Univariate Analysis of Variance: Notes

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FILE='C:\Users\Aeron\Desktop\thesis\citric edited.sav'.
UNIANOVA yield BY pH time power
/DESIGN=pH time power pH*time pH*power time*power pH*time*power.

Univariate Analysis of Variance


Output Created 20-APR-2017 09:27:57

s\citric edited.sav
Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data
User-defined missing values
Definition of Missing
are treated as missing.
Missing Value Handling Statistics are based on all
Cases Used cases with valid data for all
variables in the model.
UNIANOVA yield BY pH time





/DESIGN=pH time power
pH*time pH*power
time*power pH*time*power.


Processor Time 00:00:00.03

Elapsed Time 00:00:00.03

[DataSet1] C:\Users\Aeron\Desktop\thesis\citric edited.sav

Between-Subjects Factors

2.00 27

pH 2.50 27

3.00 27
3.00 27
time 6.00 27
9.00 27
336.00 27

power 462.00 27

595.00 27

Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: yield

pH time power Mean Std. Deviation N

336.00 9.0700 2.25546 3

462.00 10.4633 2.16246 3

595.00 6.8533 1.98031 3

Total 8.7956 2.43046 9

336.00 8.1467 .94448 3

462.00 8.7600 .56000 3

595.00 6.6900 1.02132 3

Total 7.8656 1.18746 9

336.00 8.0000 .32450 3

462.00 8.4933 1.84362 3

595.00 6.1600 .36756 3

Total 7.5511 1.42969 9

336.00 8.4056 1.33172 9

462.00 9.2389 1.71868 9

595.00 6.5678 1.17196 9

Total 8.0707 1.78052 27

336.00 5.0867 .38682 3
462.00 5.7033 1.35146 3
595.00 4.7133 1.31721 3
Total 5.1678 1.05605 9
336.00 5.7733 .23587 3
462.00 5.7833 .73501 3
595.00 4.7133 1.31721 3
Total 5.4233 .93075 9
336.00 5.8633 .26388 3
462.00 5.8633 .57501 3
595.00 5.4300 .11000 3
Total 5.7189 .38734 9
336.00 5.5744 .45175 9
462.00 5.7833 .82409 9
595.00 4.9522 .99947 9
Total 5.4367 .84174 27

Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: yield

pH time power Mean Std. Deviation N

336.00 4.8767 1.20956 3

462.00 7.2000 7.48271 3

595.00 3.3833 .01155 3

Total 5.1533 4.13979 9

336.00 2.8867 1.48379 3

462.00 3.2133 .53407 3

595.00 2.6233 .41016 3

Total 2.9078 .85399 9

336.00 3.7033 .29143 3

462.00 3.7233 .13317 3

595.00 3.2200 .11533 3

Total 3.5489 .29985 9

336.00 3.8222 1.29918 9

462.00 4.7122 4.19566 9

595.00 3.0756 .40676 9

Total 3.8700 2.53999 27

Total 336.00 6.3444 2.42112 9
462.00 7.7889 4.47959 9
595.00 4.9833 1.92688 9
Total 6.3722 3.23777 27
6.00 336.00 5.6022 2.44775 9
462.00 5.9189 2.46245 9
595.00 4.6756 1.95914 9
Total 5.3989 2.27580 27
336.00 5.8556 1.87790 9
462.00 6.0267 2.28429 9
595.00 4.9367 1.34078 9
Total 5.6063 1.86592 27
336.00 5.9341 2.19791 27
462.00 6.5781 3.22627 27
595.00 4.8652 1.70165 27
Total 5.7925 2.52967 81

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa

Dependent Variable: yield

F df1 df2 Sig.

8.459 26 54 .000

Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of

the dependent variable is equal across groups.a
a. Design: Intercept + pH + time + power + pH *
time + pH * power + time * power + pH * time *

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: yield

Source Type III Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.


