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How to Equip Students & Teachers with Information

Literacy Skills?

Prof. Dr. Buket Akkoyunlu
What is the 21st Century Skills?
What is the 21st Century Skills?

Life today is exponentially more complicated and

complex than it was 50 years ago.

This is true for civic life as much as it is for work

What is the 21st Century Skills?
What is the 21st Century Skills?
What is the 21st Century Skills?

There has been a rapid increase in jobs involving

nonroutine, analytic, and interactive communication
Who is the 21st Century Learner?

How are students changing?

Who is the 21st Century Learner?

21st century learners

Who is the 21st Century Learner?

Our kids have already tested the apple candy

Who is the 21st Century Learner?

the classroom
Who is the 21st Century Learner?

always on
Who is the 21st Century Learner?

interaction is expected
Who is the 21st Century Learner?


Who is the 21st Century Learner?

higly customized experiences

Who is the 21st Century Learner?

increasingly digital
Who is the 21st Century Learner?

The 21st century learner is constantly interacting with

media - and learns more effectively through trial and
Who is the 21st Century Learner?

Who is the 21st Century Learner?

Who is the 21st Century Learner?


Who is the 21st Century Learner?

classroom experience
Portrait of a 21st Century Learner

effective learners
effective learners are
effective learners are

effective learners are
effective learners are

natural navigators
effective learners are
effective learners are

critical thinkers and evaluators

effective learners are

communicators & creators

effective learners are
communicators & creators are
able to create something new
effective learners are
communicators & creators are
able to communicate across
culture, time & distance
effective learners are
global communicators
effective learners are
global communicators are
able to collaborate to reach
common goals
effective learners are
global communicators are

able to lead or follow

effective learners are
global communicators have

no boundries
effective learners are
Children starting elementary school today will
graduate nearly in 2032
What will the world look like nearly in 2032?
How do we educate and prepare children for a
world we dont know anything about?

Mobile, anytime-anywhere
Physical & virtual
New literacies and new skills
New Literacies and New Skills

Literacy skills help students gain

knowledge through reading as
well as using media and

These skills also help students

create knowledge through
writing as well as developing
media and technology.
New Literacies and New Skills
New Literacies and New Skills
New Literacies and New Skills
New Literacies and New Skills
We need information literacy skills
ad information literate students for
21st century.
Information Literacy

Students need to be able to work effectively with

information, using it at all levels of Bloom's
Taxonomy (remembering, understanding,
applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating).

Information literacy involves traditional skills

such as reading, researching, and writing; but
new ways to read and write have also introduced
new skills:
Information Literacy

Consuming information: The current excess of

information requires students to gain new skills in
handling it.

When most information came through official

publications like books, newspapers, magazines, and
television shows, students encountered data that had
been prepared by professionals.
Information Literacy

Now, much information is prepared by amateurs. Some

of that work is reliable, but much is not.

Students must take on the role of the editor, checking

and cross-checking information, watching for signs of
bias, datedness, and errors.

Students need to look at all information as the product

of a communication situation, with a sender, subject,
purpose, medium, receiver, and context.
Information Literacy

Producing information: In the past, students were

mostly consumers of information. When they produced
information, it was largely for a single readerthe
teacherand was produced for a grade.

It was therefore not an authentic communication

situation, and students felt that writing was a purely
academic activity.
Information Literacy

Now writing is one of the main ways students

communicate. It has real-world applications and

Students need to understand that what they write can

do great good or great harm in the real world, and that
how they write determines how powerful their words

Students need to take on the role of professional

writers, learning to be effective and ethical producers of
The Big6 Stage by Stage Stage-by-

Task Definition
Information Seeking Strategies
Location and Access
Use of Information
ProcessTask Definition What is the problem to be
solved or decision to be made?

Information Seeking Strategies What are the best

possible sources of information?

Location and Access Where are these sources and

the information in each source?
Use of Information What information does the source

Synthesis How should I organize and present my


Evaluation Was the problem solved or decision made?

Activity Examples
Task Definition

What am I supposed to do?

What information do I need in order to do this?

Information Seeking Strategies

What sources can I use to find this

Location and Access

Where will I find these sources?

____ school library ____ provided by my teachers
____ public library ____ text books
____ at home ____ Internet

Who can help me find what I need?

____ I can find the resources myself ____ my teachers
____ my parent(s)/guardian(s) ____ my librarian
Use of Information

How will I record the information that I find?

____ take notes using cards ____ take notes on notebook paper
____ use a word processor ____ take notes using a graphic
____ illustrate concepts ____ other

Have I credited each resource by listing:

For books: For websites:

____ title of book ____ title of website
____ author of book ____ web address
____ copyright ____ date I used website
____ page #s

How will I show my results?

_____ written paper _____ multimedia presentation
_____ oral presentation _____ other

How will I give credit to my final product or performance?

_____ include a written bibliography
_____ after the performance or presentation, announce which
sources I used
_____ other

Materials I will need for my presentation or performance

How much time will I need to find the information and create the
product _______

How will I know if I have done my best?

Before turning in my assignment, I need to check off all of these


What I created to finish the assignment is appropriate for what

I was supposed do
in Big6 #1
The information I found in Big6 #4 matches the information
needed in Big6 #1
Credit is given to all of my sources, written in the way my
teacher requested
My work is neat
My work is complete and includes heading information (name,
date, etc.)
I would be proud for anyone to view this work
Thinking Tool: Choosing a Topic and Search Terms
Thinking Tool: Choosing a Topic and Search Terms
Thinking Tool: Choosing a Topic and Search Terms

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