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Keeping transformations

on target
Operations March 2017

Michael Bucy
Tony Fagan
Benot Maraite
Cornelia Piaia
Keeping transformations on target

Analysis of high-stakes transformations reveals a few pragmatic lessons

that increase the odds of meeting the organizations objectives.

Any transformation worth the name starts with All the organizations were located in AsiaPacific:
ambitious goals. Setting them is hard enough, that focus ensured greater consistency in the
especially for organizations long used to the value-tracking approach and data structure,
risk-averse pattern of underpromising and letting us make more nuanced comparisons.
overdelivering. But the real work starts once the Nevertheless, the organizations varied in
organization sets out to turn the leaders targets industry, size, and program impact. The sectors
into initiatives that everyone else designs and represented included construction, consumer
implements from the bottom up. goods, electric power, mining, natural resources,
oil and gas, and retail banking. Annual revenues
Keeping hundreds or thousands of initiatives ranged from $2 billion1 to $28 billion, and total
on track is a monumental task, one that too few transformation impact ranged from $450 million
organizations around the world do well. Recent to $4 billionbut we found no direct correlation
research reconfirms earlier findings that only between the size of the company and the impact
30 percent of transformations deliver their of its transformation program.
intended benefits and meet the targets committed
to during the program-planning stage. Our detailed analysis of these materials has
allowed us to draw three main insights that
These odds are simply unacceptable, especially can serve as potential guiding principles when
when the stakes are high. We therefore reviewed structuring a large-scale transformation program:
18 transformations at 13 organizations that were
in the most critical circumstances. While some Be relentless. From the beginning, organizations
were facing significant financial and operational should assume that most initiatives will be worth
challenges, including rapidly deteriorating perfor- a lot less than they think. Moreover, most of the
mance or liquidity concerns, others were simply companies in our sample fell short of their initial
seeking a substantial step up in their performance. goals and needed an additional round of back-
to-the-well idea generation. And, they had to be
Our focus was on the practical lessons these careful about allocating management time, so that
organizations learned in making their ambitions real. smaller initiatives got their duethey accounted
Our analysis was enabled by McKinseys proprietary for about half of the programs value, but they
program-management platform, Wave, which could get lost in a focus on only the biggest projects.
generates detailed reports tracking the financial
and operational impact of individual initiatives. Focus your resources. Organizations must resist
the temptation to spread their most effective
Waves data repository allowed for a compre- leaders too thin. Three initiatives were the typical
hensive analysis of the factors contributing to burden a leader could shoulder at once. Engaging
initiative successranging from how impact more of the organization as potential initiative
targets were determined, and how quickly owners allows each initiative to get the support
initiatives progressed through the various stage- it needs without overburdening a few high
gate reviews, to the structures and timelines performers. Reporting must be prioritized as
of the programs the initiatives supported. We well. Too many milestones in initiative plans can
then supplemented our findings with in-depth create unnecessary burdens; most programs try
interviews of executives at representative to capture too many metricsand usually fewer
companies included in the data set. than 30 percent end up actually being used.

Plan and adapt. Most initiatives were at least data from other stakeholders and additional
somewhat delayed in implementation. But analysis. Once a solid business case has been
organizations could reduce delays with judicious built, the initiative is approved (usually by the
planning of milestones, supplemented by weekly finance function) and passes into L2. The initiative
actions that initiative owners would report on owner then defines a robust set of milestones to
between milestones. execute the initiative, and provides a monthly
schedule of expected value to be captured on
Follow the pipeline the bottom line, at L3. Many initiatives sit at L3
The transformations we examined all followed a during implementation, with the initiative only
similar pipeline approach for tracking initiatives. moving to L4 once all milestones to realize value
are completed. At that point, the finance function
The stage gates of the pipeline begins at level zero, assesses the initiative to ensure that it will deliver
or L0, with the collection of as many ideas as valueideally at the target amount set at L2, but
CDP 2017
possible, regardless of feasibility or size (Exhibit 1). that amount is usually adjusted as the initiative
Our analysistransformations on target
then begins at L1, once the initiatives progresses from stage to stage. Finally, once the
have been1identified
of 6 as worth pursuing. During actual value appears in the businesss cash flows
that stage, initiative owners set out to validate and appears reasonably certain to remain, the
and refine their early value assumptions with initiative passes to the last stage: L5.

Exhibit 1 Initiatives move through a structured stage-gate process.