Corrected Model 339.435a 26 13.055 4.087 .000

Intercept 2717.769 1 2717.769 850.755 .000
pH 243.351 2 121.676 38.089 .000
time 14.193 2 7.097 2.222 .118
power 40.424 2 20.212 6.327 .003
pH * time 18.796 4 4.699 1.471 .224
pH * power 8.645 4 2.161 .677 .611
time * power 8.706 4 2.176 .681 .608
pH * time * power 5.318 8 .665 .208 .988
Error 172.505 54 3.195
Total 3229.708 81
Corrected Total 511.940 80
a. R Squared = .663 (Adjusted R Squared = .501)

Estimated Marginal Means

1. Grand Mean
Dependent Variable: yield

Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

5.792 .199 5.394 6.191

2. pH
Dependent Variable: yield

pH Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

2.00 8.071 .344 7.381 8.760

2.50 5.437 .344 4.747 6.126
3.00 3.870 .344 3.180 4.560

3. time
Dependent Variable: yield

time Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

3.00 6.372 .344 5.683 7.062

6.00 5.399 .344 4.709 6.089
9.00 5.606 .344 4.917 6.296

4. power
Dependent Variable: yield

power Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

336.00 5.934 .344 5.244 6.624

462.00 6.578 .344 5.889 7.268
595.00 4.865 .344 4.176 5.555

5. pH * time
Dependent Variable: yield

pH time Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

3.00 8.796 .596 7.601 9.990

2.00 6.00 7.866 .596 6.671 9.060

9.00 7.551 .596 6.357 8.746

3.00 5.168 .596 3.973 6.362
2.50 6.00 5.423 .596 4.229 6.618
9.00 5.719 .596 4.524 6.913
3.00 5.153 .596 3.959 6.348

3.00 6.00 2.908 .596 1.713 4.102

9.00 3.549 .596 2.354 4.743

6. pH * power
Dependent Variable: yield

pH power Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

336.00 8.406 .596 7.211 9.600

2.00 462.00 9.239 .596 8.044 10.433

595.00 6.568 .596 5.373 7.762

336.00 5.574 .596 4.380 6.769
2.50 462.00 5.783 .596 4.589 6.978
595.00 4.952 .596 3.758 6.147
336.00 3.822 .596 2.628 5.017

3.00 462.00 4.712 .596 3.518 5.907

595.00 3.076 .596 1.881 4.270

7. time * power
Dependent Variable: yield

time power Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

336.00 6.344 .596 5.150 7.539

3.00 462.00 7.789 .596 6.594 8.983

595.00 4.983 .596 3.789 6.178

336.00 5.602 .596 4.408 6.797
6.00 462.00 5.919 .596 4.724 7.113
595.00 4.676 .596 3.481 5.870
336.00 5.856 .596 4.661 7.050

9.00 462.00 6.027 .596 4.832 7.221

595.00 4.937 .596 3.742 6.131

8. pH * time * power
Dependent Variable: yield

pH time power Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

336.00 9.070 1.032 7.001 11.139

3.00 462.00 10.463 1.032 8.394 12.532

595.00 6.853 1.032 4.784 8.922

336.00 8.147 1.032 6.078 10.216

2.00 6.00 462.00 8.760 1.032 6.691 10.829

595.00 6.690 1.032 4.621 8.759

336.00 8.000 1.032 5.931 10.069

9.00 462.00 8.493 1.032 6.424 10.562

595.00 6.160 1.032 4.091 8.229

336.00 5.087 1.032 3.018 7.156
3.00 462.00 5.703 1.032 3.634 7.772
595.00 4.713 1.032 2.644 6.782
336.00 5.773 1.032 3.704 7.842
2.50 6.00 462.00 5.783 1.032 3.714 7.852
595.00 4.713 1.032 2.644 6.782
336.00 5.863 1.032 3.794 7.932
9.00 462.00 5.863 1.032 3.794 7.932
595.00 5.430 1.032 3.361 7.499
336.00 4.877 1.032 2.808 6.946

3.00 462.00 7.200 1.032 5.131 9.269

595.00 3.383 1.032 1.314 5.452

336.00 2.887 1.032 .818 4.956

3.00 6.00 462.00 3.213 1.032 1.144 5.282

595.00 2.623 1.032 .554 4.692

336.00 3.703 1.032 1.634 5.772

9.00 462.00 3.723 1.032 1.654 5.792

595.00 3.220 1.032 1.151 5.289

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