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A wide range of nonlinear structural simulation capabilities

from ANSYS enable automotive companies to reach
the market quickly with reliable products.

By Toru Hiyake, Engineering Manager, ANSYS

A Automotive companies must

utomotive companies must remain competitive
through innovation, so engineering teams are pres-
sured to design and deliver quality parts quickly. develop processes to finalize
To succeed, they must develop processes to finalize design
from the drawing board to the assembly line in the shortest design from the drawing board
possible time. A key element in reducing development time
is engineering simulation that allows companies to iterate to the assembly line in the
designs to meet product requirements quickly by predicting
real-life behavior in a virtual environment long before testing
shortest possible time.
is required. Analysis using high-fidelity, proven capabilities
allows engineers to cost-effectively determine performance

2015 ANSYS, INC. ANSYS ADVANTAGE Volume IX | Issue 2 | 2015 41




and reliability across a wide range of

automotive applications.
The potential for simulation in the
automotive industry is vast. The fol-
lowing represents only a fraction of
the structural capabilities, applications Defining nonlinear spring characteristics Curve fit window used to calculate parameters
and benefits of simulation for automo- for material model
tive engineers.

Anti-vibration rubber has elastic and
viscous characteristics. When applied to
areas in which automotive parts are con-
nected, it blocks vibration transmission.
One method to model anti-vibration rub-
ber is to employ the one-dimensional
Lower arm bush mounting simulation Strain contours for rubber bushing
nonlinear spring-damper COMBIN14
element in ANSYS Mechanical. This
Using one-dimensional nonlinear spring-damper Detailed evaluation of anti-vibration rubber bushing
element models the nonlinear behav- model to perform strength analysis of a suspensions
ior of rubber by directly using spring lower control arm
characteristics as well as data obtained
through experiment. An example of how
this technique can be used is a strength
analysis of a suspensions lower control and Ogden models). The parameters contact conditions that would be time-
arm for which the nonlinear spring is included in these material models consuming or more difficult using other
defined at two bushing positions. can be automatically determined from element types.
However, a detailed evaluation of experimental data using provided Some anti-vibration rubber prod-
the performance of an anti-vibration curve-fitting tools. To overcome possi- ucts contain liquid that provides fluid
rubber product requires analysis of a ble convergence difficulties, a special resistance to optimize attenuation. An
three-dimensional model of the prod- lower-order tetrahedron element that example is a liquid seal engine mount.
uct. It is important to correctly iden- incorporates a mixed u-P method (for Detailed analysis of such products must
tify characteristics of this nonlinear handling both displacement and pres- account for both structural and fluid
material to ensure an accurate and con- sure as variables) is available in ANSYS characteristics. To help solve these prob-
verged analysis. To characterize the rub- Mechanical for use with nearly-incom- lems, ANSYS offers powerful multiphys-
ber material, ANSYS Mechanical offers pressible rubber materials. Employing ics technology that couples a structural
more than 10 constitutive hyperelastic this element facilitates solving large solver (ANSYS Mechanical) and a fluid
models (including the MooneyRivlin rubber deformation and complicated solver (ANSYS Fluent or ANSYS CFX).
This technology enables a fluidstruc-
ture coupled solution (two-way fluid
structure interaction [FSI] analysis).


Tires are the only part of a vehicle
that contact the ground, so they heav-
ily influence an automobiles perfor-
mance from safety to the vibration/
noise level that determines ride qual-
ity. Tire simulation requires modeling
technology for complex internal struc-
Two-way FSI coupling technology
tures. ANSYS offers special reinforce-
ment elements (REINF263265) to
Flow velocity vector and strain contours for engine mount
model the many reinforcement struc-
Multiphysics simulation of a liquid seal engine mount tures within a tire.
Pneumatic pressures at work within
a tire are not always constant with

2015 ANSYS, INC. ANSYS ADVANTAGE Volume IX | Issue 2 | 2015 42

Wheel and tire model Deformation of contact patch (top)
and pressure contours (bottom)
Nonlinear analysis of tires contact patch

respect to time because of the deforma-

tion caused by contact with the ground.
These pressure variations due to geomet-
ric changes can be expressed by defining
a hydrostatic fluid element (HSFLD241
242) for the tire.
Suspension improves ride quality Nonlinear static analysis Eigenvalue/modal analysis (including initial stress)
and steering stability. Together with
the tires, the suspension is important
in controlling the dynamic charac-
teristics of a vehicle. The suspension
fulfills its function only while the vehi-
cles weight is on it, so the characteris-
tics in the initial state are important.
For simulations like this, the ANSYS
Workbench environment offers an
analysis process called linear pertur-
bation. To perform a static/dynamic
analysis of a leaf spring suspension,
first add the divided load of the vehi-
Frequency response analysis (using modes)
cle weight to the suspension model
and determine deformation due to the
dead weight (static analysis). In this
example, this stage consists of nonlin-
ear analysis involving contact between
leaf springs in addition to tire model-
ing as previously described. Next, per-
form eigenvalue analysis using the
same model (modal analysis). All the
initial conditions required for this ANSYS Workbench allows linking of the three types of analysis and passing data between them.
stage, such as deformation due to dead
weight and resulting initial stresses,

2015 ANSYS, INC. ANSYS ADVANTAGE Volume IX | Issue 2 | 2015 43


As simulations become higher fidelity and contain more physics,

a solid HPC structure will facilitate solutions.

q=TCC (Tt Tc)

q: heat flux per area
TCC: thermal contact conductance
Tt: temperature of target surface
Tc: temperature of contact surface

For frictional heating, a heating effect should be ANSYS Mechanical simulation of frictional heating
defined for a contact element. of brake disc

Root locus plot identifies whether

motion is stable or unstable.