Stage gates for each initiative

Description Approval to enter stage

Initial opportunity with

L0 IDEA rough sense of magnitude Initiative owner

Initiative with Initiative owner

L1 IDENTIFIED preliminary sizing Workstream sponsor

Approval of Workstream sponsor

L2 VALIDATED business case Finance
Human resources

Implementation plan with Workstream sponsor

refined business case Finance

All steps to realize Workstream sponsor

value completed Finance

Value realized in Workstream sponsor

L5 REALIZED actual cash flows Finance

Source: McKinsey analysis

Throughout the process, a transformation office Fight attrition
(TO)typically headed by a chief transformation The top concern for business and program leaders
officersets an aggressive pace of weekly is for the transformation to meet its impact target.
reviews to monitor initiatives progress against Yet any executive will recognize that most initial
their milestones, record the value they capture, impact estimates are optimistic. Pressed to meet
and provide support when initiatives run into program goals that are usually aggressive both
trouble. The TOs independence and role in in timing and in total value, initiative owners
capturing data allows it to drive action, especially naturally tend to overestimate their initiatives
through rigorous problem-solving sessions and worth. But just how optimistic are they? And how
questioning of self-imposed limits. much will leaders need to compensate for leakage
of impact over the course of the transformation?
We reviewed each organizations experience across
stages L1 to L5 to find out where problems were Our examination of the data confirms that
most likely to arise and how organizations worked program managers should expect substantial
around them. impact leakage. Just between stages L1 and L2,
the initial impact estimate falls by an average of
Be relentless about 45 percent (Exhibit 2). From L2 to L3,
The 2017challenge for any organization
earliest the now-smaller impact estimate falls another
Keeping transformations
transforming on target
itself is to find sources of value. That 13 percent, with further drops of 28 percent
means 2 of 6
fighting attrition, conducting back-to-the- between L3 and L4 and 9 percent between L4 and
well exercises as needed, and allocating leadership L5. Cumulatively, the result is that L1 estimations
attention with care. usually fall by about 70 percent by the time they

Exhibit 2 Initial impact estimates are invariably optimistic, and our data
confirm how little impact survives to realization.

Expected impact leakage by level, 1 %

5 7 8 Value erosion

31 delivered
34 31%
55 48

Value 100
56 61 initiatives

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5

1 Figures may not sum to 100%, because of rounding.

Source: Analysis of data provided by Wave (a McKinsey Solution)

reach L5. Organizations will therefore need a Impact: Big slope versus long tail
pipeline with a total value thats more than By opening up idea submission to a much larger
three times the initial target. cross section of the organization, back-to-the-well
exercises illustrate a related lesson as well: that
Find a productive springand return to the well later the long tail of smaller initiatives matter. At one
Part of the solution is simply to generate more mining company, for example, a mechanic came
ideas early in the process. At this stage, time up with an idea that reduced maintenance time for
may not allow for canvassing all employees, but each truck by more than 30 minutes. Once applied
program managers can nevertheless hold broad, to the regular monthly service schedule across
disciplined ideation workshops with frontline the entire fleet, this idea added several thousand
team leaders and representatives. By setting out truck working hours per year and was worth
rules that encourage full participation, openness millions of dollars.
to all ideas (even the most unrealistic), and
creativity, organizations can quickly generate Some of the organizations we reviewed expanded
valuable insights from the people whose day-to- the idea-capture process to vendors and business
day work gives them a unique perspective on real partners as well. And these small initiatives add
opportunities to improve the business. up to big impact. We divided initiatives into three
groups. The first, boulders, consisted of initiatives
In practice, though, even these preparations may that each represented at least 5.0 percent of the total
not be enough, as demonstrated by a consumer- programs value. Pebbles were those representing
products manufacturer and an energy company. In between 0.5 and 5.0 percent of total value, and
each case, with less than three months remaining everything smaller than 0.5 percent was sand.
before publicly announced deadlines, teams were
running well short of their targetsby tens of Our data indicate that on average, 50 percent of
millions of dollars at the energy company and the total program value typically comes from
hundreds of millions at the consumer player. sand (Exhibit 3). That means focusing only on the
But both companies found that going back to boulders, the biggest (and often highest-profile)
the well and asking their people for more ideas initiatives is risky. Moreover, sand initiatives are
allowed them to make up the difference. Each often easier and quicker to execute: their small
made its target, which provided an essential size involves fewer layers of approval and less
morale boost that made further improvement coordination. And they are often led by frontline
possible after the target was met. analysts and managers, giving them more of a
stake in the transformations success.
Finding these later opportunities requires more
effort than the first round of idea generation and Focus your resources
typically produces somewhat less in total returns. With time of the essence, executives overseeing
Our data analysis found that by the second month, transformations must be especially careful in
about two-thirds of a programs value had already allocating time and effort at every level of the
been discovered, leaving less to find in later efforts. organization. The basic reality is that every
Still, additional pockets of potential almost always moment an initiative owner spends on work that
remain. One option that several organizations isnt productive is a moment taken away from
used took advantage of data from the program- helping generate more impact.
management tool to review how much actual
value each initiative was generating. Conducting Make it easier on initiative owners
a root-cause analysis on those that were cancelled, How much is reasonable to ask of initiative owners?
delayed, or that underdelivered helped uncover For comparison among transformations, we
important lessons that led to new value. defined initiative owner as the most senior

