting. Then, select 1-round bouts. Once SOT PI CROn com uriae eon) Teen Re nema bo Som FINAL Boss BSG rtairy Heihachi is the final obstacle in the game. To play ass. - ECHTeO CTEM ICaT ocean CRTs Os) | a once. You can do this with any reece aCe me Te SU re Rea mond PSH Te ROR ORT IOR TO) tC menu and select the Easy difficulty set- ting. Then, select 1-round bouts. Once you finish the PUR TULSA Loe cuss Clie CoT SECRET CHARACTER y Check out the Secrets section of this book to SOO cc esa USING ae ee This section explains the meanings of all the abbreviations and symbols used throughout this book. The general fighting tactics that are common to multiple characters are also discussed. TT ee eR COU Rae Ce eom rece DT aOR LCmCtns to the left, simply mirror left and right commands, Bers & SYMBOLS ir Pen os ad gaa) cd ms os . < P ~~ NE El anne mt Li Cig a » Tap the Direction key in that. direction. - Cd : MR a P —— Se) Bec Cee id eos eee Ley CM Uns wn button Coys ’ PaO Cy DCR ot cf See ee em en ory made i a Bye PC gece CO CR ORM Tat og aie Td fighter. “3 Perey pin Se ed ‘ _ederived from a Special Move. 1s Ss m : 7 ae. But. rt Rclc cy Pe te GB cles Cac Ce Ce eR CeCe ee ee ee er aR a Td Fe eee mC meg Grab. These maneuvers must be per- formed after the player (you) executes the Remo Ma Rte lg PCR e at i eeu Be P Soe eee a Cg Dee ee me rei nod SRR emg De ag apt Q a i Aa ed pe Ce aca) Dive LE id Cay 9) Slide Kick RK é (While Running) pee ee (hag ing ae PU eat) a Dee ee ee a Cel Dah hl lll a cL i feed Zo 2 ay ee ea) Fa agrarian eager Pe BC rl sal Cec & (Can Be Followed With Either Kick) . ee Rd LK + RK $s ees | | sy ed ee a | ec’ >) LP + RP ed | Pee cy Dd A Rising Attack is performed while the De eee ol le RU Re CoC Mee Crm ital Poh Oe aR a ee ROR eg CELL) Pome eet Reem Bea eg De ee a to Low 7 Pm CMU RUC EB Pe Co ae gC uy Po eR rg CR CMU Kae Sir i Peo c cm cele Ue eg ace Mom Cie cg iota! ing down, you'll be Macleod Ae Rg \ De tid LS Sie ie GAME OPTIONS | Test MopeE In Test Mode, you can customize your game to your liking, change your controller settings, save or Oe game, toggle the game difficulty and time settings, and also view saved records and times. @OPTION MepE = DIFFICULTY od There are 5 difficulty settings to choose from: Easy, MediumyHard, Very __ Hard, ind Ultra Hard. The default setting is Medium, Tekken beginne should stick with Easy or Medium, Pros 20 go with the more diff enc ae Loc cem Qe einey = ‘You can choose how many rounds you must win to be victorious. | can be set from 1 to 5 rounds. When set at 1, matches are over ver quickly. To play against a friend, set it on 4 or 5 to be fair. ee: ROUND TIME 2 You can choose the time limit for ea¢h bout: 20 seconds, 30 seconds, | \ Reco RN Cco OSI OtMEUT En cc R tn en OPA i onds, you won't have much time to do anything. Unlimited time makes sui r SOUR Cocoa A lemeua ig running Porgy acuta i SPEAKER OUT RO Cee aac nOs Con onan RD Ea Cee EUG Subpart B.G.M. SELECT Here, you can select the original Tekken Arcade music, the newly arranged music for PlayStation, or no music at all. 2P GAME WINS * Pay Pee a Uo O RRO OR Ce cera y, or Numbers. If you select Fruit, strange shapes will appear ti eC Uos Oro e rm nr Ce tom rm - * ee CHANGE BUTE RS Konmoks Og oo comer ers acters if youJose in Arc Mode and a = RECORDS OPTIONS TIME RECORD View the fastest win times, the players’ initials, and the characters they played. 