K m n
H p vrel

H: material hardness
K: wear coefficient
P: contact pressure
Vrel: the relative sliding velocity
m: pressure exponent
n: velocity exponent

Simulation of abrasion loss due to friction of

Rate of wear at contact node brake pads

Unstable mode (complex eigenvalue)

are passed to the modal analysis sim- elements to ensure performance, safety
Brake squeal noise is related to frictional vibration, ply by a drag-and-drop operation and passenger comfort.
which can be predicted with simulation.
within Workbench. Finally, perform
a modal frequency response analysis Frictional Heating
(harmonic response). Again, the setup The use of coupled-field elements in
information required for the frequency ANSYS Mechanical (SOLID223, 226, 227)
response calculation can be automati- enables a single analysis that includes
cally passed from an eigenvalue modal heating, heat transmission and struc-
analysis by dragging and dropping one tural deformation.
system onto another.
Frictional Wear
BRAKES Frictional wear can be expressed by
Brakes are, of course, one of the applying a wear model between con-
most important safety features on a tact elements. ANSYS offers the Archard
vehicle because they allow it to slow wear model to calculate abrasion loss
Gasket material model
and stop. It is therefore vital that due to friction.
brakes perform as expected every
time. A brake consists of a rotating Brake Squeal/Noise
brake disc and pads that grip it on both The generation of squeal noise is
sides. Applying a brake generates heat, related to frictional vibration (self-sus-
abrasion and squeal (noise), each of tained oscillation) that occurs between
which are subject to design review by the disc and pads. One method to eval-
the manufacturer. ANSYS Mechanical uate this vibration is via the stability
enables one or more of these phe- criterion widely used in control theo-
Gasket displacement contour
nomena to be modeled using contact ries. This criterion can identify whether
motion is stable or unstable by solv-
Evaluation of behavior of gasket installed between
cylinder block and head
ing a characteristic equation (com-
ANSYS WORKBENCH SIMULATION plex eigenvalue problem). By setting
a frictional co-efficient in the contact

2015 ANSYS, INC. ANSYS ADVANTAGE Volume IX | Issue 2 | 2015 44

Bolt modeling in ANSYS Mechanical

Motor vibration (top) and acoustic analysis (bottom)

region between the disc and pads,

ANSYS Mechanical can automatically
determine stable and unstable modes.
Instability is often associated with
noise, vibration and harshness.

An engine comprises many parts, and
only a small fraction of the possible simu-
lations can be covered in this article.

Using the bolt section method to model bolts can speed simulation time by a factor of 10.
Gaskets make a structure airtight
by acting in a compressive direction.
They exhibit significant nonlinear char-
acteristics from the compressive load. Mechanical offers technology to simu- coupled solutions when used in conjunc-
Special elements (INTER192195) and late the influence of the bolt thread sim- tion with ANSYS Maxwell electromag-
a gasket material model within ANSYS ply by using thread pitch information. netic analysis.
Mechanical can be used to model a com- Structural simulation is only one
plex gasket assembly for example, to OTHER PROCESS COMPRESSION way that companies can expedite the
evaluate behavior of a gasket installed CAPABILITIES design process for automobiles. Fluids
between the cylinder block and the head. Component mode synthesis (CMS) and electronic simulation are also
is a substructure synthesis method in required, and by using all these phys-
Bolts ANSYS Mechanical in which the flexi- ics together on a single-platform multi-
Bolts are commonly used to con- bility of the model is retained, yet the physics environment, full insight into
nect parts in a wide range of machin- number of degrees of freedom (DOF) real-world performance can be gained.
ery and applications. For example, bolts is reduced. CMS analyzes large mod- As simulations become higher fidel-
connect the cylinder block and head els as a set of interconnected compo- ity and contain more physics, a solid
(with a gasket between them). ANSYS nents. Each one acts as a superelement high-performance computing (HPC)
Mechanical contains a bolt-modeling that aggregates many individual ele- structure will facilitate solutions. Also,
capability that can be easily configured ments from the initial model, thereby automated parametric studies and mul-
to represent the tightening force and reducing degrees of freedom and solu- tiple physics generate large amounts of
subsequent change in preload due to tion time for large models. CMS can be data that must be managed and shared,
other external loads. used to accelerate analyses of large- so a specialized knowledge support
Although a bolt thread can be accu- scale models. system is a must. As the challenges to
rately modeled using contact, this ANSYS Mechanical is also equipped produce and deliver better and faster
method usually requires a significant with acoustic analysis capabilities that products in the auto industry acceler-
increase in calculation cost due to the can be used for powerful electromagnetic ate, ANSYS delivers solutions no matter
inclusion of minute details. ANSYS fieldstructureacoustic multiphysics the scale or scope.

2015 ANSYS, INC. ANSYS ADVANTAGE Volume IX | Issue 2 | 2015 45

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