CDP 2017
Keeping transformations on target
Exhibit 3 of 6

Exhibit 3 Focusing only on boulders can be risky, while pebbles and

sand can add up to big impact.

Recurring impact on selected companies by initiative size, % share

41 15 13 6 0 0 0 0 5
59 44 36 17
62 45
>5.0% 53 60
of pipeline

Pebbles 50
of pipeline
32 32
Sand 21
of pipeline

Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Average

Source: Analysis of data provided by Wave (a McKinsey Solution)

person who actually does the day-to-day work. On good at delegating the underlying milestones to
CDP 2017we found that initiative owners manage others and following up on their progress.
three initiatives each. As one leader
Keeping transformations on working
target with
4 of 6 company explained, Its a Our evidence shows that about 80 percent
rare exception for an owner to successfully manage of total impact is managed by 20 percent of
more than three initiatives. They have to be really initiative owners (Exhibit 4). Thats often

Exhibit 4 Heavy reliance on a few initiative owners could create burnout risk.

Ownership, %

On average, 20%
of owners
Impact, % manage 80% of total impact


Source: Analysis of data provided by Wave (a McKinsey Solution)

because ownership of big-value initiatives companys execution plans ended up
(such as major contract renegotiations) is in avoidable delays when the milestones
concentrated in the hands of a few very that initiative owners scheduled failed
senior or high-potential individuals. to align with important stakeholder
approvals, such as for compliance reviews
But it comes at a cost: the potential for or proxy votes.
burnout. One of our interviewees said
that his organization lost several leaders Our data show that an average of four
because they simply couldnt keep up with milestones was typically the right balance
the demands of overseeing too many enough to provide early warning about
initiatives at once. potential problems, but not so many as
to get in the way of implementation.
By contrast, small-value initiatives are
often more limited in scope and are owned Make metrics meaningful
by frontline analysts and managers who The decisions on which metrics to track are
dont have the time or capacity for a larger typically made during the planning phase of
set of initiatives. The involvement of a the program, as leaders decide what is in and
larger number of people not only relieves out of scope, what types of spending should
the owners of higher-profile initiatives be targeted for savings, and so on. Most
but also helps build momentum and commonly, financial metrics are used for
buy-in for the program as a whole. These transformation programs because of their
considerations typically outweigh the strategic importance, the availability of the
disadvantage of the added complexity of required data, and the ease of tracking them
having to manage a high number of owners. compared with nonfinancial metrics.

Keep reporting manageable But even a relatively straightforward set of

But complexity can quickly rear its head metrics can quickly become complicated
in the reporting of initiatives status. if additional layers are added. A finance
The ideal initiative execution plan contains department may ask for the metrics to
all the milestones necessary to carry out mirror individual accounting line items,
the initiative, while avoiding so much slicing and dicing the data into dozens
detail that the milestones become of submetrics. Adding further permutations,
distracting to initiative owners at such as distinguishing between recurring
negligible additional value. and one-time impact or between hard
savings and cost avoidance, compounds
Either extreme creates problems. For the the complexity for initiative owners. And
consumer-goods company, high plan thats before measuring and tracking
granularity came with a lot of pushback from nonfinancial metrics, such as head-count
initiative owners, who felt micromanaged redeployment for different personnel types.
and worried about the time required to
update or create milestones, one executive Evidence from our data shows that only
told us. On the other hand, milestones 29 percent of the metrics organizations claim
spaced too far apart in time reduced the to follow are actively used during the length
program leaders ability to identify delayed of the project (Exhibit 5). The rest become
or at-risk deliverables until it was too late statistical noise and a source of confusion for
for effective course corrections. One leader initiative owners trying to decide where to
noted, for example, that several of his allocate the savings from their initiatives.