2PaGaQME WINS eae acca scree) cle pte) ae) Arcade Vs. Play Mode. ron see RS te 33 View the most selected characters and the percentage they have Iroc me Coton ed | Memory CARD > f CARD SAVE Here, you can save your game settings, records, and all the spe- Or Re ee ec OER cr - Carp LoaD If you didn’t turn on your system with the mémory card inserted, insert the card and select this option to load thecard’s data. cazuya is the oldest son of Heihachi lishima. Powerful punches and Sl a LM eR Coa RL Sm ad MN a azuya’s juggle techniques can eliminate most any opponent inside a few sec- Se Ne a cca Cera Se eae ee is special arts—and Dou + : ad ; aera ea A A ae Clean me Pt Bana VITAL STATS ore 26 preter pera Sierras ro see EN SNe i His Faruen’s Harerut Looks oes ecto a eras eee Aster ag beret Mi ected CRU SPECIAL MOvEs Lerr RIGHT ComBo RISING SUN i) NOVA Sy Ge MISHIISTA= FORWARD F.ip Kick SPINNING BACKHAND 4 C4 + ry C4 Lo Kazuya’s 10-String@pnbo i.for keeping an opponent blocking. When you randomly cut off the end of the 10-String, your opponent PT Sa a blocking. This leaves you with another opportunity to throw them. ADVANCED FIGHTING "TECHNIQUES “The most useful move in Kaznya®sarsenal is his Double Uppercut. This move is excellent because when it connects, it pops your opponent into the air and gives you the chance to inflict major damage with a huge jugele combo. When playing against someone that always attacks; Re ere UM bce ces oun eke counter. Poe: Pte RCs eae CCN cS LCS fede ing, which will give you a chanet to throw them. Always look for chances ¢6 catch your oppo- nent with a quick Hip Throw or Double High Sweep. +, me Pits PoaCie opponent PO arene cece kk: ymecU ctw Le rots aki Wee AOE ICS ais ee Pre CT Cocee Co von have time to back away. a y ‘With Kazuya, yoi} can almost always keep your opponent at bay with the Tecra g you stay out of thieir range of affack.and quickly execute the Rising Uppercut Seb coe ‘them advance, you'll pop them up into'the air—unless they're extremelyquick with a block and set them up for a giant Jug ‘a - Ps Unpredictability describes the | eden any given moment, Paul can unleash a deadly barrage of De een seem to come out of thin air, Paul’s eT es Hammer Punch, aon) . Ae, ee a ert pee ee } one character to possess. A hot- Yee ene ed be aa defeating lesser-trained / Oa Sa aa rm Cre EOD DTT Rea ad a a cr VITAL STATS And SPECIAL MOvEs UNE Saws Seley mr Ove 0) iiite io a NAOH Bue me JaB-ROUNDHOUSE a a a eer) < >) >) LK, RK, RK” eee so * ie eee ‘ Ea edd Petey A A A Dae as MRO NIP OLIN (Write CLosE) SHOULDER Pop Can eres By, a ; —~ cane | OVER THE SHOULDER 1o-Hit ComBo Ca i ee ee ene Re ee MO ROY aa Lie Mec oe aL ied Ce BO a I Ll ADVANCED FIGHTING STRATEGIES ‘The most useful move in Paul’s arsenal is his Hammer Punch. It has excellent range and great potential for combos. When used correctly, it can smash oncoming opponents and make thes Mec CR e so my creer ce mt ee cn et cee ee Sok ha CR iCa ean cen ese Drop r ee Ce aor Coca ete a a Another good move is Paul’s Front’Scissors Kick. When used Rae» ru eed opponent to constantly second guess which way they should block. After a Front Scissors Kis you can attempt a throw or‘ttack low, Bithier way, your opponent canit always be'Tight, and you will eventually strike where they’re not blocking. Paul's re Kicks are helpful whien you find Lie ae away from your oppofient. Not they. bring you closer to your enemy, they-can algo set'up a massive damage juggle combo. If only the second hit connects, your opponent will be popped into the airand be ready to receive a Siiashing Hammer Punch/Power Punch follow-up. Don't add on the third Kick if |.-second one connetts. If your opponentblocks both of the first hits, yothcan simply add on th third and place it high, mediumyorJow to confuse them further. arn na a an ete nn th sg his own martial arts school. On eee ere ee ee ee EO eae ae Seeger eee nn LRN Or Cd RO ema eee ne eg ae Sar RNR a | SPECIAL MOvEs Lerr RicuT ComBo = " recy - = ett LUNGING SIDE Kick 1"! one SEE ST Se aaeee _ : SHAOLIN SPIN Kick CATAPULT Kick US jabs LA MARSHALL) Ny THROWS AND GRABS Counter, RK, LP, RK RP 10-Hit ComBo Ca a aa ae Law’s 10-Hit Combis a good way-to-get close to to, your opponent without run- Lee ea ee Ro RL aed Oe Aa {attack you. Then, you can sneak in with a surprise throw. Law’s most useful move is his Triple Head Kick. If the first hit is unblocked and in close, the remaining two hits will connect for generous damage. The Triple Head Kick is great for coun- tering an opponent's missed kicks and is a “must-learn” counter for any serious Law Cone Law’ ability to quickly vary a Standing Jab and a Shaolin Spin Kick make it easy to catch an opponent while they are trying to attack. Affer a jab, your opponent will usually try to counter SECC aaa aie er RR Onin ce Stent emirate ~ their attack and pop them into the air—eaving them susceptible to a crushifig Ceara mete Pe Ce Loe eS SRO a Ce aeRO Corey pee yea Deo aOR OE ‘The Catapult will knock them into the air, and See ye ry rue ii emu emetic o Toe cd STOR aa) eRe ea ea ras an Te Ree alasy . yj ea ogee a See ener Se SA Te ata eee Om aL Bere menn a » en ts VITAL STATS = cy Brey tons . reread A oneres eter Esters BoM eas Cot aaa A Sani} , ci y SPELL a 10rd Kopro TECHNIQUES AND AIkIDO GE EZ Zp by Be ea ee Po eoeeer ere PAN Nee State Do REI cit Gai Lee eC mh Se tee) Se eC 10-Hir Comso “LP, RP, LP, RP, P, LK, P, LK, RP, LP, RP, RC The first 4 bits io 10-String are extremely useful for knocking down an Oe Re a oe Ree remaining 3 are unblockable. Most of the other 10-Strings start off similarly, but Nina’s is one of the few that starts off so quickly. > Nina's arm breaks are her greatest asset. Usually, you need to trick your opponent in order to Pr eis COROT Smo ee ICRC eee SOR Ld Ene ucs Meese eres roa nae es CUR ug ong SPY Seu ~ Break because it inflicts the most damage. Don't, however, rely on your arm breaks too much BMS ae crc Us ACR Oh Coe cue ni monet eeu kon ag To knock down a close opponent, quickly tap and press LK. This allows you to-perform S NT OR OTe Sree Rn ak omy cree ete re Genco REE Ceres ro one iia mtd 5 eee a moa down your opponent is to throw. in a few random low attacks, as Ree ea co my ane ce esi AS a og smashed with a powerful hit that will send-them recling. Then, you can choose to roll them Secon ii Kick, ground hit, or both! i. eee a AN BY NY S . eam arg Ed ‘sion’ military. This high- St Ma Te ee ORT ar eae eee STA a2 Tae wigwes are used skillfully. Jack isn’t esmally played by the better Tekken play- a SS aL sw excellent character. Practice with Jack Se eee ee ae VITAL STATS ra errs Seer er Se a Crea ee : cote Scrap Metal Factory Worker Seen Tat See tad CROUCHING TRIPLE UPPERCUTS Cross Cur Saw PANCAKE PRESS WIND Up PUNCH 10-Hir Comso a ’s 10-Hit Combos perfect for keeping opponents on the defensive. If your opponent does not locate the one chance to break the combo, they'll be forced-to block for the duration of the 10 bits. ADVANCED FIGHTING STRATEGIES ‘The extended range and speed of the Overhead Smash provides Jack with a way to strike his Porno RC eC Oe CeCe Oe On Cone eller) oppo Drea oat Cor Ree Onc ae Since Jack’s Windmill Punch is a powerful series ite Pree eo ate yu a Cy fa floor, it can leave them open for a crushing