CDP 2017
Keeping transformations on target
Exhibit 5 of 6

Exhibit 5 Only 29 percent of metrics are actually used actively during the
length of the programthe rest are just noise and confusion.

Metric availability and usage by company, number %

104 100
97 80 71

35 93

40 19

22 20 29
24 26
18 23
16 20

Metrics used 10
4 4

Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Average

Source: Analysis of data provided by Wave (a McKinsey Solution)

Accordingly, organizations must strike Plan for delays

a balance between ensuring the finance Much as the initial value estimate of an
function can report at an acceptable level initiative tends to be optimistic, so too
of detail while also enabling initiative owners is the promised timing. Our data show
to allocate impact easily. A rule of thumb that on average, approximately 31 percent
that several organizations used successfully of initiatives will have their execution
was to eliminate any metric that was likely end date (the date at which stage L3 ends)
to carry less than 0.01 percent of total changed at least once throughout their
program impact and fold it into other life cycle. About 28 percent will see it
metrics instead. happen twice, and 19 percent three times.

Plan and adapt The impact of date changes can be mitigated

Once the program is under way, the organization if they are made early in an initiatives
will need to adapt quickly and nimbly to life cycle, with sound reasoning and the
inevitable unforeseen obstacles. Careful approval of the TO. However, our data
planning and well-structured review cycles show that despite the high frequency of
helped the executives we interviewed intervene due-date changes, 56 percent of initiatives
where needed to keep initiativesand whole still miss their planned L3 date (the date
programson track. at which the plan is approved) by more

than a week, and about half miss their Commit to weekly actions
L4 date (the date at which execution is Even when delays are unavoidable, initiative
complete) by more than a week. On average, owners can reduce the impact by ensuring
initiatives start L3 two-and-a-half weeks that each initiative moves forward every
later than planned, and they are fully week, regardless of whether theres a
executed approximately four weeks after milestone or not. By asking for brief updates
the set deadline (Exhibit 6). on these actions during the regular cadence
of meetings and offering support, leaders
What can organizations do? The amount can encourage owners to report on potential
of time that initiatives spend in the issues early so that they can be solved
implementation stage will inevitably with minimal effort.
depend on a range of factors, including
the overall agility of the company, the As a rule of thumb, leaders should expect
urgency of the transformation program, 80 percent of the initiatives across a program
and the level of approval required to move to be updated with specific actions every
an initiative from one stage gate to the next. week. While that may seem high, we have
But ultimately, helping owners meet their found that with five minutes of planning,
deadlines is the role of the TO, whose discipline almost every initiative can be improved
is essential in ensuring performance. or accelerated each and every week.
A chief2017
CDP transformation officer who comes
Keepingoutside the organization can
transformations on often
be in a better
Exhibit 6 of 6 position to break through
cultural norms and other constraints For high-stakes transformations, this analysis
that can impede an initiatives progress. underscores the importance of balancing

Exhibit 6 On average, L3 initiatives start 17 days later than planned and are
fully executed approximately four weeks after the set deadline.

Timeline L3 start to L3 end, days

L3 gate L4 gate

L2 L3 Planned 105 days L4

L2 L3 Planned 105 days L4

17 days late starting

L2 L3 Planned 105 days L4

11 days late ending

L2 L3 Actual 116 days L4

L3 gate L4 gate

Source: Analysis of data provided by Wave (a McKinsey Solution)

high aspirations against a pragmatic 1 All amounts in US dollars, converted as of the studys

understanding of what individuals and conclusion in May 2016.

organizations can achieve. By keeping a few

basic constraints in mind, transformation Michael Bucy is a partner in McKinseys Charlotte
leaders can mitigate some of the inevitable office, Tony Fagan is the AsiaPacific general
problems that arise when people are trying to manager for Wave and is based in the Singapore
office, Benot Maraite is Waves head of client
achieve dramatic performance improvement
service and is based in the Louvain-la-Neuve office,
in a very short time. By minimizing avoidable
and Cornelia Piaia is a Wave business and strategy
waste in the transformation process itself,
manager in the Paris office.
the organization is much more likely to
meet (or even exceed) its goalsand build The authors wish to thank Barr Blanton, Simon
a foundation for it to keep improving once Herrmann, Matteo Iachino, Nicolas Maya Medina,
the program is complete. and Erwin Sie for their contributions to this article.

March 2017
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Copyright McKinsey & Company


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