Body Press. By throwing in some random COC eee eae Rom Ce ume nae One ea tit be SUT Te mnt Crs Because the Uppercut Combo is unblockable after the first hit connects, and lea Beenie peer iy pan REND TIN ae ae ene ar genet og PRU Sen UNS Ceo Oey ccm ny cer ena attog ci Roma Cae eee ee Reece te a : _ Oe ara a daa ree Date Sua L aca fae orphans. But, inside the fighting ring, King is a mysterious masked sorestler, Probably ie Sa ae em ee a well-played King can defeat anyone. c King has a slew of pounding throws as ~ well as multiple stuns. In addition, some Da Sa ea amr Dara VITAL STATS ro ES -, ZY HEIGHT: Referer) WEIGHT: Este} Zz, beater aa A ‘ ON aera rrr Buh nos th RO Ntaee) pone panacea Chae cel teed Portas Lad See isaac CRNA En =) >> >> LK + RK EPS tht) CROUCHING UPPERCUT JAB/UPPERCUT/FOREARM Ut tenes FAN iD) RAR, Rs .CroseE) Ned Ore, Bag Toe ORG 7 fa 1 aa SPINNING THROW ComBos >> >) RP, Walk In, LP =) =} RP >) >) P, RP S i EZ lle 10-Hit ComBo fa aa a eas Oe King has one of the'most impressive-looking 10-Hit Combos in the game. Its also hard to defend against, hard to counter, and downright deadly. The first,4 bits are often used to simply push an opponent back. Throws are King’s most powerful asset. With certain throws inflicting 40%-52% damage, Cra New cos Re en ree ee Oe OM RUMI ee Cote choice of throw. If you can pull it off, use the Tombstone Pile Driver because it's by far the Clete aaa # r See Stone ORCC ene ort. tee ee enor ee cca aco ‘ Soe Re eny een ak ucu cree mC Re cd Sees na S Sn reteneta reece ia ee eek ct as cs ce yt Oz OTE SR aR ee nee UR a nO RCN con Pec Rritae sme eetCiee nner ke Rene tes os Chr i r < ST a ea y Sale Lae AS Bea Sa a Se Lae or cage attacks, Yoshimitsu can SR cream eR Ser Oke i eae yee / 4 Oe aa Oc [> & y\ ine: a YOSHIMITs VITAL STATS or Dra tern Dyce Stet rice Serr ha ° Favorite THING: Meeker ti rod RZ ed oat’ 4 CoN pe eae L ENN eel cot 4 lise ar eee) ~ _ SPECIAL MOvEs Hil (AS LVINTASOA, JaB/ROUNDHOUSE SworpD POKE 7 el = . THROWS AND GRABS - bse as CLOSE) hen” ComMBOs | | <4) (\STAAUIESOA,.. ; . re as ie r aN 10-Hit ComBo The final part of Yoshimitsu’s 10-Hit Combo combines one of the most damaging moves in the game. The Sword Poke finish is daaging and exciting to watch as well. You can also use the first 4 hits to protect yourself from quickly advancing aaa ADVANCED FIGHTING "TECHNIQUES RON CU Ne Ota Mar Seo SAH Boe ura een Pein ett er etch ncn eee Gites ried unleash huge air juggle combos, which will usually leave your opponent lifeless. One of the most useful is the simple yet elegant 4-hit 47 RP9EP =¥=) RK LP chain-attack. c Yoshimitsu’s second strength is that he has tWo unblockable attacks. The Death Slash can be used at almost anytime to take off/a quick portion of health from any opponentsthe Sword Poke takes longer to charge but¢an often kill an opponent with one hit. A good way to utilize this strength is to knock your opponent down, and then begin the motion for the Sword Poke. ROTH Arey werner cu errant) Biren cms cod i Yoshimit&s of the most deceiving movegin the game. The Zig Zag can ice even the computer. When you are at adistance from your opponent, quickly press LK; The first kick wilkmiss your opponent, leading them into a false sense-of safety. Then, out of Pe id ae emer eeu rca q Michelle Chang seeks revenge against Heihachi for the death of her father at the hands of Heibachi’s men. Michelle is another good character for the beginning player. Although the bulk of her moves Cea ce am a) pull off. This allows a new player to work on fighting strategy while chipping away at your opponent's health. abeiviiey wy! VITAL STATS Ro pe tcecaed Ri ftclcacs Bioop Type: Favorite THING: Pact force ort Car att cy pron eae ry pieces) a ON ee ted * SPECIAL MOVES iy Si Sate b Bele eo Stow Power PuNcH ComBo Rise, RP, LP, LPYY RK 1o-Hit ComBo Michelle has one of the easiest40-Striugs in the game and is therefore a great.- stepping stone to mastering the 10-Strings for the more difficult characters.» Although it’s simple, it's also one of the easiest to.break out of—so use it wisely. ADVANCED FIGHTING STRATEGIES Decree cde eR Oa OTe ee aCe Enc attacker, Simply wait in a crouching position, and when the attacker gets near, execute the Skyscraper Kick to send them flying. It can also smack Eo CMO CR ome cra Sn mae 5 . The Heavy Uppercut is by far Michelle's mé8t powerful move. Not only does it do 40% dam age, it also has the potential for aniazing combos. Perform this move as soon aSianvoppones: hits the ground after a knock down, and the odds are good that they will i: Stun your opponent withthe Twin Arrow and you are set to add oma thifow. You canalso_us: this jen ae @ crouching opponent off their feet. Then, and deliver-a Foot Stomp aos To 4 : = ae ( x Sy eae ee oe tert Brom eo Ora ea easy to learn as are most of his special Be ee enon yee aE _aw and Paul. This combination . SN Om Matai ether e =<. eaves much to be desired. Lee’s “iggest strength is his Infinity te rea ole io escape once it starts. Lee s the sub-boss of Kazuya. ah Td SPECIAL MOvEs Lerr RiGHT ComBo LUNGING SIDE Kick DrRaGON Low Kick Te mer STs a ES mel eee Pee CHARGE POWER PUNCH THROWS AND GRABS| (Waite CLosE)—— aang) ncaees nee a PA a a — | a we 10-Hit Comso "Lee's 10-String is @ Good way to get close o your opponent without running. By performing the first 3-6 bits, they'll have to think twice before attempting to Cee LE ede rae ee ~ ADVANCED FIGHTING Fi STRATEGIES Lec’s greatest asset is his Infinity Kick. It’s nearly impossible for your opponent to stop you CC UC ES eRe Re ek OR Co Ren Ce eae mt Lee’s ability to vary a Standing Jab and a Shaolin Spin Kick make it easy to catch an opponcs: while they’re trying to attack. After a jab, your opponent will usually try to counter with an ce ee eR ER One Cem Cenn te eimai tse ke es attack and pop them into the air—leaving them susceptible to a crushing counter-combo. Another great surprise move of Lee’s is his Catapult Kick. As you crouch, your Opponent wil Pec eee eee a Coa Mates Senn ont e eet Rte ec its Coad i eae erm ETE - eM ea keen CRO r Ne Rrra RO ROR Se cee Ca at meu ne Rca eens res Juggle Combo. If only the second hit connects, your opponent will be popped into the air a= be ready to receive a smashing Rave War Combo follow-up. Don’t add on the third kick if second one connetts. If your opponent blocks both of the first hits, you can simply add om En eae iain ene eny tres Patt Aad Grizzty CLaw ee Wierd 2 ad Be FEEL 4 > ir»8 § | WINDMILL PUNCH By Be et P, RP, LP, RP or RP, LP, RP, LP EES ) LP, RP, LP, RP or >) RP, LP,RP,LP 8% 8% 8% 8% UPpPERCUT COMBO BE 10-Hit ComBo Ba A ea ae a eee Kuma’s 10-String is perfect for keeping opponents on the defensive. If your oppo- | nent doesn’t find the one chance to break the 10-String they'll have to block for the duration of the 10 hits. oe eee eee nC hres Core Ecce cg striking his rival from an extended distance. In many cases, you can use this move to bash a Pl muy vealed usa am ae Reco Orcas up. Because Kuma’s Windmill Punch sends a powerful series of blows that can knock his oppdncs to the floor, it can also leave them open for crushing Body Press. By throwing in some ran- dom crouching attacks, Kuma can often trick an opponent into taking the WindmilPPinch ix rs Because the Uppercut Combo is unblockable after the first hit connects, and ea Tepes os One week yuo TBE Cec Ohe rie RoReeniied SOO Ue Oem Colmes eres) Sg Bruce EQ Teme (atom ea CRo oom Rees Caria ae i y WANG ST ALN ele eee [Toa of the easiest bosses to use. Although the bulk of SOUT an eee a easy to pull off. This allows a new player o work on fighting strategy while chip- sing away at his opponent's health. He 7a) 90) ea aS RS slonde Bomb and Paul's Power Punch. Wang is the sub-boss of Law. ih ' munity Ce pp ee ee fe ona a Da eo > rd Pie Ute Cr TN ae Ae 118 MO he) cna cs | 10-Hit ComBo RP, LP, LP, P, RP, LK, LK, LK, P, RK, RK, LP Wang has the same 10-Hit Combo-as-Michelle and is therefore a great stepping stone to mastering the 10-Strings for the more difficult characters. Although it's simple, it’s also one of the easiest to break out of —so use it wisely. The Skyscraper Kick can be used in a variety of ways. First, it can surprise an advancing attacker. Simply wait in a crouching position, and when the attacker gets near, execute the Skyscraper Kick to send them flying, You can also use it to smack a downed opponent as they ET an acre = a ‘The Heavy Power Punch is by far Wang’s nfost powerful move. Not only does it do 40% damage, it also has the potential for amazing combo finishes. Perform this moveas'soon as you knock your opponent into.the air, and they are sure to feel the wrath offa devastating ee | jammie, Ps oes era mcd cre >) LP + RP =) >) RP NN The first 4 hits of Anna’s 10-String are extremely useful for taking off health eNO cae ec eee Le 3 are unblockable. Most of the other characters’ 10-Strings start off similarly, but Anna’s is one of the few that starts off so quickly. ADVANCED FIGHTING STRATEGIES Anna’s Arm Breaks are her greatest asset. Usually, you must trick your opponent in order to grab them. This accomplished by quickly stepping back while your opponent is close to you, and then performing the Back Slap. Once you connect with the Backhand Slap, go for the Double Arm Break because it inflicts the most dam age. Don't, however, rely on your Arm Breaks too much or your opponent will wise up to your plans and b= to crouch and counter. To knock down a close opponent, quickly tap up and press LK. This allows you to perform her Forward Flip Kick for extra damage to the downed opponent. This can be used to stop a charging opponent'almost every ra AAn excellent way to knock down your opponent is to throw in a few random low attacks and then Suprise th with the Blonde BombeIf your opponent is stil blocking low, they'll get smashed with a powerful hit that wil send themuféeling, Then, you can choose to roll them with a Forward Flip Kick, ground hit—or both eC eng och Ae Cn en et Cone ee eer aes you connect with the first hit, the remaining 2 will strike and knock over your opponent. Then, just add a eee ita cs if earn m ‘Another great surprige move is Anna’s Catapiilt Kick. As you crouch, your opponent will usually attempt move in. The Catapult Kick wil kodeham into the air and you will have the chance to inflict major dam Fa Loe eA Tr oa some of the most damage- ee Peete ey PAs | Pod d, P. Jack can be dan- TE aa Ty Raa aT Te . ee | r & oa SPECIAL MOvVEs — Sree ait DS Nig - , : — i da Sade CROUCHING TRIPLE UPPERCUTS ed iva Crosscut Saw =) => LP + RP . pepsi oe - . a Be Bee NN EC) a 10-Hit ComsBo P. Jack's 10-String isiperfect for keeping opponents on the defensive. If your oppo- Fe LR Ree RO ee rT aa ee oe , the duration of the 10 hits. ADVANCED FIGHTING STRATEGIES The most useful move in P. Jack’s arsenal is his Power Hammer, It has excellent range and Pee a Ogee eae Reonice ha ee MEST Me eon tite ys Se ted Te coo eMC Cee R TEC R CNR eae AZUL TaN atTe Lol fa SOM CUC COON MUC CaM Me oR UEC ece Sm Ren mace (od LT eed eee ere SLC Te ‘The extended range and speed of the Overhead Smash provides P. Jack with a way to strike li PB OuE Coco moc Onn ae COR OCU UO a Once BC key sed Trea eam ee Ree tteok orca eee SMT PARE MC eccRO aCe mel a ie oye the floor, iécan also leave them open for a crushing Body Press. By throwing in some.xandom Cenc e oe Leen om ee ume ae Omen a MITC Tare es eye: Because the Uppercut Combo is unblockable after the first hit connects, and delivers five blows, itis great for punishing a high-blocking opponent. In addition, it’s extremely hard to CORSO EPO ce Come aterm Coca Myce e a Ceme (Et tas SUIS Coe Teel ot mU CCR TonE Wet OUR ea aa DER eae nT Oe ara) muble defeating almost any- a Lr a Teer multiple stuns. In addition, has a Piledriver that licts 65% dam- ag Rand ey a TTS is ad aA Pe ed Reo ae Le LT SOM Cd ARMOR Nea * SPECIAL MOvEs Lerr RiGHT Comso GROUCHING UPPERCUT al >) RP as seem a |) RES . Heap First LUNGE ezeuchicn Wa ea JUMPING KNEE Drop ARMOR, KING! ComMBOS >) RP, Walk In, LP >) >) RP >) >), P, RP 10-Hit ComsBo BBL Ce Ld as on one-of the most impressive-looking 10-Strings in the game. It's hard to defend against, hard to counter, and downright deadly. The first , 4 hits are often used to simply push an opponent back. < ADVANCED. FIGHTING VaR a STRATEGIES BU ee Cree ura oor Ecce Rec re TRUMAN PA RCT KOC el Can Re eonl eee cere On UENCE ne RUB Ong Creo mtn Ae aM t tee alee eae CM My rire al eee Teon TO CM CR CoC sia Armor King’s Forearem Bash can stun your opponent, leaving them open for a free hit. Follow ORE eS eee U eee Biauro mead PCr Since most of Armor King’s attacks hit high, it’s good to know that the Stagger Kick is alow Pee at eee won accor mo us ee eat e Cee Ua eRe ct eee ENT a OO Ae Une ROR Cee En esc om CELL Du Cats bor) you can almost always keep your opponent at bay with the Crouching eet SR Coe Cee ee eur Re emo ce at Ome a a yuccaris ee yet cok tees mea ie ser ston This sets them up for a giant ju en they land, you can hit them with a quick Frankensteiner. Ue aad e sub-boss in the BS aE fa Tarik rene of Jack's CCA} WC rains eae Oa ee oJ oo . Je a ” ne x ELT Of isu. SPECIAL MOVES Open PALM ComBo ~ Unfortunately, Ganryu has no 10-Hit Combo. ee ACU A ent ered eure mace e eeu ue tata the floor, it can also leave them open for a crushing Sumo Squash. By throwing in some ran- dom crouching attacks, Ganryu can often trick an opponent into taking a Windmill Punch in the eye. «The extended range and speed of the Overhead Smash provides Ganryu with a way to strike his ‘opponent from a distance. In many cases, you can use this move to bash a fallen opponent eo om ENE Ree Oke a oe as - Because the ne Combo is tinblockable after the first hit ened and it delivers five Danae ccte a PU eee eee MEUM e RNa en m ORC counter with basic = CaCO Cm RS uee Bom aloe y ier raping , eg Hi > Ganzyu’ Double Step-In Palm is an excellent Jugple-Combo. I also-good for hitting a fallen HO ae EO . f Pre ed er to stick with Yoshimitsu if Mee Pe ah her shimitsu’s special tech- by eR NSO Lee once > De eae ~ Woe ‘tes Peer = Tis Soe aL Michelle aa a — ey ‘KUNIMLTESU SARL ‘KUNIMLISU Pee oo ee eee se the first 4 hits to protect yourself, i en Ceo iste in ‘TECHNIQUES Like Yoshimitsu, Kunimitsu has one of the most deceiving moves in the game. The Zig Zag eon Se Cukor n eon oA eb CCE cue OUB Clie y mana Lee press LK, RK, The first kick comes out and misses your opponent, leading them to believe they're safe. Then, out of nowhere, the second hit stashés.them to the ground. a Taniec en A nm eee Score eam tag ice ia Dr ea Bent and block. A crouching knocked high into the air, allowing ie Pct ae air juggle-combos, which usually leave your opponent lifeless. One of the most isthe simple yet elegant fourchit chain attack: ¥ RP SVLP ™) =) RK JSLK + RK- » To ere ame special arts inflict massive Pee as cy can kill you in less than 5 seconds, He combines all of een i ae LS Naga a Sa A ee me Tel Dr oe DC mC as Carer UFC ee epee Ln Coes aT ei SPECIAL MOVES Lerr RIGHT COMBO ACH reed Or SPINNING DEMON Tt te aS =) UL YWRP, Walk In, LP >) Uy Ox Lc z cans ie — os =e ape = Se “et Xa PA de Le ag > Tan _ — ADVANCED FIGHTING ‘TECHNIQUES SUoncaccis as POS eng ek Ts aes pea a it. This ras ry ore eae ve! ig ta ito i = Feel a emeeen pee a ten ea a os Prete gente mre es nt ccna tect cal = a} Ci Se@ goes cle eiky Ta ue e ‘7 epgeagne wo: bay king See ete Died ‘With Heihachi, Are oray amu tong m Hebert, cheies On spine bhp oee 2 " aa . tao ama Sed ca a Z — ir, JEXTRA HEIHACHI ‘Moves _§ + SHADOW STEP P HAMMER PUNCH/ POWER PUNCH ee eer ae = _ HAMMER PUNCH P | Heavy Power PuNcH CONTINUING IN GALAGA IF you want to spend afittle time playing some Galaga, there’ a simple way to continue playing before the CD loads Tekken: As long as you score a “Perfect” on cach stage of Galaga, you progress to more stages—up to 8. However, if you dont score a “Perfect,” you can restart the failed stage by pressing the Select button while viewing your hit percentage immediately after the stage ends. GETTING DOWSaa SH in GALAGA The Double Ships can be achieved in two ways: First, you must score a “Perfect” o Stage 1 in under 18.5 seconds. This is very difficult, but really needs to be mas- tered if you want a shot at defeating all 8 stages perfectly. Second, you can use a code to get the Double Ships from the very start. As the CD is loading—while the SCE and PlayStation logos arc on-screen—press and hold all of the following on the second player’s controller: UR, 1, X, A. You can release these buttons once Galaga has started and you see the Double Ships. PRAYING AS DEVIL KAZUYA ‘The mysterious 18th character in the game is Devil Kazuya. Nobody knows where he came from. Nobody knows his pre rere ple code. The only way to access this evil character is by defeating Galaga with perfect scores on all 8 stages. There are alo a couple extra rules you have to play by: (B: In orderto play 48 Dell Kaya, ifs poing to takeimore than a sim “ 3 60 a aaa { First, You may not use the “code” method for obtaining the a PM erthch anaieirone eh eres eye eens Second, you are limited to only one—you heard right—one (enriins Once you pull off this spectacular feat, you'll need to know exactly how to choose Devil Kazuya. If you've fulfilled the requirements in Galaga, simply start the Arcade mode, highlight Kazaya, and select him by pressing the Start button. He cantt be chosenjin 2 Player VS mode, Only one human player can choose him at a time, so you and a friend can't play Devil Kazuya versus Devil Kazuya. GALAGA STAGES The following illustrations show the flight patterns for the enemy ships for each stage of Galaga. With these, and alittle practice, you should be playing as Devil Kazuya in no time. 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